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support multi sub wheels on main menu ?




hi is there a guide or something i could follow to do this in english as im very interested in this technique and it would be handy to have in the future maybe even possible to add onto hyperspin 2.0 release if we ever figure it out thanks regards relic.


salut est -il un guide ou quelque chose que je pourrais suivre pour le faire en anglais comme im très intéressé par cette technique et il serait utile d'avoir à l'avenir peut-être même possible d'ajouter sur Hyperspin version 2.0 si jamais nous le découvrir grâce Cordialement relique .



heres what im refering too if you dont know


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"theres is just a rip off version of ours."


What do you mean by this? Are you saying there's a different working version of it?



i mean the french one is very simlar in  a way sept its using java but has hyper spin exe to run it  


but if you guys want to try it out i found this page with links maybe this will work better http://www.arcadepunk.co.uk/****************-hyper-free-spin-something-french-dont-know/


recommended use jdownloader to grab all links in 1 go - http://jdownloader.org/

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This would be great for adding tv shows and video game related internet videos to my emulator/media box under my t.v.


T.V/Internet>AVGN>Episode 1, 2, 3......


yeah when i

Did anyone get this to work? 


I haven't been able to follow the instructions.




yeah when i tested it it was very buggy like the themes didnt fit in place for starters and i couldent get the multiwheel option or any of it to work i think the best thing to do is use the source and code into it for our own frotend which is the orginal theres is just a rip off version of ours.

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Here's the link:




Copy/paste it. I tried to create a link but it doesn't access the site.


For convenience...

Mega with the config that I created for Homayonahmade

https://Mega.co.nz/#F! lVoWjDYb! 7IXPvCwDJ9HPblcMadytfg

inside the folder you'll find

Start HyperSpin.exe program to launch at startup

multi wheels.exe program which fill has the fly the correct file in the right place

the folder setting

the databases folder

the configuration folder

in the configuration folder we find the Wheels folder that contains it the folder Box1

These in this box1 folder that we will find all the files sub Wheels

In this case we will create a folder for each wheel sub we created

Let's take as an example the AMIGA folder

Inside we find the Menu.xml hand that contains systems Commodore Amiga CDTV-Commodore Amiga CD32


We also find the file parametre.ini

If we edit the parametre.ini file we find inside


Consoles: these system parent

followed by a space and Box1: these folder or we sum

and still followed by a space and ecran1: is not used but a master, his served for a screen configuration

If we look into the Menu.xml hand of the parent wheel, therefore in the console folder


We find well our AMIGA entry

and in the parametre.ini file


We find wheels which is the first wheel of the system

then in the settings folder we find each created sub wheel name ini file

Let's take the example with the AMIGA system

We will edit the file AMIGA.ini


the line that interests us sound

exe = Multi Wheels.exe: my Multi Wheels program has run

parameters = AMIGA Box1 ecran1: la these every single one puts the name of the system

to do with all the system you want to add

However never master two identical system name

then by launching multi wheels.exe


You can activate multi wheel

by activating a backup of the main menu.xml of origin will be save

and replaced if deactivate you the function

for images of the wheel sub simply masters in media/hand wheel-images-menu

and the themes in media/main menu/Themes

good evening to all and good test

Last edited by supermomo93 on Apr 13, 2015 - 21:04, last edited 1 time.

Thanks dude!





Posts: 239

Inscription: 07 Feb 2013 - 00:00


Can someone try my zip file? That's not the Spanish version of things, it's an exe I got from the ftp I think she I was helping identify useful apps


I believe knewlife made this application. For those wondering what it does :

it lets you change your main menu filtering the entries based on the year and genre (type of system)



those guys are spanish, not french. I'm not sure french are using this method, even on the french site. You should contact a spanish guy on youtube to ask him. In europe, the hyperspin community is active but they don't work and share here. I don't understand that... United, we could be stronger... But now, we have to surf on many website to find stuffs. It's not centralized. Too bad :(

Really? Search which other sites? For what? Themes and other art things?


i didnt make it the spanish did and the french seem to have a diffrent method compared to the spanish type

but to find out there guide you have to go on the french site and i think you have to register as well ill post a link so you guys can check the diffrence between them -


http://forum.just follow the title of the vid to find the site.fr/tutos-pour-hyperlaunch/multi-wheel-hyperspin-est-possible-t3041.html

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those guys are spanish, not french. I'm not sure french are using this method, even on the french site. You should contact a spanish guy on youtube to ask him. In europe, the hyperspin community is active but they don't work and share here. I don't understand that... United, we could be stronger... But now, we have to surf on many website to find stuffs. It's not centralized. Too bad :(


well even the french know how to do it so there must be a more simple way to solve this perhaps a program could be made for doing this trick like an old switcharoo addon you could use some app which duplicates programs and links them in together


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I never figured out how they did it but I know what they did. This is the case of opening multiple instances of hyperspin. It's like a hyperspin within a hyperspin. I'm following this thread cuz I never got to doing this and I too would like to get the steps


Okay, so your asking if a future release would allow a three layered wheel tree(System type list, Specific System list, Games) instead of the current two layer (Main Menu of Systems and Games).  This would be interesting.


Ya that would be great. I've always been looking for a way to have a main menu which has a console wheel, computer wheel, arcade wheel, handheld wheel etc. then once you click it, you would see all the systems and you could choose accordingly. Does the new app that you are working on account for this?


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