Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 3 replies
My Demul emulator runs 10x better when I check "Disable Auto Sort." in the video settings. Running it outside Hyperspin it works great, and the setting saves. When I run it through Hyperspin, however, it clears the setting, and runs slow again. Anyone have any idea how to pass the value through Hyperspin? I'm assuming through the .ini file, but don't know which, or how. Help is appreciated.
Last reply by MrDu, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi there Hyper mates, Just getting back in the swing of things its been quite a while since i was on the scene. I am trying to get an emulator for the roms I have which are ancient. I have managed to get Winkawaks working quite well but for some reason i cant get it to load through rocket launcher into full screen. Everything else seems to work and the rom loads but never to full screen. Any help getting this to work would be very much appreciated. Thanks in Advance wilkotheslayer
Last reply by Alexiskla, -
- 6 replies
Running into an issue with Kfusion. Had an issue with Snes9x as well...Emulators always work in rlauncher but have different effects in hyperlauch. Kfusion is working with ESC to close in rlauncher. However in hyperspin/hyperlaunch this is not working, any ideas?
Last reply by iceman1981, -
- 0 replies
I can play mame. I audit other systems and everything is green in rocket launcher. Go to play starts to load then comes back. Same in hyper spin. Do not know what is wrong. I do not know much about hyperspin can someone help
Last reply by garah, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, setting up a new build. I have Snes9x set up and when testing through rlauncher, it opens full screen. However when i run through hyperspin, or test with hyperlaunch, its not full. I've read to uncheck "emulate fullscreen" and then just check the fullscreen box, but that bugs out. I have tried adding the "-fullscreen" param in hyperHQ, and that does not work. If i change the HyperHQ to "normal execution", it goes full screen, but ESC no longer closes the game. seems obvious that rlauncher is set correctly, but something is not jiving with hyperlaunch. The ahk file in hyperspin\modules\SNES, is the snes9x.ahk, and i took a peek in there, and "stret…
Last reply by iceman1981, -
- 1 reply
Hi I have an original Asteroids cab and would like to have asteroids only playing. Is this economical with Hyperspin. How easy is this to setup?, I would like it to boot straight into Asteroids as if it were the original. I have used a Jammies board fro Space invaders which works really well but can't find an asteroids version. Many thanks
Last reply by jonnyg6677, -
- 0 replies
Hello, i search for my frontend hyperspin a version snes9x+ v1.43 v13 to download, good job for your site, French Hugoku32.
Last reply by Hugoku32, -
- 6 replies
Hello guys, im working on my mame configuration and i want some japanese games, the 1st i remember from when i used to live in japan is hokuto no ken, tried mame but it has a lot of problems, does anyone know the best way to play it? im using mame 0.196
Last reply by artman999999, -
- 2 replies
Hey gang! Long time viewer, sort of new poster. Here's my question: I am current with Mame .209 100%, which includes everything, Mahjong, Casino, Quiz etc. Can I make a sub wheel to list "Mahjong" or "casino" and have those show up just in that sub/sub wheel instead of seeing them list in the Mame games wheel? Kind of like a genre I guess to a point, but as you're scrolling through the Mame games, you come across "casino" push the button and it goes to all the Player's choice or slot machines etc. Same with "quiz, Mahjong", this way I don't have to delete them from the XML so they don't show up. How would I go about doing so in creating a sub/sub wheel? Thanks for an…
Last reply by Gothicplsur, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello guys, I am new to this kind of things and I got confused. I have download Hyperspin(latest version) and RockerLauncher , I added a pc game through rocket launcher and it launches when I press on launching buttonׁ(image attached). the problem is when launching it through Hyperspin it cant launch for some reason. what should I do in hyperHQ, I tried to follow youtubers guides with no luck.
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
So I see youtube videos of people running daphne and Dragon's Lair in 16x9 widescreen. I have a widescreen cabinet but i can only seem to get it to run in 4x3. Is there any way to change it in rocketlauncher or anywhere else so i can get it to fill my widescreen monitor? Any help would would be nice! heres a video of it on youtube running in fullscreen and this is how i want to do it but i can't seem to figure it out.
Last reply by Honosuseri, -
- 2 replies
Buon pomeriggio a tutti, salutro anche chi mi conosce da un pò. Chiedo gentilmente dove posso trovare un tutorial su come realizzare su hyperspin Emulatore di Capcom Classics, se possibile linkarmelo qui sotto. Grazie mille per la vostra pasienza nei miei confronti da pivello. Grazie.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good afternoon everyone, I also greet those who have known me for a while. I kindly ask where I can find a tutorial on how to mak…
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 4 replies
I am currently still running Vista 64 bit on my arcade cab and starting to see some limitations. For instance HS 1.51 is not supported and a few of the newer emulators like TeknoParrot. I am considering upgrading to Windows 7 64bit and was wondering if that was a good OS for HS in general as well as the current state of Emulators. Probably going to try and upgrade rather than a clean install at this point in hopes that I will not have to do a lot of reconfiguration.
Last reply by dark13, -
- 2 replies
Hello people I have a problem with Hyperspin and Steam. I can start and play the Steam games via Hyperspin When quitting the games I can not control Hyperspin because Steam in the background is still running. I have to close Steam via the Task Manager then Hyperspin will work again. I tried various exit methods in Rocketlauncher but nothing works! When I finish the game, Steam should shut down as well, but how? Have already thought about a batch file. But what does it look like and where does the pure. In HyperHQ (Startup / Exit) is my batch file for JoytoKey. I'm not getting any further, I hope you can help me Sorry for my English, from German…
Last reply by SubRetro, -
- 2 replies
How do I configure Playstation 2 to show the BIOS startup screen at the start of each game, like the PS1 does? I can't find a setting in Rocketlauncher or in PCSX2 itself
Last reply by peterj116, -
- 0 replies
Hola! Disculpen si publico en el sector equivocado del foro, soy nuevo y la verdad que no sabía bien si esta es la sección correcta. Les quisiera hacer una consulta: pude enlazar el NullDC 1.0.4 perfecto al HyperSpin, pero cuando lo abro, se me abre en segundo plano, tengo que seleccionar con el mouse la ventana. Alguien sabe cómo solucionar eso? Desda ya, muchas gracias!
Last reply by LuchoDom, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone i just noticed the red and black wired out of the tankstick I have are ran to the coin door. Is there a way to test functionality inside mame or an option to turn on coin enable of some sort with the tankstick/mame?
Last reply by dark13, -
- 0 replies
hola , cuando activo hyperspin va bien hasta que activo un juego el sonido cambia , alguien sabe por que o tiene conocimiento de este problema
Last reply by andres1980, -
- 0 replies
Hey all been a long time reader and member. Have successfully set up about 3 systems. The one I am currently working on is giving me a hard time. On Gameboy and Gameboy color i can not get the video to be centered on the screen. I have looked through RL settings, Retro-arch settings and config files. Does anyone have any ideas? Let me know, Thanks.
Last reply by cybertechcustomz, -
- 3 replies
When I will try to launch any dreamcast games the emulator don't work. I will only seen a picture (attach). I cannot minimaze and close it with task manager. I will need to reboot the pc. Manually the dreamcast emulator work correctly. Regards G.
Last reply by coreduo0099, -
- 2 replies
I can't find an updated mame xml past like .196. I tried generating my own but it has no information besides game name (no genre, year, developer, etc). Is there a way to create my own? I checked through the user uploads in the files section but everything appeared to be old. thanks
Last reply by SpatzST, -
- 1 reply
Bonjours, Je voudrais ajouter hyper dbz mugen sous hyperspin. J'ai suivi les conseils d'une personne qui a décidé de procéder ainsi : Prendre le dossier du jeu mettre en avant dans ROM / PC GAMES. Ensuite, créez un raccourci du fichier .exe . Et en dernier utiliser hyperROMxml.exe pour mettre à jour la base de données. J'ai fais tout ca et malheureusement le jeu ne se lance pas. Même la personne qui m'a conseillé ne sait pas alors c'est pour ca je vous contact car je n'ai pas trouvé de tuto concernant mon problème. En sachant que les autres appli mugen pas eux le .exe et cela fonctionne j'ai essayé déjà de l'enlever. Également le roue et média ne s…
Last reply by Yoann59220, -
- 0 replies
Bonjours, Je voudrais ajouter hyper dbz mugen sous hyperspin. J'ai suivi les conseils d'une personne qui ma dit de procéder comme ceci : Prendre le dossier du jeu le mettre dans ROM/ PC GAMES. Ensuite de créer un raccourci du .exe De le mettre à l'extérieur du dossier avec les autres appli mugen. Et en dernier utiliser hyperROMxml.exe pour mettre à jour la database. J'ai fais tout ca et malheureusement le jeu ne se lance pas. Même la personne qui m'a conseillé ne sait pas alors c'est pour ca je vous contact car je n'ai pas trouvé de tuto concernant mon problème. En sachant que les autres appli mugen non pas eux le .exe et cela fonctionne j'ai essayé déjà d…
Last reply by Yoann59220, -
Hello again, This is the next installment for the Commodore 64. I'm sure this was the first home computer for many out there. Scope: This guide is to help in the setup and installation of the Commodore 64 system in your HyperSpin setup using: HyperSpin v1.3.2.0 HyperLaunch v3.0.1.0 HyperLaunchHQ v1.0.12.0 WinVICE v2.4 - Download Page: http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/index.html#download Introduction: The company (Commodore International): Taken from the WiKi page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_International About the machine (Commodore 64): Taken from the WiKi page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_64 Ok, let's get started: Make sure you …
Last reply by gman71, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hey guys, has anyone come across this before.... Got my light guns set up, well for the most part anyway. So thought id give some of the MAME gun games a go. All seemed to be fine however when i loaded up Terminator 2 the screen is inverted. Is there a setting i can change or is it a dodgy rom???
Last reply by gigapig,