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  • Announcement

    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.


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Everything posted by thatman84

  1. These are dfferent for here. I have seen them from the French project HFS are they any relation to those? Anyway moved them over to the wheel section. Thanks for sharing. PS if you up more stuff try to select a section 1st...it saves me moving things
  2. Let me know how the testing goes. I can amend the OP unless @reznnate has any additional info to add.
  3. @ciscosurplus lets move the convo back here from the Shield Experience thread its better placed I am running old 5.0 5566 There may have been a change to the launch command
  4. Did you get the debug app maybe? exe=org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.debug/org.dolphinemu.ui.main.MainActivity I have not updated for months so not sure if anything changed
  5. Hyperhq should be in the Hyperspin folder along with the hyperspin.exe
  6. @gigapig do you need to grab the 1.3.3 zip 1st still? I cant remeber what Avars video said now. Or can you just grab the 1.5.1 full package
  7. The Hyperspin app is not on the playstore. (Google need confirmation about targeting children ?, App has been resubmitted, back up soon) Here is the download Here is a backup of the apk Hyperspin_Android-test.apk
  8. Version 1.0.0


    These are files to go along with the Tutorial/Info thread I created @diskmach made some adjustments to the database. so everything is based off that.
  9. No problem. Just edit the title please so i know it’s in the right section then I can sleep easy lol
  10. Moved over to Game theme section, please update title with media dimensions (4:3) or (16:9) etc. fyi the main upload category is not for uploading to....please use the correct subsection many thanks
  11. Put it in the 3rd party apps section?
  12. Moved over to Random as It seems they are better than the Sun Bin uploaded to
  13. FYI you posted a 16:9 theme in the 4:3 section. I will move now please stick to uploading to the correct section?
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is a small 5 game collection wheel designed to work with Retroarch Android. (I am no artist so the aspct ratio and quality is mixed, If you improve this setup let me know and I will update it or replace it) The Shareware Demo can be ommited if you have the actual Quake PAK1 file and Mission Packs but as its downloadable from within Retroarch I left it in. The folder structure is layed out as needed for Drag n' Drop but I would suggest you dont do that. DONT USE MY Quake.ini SETTINGS FILE (Just copy out the Game Text, exe and parameter lines for your setup) I included all the theme and wheel assets I used in the project so you have some choices.
  15. Hey Roadrunner, thanks for sharing your themes.

    Please can you upload them to a relevent sub section. Not the Upload Main section as is stated in the warning.

    Its a pain for me to keep moving things

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. thatman84


      Sounds fine but you should upload them to the Upload her section

      click on more items in the left box and select Main Menu Themes 4:3.

      or stick them straight in Upload here. I get email notifications on that section to keep it clear of files. I will move them.

    3. thatman84


      Moved all game themes into Official 4:3 section

      moved theme wheel set into Official Game Wheels

    4. Roadrunner


      Hey, I uploaded three more games to the Pinball FX2 section in the 16x9 section. I thought I'd already uploaded them but I get they got lost in cyberspace or I overlooked them. 

      I also added the main menu themes there. Sorry, I should've paid more attention to your note here. My apologies for putting them in the wrong place. If you could put them in the Main Menu section of PinballFX2 that would be appreciated. Sorry for the extra work. 


  16. So te SEGA ones are mame also then? I was just scanning titles
  17. Fyi started the Loooong process of sorting 4:3 game themes. There is now a MAME game theme section for uploading to PS: what are you SEGA themes for?
  18. Sorry @50l3r this file is in the Platinum supporters section If Griffin wants It moved out im happy to do that for him.
  19. Iirc the FTP is also EOL and closed to uploads so no newer stuff. ai could be wrong
  20. File reported as not working on Windows 10, unconfirmed Report deleted, any problems please report with specific details.
  21. Reported as "not running" but unconfirmed Deleted report. Any problems please report with specific details
  22. This file has been reported but has not been checked. If there is a problem please report it again and provide more information.
  23. Is the sexy Doris really original released artwork? If so I will be shocked ?
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