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Just finished creating table images for all my tables, and I think it works great.

So far I put a limit of 100 tables on my cab, always keeping the 100 best ones. I may be going beyond 100 though. Some of the pre 80' tables are really nice. Kind of ignored them before...

Still what I really would like to see, if someone is up for the challenge:):) is the possibilty to play a sound file while in HyperPin. I know they say it can't be done, blur :), but to me it would be the final touch on my cab.

Hi, from Argentine, Im using hyperspin with hyperlaunch 1.295 wip 9 all works fine in my cabinet with VP and FP, but i need remove this menu because i don´t use the short press, only i use the long press to exit of the table.

Somebody help me ??? sorry for my weak english,

the menu I want to remove is this.


Regards !!!!!!!!


Just go to C:\HyperPin\Media\HyperPin\Images and rename all the images starting with exitmenu1.png till exitmenu5b.png (total of 10 images). Now when you are in a table and you shortpress exit, the table will pause (but you will not see the menu). At a long exitpress you will go back in Hyperpin.

Regards, Ton


Just go to C:\HyperPin\Media\HyperPin\Images and rename all the images starting with exitmenu1.png till exitmenu5b.png (total of 10 images). Now when you are in a table and you shortpress exit, the table will pause (but you will not see the menu). At a long exitpress you will go back in Hyperpin.

Regards, Ton

Hi Ton, this solution works fine !!! thank you I apreciatte your help !! but when I play the table and I press the short key the table stop, (everything ok) I press again and I continue with the game, the problem is when i want to exit to the HP wheel the long press doesnt work if I press the pause previously.

If Im not use the shor key , everything works fine

Regards, Horatio

  • 4 weeks later...

Got a question about FPLaunch... is it possible to have the F and I keys (for flyer and instruction) only function during the Hyperpin selection screens but then disable during actual table playing? I was thinking of using F and I as alternate keys once the tables were launched (for other functions such as buy-in or special etc)...


I would think it should be possible, just change the keys for FlyerKey and InstructionsKey in the FPLaunch section of the settings.ini to something that isn't used, leaving those keys/buttons in the Keyboard and Pinball Wizard sections unaltered.


yup, true, just put something else for that keys in fplaunch section

if you put nothing fplaunch will probably put default - so it's better to put some key you don't use for anything else


Hi Blur,

I have been using your FPLaunch mod for quite a while, thanks for making it!

I have some problems with pausing VPM tables.

Visual Pinball pauses just fine, however VPinMAME goes on.

If I press ESC, VPinMAME and VP pause like they should.

Future Pinball: Pause works without problems.

Exit button is set to "e". OS is W7 x64, but I couldn't pause VPM tables on Vista 32 either.

I couldn't find anything with the search function. Is that a known issue or is there anything I can test?

exitScriptKey=q & s


Pause in vp is just lost of focus, there is no any key sent to vp, or any special code.

I don't send Esc cause esc opens dialog box.

I think that you can make vpm stop animations and what it is doing with some changes in table, but don't remember what. Something like init me on some object in vb script in table.

Posted (edited)
Pause in vp is just lost of focus, there is no any key sent to vp, or any special code.

I don't send Esc cause esc opens dialog box.

Thanks, that information helped me

I think that you can make vpm stop animations and what it is doing with some changes in table, but don't remember what. Something like init me on some object in vb script in table.

Yes, you need the table_Paused and table_unPaused subroutines. Also, you need "vpmInit Me" in the table_init subroutine.

Most tables already have those. Doesn't work for me, except if I hit escape :(

I messed a bit with fplaunch's pauseVP subroutine so it uses escape. Can you put something like this into the next version, disabled by default, perhaps with a "VPuseESCforPause" entry in settings.ini?

PauseVP:			; call pause screen or exit menu
If (Paused = 0) { ; entering pause menu
Paused = 1
[color="#FF0000"]Send {Esc}[/color]
if (useExitMenu = "true") {
	Gosub ExitMenu ; draw menus
	Hotkey, %UpKey%, MoveUp, On
	Hotkey, %DownKey%, MoveDown, On
	Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey2%, selectItem, On
	Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey3%, selectItem, On
} else {
	Gosub CreatePauseScreen
	Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey2%, CloseVP, On
	Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey3%, CloseVP, On
} Else { ; exiting pause menu
Paused = 0
if (useExitMenu = "true") {
	Gosub ExitMenu ; close menus
	Hotkey, %UpKey%, Off
	Hotkey, %DownKey%, Off
	Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey2%, Off
	Hotkey, %exitEmulatorKey3%, Off
} else {
	Gui, Destroy
	Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey2%, Off
	Hotkey, $%exitEmulatorKey3%, Off
[color="#FF0000"];ControlSend, &Resume Game, {Enter}, ahk_class #32770
ControlClick, &Resume Game, ahk_class #32770[/color]
WinActivate, ahk_class VPPlayer,,DMD

Edited by Sir Cheddar
Fixed messed up ControlClick. Seems to work better as ControlSend in this case.
  • 2 weeks later...

flipper and exit combo? there is no any flipper and exit combo feature, there is no quick exit on that keys

on flipper and exit you should get exit menu, on long press of exit you should get exiting 321 screens, so none of them is quick

maybe you have some non standard options for example disabled menus?


That's is strange then, the only things I have changed is the disabling the exit menu and setting up the pause via mouse for FP. Holding a flipper button and hitting exit has always kicked me out to the main HP screen but freezes it in the process, never have I got the exit menu, even before I disabled it. Oh well, I'll just tell the kids to not do that, I've learned but every now and then...


Guys can i get some help here please....i want pause FP within HP...i have read most of this thread...lol believe it or not---but still cant get it to work.

Ok i went into FP and changed the pause button ti Middle mouse,this works fine....i then went to ahk file and changed to [FPLaunch]

exitScriptKey=q & s


















when i go into Hp and play game i click on cabinet button that is matched to "p" as default....but it still does nothing....where am i going wrong?


Update: i managed to get the pause scren to appear but it also acts like the Esc key...ie. When i click/push on the cabinet button marked "p" the pause screen appears for 1 second only to be followed by the exit screen option(holding this button in exits the table 3-2-1)...it acts the same as the button mapped Esc now?

Also the esc key also acts the same as the "p" key now(exiting is the same but it also flashes for a second of the puase screen/high scores)

WTF is going on?

Posted (edited)


Can I add to your FPLaunch?

I modded FPLaunch to be able to run the PinJukeLaunch that Settingson had created for DWJukebox.

This enables my Hyperpin to pull up and run DWJukebox (on the Backglass) and pick songs with flipper (and magna-flips) and run songs with the start button.

In addition, last night I was able to get LEDBlinky to run with the FPLaunch.

It runs and exits good, but in comparison to existing code - I woud say it's a hack

Honestly, the small sniplets should be put into proper subroutines allowing easier readablilty, and useage of 3,2,1 loading screens.

That would need some analyization on your behalf, but as is, it's working pretty well - but it's still not confirming to the existing programming methods

Will post video ASAP

Edited by boogies2
Posted (edited)

I just added your script and I like it! :) Thank you for your hard work! :) On first start it behaved a little bit strange on my Win7 64bit system but now it seems to be ok.

Only three things:

1) I can not select "Instruction Card" - an error message appears "Function Name: "Menu" Error COM Object may not be a valid Dispatch Object!". What can I do?

2) As soon as I press the exit button I can not go back to the table - but I see a "Back" menu option!? As soon as I select this "Back" menu option I only see the small window "Paused - Quit to Editor, Debug Window, Resume Game" - but I can press nothing. I can only select "Exit" in the menu and start the table again.

3) An error message appear when exiting HyperPin: a component "flash.ocx" is missing. What to do?

I have no internet connection for the Pinball PC. So everthing has to be installed manually...

Edited by Clark Kent

Little update guys:

I have set my fplaunch


; default settings, if you don't have them they will be added to your settings.ini file

; ***** don't change them here - edit your settings.ini file!!! *****

exitScriptKey = q & s ; kill script key

exitEmulatorKey = Esc ; main exit key, can be joy key also (Joy1)

hideCursor = true

hideDesktop = true

hideTaskbar = true

toggleCursorKey = t

useExitScreen = true ; show exit321 countdown on long press

usePauseKey = true

useLoadScreen = true ; show loading slider

pauseKey = p ; former pauseVPinball key, works same as exit key

fadespeed = 25

useExitAsPause = true

exitEmulatorKey2 = 1 ; key for entering into menus

exitEmulatorKey3 = Enter ; and another one

pauseFPKey = RButton ; pause in FP

saveFPTables = true

editTableKey = !F4 ; close table and go to vp/fp editor

printScreenKey = o ; save pf

printBGKey = u ; save bg

pfScreenNum = 1 ; playfield Screen Number (used for print screen)

bgScreenNum = 2 ; backglass Screen Number (used for print screen)

useExitMenu = true

upKey = LShift ; left flipper goes up in menus

downKey = RShift ; right flipper goes down in menus

instructionsKey = i

flyerKey = f

hyperScale = 0.75

debugMode = false

ledwiz = false

hyperpinexe = hyperpin.exe

when i click pause in VP its fine and it pauses ok,however when i pause in the FP tables the Save score page flashes on for a second but then the options menu appears just after it(like using the Esc key would)

Please help.



I can't locate "basic ahk" on the ahk website. There is a single download button and it directly downloads 'ahk L'. On install there are two options: ansi 32-bit and Uncode 32-bit. Both result in the compiled code failing for different reasons. Can somebody point out my obvious idiocy on not finding a 'basic ahk' download?



Posted (edited)

when i click pause in VP its fine and it pauses ok,however when i pause in the FP tables the Save score page flashes on for a second but then the options menu appears just after it(like using the Esc key would)

Please help.

Isn't that exactly what it's supposed to do? FP launch pauses the game by touching esc and exits the game by holding esc for the countdown. I'm confused by what you mean when you say "i pause". is that hitting P or hitting esc or something entirely different?

Maybe you just need to change the "use exit as pause" parameter in your ini.

Edited by MTPPC
added to original thought.

Hi i appreciate somone trying to help.....

When i push pause button...in VP it pauses fine(thats no problem)....when i push pause in FP,(so i can see the high score page) the high score page flashes for a second,then the menu(options) appears over the score page...i want to push pause and only see the high score page.....is that possible?

Why cant i do this?

theses are my configs:


Key_Delay = false

Start = 90

Exit = 87

Up = 83

Down = 67

SkipUp = 0

SkipDown = 0

Flyer = 0

Instruction = 0

Genre = 0

Service = 0

[Pinball Wizard]

Joy = 0

Start = 90

Exit = 32

Up = 83

Down = 67

SkipUp = 0

SkipDown = 0

Flyer = 0

Insruction = 0

Genre = 0

Service = 0


BottomX = 300

CenterY = 360


Width = 600

BottomX = 250

CenterY = 360


Enable_Exit_Screen = true

Exit_HyperPin = true

Shutdown = true

Enable_Shortcut = true

Shortcut_Action = exit

Shortcut_Time = 3

[startup Program]

Executable =

Parameters =

Working_Directory =

WinState = HIDDEN

[Exit Program]

Executable =

Parameters =

Working_Directory =

WinState = NORMAL


exitScriptKey=q & s
































; default settings, if you don't have them they will be added to your settings.ini file

; ***** don't change them here - edit your settings.ini file!!! *****

exitScriptKey = q & s ; kill script key

exitEmulatorKey = Esc ; main exit key, can be joy key also (Joy1)

hideCursor = true

hideDesktop = true

hideTaskbar = true

toggleCursorKey = t

useExitScreen = true ; show exit321 countdown on long press

usePauseKey = true

useLoadScreen = true ; show loading slider

pauseKey = p ; former pauseVPinball key, works same as exit key

fadespeed = 25

useExitAsPause = true

exitEmulatorKey2 = 1 ; key for entering into menus

exitEmulatorKey3 = Enter ; and another one

pauseFPKey = RButton ; pause in FP

saveFPTables = true

editTableKey = !F4 ; close table and go to vp/fp editor

printScreenKey = o ; save pf

printBGKey = u ; save bg

pfScreenNum = 1 ; playfield Screen Number (used for print screen)

bgScreenNum = 2 ; backglass Screen Number (used for print screen)

useExitMenu = true

upKey = LShift ; left flipper goes up in menus

downKey = RShift ; right flipper goes down in menus

instructionsKey = i

flyerKey = f

hyperScale = 0.75

debugMode = false

ledwiz = false

hyperpinexe = hyperpin.exe


that's normal, when you are in fp you get menu over high scores

but i wouldn't say over cause high scores are on top of the screen and menu is on lower part of the screen so you can see both

there is no option to remove menu except maybe to use pause screen instead of exit menu (useexitmenu = false)

any way i didn't think someone would have anything against high scores up, and menu down on the screen so there is no support for that in script

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