Version 1.10
HyperSpin SpecialArt Organiser 1.05 Released
Ok, so I've finally completed the testing of this program and releasing it to the community.
So what is it and why do I need it?
Special Art is already pre-built into HyperSpin. You see it as the animated joysticks and Free Play images.
After speaking to several friends on here I got the idea that as the artwork was SWF files I could remove the original stuff and create new stuff and take it to a whole new level.
What I did is create artwork for Special Art A which ended up being like the frame.
I created Special Art B which ended up being animated buttons on a per controller Xbox360 or Playstation.
The Special Art C was Gener art and this now changes depending on the genre and is displayed in the upper right location.
All of this artwork is like a large overlay on top of your normal HyperSpin experience.
Once I had done this I realised that to implement it into your system was a copy and paste nightmare as the SpecialArt folder is required on a per system basis.
I basically created a program that after you select the Theme you want across your system it does all the hard work for you.
I have included 5 themes but more are coming and are very easy to install.
I created the program in such a way that everything you do up and until the final "Copy to Real HyperSpin" does not affect your build whatsoever. You can therefore test without error.
I have included lots of help screens to get you along to the completion without error.
I have had assistance from GigaPig in testing it out and I believe everything works as planned. I have used it many times on my own real setup. (Thanks for you time!)
Any questions, just ask.
There are new systems added and posted on the Topic post. UPDATE 1 out 22/07/16
NEW Version 1.08 released. Much more flexible and powerful see changlog