Video Games
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351 topics in this forum
- 22 replies
- 6.7k views As Daniel Bryan would say. YES! YES! YES!!!!!
Last reply by Fursphere, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, I picked up a sega naomi cab a few weeks ago. I bought it off craigstlist without seeing it first in hopes of making it a mame cab but the control panel is a little too small for what I want. SO I was thinking about keeping it around just to mess with and I had a few questions. It seems that this cab has analog joysticks, but on any info I can find about this cab it says that the controls are 8 ways... does this mean that i can use the analog sticks on any naomi game? or does it just work on a few select games. If i can use the analogs for ANY game, excluding driving and shooting games, i might just buy one of the card readers for the mobo and keep it aro…
Last reply by sosfx, -
- 2 replies
can someone explain to me.. why Ninjas tend to run like they think their an airplane?
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 1 reply
This one looks decent's a retelling of the original smb. More free games I guess. This one looks great too Download link Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Last reply by THK, -
- 2 replies
- 353 views Couldn't resist sharing this one.
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 7 replies
Get doom 4 beta key Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Last reply by jeepguy81, -
- 3 replies
Available now on steam.... This is a must get for me
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 1 reply
- 345 views Went to use the Daphne Loader to setup Dragon's Lair today, and found that the site is down and I am unable to download updates or whatever it is that Daphne Loader does.
Last reply by DJEngineer, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone I have just obtained a sega mega drive 2 ,upon inspection it has a va4 motherboard from August 1997 surely this has to be the last ones they made, I have seen 1996 ones before but never a 1997 anyone know anymore about these? might keep this one for myself Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by gazsnk, -
- 9 replies
Hi, Anyone else when playing Street Fighter III series on Mame (1.51 & 1.51 rom/chd) have to load the "CD" or "Disk" each time before playing? Is there a way around this to make the game load up instantly like the other Mame games? just bit of a bore when I have friends round and it takes about 30mins to "mount" the CHD. Thanks
Last reply by dark13, -
- 23 replies
I thought I'd start a thread about remakes. focussing on the ones that I'm realy realy looking forward to. War of the Overworld. It's a remake !!*hmm?* of Dungeon Keeper!!*ow * the way it was supposed to be done!! *yay!!* F* off with that two bit overly complicated absolutely un playable game that goes by the name of Dungeons.. THIS is the remake we aspiringly evil Overlords have been waiting for. The kick starter that Started last year raked in enough money to even get the original voice actor Richard Ridings (you know him)... I'm a Bedrock Beta tester which yo ucan become by just buying the game off steam.. It's truely delightfull.
Last reply by jvlk, -
- 17 replies
Some of you may remember this game Have a look at this remake Guys.... Now on PC Grab your Bro and get ready to rock!
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 34 replies
Question to those out there. There original Tempest... Does anyone know how many times you had to rotate the spinner to get a full rotation out of the spaceship? Thanks, Ron
Last reply by potts43, -
- 1 reply
Anyone playing this? If so what server. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4.
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys, i'm Giacomo an italian game developer at Studio Evil. I know that all of you are retro-arcade addicted so i would like to let you know our game "Syder Arcade"! Syder is a side scrolling shoot'em'up inspired by the best old school Amiga titles. So if you like space, aliens, starships and so many explosions i think that you'll have fun with it! If you have some feedback, let we know what you think on Syder's community page on Steam! Thank you!!
Last reply by Kamekjay, -
- 3 replies
At the risk of being accused of spamming all things Kotaku on this forum, I thought I'd throw this out to you all: A He-Man themed brawler. Like some of you, part of my Hyperspin obsession caters to nostalgia. He-Man was my gateway cartoon into three hour Saturday morning cartoon marathons paired with cereal. Needless to say I'll be adding this to my wheel immediately. If anyone could help out with wheel art etc, it would be much appreciated!
Last reply by H3ll, - Nidhogg is the epic award-winning fencing tug-of-war, full of graceful acrobatics and clumsy stabs. IRL yelling and excitement may occur, in this ultimate two-player showdown of fast-paced fencing and melee attacks. Beware, advantages in Nidhogg are often fleeting, as new opponents continually spawn in your way. Reviews “A brilliant marriage of mechanics, level design and music that will be played and talked about for years to come.” 93/100 – PC Gamer “It’s the most exhilarating competitive game I’ve played in years.” 9/10 – IGN “Nidhogg is about the purity of two friends on a couch duking it out as Daedelus’s moody dynamic electron…
Last reply by Tristeele, -
- 9 replies
Eya, What's one of your favorite forgotten classics? by which I mean a game that you remember fondly but for some reason people don't remember or don't talk about it.. One of my all time forgotten classics is Faxanadu, a side scrolling RPG platformer on the NES. It has an awesome plot, you play a hero who returns to his hometown(situated at the roots of the world tree) to find it nearly deserted, the walls are crumbling and nobody is there to greet him. Upon your arrival you are summoned by the king who is desperate for your help and sends you on a quest to set things right. As you progress the find out that the springs that gives the tree it's life have dried up and …
Last reply by teacworms, -
- 2 replies
The story of putty squad is a bit on the weird side... it was released in 1994 for supernes while amiga version (finished) was not released at all even if some magazines did review it. It shows the weak and strong points of amiga 1200. Amiga 1200 could compete with a snes in terms of graphic goodness BUT in 1992 it simply was "too few, too late". After 20 years system 3 released amiga version for free. It works with winaue, just setup an amiga 1200 and load .ADFs on disk drives
Last reply by rfancella, -
Looks like this is coming soon to Steam via greenlight. Simpy too much awesome!
Last reply by teacworms, -
- 28 replies
It's about time! I can't wait
Last reply by chuonger, -
- 4 replies
For anyone who loves Captain America and The Avengers like I do, this OpenBOR project looks like it will be real fun to play.
Last reply by jeepguy81, -
- 2 replies
Are there any cab friendly Incredible Hulk games, I really need a good hulk game for the kids!
Last reply by SORHP, -
- 3 replies
Just wondering if it's possible to play these games without using a launcher as it takes away from the arcade feel. Doom 3 I have one version that did t have controller support so I tried another version that had controller support but wouldn't go to 640x480 resolution for my crt monitor but the first version had this resolution??
Last reply by zerojay, -
- 3 replies
As the title suggests. I might just get them all.
Last reply by Falantrius,
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