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Guy seeling Hyperspin and roms.......


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I met someone that bought one of his drives. All told, he spent close to $600 for the drive, shipping, updates, and "support. He stated in his video, the buyer is entitled to support, but once he got the money, sang a different tune. A $416 initial purchase went to closer to $600 in total spent. The drive itself is amateurishly put together: 32-bit versions of emulators, setup files litter the installation, the audio themes are deafening.

You have no idea how accurate your statement is; the drive is an ass-poor product.

Were the roms/isos included in the drive package?

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Were the roms/isos included in the drive package?

Yessir! Not for all the emulators, but for a lot of them. The remaining ones had links to where to download the roms/iso's.

When you find great deals on Craigslist for CRT based cabs, exuberance can be a bad thing!


Current status of cabs:  0/5 working as desired :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


He just makes people that use emulators look bad. And i would really hate if him, or someone doing the exact same thing, got into legal trouble and then there was some sort of crusade against emulation. That guy is a dick, hands down. Badmouthing us is just in bad taste. even worse is he prolly still trolls this site for updates. I will admit when i first showed up and asked questions as a noob i just got a bunch of links in answer. there were some rude people, but all in all i should have done some reading before asking stupid questions on every board.


I really hope he doesn't go down in a huge hailstorm of legal bullshit too actually, because you bring up another good point. It will make the whole emulation scene look bad, and congress will launch a crusade against us. Or the angry mothers of copyright holders. Just like early metal was chastised for it's lyrics and influence of the youth, we could very well become chastised for our activities as well. You catch my drift. The most important thing I feel, is the preservation of history. If you think about it we serve a dual, perhaps in-intended purpose. One as just a gamer, and two as a historian. At this point I'd say it's better to let this all go down quietly without a huge uproar from the emulation scene. Karma will do our dirty-work for us.


Truth be known.....we are the only ones complaining about anything.

Unless you are in the emulation community most people don't give a rats ass what we do as long as we don't make too much noise.

So turn the people selling the setup/hd in. It's going to blow back on all of us.

I have never even met anyone in person who even heard of hyperspin. I stumbled on this site after a bad experience with a xxxx in 1 board.

Just sayin.....


You don't attribute paying for membership to running servers year on year? I don't know the cost of such things but I'm sure it's not cheap.

Perhaps the troubleshooting would kill it off? Your selling a junk hard drive with poor themes and badly setup emulators, and you get blown away by disgruntled consumer.



if you don't set HS up yourself, how would you know how to fix and maintain it?

I get dishing out $400 for instant gratification but in the long run it's waste. For me, half the fun is setting it all up.

It's like buying an arcade cab dedicated to one game. It would be a lot of fun at first but would lose it's sparkle over time. Just as the 4TB loaded HS drives..

Karma will get them in the end..

I wonder if this dipsh*t is reporting his HS income on his taxes? Perhaps somebody needs to notify the IRS :P

You don't attribute paying for membership to running servers year on year? I don't know the cost of such things but I'm sure it's not cheap.

Perhaps the troubleshooting would kill it off? Your selling a junk hard drive with poor themes and badly setup emulators, and you get blown away by disgruntled consumer.

So I could charge a fee for "servers" in order to "give away" Beyonce and Metallica albums? I wouldnt be charging for the content, just the server upkeep...cuz Im sure people would want to use my servers if the music wasnt on them......

i dont have a problem paying (i already did)....just sayin


The wife and I were talking.....money aside. I understand that no one wants one person to make a profit on the work of many.

Why hasn't someone done a setup put every possible emulator on it , just the basic setup and given it away for free?

I'm sure someone has a complete setup on a server somewhere.......

So I could charge a fee for "servers" in order to "give away" Beyonce and Metallica albums? I wouldnt be charging for the content, just the server upkeep...cuz Im sure people would want to use my servers if the music wasnt on them......

i dont have a problem paying (i already did)....just sayin

So the content on the ftp is questionable or charging the member to easily access it is? Your example would be illegal though, if you where charging monies or not.

So if I'm getting my head around this, selling a drive with everything on it is just the same as charging to access the ftp?

I prefer Metallica. :P


The wife and I were talking.....money aside. I understand that no one wants one person to make a profit on the work of many.

Why hasn't someone done a setup put every possible emulator on it , just the basic setup and given it away for free?

I'm sure someone has a complete setup on a server somewhere.......

andy]andy kind of did that, put it on the ftp and was rightly asked to take it down due to it containing BIOS files etc. It's now up on Mega if you want it, but you still have to get hold of the artwork and videos which really is what people want Hyperspin for. Hell, why not just have yours friends round just to go through the themes etc, no need to play any games.

Just buy a drive, clone it, put a torrent out, stand back and watch the fireworks :)


So the content on the ftp is questionable or charging the member to easily access it is? Your example would be illegal though, if you where charging monies or not.

So if I'm getting my head around this, selling a drive with everything on it is just the same as charging to access the ftp?

I prefer Metallica. :P

well.... a lot of the artwork that is on the ftp is probably protected by copyrights im guessing

and videos of copyright protected games has to be a little suspect as well i would guess

but either way, hyperspin and emumovies are charging money to access servers in order to download things that they did not create (cutout artwork that some other artist created or moving images of video games that some other artist/programmer created)


I just get a little surprised that people in this hobby (which is kinda pushing the boundary to begin with) are surprised/angry when some other dude in this hobby takes the whole thing just a little bit further....

I know that I'm not going to every try to sell my little themes. If someone (in the absence of coercion) wants to buy a pre-setup system that includes my themes on it because they do not feel like spending 100 hours trying to set everything up,....go for it.

And if someone wants to take the time to organize and put it together and then sell it.....go for it. If it is a good product, the market will support it. If not, the market will eventually crush it.......

And if the buyer does not know that it can be downloaded for free, ... that is the buyer's fault. Not the dude selling the system.

If people are so worried about their "ART" being sold by this dude, those people should go and file a patent or copyright the themes and then sue the guy....do you think you could go copyright these themes that we build from other people's artwork??? dont think so

Free markets

Buyer beware

QUESTION: What if somebody set up a consulting service. And charged money on helping someone set up hyperspin. Where to download roms, emulators, themes etc...... Would people be upset with that dude as well????

QUestion:And if it is such a slam dunk, why dont the creators of hyperspin/hyperlaunch sue the guy?


I don't think that someone that paid between 400 to 600 dollars for a drive is going to give it away....but it is an interesting thought.....lol

If I put my 90+ system setup on a torrent I'm sure I would get crucified for it. However I would have no problem making a clone for a close friend.

Not everyone has the skill set for the setup or the time to put into it. I keep hearing certain people say that people who buy a set up drive are stupid or lazy.....I'm sorry...i think everyone gets their gifts....

If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will spend it's whole life believing it is stupid.

I don't think that someone that paid between 400 to 600 dollars for a drive is going to give it away....but it is an interesting thought.....lol

If I bought one (which I thought about doing just to see if there was any artwork on it that we dont have)....I would share it for sure!

Or if we all kicked in a few bucks and then shared it....that would be cool....


Waste of money really. All the fun is in configuring Hyperspin. Plus his configurations are probably bad, you will spend 'countless hours' trying to fix it.


I have seen only around 4 themes on there that he has made and to be honest apart from one I would not use any on my setup. the rest of the art is just grabs from the FTP. Im a huuuuuuuuuge collector for art and themes for my system. Even if its not on my wheel I have it stored away ready to use as I know it all comes in handy at some point. Apart from those I see nothing to add from his setup.

As for servers, I have my complete setup backed up to a server. They do not cost much money. I pay 3.99 dollas a month for an unlimited web server. All completely backed up and running on Internap. Dont get me wrong, I do not include any of my larger Disc collection on there as I wouldnt like to find out how far unlimited really is. My web server is well over 600GB now and it can be made public if I wished it to be.

But I am not one to try and undercut anyone or take anything away from anyone else. People do make money from this and to be honest I do not mind, its not a huge fee and its not like the owners just sit back and do nothing. I have been around the block a few times to know that although they will never make millions from this, they do turn a few dolla.

Nothing can be done legally by anyone here to this guy as people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. My only grip is when people do pay for something that is simply tat. What he is selling... is utter tat!


I don't agree with what this guy is doing but can you imagine the tech support hell it would be to sell someone hyperspin setups who don't know how to troubleshoot them.

most of us have an excellent understanding of our hyperspin setups but random things need to be fixed and adjusted all the time. No way in hell would i sell that to someone unless they had no way to contact me again in a month when something goes wrong.

the only thing I thought of selling was custom pcs built into original nes but with no os installed

Ehhhh those games and systems copyrights are no diff than the ones being actively sold today though, court system wouldn't see it any different having a game from 30 years ago vice one from a couple years ago.

It is a douche move though how he bashes the hyperspin community though. Basically trying to convince people to stay clear and only go to him for hyperspin. Seems like if he didn't take most of the credit for the stuff then so many people wouldn't want to kill him. Guy supposedly runs his own ministry too lol.

Like I said, the copyright system is not of this time anymore. I mean, music right 'til like 70 years after the artist has passed? wtf... Copyright is to assure the creator of the original material makes enough money on their creation without other people being able to legally use their material to compete and monetize. It's to protect the 'artist', but it's been a system that's way out of date and has been lobbied into profanity. They've made their money already, the copyright should've been lifted on most of those games a long time ago.


..........................back with a vengeance........................

Like I said, the copyright system is not of this time anymore. I mean, music right 'til like 70 years after the artist has passed? wtf... Copyright is to assure the creator of the original material makes enough money on their creation without other people being able to legally use their material to compete and monetize. It's to protect the 'artist', but it's been a system that's way out of date and has been lobbied into profanity. They've made their money already, the copyright should've been lifted on most of those games a long time ago.

Like I said,

that might be your opinion on how things should be

but i do not think that this is the reality of how things actually are

my opinion,...copyrights should not expire...they should be able to be passed on to offspring etc

who gets to decide what is "enough" money?

who says its to protect the "artist" ONLY....its to protect the artists relationship to the THEIR creation...and if they want to pass that to kids etc...that OK with me

let the free market/capitalism decide how much money they can make.......not bureaucrats/socialists

If I put my 90+ system setup on a torrent I'm sure I would get crucified for it. However I would have no problem making a clone for a close friend.

Not everyone has the skill set for the setup or the time to put into it. I keep hearing certain people say that people who buy a set up drive are stupid or lazy.....I'm sorry...i think everyone gets their gifts....

Honestly, I wouldn't mind too much if a well put together torrent was out there (and updated once in a while), preferably a modular system (i.e. add individual systems). Nobody is 'ripping us off' by making money on it this way. And as for the 'time invested' for the person providing this torrent. We don't charge for our time, and we've put in countless hours.


..........................back with a vengeance........................


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