Video Games
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351 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
I've noticed through searching that different forks of MAME have enhanced compatibility. The biggest one is MAMEUIFX fixing the speed issues in Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting, which plays too quickly in MAME due to an unemulated interrupt sequence. Are there any other notable ones? I've been using the standard, command line version of MAME ever since I began using HyperSpin and want to know if it's worth the effort of switching.
Last reply by BetaWolf, -
- 11 replies
Found this game I cannot live without! Can someone with skills please help us get this in our HS setups with out the internet, full screen? If we can, I'll make us a theme...
Last reply by SORHP, -
- 5 replies
I'm currently running 1.49, what am I missing by not upgrading to 1.54? (latest version as of now) I'm from the "If it's not broke, don't fix it" camp.
Last reply by zerojay, -
- 5 replies
Anybody else heard of this? Stoked!
Last reply by djvj, -
- 17 replies
Ever have a moment that totally shocked you to your core? When you had to drop a controller and walk away? Metal gear solid......psycho mantis reads your mind (memory card) and tells you what is on it.....freaked me out....had to walk away till the goosebumps went away.... What was yours?..
Last reply by djordman, -
- 3 replies
just thought i would show you guys this rad combonation
Last reply by relic, -
- 9 replies
I have thought about this but I didn't know if it was possible. So cool.
Last reply by jackhammersalm, -
- 6 replies
Help! Naomi looks weird. Sprites have transparent blocks that eat the background layers. I don't know how else to put it. While Sammy atomiswave works fine. Is there something I can do ? Or is this an emulation error?
Last reply by klizine, -
- 3 replies
Player's choice OR
Last reply by boohiss, -
- 4 replies
in my search for fan games, remakes and demakes I came across card sagas wars and it looks very nice. it has a combo system for all the unique character.. you get to play all the heroes of present and passed video games. now I hear you thinking MUGEN!! yes but with some mugen the character draw style isnt always consistent, or the characters are just ripped from there games and animations reused.. These are all redrawn in the style. you can have Master Chief battle Chrono, or Simon Bellmont fight a bunch of lemmings(!!!(oh no!(boom))) I mean it looks great.. it's just not finished yet.. have a look https://www.…
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 5 replies
Guys I think I've been ripped off with the hdmi video glasses apprantley there not HD resolution and are false advertisement now its a ? To try them out or buy the oculas rift dk2 I know its great for games but what about movies also the fact oculas rift is in development still makes me think should I grab the development kit 2 version or wait for the consumer release
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 26 replies
com·pete kəmˈpēt/ verb gerund or present participle: competing strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same. "universities are competing for applicants" synonyms:take part, participate, play, be a competitor, be involved; More Awesome dudes!! NOW, IT'S TIME TO EAT!!! PLEASE WATCH FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND YOUR GAME INTRO THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS MONDAY *AUGUST 25, 2014* (@8PM), CALIFORNIA TIME (It will always be Monday night now so I can have things ready after work.) General Rules (Thanks to our friends at ArcadeControls): - One Credit, No Continues. - Highest score wins. - No saves…
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 5 replies
Hey homies! You wanted a Poll you got a Poll!! Here are 5 choices selected by me that I think would be fun choices for challenge. The choices range from classic scoring games to a couple of modern classics!! Make your Selection this weekend!! The Poll closes on Sunday! DoDonPachi Pac-Man The Punisher Metal Slug Elevator Action Thanks, Steve
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 57 replies
com·pete kəmˈpēt/ verb gerund or present participle: competing strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same. "universities are competing for applicants" synonyms:take part, participate, play, be a competitor, be involved; More Awesome work so far dudes!!! You guys played the hell out of Tapper but now let's see if you can handle this little Gem!! PLEASE WATCH FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND YOUR GAME INTRO THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS MONDAY *AUGUST 18, 2014* (@8PM), CALIFORNIA TIME (It will always be Monday night now so I can have things ready after work.) General Rules (Thanks to ou…
Last reply by cowbells, -
- 3 replies
This place is full of retro games. They have walls of classic controllers, games and systems. They also have a lounge in store where you can play any game in the store on the original console! It's actually encouraged.
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 136 replies
Hey Homies! This is an opportunity for us to engage in a little friendly competition! All instructions are in the video. THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS ONE WEEK FROM TODAY *JULY 29, 2014* NOON(12PM), CALIFORNIA TIME FINAL HYPERSCORE SCOREBOARD, THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED: Thanks, Steve
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 58 replies
com·pete kəmˈpēt/ verb gerund or present participle: competing strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same. "universities are competing for applicants" synonyms: take part, participate, play, be a competitor, be involved; More Wow! Saw some excellent stuff with the Second Challenge!! You guys are really amazing!! Let us again engage in friendly competition. The game introduction, instructions and my attempt are in the video. PLEASE WATCH AS THERE ARE SOME NEW RULES! THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS MONDAY *AUGUST 11, 2014* (@8PM), CALIFORNIA TIME (It will always be Monday night…
Last reply by xHyperSteve, -
- 49 replies
Hi guys so after i saw this amazing achivement in history of gaming i thought why dont we start listing the games we play or which would be worth playing Galloping Ghost arcade tour has bourght back the franchese of supporting old school as well as the arcade business so many memories and fun just for 15$ you can play it all in the us its like a dream - but where i am its preety much dead the only place that exists for me with arcades is timezone there was a time where everystore every mall or even movies had arcades everywhere you went now not so much my guess cause it costs alot of money to keep them in tact and working like they should but the fact we have so m…
Last reply by zerojay, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, does anyone have settings for activate House of the Dead 2 red blood on Demul? Thanks
Last reply by AshuraX, -
- 4 replies
For anyone interested ... Ultra Street Fighter IV PC
Last reply by dnbcyan, -
- 103 replies
Hey Homies! Great Job on the first challenge! This is, again, an opportunity for us to engage in a little friendly competition! The game introduction, instructions and my attempt are in the video. THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS ONE WEEK FROM TODAY *AUGUST 5, 2014* NOON(12PM), CALIFORNIA TIME Most Recent High Scores: 1.Dark13 383,100 2.jcm9800 314,900 3. Lucky1 251,700 4. cowbells 224,800 5. Kyoken 195,500 6. BooHiss 193,000 7. Gigapig 184,200 8. Joe35Car 142,300 9. Polemicist 122,900 10. Min2001 85,8…
Last reply by Lucky1, -
- 1 reply
Dudes!! As a promotional for the upcomming Expendables 3 movie.. the dudes at freelives have made EXPENDABROS!! and it's a free download on steam up-untill december! and it's awesome! Just giving a heads up.
Last reply by scooter1974, -
- 7 replies
just found this one edit:cheaper here:
Last reply by pucpuc, -
- 4 replies
I like to keep track on this, but theres often some crap on here. This bundle has to be one of the best so far though. Only the Origin bundle tops it I think
Last reply by djvj, -
- 17 replies
Free ‘Street Fighter X Mega Man’ game hits Dec. 17 Posted on 12/10/2012 by René A. Guzman A “Street Fighter”/”Mega Man” mashup you can play and own for free? Bring that sonic boom, baby! Capcom celebrates 25 years of “Hadoken!” and Mega Busters with “Street Fighter X Mega Man,” a fan-made crossover of the two mighty video game franchises. The free download for PC is available Dec. 17 at the Capcom Community site. Check out the screenshots above and see it in side-scrolling, 8-bit retro action below. SFxMM pits the Blue Bomber himself against tiny but mighty versions of Ryu, Chun-Li and other “Street Fighter” greats that stand in as Robot Masters. It’s classic “Mega…
Last reply by Johnny Mazzic,
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