Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 8 replies
Hey, i thought I should post this weird issue that I can not seem to fix. Installe newest stable retroarch loads games fine, however when I hit the home button on my xbox 360 pc gsme pad I get to retroarch menu as normal. When I hit it again I exit it goes back to game and shows paused in the bottom left corner? It's very weird almost like the home key on the pad is set for menu and pause at the same time? I believe I have checked all key sets and there is no doubles? What could I be missing?
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Trying to setup retroarch with hyperspin and rocket launcher for the TurboDuo,I can get the CD games to launch and play but cannot get the regular games to play or launch.Anyone who has the TurboDuo setup in retroarch can you share some tips on how to accomplish this feat.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 5 replies
I am not able to open the supermodel emulator in hyperspin . I can get the games working with the supermodel-Ui It keeps coming up with this when I try and run it through hyperlaunch . Any help would be awesome . thanks
Last reply by wardiz, -
- 1 reply
Hi , im quite new in the hyperspin World , and i need you experience, well ,i have a lot of MAME roms , everything work perfectly just an issue with vertical games like shoot s m up ,1947 etc .... the game are totally stretch and don t look good, i looking a way to have same thing like my Cave roms, a perfect verticale centered image . i got a cave emu who use the same module than MAME , MAME.ahk and RetroArch.AHK, but my Cave games are not stretch at all . so what can i do to fix my Mames verticals games , thx for your help
Last reply by spyloops, -
- 6 replies
Pretty much sums it up.. Can you use your exsisting solid mame roms folder that we all use for hyperspin for your fightcade directory? Or do they have to be in some special form/folder? I had no idea about fightcade and wished this exsisted.... Soooo pumped right now!!
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I'm a total noob and just signed up for a platinum membership today. I'm excited to get started and have been following simply austin's youtube videos in setting up the Atari 2600, but have run into a snag. I'm able to get all the games to show up green, have all roms loaded and working in RocketLauncher, and thought I configured everything properly, but when I launch HyperSpin, although the Atari 2600 does now show up, only one game shows; Adventure. None of the rest of the games show up in HyperSpin. What am I missing here? Thanks, --J
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 11 replies
I am at a lost with this.. I can not get retro arch to run PCFX games. I downloaded mednafern core, I download pcfx bios and placed it into system folder of retroarch. I double checked that the .cue and bin are named and linked correctly. I named the bios file pcfx.bios, and tried pcfxbios. however it crashes on load every time. I did read that I may need some system.pce file? I am at a lost here.. anyone explain what I am doing wrong?
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
ive set everything up acording to simply austin tutoria but retroarch crashes when tryint to load
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Saisyu, -
- 0 replies
Hi i have set up the Amiga and it uses the Alt Gr key but when I try to map this key pressing it shows ctrl key as pressed not Alt Gr anyone know how to bring this up or change the fire button key from being Alt Gr. Thanks Andy
Last reply by Plastron, -
- 0 replies
Hey All I got futurepinball set up pretty quickly however just a couple of questions. When it loads I always see the FP splash screen, is there a way to hide that? I tried fade in but it still shows up after the fade in. Also once in a while when loading a table I get the fp program in a window over top of the table?
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi, I am creating my own HyperSpin with my favorite systems, but I have doubts about the video configuration of the emulators of different systems. I have them all well configured but with the screen resolution of the computer where I am doing the HyperSpin, the maximum that supports the monitor where I am developing it is 1366x768 pixels, 19 inches. My question is: how do I always emulators emerge full screen in any resolution of any device, be it TV, other computer, etc. In case of installing the created package of HyperSpin in another device? Thank you
Last reply by Joselgg, -
- 15 replies
Hi hyperpeople! I am trying to setup CPS2 on my cabinet. The problem I have encountered is I cannot select a module through Hyperlaunch HQ for Final Burn Alpha. Usually when I add an emulator in HyperHQ (wheel) it creates the name in the Hyperlaunch HQ list and it comes up with a tiny picture of the system next to the name. With Cps2 I cannot get that picture up which makes me think I have the naming convention wrong for CPS2 in HyperlaunchHQ. Because of this I cannot select a Module and Emulator. Can anyone tell me what I should call CPS2 in Hyperhq? Capcom PS II CPSII etc I have tried manually pointing to the Final Burn Alpha.ahk provided with hyperlaunchHQ (…
Last reply by jtb1987, -
- 4 replies
I was considering adding these to my HS setup however do not know much about them. I noticed some games look like you need to control a pointer like a mouse on the screen? I would only like to add these if I can use the xbox 360 wireless pad without a mouse. Can anyone advise? thanks Jimbo
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 1 reply
2 Questions: 1) I'm trying to launch the MAME .170 x64 NoNag+HiScore+Autofire+DirectInput.exe file from native Windows Explorer and receive a Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator has stopped working message yet I can run the game from RocketLauncher UI without error. Please help me understand how RLUI can run the emulator but I can't within native windows. Is this because the .ahk files are making the necessary tweaks to the .ini files to allow it to run? 2) I'm trying to follow a TID on how to set the lightgun X and Y axis settings within the MAME emulator but feel its an impossibility to get a perfect horizontal movement for the X axis and a perfect verti…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 0 replies
I was trying to configure my controls today and found that when I "tab" in go to general input, the screen doesn't show. I think it's at the very bottom of screen and not showing or usable. I'm running 0.179. All that comes up with this issue is supposed to have been resolved. Here is the only recorded problem I can find.... any help would be greatly appreciated!! http://mametesters.org/view.php?id=6335
Last reply by Iwannafly, -
- 3 replies
Hi All, I have managed to get Atrai 800Win installed and the roms. Using Hypersin / Rocketlaunch. But when i go to run a rom the emu opens in a very small window if i press full screen in the emu Hyper spin takes over and the emu goes behind the hyperspin menu and you can not see the game running. Music is playing so emu is running. Any ideas what i have not set correctly ? Thanks Andy
Last reply by Plastron, -
- 10 replies
Hi All....... not sure if this has been asked already (surely it has....but i cant find it) But i am on with getting my Amiga stuff sorted and renamed to use on hyperspin.... what do you do with multiple disk games ie naming? i only see one entry per game in the xml file..... so what do i do with these games??? I asked Simply Austin and he was on about merging disks (adf files) but again i cant find anything on this either.....please help me out here cos im at a bit of a dead end :-)
Last reply by pagman27, -
- 6 replies
Hi: I setting up my Hyperspin and have got a few systems running fine now except Turbo Graphx 16 won't show preview videos on a selected game wheel. All the other systems show preview videos for selected games except for Turbor Graphx 16. I'm sure I have HyperHQ pointed at the correct directory and folder. Can someone point out where I have gone wrong. Below is the settings INI for MAME which shows preview videos correctly for the games and then the Turbo Graphx 16 INI settings. Thanks in advance. [exe info] path= rompath=D:\Games\Romsets\Mame 0.179\Roms userompath=true exe= romextension=7z,zip,rar,chd parameters= searchsubfolders=true pcgame=fal…
Last reply by mankin, -
- 2 replies
Hey i have never used final burn alpha but wondered does it play any games that mame does not? What exactly is the difference in games it supports? Thanks Jim
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 0 replies
Hello, Finally got caught up with all my roms & CHDs for MAME .180: Only weird thing is doing an Audit in Rocket Launcher, I get these: blockjoy Block Block (World 911106 Joystick) blvelvet Black Velvet camlight Camel Lights carnevil1 CarnEvil (v1.0.1) chaoshea Chaos Heat (V2.09O) chaosheaj Chaos Heat (V2.08J) chucklck Chuck-A-Luck circa33 Circa 1933 cps3booto CPS3 Multi-game bootleg for HD6417095 type SH2 (older) (New Generation, 3rd Strike, JoJo's Venture, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Red Earth only) cps3bootoa CPS3 Multi-game bootleg for dead security cart (older) (New Generation, 2nd Impact and 3rd Strike only) cps3bs…
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I was wondering if theres a guide to setting up Pinball FX2, I have gigapigs hyperspin set up so the wheel etc.. is already set up, im just struggling to link it properly. Ive looked on youtube but nothing has really helped me out there.
Last reply by deejus679, -
- 6 replies
Hi, Sorry new to all this i have set up MESS to run Atari 8-Bit games but its not very good as will not run many of the games. Is there a better emu that can support 8 bit games in zip format? Thanks
Last reply by Plastron, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I have retroarch working perfectly for loads of other consoles, and I have retroarch playing playstation games on it's own outside of rocketlauncher/hyperspin. But for some reason, it simply refuses to cooperate. Is there some odd setting somewhere I have overlooked? A checkbox in rocketlauncher's settings or maybe a specific core I need to tell is to use? Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Last reply by Trnzaddict, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I'm finishing up programming my arcade system and have a newbie question about recommended resolutions for my set up. My specs: i5 quad core 3.4-3.8ghz w/boost Geforce gtx750ti sc gpu 8gb ram Win 7 64 bit I am running everything on a HP LP2065 LCD monitor. It's 4:3 with a native resolution of 1600x1200. My question is should I run hyperspin and as many of the emulators as possible at my native resolution, or should i run HS at it's native 1024x768 resolution and mix resolutions depending on emulator? Emulators I am running: MAME, Retroarch, Daphne, Taito TypeX, Demul, MESS, Openbor, MUGEN, some PC Games Note: I plan o…
Last reply by reddye5,