Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 1 reply
Hi guys, i'm having trouble getting any games to launch in HS with ttx, followed gigapigs tuitorial on youtube to set a few games up....I have the standalone v1.0 sfiv and kof viii.....both run fine in rocketlauncher when I try them but when I go to hyperspin and try and enter a game it does nothing...no errors or anything, just stays on that wheel
Last reply by danwelsh, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
Has anyone seen one? 174 has been out for a week now and I believe the latest MAMEUIFX has been out for 5 days. Pulsoph had the database ready to go before the split roms were even up on PDome, but I can't find a single thread on anyone here with a no-nag version. ...And why isn't the official MAMEUIFX no-nag by default?
Last reply by sevenseal, -
- 4 replies
Hey all. This has me stumped. I have the controls setup for games perfectly using PS2 controllers through lilypad. My problem is that I can't exit the program unless I use the escape keyboard command. This is a problem because I am creating a cabinet so won't have the escape button. I can't find anywhere to change the default from escape to a gamepad button (or button combination). Folks must have come across this problem before. Cheers Bruiser
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi friends, Finally my SSF seeing some hope. When I launch game window media player will play the music track of the game and the ssf screen remain black. Anyone have any clues why is that? I have at set DT as drive E which is correct. Because other systems are working fine. Tapatalk を使用して私の A0001 から送信
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 6 replies
Hi, in the HyperSpin Downloads i have seen downloads for MAME that say Hi-Score in the Title, Does this mean it keeps Hi-Score, If not how would I keep Hi Score for MAME? Thanks.
Last reply by griffin518, -
- 1 reply
I have fceux 2.1.4 emulator for running Nintendo Entertainment System games on my hyperspin drive. My Operation System is Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1. Every time I try to launch a NES game, I get a dialog box pop up with error message "fceux.exe has stopped working" and I am forced to close the program. I have gone to the application executable directly and double clicked on it to start it up. The emulator window will open, but then the "fceux.exe has stopped working" dialog box immediately pops right up before I can do anything in the emulator. I've tried changing compatibility mode to Windows XP and tried running as administrator, but neith…
Last reply by PinKitty, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi Guys, tried R.H and Reloaded releases of the game and both get stuck on this initial autosave warning disclaimer screen, there is no info on google about it, has anyone seen this or knows a way to fix the issue? I have tested teh game on 2 different systems system 1: Running Win 10 and Intel Graphics 5000 on an i5 2.0ghtz intel nuc. 16gb ram system 2: Win 7 pro sp1 with an nvidia GTX 770 8gb ram both have the same result, making me think its the game itself but strangely different releases exhibit same symptom. I have also tried the default keys for the game in-case its waiting for a input to get passed, unless I am missing an input altogether. https…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 13 replies
Updated to MAMEUIFX 174 and have noticed that a few games that worked fine in previous versions now give an error "Required shared pointer 'mainram' not found" then "Fatal error. Missing some required objects. unable to proceed" I can't remember the other games that did this, but Asylum is one. Can someone test to see if this is happening with their MAME 174 build as well?
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 reply
Hi. I just want to know if the cpwizard autodetect mame function works with mame 174 64 bits. I cant for my life make it work. If I use command line I can launch cpwizard but it doesn't detect mame and the activate key doesn't work either Sent from my Nokia Lumia 520 using Tapatalk
Last reply by knewlife, -
- 3 replies
I want to use my top hypermarque screen as a back box for future pinball scores I have selected use multi screens.But seems future pinball cannot display the back box. Can it be due to the screen is to small and wide for the back box to work?
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, Does anyone know how if possible to change the language in this game to english? I cant see anything in service mode but its in jap so i might be missing somthing Thanks MS
Last reply by Trnzaddict, -
- 0 replies
I am unable to get my Afterglow gamepad (or any other gamepad) to work with WinUae. They work with all my MAME and RetroArch roms, but not the Amiga emulator. I did a search, but the guide that a few people have referred to ( http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?31472-Complete-Guide-for-Commodore-Amiga-in-HS-and-RL-Using-WinUAE-Only&p=347401&viewfull=1#post347401) appears to be broken. I also watched the Simply Austin video (which is how I got the games loading) with no joy. Any help? Thanks in advance....
Last reply by celticsam, -
- 13 replies
I'm using Winkawaks to launch NEO GEO titles. My configuration is with RocketLauncher and Hyperspin - latest versions. However, I can't seem to get the titles to launch full screen - on the left and the right of the game window remains the Hyperspin backdrop theme. Any ideas what I need to do? Thanks!
Last reply by TITCHGAMER, -
- 2 replies
I haven't downloaded it yet since I am at work but I look forward to testing it later tonight. The video shows some big improvements to the shaking that occurs playing some games.
Last reply by jcrowley30, -
- 1 reply
Ive been working on getting a PS1 emulator. When launching Xebra I load the .img file and click RUN. It then loads a few Sony Playstation logos then takes me to a purple screen with JAP text. Are my File types ok? How do I get past this screen. Any help would be great. Below are some screen shots.
Last reply by rastan, -
Hi, I was wondering if RetroArch is useful for anything besides just emulating games. Does it run faster/better? The reason for me asking this is because for some reason i cant get it on my HyperSpin computer, so should i be worried about having it or is it really not that useful? I have read some older post saying that if you want to play the game like it was then you shoudnt get Retroarch and just stick with other emulators. Please leave help and suggestions. Thanks
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 5 replies
Hi Guys, Does anyone know if Ghosts 'n demons pc from https://bonusjz.itch.io/ghostsn-demons works with Windows 10? The game uses the OpenBOR engine which from my initial research looks non compatible with Win 10, when I launch the game it pop us the OpenBOR window then closes. Does anyone know of a way to get this working? Thanks MS
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 4 replies
Good Afternoon All, First I want to give credit where it is due to posters in Arcadecontrols.com for this information however, I have been beating my head over this hot rock all day the orginal post is at this website http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,100079.0.html. I have been trying to set up my Tankstick and four Xbox 360 controllers to work with Hyperspin and Rocketlauncher (I have the latest editions for both). I followed the directions and placed the downloading the .txt document and and save it in your MAME CTRLR directory as XArcade+XBOX360x4.cfg. Finally, edit your mame.ini file, located in the INI folder within your MAME directory, and ch…
Last reply by sajazzman007, -
- 0 replies
Hi again all! Working on a different system, and a different problem. I have my 32X games set to run with fusion, they will run, but it does the weirdest thing. After I select the game, hyperspin sits there like it is in the background, the game music starts, but I have to hit esc to get to a windowed mode of fusion, then esc again for the game to display in fullscreen. I am not using hyperlauncher, everything seems to work fine except that it doesnt display anything until I use the esc key....any help would be greatly appreciated!
Last reply by style214, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi Guys after so man months i finally realized what i was doing wrong in getting taito Type X to work now i have it working with the games i have i am stumbling on another issue yes its not hyperspin related completely but because im using hyperspin i was hoping you guys can help me i set it all up on my pc with LCD high res monitor and all works as it should then i decided to repeat the install and setup on my Naomi Cabinet running a Sanwa 29E31S 31K monitor which as a max res of 640x480 (it wont run 800x600or above) so i do the necessary things and when i try to run it outside hyperspin vis the bat file the game.exe crashes because everything…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 5 replies
Hello, Was wondering what a good free program to use to record in game footage of gameplay on emulators and also pc games (from pclauncher) ? A looong time ago I remember using all seeing eye. Anything out there that does a good job recording footage? Thanks, thomas
Last reply by Warfare, -
- 1 reply
These are the only games that are playing super fast. Mame UIFX64 1.68 Thoughts please? Everything else in the set is great!
Last reply by aginc81, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone - long time no see! After far too long away from my HTPC emulator set up, Im back trying to pick up where I left off. Amongst other things, Im looking to get a Spectrum emulator set up and configured with Hyperspin. Which one would you guys recommend at the moment? I'd prefer a free one to be honest, but if that isnt an option, please let me know what others are available. Thanks in advance
Last reply by Harrisonm65, -
- 2 replies
So I noticed last night this happened. When I first set up daphne I had a score and number of players in dragons lair. Now it's gone. I searched the config to see if there was a setting I may have disabled but couldn't find it. Anyone else run into this problem? And how do I fix it. Thanks
Last reply by snstay, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I just set up Mugen in Hyperspin and am having an issue. When I run a game it runs fine, but when I exit out I see my desktop and hear hyperspin's interface audio. Hyperspin disappears. has anyone had this happen? Maybe I missed a setting in Hyperlaunch or HyperHQ? Or maybe this is a resolution issue switching from game to Hypespin? The games work perfectly including exiting outside of Hyperspin. I'm using a Dell Vostro 1510 laptop FYI: I used the PC Launcher method of setting up Mugen. Games in their own folder, Shortcuts to the Mugen.exe for each game, lnk as the extension. Any help is truly appreciated. Thanks.
Last reply by Bish777,