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HyperBase Live


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I have brought up in the past few months that HyperBase Live would be introduced soon. HyperBase Live is under full development. I wanted to take a moment to start a discussion about the new technology that is going to be offered as well as answer any questions related to it.

HyperBase Live will be a direct replacement for HyperSync, the current HyperBase website and the Downloads section of hyperspin-fe.com. HyperBase Live will truly be the single repository for all media related to HyperSpin. We will house all wheel, box, themes, sounds, hyper launch media etc....you name it, we will have it.

The HyperBase Live team consists of myself and Chris Jackson (fr0stbyt3). baddeolv will also work with us on the media portion of the project.

Release dates look to be the following:

HyperBase Live - (Sync) - Summer '14

HyperBase Live (Artwork Browser) - Fall '14

HyperList Live - Spring '15

The initial release of the Sync portion of HyperBase Live will connect back to the current HyperBase website/database. After Sync is stable and running smooth development will begin on the new Artwork Browser/Uploader and DataBase. This will totally revamp the current HyperBase website with many new features. After that is released HyperList Live will go under development to revamp the HyperList website and bring it up to date with new features and functionality.

The home of HyperBase Live will be at http://www.hyperbase-live.com

All please welcome Chris (Fr0stbyt3) to the team!

I'm sure you guys have lots of questions so please post them here. :beer:


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First off, thank you to everyone that has been so welcoming here. I have been a member for a number of years, and I am glad to be taking a role in the future of this project.

A couple of key points about HyperBase Live.

- To use our new software, a Hyperspin Platinum Membership is required. Your login information from the forums will be used to authenticate you.

- Its a HTML5 Web app. Meaning, you can access it anywhere, anytime. Client software will be needed to connect your arcade to our system. Once installed, it becomes available online.

- This is designed with low power machines in mind. We use our powerful servers to crunch all of the data, therefore it requires much less from the client.

- Updates are automatic. Both the client software and the server software have automatic updates built in, so you never have to worry about software being out of sync.

- We welcome developers to integrate with us. Our API will be open upon request from developers.

If you want to be one of the first users to try out HyperBase Live, Become a platinum member today! http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/payments.php


This is awesome news. You guys really go above and beyond. Thanks :)

HyperPin Manager | HyperSpin Manager | HyperSpin Checker | HyperSpin Renamer

ASRock Z77 Extreme4 MB | Core i5 3570K | Coolermaster Hyper212 EVO CPU cooler | 16GB RAM | OCZ Vertex 4 128Gb SSD (Windows 8) | OCZ Vertex 4 256Gb SSD (HS and all emulators and media) | Gigabyte GTX670 2Gb video card | 27" ASUS LED monitor | 650W Corsair PSU


Hypersyncs downfall IMHO was if you had to uninstall it or move machines you also lost all your sync settings and had to create them. That was a raging pain. Thanks for all the hard work guys. The last 2 years have been pretty darn amazing around here.


Since your settings will be saved in the cloud, this will no longer be an issue. In future versions we also want to add a "clone" feature so you can push your settings to new clients. :beer:


What's happening here?

Hyperlunch will have a new website/forum, you are going to open a new site for a replacement of hypersync.

Is the hyperspin community collapsing?

I'm afraid I should look in too many different places to get the same infos/stuff now I can get from here.

I'm also afraid that a money subscription will be required for accessing to these new places.

I do not want to be polemic, I'd just want to know why developers are moving from here.



So to address your concerns,

The hypersync app will become the Hyperbase Live web app. This is just a front end for the application, no different than the desktop UI that it currently uses. The added bonus is you will be able to maintain multiple installs from the same interface. This application will use your existing login infomation for hyperspin. It will require a platinum subscription here to access all of our features. There are no new fees for the new product.

With that being said, the community is not collapsing, we are expanding. Also, We are not opening a new forum. There will be a new subforum here, just as we did for hypersync.

The goal for the apps (sync, browse, list) is to add additional features and functionality, while maintaining all current functionality.


congrats guys on getting this far if anyone needs help at all with this let me know im always open for another job

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A big thank you goes out to the community for being so welcoming. Some of you may remember my build from a few years back http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?17161-Fr0stbyt3-Arcade

As a paying platinum member myself, I know all too well some of the frustrations and short comings of the current software stack available. My goal is to give back to the community that has already given so much. I appreciate your patience as we ramp up for our beta. Please stay tuned, big things are coming soon!


Hm, just curious here, not trying to be an ass. What was wrong with HyperSync?

Apart from the "not saving settings between systems" which is easily fixed with a backup of your C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\HyperSync files.

Mame related stuff: FTP: grandis.nu, port 21, user:misc, pass:misc


Tur-Matcher - Match your roms/media/XML files.
Another Idle Volume Adjuster - Automatically control the volume.
How to: Use MAME Extras as material for HyperPause
How to: Use eXoDOS 2.0 as material for HyperPause

Hm, just curious here, not trying to be an ass. What was wrong with HyperSync?

Apart from the "not saving settings between systems" which is easily fixed with a backup of your C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\HyperSync files.

HyperSync will no longer be developed. That app was developed by Rain and myself. Rain is no longer with us. HyperBase Live will be its replacement and will be a permanent fixture of the HyperSpin community. I do not want to get into the details of "why" Rain is no longer with us. After his departure we felt it was better to retire HyperSync and build upon the back end that powered HyperSync and create HyperBase Live.

I am not sure why there is a new website and new forums being created for HyperLaunch, but rest assured any official artwork whether it be wheel art, box art and HyperLaunch artwork, it will be indexed in HyperBase Live.

It is very confusing now as to where to get your artwork from. HyperBase (hyperbase.hyperspin-fe.com) was developed as the official single repository for all media. HyperSync pulls all of its media from the current HyperBase site. Unfortunately there is still the downloads section and the FTP that has media as well. None of which is the same and consistent.

Our plan is to simplify all of this and just have HyperBase Live. HyperBase Live will consist of the "sync" portion (similar to HyperSync) and a media browser / uploader portion of the site (similar to the current HyperBase mixed with the downloads section)

We are trying to simplify things here. If you have any suggestions with this please let me know as simple processes lead to more fun time (actually playing games on your HyperSpin setups!)


PS. I also mentioned in the first post about HyperList Live. This is a little further out but this as well will be tightly integrated into the hyperspin website just like HyperBase Live will be.


I remember you fr0stbyt3 and reading that thread. Don't quite know who baddie or jhabers are but I think they've done a lot for the survival of HyperSpin. I feel I owe tribute to Rain for all he's done for me & what HyperSync has done for the community and with that said, it really looks like you guys have HyperSpin media by the balls.

The coolest thing I think I could ever see though is a synced setup containing everything where the user would only need to specify directories. Guess HyperBase could possibly sync a full setup including HT and HS but another application would be necessary to make HyperBase sync once, setup directories, and be done.

My bad, I'm always brain storming a way to take the "project" out of HyperSpin so the gaming can begin.

HyperSync will no longer be developed. That app was developed by Rain and myself. Rain is no longer with us. HyperBase Live will be its replacement and will be a permanent fixture of the HyperSpin community. I do not want to get into the details of "why" Rain is no longer with us. After his departure we felt it was better to retire HyperSync and build upon the back end that powered HyperSync and create HyperBase Live.

That explains it perfectly well, thanks! Looking forward to it.

Mame related stuff: FTP: grandis.nu, port 21, user:misc, pass:misc


Tur-Matcher - Match your roms/media/XML files.
Another Idle Volume Adjuster - Automatically control the volume.
How to: Use MAME Extras as material for HyperPause
How to: Use eXoDOS 2.0 as material for HyperPause


Fantastic news guys Id like to thank Relic for his work behind the scenes aswell.

Its great that Hyperspin is evolving there are some great artists on here, hopefully some of the original artists will find their way back here too we could really do with them.

Really exited about this

Fantastic news guys Id like to thank Relic for his work behind the scenes aswell.

Its great that Hyperspin is evolving there are some great artists on here, hopefully some of the original artists will find their way back here too we could really do with them.

Really exited about this

thanks man i appreciate your comment and i couldent agree more there are many talented people on here i do hope old members do return eventually anything is possible.

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Thank all involved for the great news! I can only be happy.

So when I read here then I wonder if you also revamped the whole "Hyperspin Checker" history. Do you want the audit for completeness directly integrate into the new Hyperbase software?

You talk about mobile applications. well, that would be a useful application I can think straight.

greets Lurker (?!)


Christmas has come early again! Many thanks to Jonathan and Chris for working on this, and to everyone whose artwork is going to be delivered through it.

I like the idea of syncing multiple PCs from one place, and wonder if this could be used to sync multiple instances of HyperSpin on the same PC?

Thanks to zerojay's magical method of faking subwheels using AHK I now have one instance of HyperSpin for arcade systems (running in 4:3 with the standard themes) and another for home systems (running in 16:9 with the Unified Mega Themes). It would be great if I could point HyperBase Live at both of these (and any others I may set up in the future, e.g. handheld systems) so that the themes, videos and artwork are all delivered to the appropriate folders, rather than having to use a master database on another drive then manually copying things to the right place.

And while I'm making wishes, I hope HyperBase will include boxes / carts / discs / wheels that have been resized for 16:9 use.

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


I like the idea of syncing multiple PCs from one place, and wonder if this could be used to sync multiple instances of HyperSpin on the same PC?

And while I'm making wishes, I hope HyperBase will include boxes / carts / discs / wheels that have been resized for 16:9 use.

First off, I really like this idea. When you run the client installer, you get a GUI to configure the service. So, I could handle this by allowing a user to select more than one install directory on a computer. I will allow you to then name the "Instance" of the install when you run the setup config. That name would then be available in the "select computer" drop down. All labels will just get changed to say select "instance" instead of "computer".

Second, we will be expanding the types of artwork on a regular basis. Currently, there is no technical reason why the new system cannot support these file types. In fact, new file types.


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