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potts43 last won the day on June 23 2015

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About potts43

  • Birthday 01/01/1970


  • HyperSpin Guru

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  1. potts43


    I'm finding that the fullstops, exclamation marks and dot dot dot are being read from the ini file. Any ideas why?
  2. Version 1.10


    HyperSpin SpecialArt Organiser 1.05 Released Ok, so I've finally completed the testing of this program and releasing it to the community. So what is it and why do I need it? Special Art is already pre-built into HyperSpin. You see it as the animated joysticks and Free Play images. After speaking to several friends on here I got the idea that as the artwork was SWF files I could remove the original stuff and create new stuff and take it to a whole new level. What I did is create artwork for Special Art A which ended up being like the frame. I created Special Art B which ended up being animated buttons on a per controller basis...eg Xbox360 or Playstation. The Special Art C was Gener art and this now changes depending on the genre and is displayed in the upper right location. All of this artwork is like a large overlay on top of your normal HyperSpin experience. Once I had done this I realised that to implement it into your system was a copy and paste nightmare as the SpecialArt folder is required on a per system basis. I basically created a program that after you select the Theme you want across your system it does all the hard work for you. I have included 5 themes but more are coming and are very easy to install. I created the program in such a way that everything you do up and until the final "Copy to Real HyperSpin" does not affect your build whatsoever. You can therefore test without error. I have included lots of help screens to get you along to the completion without error. I have had assistance from GigaPig in testing it out and I believe everything works as planned. I have used it many times on my own real setup. (Thanks for you time!) Any questions, just ask. There are new systems added and posted on the Topic post. UPDATE 1 out 22/07/16 NEW Version 1.08 released. Much more flexible and powerful see changlog
  3. Version 1.0


    I created this AHK script to enable me to batch rename media to work with Rocketlauncher's PAUSE. As it requires the files to be put into a very specific folder structure to do it on a mass scale was tedious. Basically, you can now point to a folder full of files such as pdf manuals and it will copy and rename them into the correctly structured folders and rename the files to whatever you want. This is really helpful if you want to use the MAME extras. It will not alter any original files. It will copy or move the temp files created. You can give this a try without it altering your setup. I hope it is useful to you. Hopefully anyone familiar with Hyperspin and Rocketlauncher will understand how things need to be renamed and restructured and this will do it all for you with a few clicks.
  4. Are they available somewhere?
  5. I'm certainly interested. Sometimes these issues are suffered by all and a one stop would solve that!
  6. I know it hurts ;-)
  7. I know, we love updates but not the updating!
  8. Has this list been put on wiki yet because I can't find it...
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