Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 1 reply
hey lads, having issues getting my head around this. I would like to make a start configuring computer systems on my cab. Any pointers you can help me out? Anyone share IPAC config file with me? Not sure how to fit all the buttons into my 2 player 6 button config. Thanks lads
Last reply by connorsdad, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I get the DCVG5K version 2.0, the SDL and the SDL_TTF. I tried bot with SDL 1 and 2 but the program not start. After click release an generic error. Someone have this emulator running?? Thanks in advance
Last reply by awaawaawa, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Somebody know where to find EZ Flasher / flasher.exe ?
Last reply by fifou, -
- 0 replies
Hey all, I didn't have this issue before (1.4 HyperSpin) but I'm experiencing it now. Kat5200 now seems to be launching behind HyperSpin and I must ALT-Tab to bring it to the front. Am I missing a setting somewhere that I accidentally changed? Running HyperSpin 1.4 Launching a rom in RocketLauncher opens it up in front of RL. No issue there. I had it running smoothly before but when I re-setup HyperSpin from scratch I am now getting this problem. I've tried removing Kat and resetting it up again with no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks, Project
Last reply by project, -
- 7 replies
I am an old school gamer and for the most part (surprisingly), my paltry core duo with 4gb ram runs most emulators pretty good. Issues start to creep up around N64 (which emulation just isn't that great to begin with) and PS1 (runs but laggy as all s**t). What are the Emu's that give others problems? And what are your specs? I just made my first purchase on a new PC build. Gonna have to by a couple of pieces every two weeks though. Super pumped! Anxious to get my favorite system of all time running good (PS2).
Last reply by trizzev, -
- 12 replies
So I finally updated to the new Retroarch 1.2.2 and everything is working fine except for the shaders. Where is the option to set the shaders now? I can't find it!
Last reply by justice999, -
- 0 replies
I am pasting this message rlauncher seems no one can assist me . Hope big brothers here can help me +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi Friends I have one wireless Xbox360 and 1 arcade stick. I want them both to enable to spin the wheel on frontend and do the job. I have set 2 xpadder profiles set under Hyperspin frontend / keymapper in RL. p1 for Arcade stick as (Port2) p2 for xbox360 as (Port3) **Port names above are shown under the choose the controller. Now when I run the test only p1 works . Strange part is if I select from choose the controller to xbox360 still the P1 arcade stick works. p2 xbox does not work at all. I have checked the profile and keymapping was co…
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
So i just stumbled on pj64 and was curious how improved everyone finds it to be from 2.1. What big changes have you seen in your games? I get the no ad bloated one from: www.vgemu.com/nintendo-64
Last reply by 5thWolf, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys! I have a question regarding psxfin emulator. Is there any way of switch the disc on a multiple disc game? I'm using this emulator because it's the one who run on my PC (WinXP). The epsxe emulator dont work properly (cut off sounds, lagging video, game crash). If you know how to do that, I will be more than happy Regards!
Last reply by Torden, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I configure Daphne Singe and from outside it run correctly.Via .bat file all the game works well. In Rocket Launcher the games do not start. What I have to configure?? And onother doubt. Why in the Hyperspin database there are not all the games?? For example Time Traveller?? Thanks in advance
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Hi all, I have been battling ZSNES all day today and hopefully someone may be able to shed some light. I picked up a gigabyte brix awhile back with the intention to upload some of my Hyperspin collection for on the go and travel. Anyways, the resolution is 864X480. Sucks, I know. Anyways, I have had some luck getting several systems to work, but ZSNES is not wanting to cooperate. The weird thing is that it will work outside of Hyperspin, but once I try it through Hyperspin I received this error, "make sure your video card supports this mode" and then I cannot open ZSNES again without receiving this error. I then have to delete the config files and reconfigure it again…
Last reply by nimpa, -
- 6 replies
Where can I find an Acorn Archimedes emulator? Can anyone provide a link (with bios)?
Last reply by brolly, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I'm putting a HyperSpin build into an arcade cabinet (and using an ipac) so naturally I have to make all the emulators use the same button config. The easiest thing to do thus far is reconfig everything match MAME (which includes some ALT, CNTL, and SPACE buttons). That approach is working just fine so far but when attempting to recofig controllers in the SSF Saturn emulator the program is unresponsive to alt, cntl, and spacebar entries. Is there a way around this or am I doing it wrong?
Last reply by Henderson33, -
- 6 replies
Hi Lads, having major issues trying to get retro going. When I click on the exe the app crashes. It works fine on my 2nd PC. The DOS window display briefly for a second and disappears with the app crash. I have attached screen grabs of the errors. I have tried the following: - Stable, nightly builds, many different version - Installed the .dlls from the redest zip Any ideas lads? Thanks
Last reply by faydra6410, -
- 63 replies
First, let me start by saying I've watched the youtube from gigaguides and followed that through step by step. However, I must be doing something wrong. I used the rom set that is currently on the site that rhymes with shit famer. I then used the files from the gigaguides' youtube video. I followed all the hyperlaunch/hyper HQ instructions as well. I can't get any of the games to work. Arcana Heart 3 for example gives me a hyperlaunch error "There was an error waiting for the window "AH3". I have fade disabled and there's nothing in my files referencing AH3 anywhere. My folders and such are all named to full game names per the XML. Ex: Arcana Heart 3. I…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 4 replies
Anyone know a location with catver.ini archives? Mameworld no longer exists so its making it difficult, I need .106 catlist specifically.
Last reply by nimpa, -
- 4 replies
retroarch for some reason doesnt work in fullscreen audio for me no matter what i do im lost on why its not working
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 1 reply
I was wonder if Amstrad gx4000 bios needed for mess core in Retroarch can't find it anywhere Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 9 replies
Hi I have downloaded Hyperspin Project: The Frontline and its emulators. For Nulldc I put the exe and rom paths correct but get black screen with no sound! Nulldc works great out of hyperspin and in maximus arcade but not hyperspin. Also I have SSF set up for sega Saturn. Works outside hyperspin but once in hyperspin a messege comes up saying that it is unableto mount demeons tools. I have installed demeon tools lite and have created scsi drive. in the instructions it say to go into settings.ini in hyperspin settings folder and at the top in the hyperlaunch section copy a text supplied. there is NO hyperlaunch section in the settings.ini!!!!! I really new at this …
Last reply by griffin518, -
- 2 replies
Ok when i run some of my games through BlueMSX even though they are MSX games they don't run, but when i choose MSX2 + they run fine, so i set the emu to MSX2 + but when launching through hyperspin the AKH Module checks what system the rom is for and sets it to MSX which then the game doesn't run...?
Last reply by tonycrew, -
- 0 replies
doe's anybody know how to make a module for this emulator. it's not emulated in hyperspin. would be great for a wide selection of mobile phone games back in the day!
Last reply by nathan1974au, -
- 8 replies
Is there a way to either use a key, or map a key to savestate slots in the new retroarch? Like, in mednafen it's really easy to use hyperpause because you just have to send a keypress to start the save process, and send a keypress to hit the number of the save state. All I see in retroarch is the menu bar where you can select a savestate with the mouse.
Last reply by damageinc86, -
by dadz- 1 reply
Hi everyone ! Difficult for me to understand how HS works for now (bad in english), but I'm here to learn how to configure it... Hope I will success. I am creating my own arcade cab from scratch, and hope HS run on it soon... Bye !
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 4 replies
I am having a problem with ePSXe when started with hyperspin where the emulator appears to freeze/crash. I have looked through all the other issues on this site about this problem, but noticed that nobody seemed to find a good fix. They either switched to a different emulator or loaded Daemon Tools. I would like to solve this problem without using Daemon tools. It works fine when launched from manually from windows explorer or when I launch it from the games tab in Rocket Launcher UI, so we should be able to solve this through hyperspin without adding DT IMHO. I have slow boot turned on which displays the original sony logo from the bios. It crashes just after the 2nd pay…
Last reply by Dabil, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Hi all, I did have an issue with my Hyperspin install and need to reinstall everything from scratch...(HDD DEAD) :S As this was an old Hyperspin version, I began to have a look at the current version which is no 1.4 and seem to have a lot of changes. Looks like lots of emulators are now replaced by retroarch that can be used to emulate a very wide range of systems. My question is the following, do anyone know where I could grab a link, torrent file or anything that links to a recent configured Hyperspin environment ? I'm struggling with Rocketlauncher and such things, and have errors when trying to launch the emulators I do not need any roms or stu…
Last reply by Metalzoic,