Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 1 reply
Hi all. Redoing my hyperspin setup on a new pc with the newest software. My old version of mame 133 played the atari 5200 flawlessly from what I could tell. This latest version works well with some games, but isn't playing some as well from what I can tell. Frogger being one of those games. I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem with the latest version of mame? It seems to be playing faster than it should and is also choppy. Unfortunately my older version of mame doesn't seem to be working with rocketlauncher so I would like to get the new version working. I'm just wondering if this is a common problem or a problem with my setup?
Last reply by andsolo21, -
- 6 replies
Looks like I may have a big job of converting some of my older files done with Clone CD unless there is a better way. I tried loading one of my sega cds with retroarch and got a message that Retroarch doesn't support .ccd (I had tried both zipped and unzipped). I thought to see what is the preferred archive format for disc images and do you convert any to uniform them in a collection? What is the best tool for conversions that can also ensure proper cue files (naming of the file, and the title in quotes within the file, audio tracks, etc.). Do you finalize it all by zipping or leave them unzipped for emulators on devices like the Wii?
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 4 replies
Anyone ever experience my computer opening when exiting aae after running a game, just happening in HS though not RL
Last reply by danwelsh, -
- 4 replies
When I just signed up, someone had a link to a well made list of the best or preferred emulator per system. I searched here and in the RL forums but can't find it anywhere. Would anyone still have the link? Thanks.
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 1 reply
Following some of Simply Austin's youtube videos (thanks again!!), I set things up pretty well with MESS. I updated my MAME after years to 177 and now that MESS is built in, I wish to just use the combo emulator and Retroarch as must as possible. For all RocketLauncher systems matched to MESS, do I change the emulator to MAME or do I just map the MESS exe file in global settings to the same exe as my MAME is mapped as? Alternatively, RetroArch has a mame core, so is retroarch best to map to if you have your 'system' folder within Retroarch's directory full of the appropriate bios, files, etc? Thanks!!
- 4 replies
Pic attached! Model 3 works great on its own, inside rocket launcher, game audit is all good and it launches the emulator. But when I test the emulator with a game, this prompt comes up, I'm thinking it's an emulator setting somewhere... Sure somebody on here has seen it. I've searched on here and gotten results with other emulators just not Supermodel. I'm running 0.3
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 5 replies
This is tested in .177 with a build of MESS without MAME from http://messui.1emulation.com as well as the MAME/MESS combo. MESS shows 2417 systems while vanilla MESS within MAME when filtering out Arcades is 2405. Why the difference in 12 systems?
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 0 replies
Anyone able to tell me what rocketlauncher settings to use to get ZX81 games running in MAME (0.177)? Launching games (from rocketlauncher) opens MAME and the right emulator, but just ends up with the ZX81 command prompt rather than the game itself (both with and without 7zip enabled). This is the command line that gets passed on to MAME (I can post the full log if that would help) Process.Run - Running: "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\mame0177b_64bit\mame64.exe" zx81 -cass1 "C:\Temp Games HS\Alien Descender (1983) (Fontana Publishing)\Alien Descender (1983) (Fontana Publishing).p" -rompath "C:\HyperSpin\Roms\Sinclair ZX81;C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\mame0177b_64bit\roms" -nowindow …
Last reply by TomCalman, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, what do i need to change to get my mame games to fill the bezel? Added a screenshot so you'll see what i mean
Last reply by rastan, -
- 7 replies
So i was wondering if i use clrmame to upgrade my romset can i skip from 139 to 165 or do i have upgrade 1 dat at a time?
Last reply by rastan, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone, So I've been adding new systems left and right lately and I have hit a dead-stop with Atari Jaguar's CD attachment. I can't seem to find really any kind of info on an emulator for this system. Is it just not emulated yet???
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi Guys, i am having an issue with my Gamecube setup, I think I have the Graphics looking pretty nice for all games, Except a couple have a weird problem, THPS3 and Bloody Roar look incredibly pixelated when first launched, If you then go to Dolphin and click on the graphics tab they change to perfect graphics, you dont even have to change the settings you just click on the graphics tab and bam they are fine, i have tried messing around with the .ini but no luck anyone have a remedy for this?
Last reply by pjbridger, -
- 7 replies
I can't believe I only JUST learned it was safe to rename a few of my games' file extensions from .bin to say .sms or .gg and uniform them in a folder. I like this also because I can file associate them with an emulator so I can on a whim, double click them to test or play. I'm wondering how "across the board" this rule is or if I have to be careful. I did notice when I tried changing some N64 files from z64 to v64 I ran into issues with some emulators not liking them until I changed them back. Has anyone compiled a general list (if one is even necessary) or wondered this?
Last reply by JoyStickKilla, -
- 9 replies
I got it going using http://ataridogdaze.com/emulator/using_emulator.shtml and http://atariage.com/forums/topic/141238-cant-get-atari-800-emulator-to-work The roms run fine in Atari800Win itself but through RLUI I get - The Atari800Win window even opens in the background, but it's like RLUI doesn't know that it is. Does anyone have any ideas?
Last reply by DJQuad, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I wonder if you can possibly help? I'm running MAME64 and trying to get HLSL to work without any success. As a test, I enable HLSL via MAME.INI and then try to lunch a MAME rom via command prompt. However, it bombs and gives an error along the lines of 'unable to initialize direct 3d failed to complete creation of window' I've done some googling and the two main suggestions I can find are to re-install DirectX 9 runtime under Windows 10 and also ensure that the HLSL folder is present under the MAME folder, both of which I've checked and confirmed. So, I still can't get this to work and am starting to get more than a little frustrated after looking at this f…
Last reply by ras2a, -
- 1 reply
Hi everybody! I hope that someone can help me. I'm building a database that includes all the Street Fighter's games, from I to V. I made the XML correctly, managed out all the medias and the Wheel seems to work. My problem is that all my ROMs/CHDs works with MAME, except for STREET FIGHTER V that must be used via PCLauncher. When I set my Default Emulator to MAME, the last game won't start at all. When I set my Default Emulator to PCLauncher, the last game is the only one game that works. When I don't set Default Emulator it says that I must set one. There's a way to fix this issue? Thanks in advance. I hope to hear a reply from you soon. Best Regards.
Last reply by wmed, -
- 16 replies
I'll wish to help the scene when there is a lack of complete info in one place... the Panasonic 3DO comes to mind. Anyone interested in helping this with me? My goals: 1. Completing a game/software-list for HyperSpin and for Gamefaq, Wikipedia, No-Intro, etc. 2. Test everything in the needed emulators 3. Update the HyperSpin database/wheels 4. Post a plaintext game list for easy reference. Wikipedia's game list varies greatly from other sites, and many Japanese games don't make any list at all. Is the limited Panasonic 3DO database (and perhaps all HS lists) more a 1G1R (one game one region) or a 'currently playable/working' list that needs updating? I've b…
- 1 reply
Just got the 177 rom set so I scooped up a no nag version of 177... everything works but I need direct input. I have a button set for tab in my xpadder profile as well as one button set to ESC if it's held down. did anyone upload a direct input version of 177 yet?
Last reply by rastan, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys Any help here, this just bugs me a lot. I quit retro arch inside HS, backs out no problem. Just always goes to desktop for 2/3 seconds then back into HS. I'm trying to dial in my system so I don't need/see the desktop in any ways, any help/ideas? I use retro arch for a lot (all sega/nes/snes/64/GameCube etc
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 17 replies
I'm just curious on how you guys run MAME. My version is over a year old and I'm wondering how often people update.
Last reply by rastan, -
- 14 replies
For those of you who love the project 64 emulator and don't already know, the devs have released a new version 2.3.210! Let me know what you guys think or of any major change you notice or major compatibility improvements. You can get it here for portable version. www.vgemu.com
Last reply by Dabil, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
hello, I have a healthy system and began working on getting 'jessie' shaders working. interesting thing; if i enable the HLSL settings, they look great! but... the Games are on some kind of light speed setting! everything is zooming around! if i disable HLSL everything goes back to normal. i have looked for some obvious switch to bring me out of 'nuclear speed level 3' when using hlsl, but have yet to find it. has anyone out there come across this issue?
Last reply by dummel, -
Sega Naomi 1 2
by acpowell- 1 follower
- 36 replies
Here I am minding my own business when someone asks if I have Naomi games working. Well I tell them no and then proceeded to try to get them working again. I have a firm belief that this will lead me down the path of premature balding. I cannot for the life of me figure out what I am doing wrong but I cannot get a single Naomi game to play. I have the latest Demul and an older one. Neither see load/play a game. I got rom zips that have 1 .dat file in side and I have some that have a .gdi, .bin x2 and a .raw file inside. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? If you think I should move this to a demul specific place; I am all for that too. so taking G…
Last reply by acpowell, -
- 1 reply
Can someone please explain how the heck to get demul to work with an ipac2.....I have atomiswave, Naomi setup fine but DC isn't playing fair. I tried setting up the maple settings on port 3 as a keyboard and also tried with gamepad, then setup the joystick settings for DC while in demul and it just won't work..... outside of rocketlauncher or in. I'm baffled.
Last reply by JoyStickKilla, -
- 1 reply
For some Dreamcast games I'm getting the pop-up on demul that this game doesn't support the av cable connected.....how can I fix this?
Last reply by danwelsh,