Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 14 replies
I have a pc Arcade with Hyperspin 1.3 setup only with MAME, but now I want to add on same wheel 5games: one PS2 emulator game, two Nintendo Gamecube and two Nintendo 64 games. I already installed on the pc the PCSX2, Dolphin and Project 64 emulators on the pc and they all working great with the games I choose! Now I want to put those games in Hyperspin wheel, is it possible? can I do it manually on xml... so avoid messing up the Hyperspin Mame Arcade that is running great? Thanks in advance
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 1 reply
Solved most of my problems with playstation now im getting a runtime error after iv booted a game more than once any ideas thanks
Last reply by viper360, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys. I'm new in hyperspin and I would like if anyone can support me. I have winuae and amiga roms, but the roms have others names then I tried Dons tools for rename the roms. There are so much roms to rename. Is there any pack ready to download with suitables names? I downloaded roms no intro but the names are different than last Commodore Amiga.xml. I would appreciate any help thanks
Last reply by rastan, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys. I have MAME ruuning árcade games without a problema. The thing is i cant run it on anything else. When i try to run any other system (for exemple when testing in Rl) it shows the fade screen stating "loading" but it goes back to the Rl menu after. What i´m i missing? Can anyone help me?
Last reply by Pafkosta, -
- 0 replies
Hi there I've got an upright racing cabinet with a Logitech wheel / 2 aimtrack guns and an ultimarc u-hid for extra arcade buttons . ive assigned an exit and enter button with joy to key on my Logitech wheel and am able to exit mame and mame games by pressing these . If I choose the model 2 and play virtua cop or any other shooting or racing game on it I am in able to exit the game by pressing the button assigned to escape . I have to press "alt F4" to get out of the game and back into hyperspin . Would like to know if I can avoid having to use the keyboard to exit . thanks .
Last reply by wardiz, -
by TheMadHatter- 3 replies
Hey Guys, First wanted to start off by saying I tried to do research before posting here lol. Ok so idk what happened but my SSF was working just fine until i messed with the controller configs switching from XBOX gamepad to Keyboard layout and back to XBOX gamepad. All the research I did said to get updated Drivers or maybe a GFX Card Issue. So I do have up to date DirectX drivers And my Graphics card supports higher demanding emulators like ePSXe so idk why it would just stop working RIGHT after i changed the controller layout. This is wat happens. I run SSF It shows up Minimized on my taskbar and i can hear the sounds and even if i scroll over t…
Last reply by TheMadHatter, -
- 2 replies
Thanks in advance for all the help I've received by just reading previous posts. I'm currently running Mame 0.153 with the associated ROMs. Everything is working great and I'm ready to start my arcade build, however, I would like to tweak the seetings on my vector games - they look so faded on my 27" TV using S-Video. I've watched videos on YouTube on how to tweak the vector.ini file but when I hit the ~ key, the master volume is the only thing I can adjust. Questions: 1. is HLSL supported in .153 or should I upgrade to a newer version of MAME? 2. If HLSL is supported in .153, why can't I tab through the different settings? 3. Will I be able to make Sta…
Last reply by abear, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Is it possible to setup retroarch to run amiga games ?
Last reply by rastan, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
For some strange reason , when i start a game in DEmul and try to configure controls , it crashes. I'm not able to get into configure menu so i can't configure it. Does someone have a solution for this, or have a DEmul v0.7.ini file with xbox 360 wireless controllers configured? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by MazeNblue, -
- 4 replies
Help i have a few games. i have a loader with a front end. but i cant get it to load with rocket launcher any guilance with this would be helpful. do i use the front end EXE as the emulator ? or DXWnd ? and what rom file do i choose to launch? launcher.EXE ?
Last reply by smoothop, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi Anyone having problem launching some of the taito type x games after updating RL? I am getting missing ROM error for some games. Tapatalk を使用して私の A0001 から送信
Last reply by smoothop, -
- 0 replies
I've fallowed all the steps, I need to mapp out my hyperspin controls for my X-arcade tankstick, it seems when I go into rocketlauncher or JoytoKey and map out the controls they don't apply to the game or system. I have a wired keyboard attached to the X-arcade tankstick is that casing my mapping issues. How do I fix this because it seems $300 for this is not worth it if none of the games are mapped right except for Mario as we all know there is only two bottons. What am I doing wrong?
Last reply by Tfan1138, -
- 15 replies
I need to convert some bin/cue and iso format games to CHD format so I can use them with the MESS emulator (via retroarch, if it matters) this is for various systems, but at the moment I'm looking at Neo Geo CD games and Amiga CD32.
Last reply by ci2own, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I am trying desperately to remap some of my arcade buttons but I can't :-( i am using Hyperlaunch the auto hot key works fine but it doesn't work when I launch the game any idea? any suggest? anything?
Last reply by Opy, -
- 11 replies
As this exodos v2 collection takes 3 hours to unzip 370gb, whats the process of implementing it? Use d-fend reloaded? I got frustrated with dfend due to the installing games etc. I'm under the understanding that this is already done? i am obviously wanting to run in in hyperspin and not stand alone mode. are there any tweaks inside dfend reloaded that need to be done to use the exodos collection?
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 37 replies
Hey everyone, So I have the Raine emulator all setup, and I even have it playing Neo Geo CD games wonderfully... or at least it plays "King of Fighters '94, The" very well. (I haven't tried anything else yet). So with that in mind, I know I have the proper BIOS and everything up and running... Except... when I launch the game... it does just that. It launches straight into the game. Now, if you're saying to yourself... "Ok, so what's the problem?" Then, you are forgetting something.... The boot sequence! It doesn't have the system startup Imagine Dreamcast without the bouncing ball, PSX without that telltale sound and Sony logo... How do I get this to play…
Last reply by badboo, -
- 0 replies
Ok it's been three days and I'm completely out of ressources now. I've decided to set up my xbox 360 controller with joytokey to navigate hyperspin. I used this guide https://gameroomsolutions.com/hyperspin-controller-setup-with-joytokey-and-gamepad/ I setted up joytokey only for hyperspin and rocketlauncher. The games button are bin in retroarch. For a weird reason I had to rebind all my buttons. But although NES and Playstation work like a charm, I can't figure to bind the SNES controls. It's like it's override by joytokey. When the game is on and I press B it exit the game. But when I shutdown joytokey and come back to the game, the controls work perfect. …
Last reply by zaerdy, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys, So I have triforce setup and working perfectly, for triforce to work you need to set port-1 to AM-Baseboard. If i set this then dolphin 5.0 also changes its settings to the same thing meaning the gamecube controller 1 no longer works and I have to change this back each manually each time i change between the two. Does anybody know a way to automate this?
Last reply by RLBradders26, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys cant figure out what going with winvice64. i have setup my controls in winvice and created a config file as requested by RL. went in to check and it's there. Using my tankstick. Every time I load a game I get stuck at its splash screen..is there an "enter" button to be setup? I've setup my fire button and directional, which are functioning. but I cannot enter actual gameplay. I get to the main game main menu, and can't get past there. also, I understand all the roms have to be unzipped? Whenever I do that and audit the games I get a game audit error regarding cache? Any ideas as well? But is there a control setting I'm not aware o…
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 2 replies
Ok. So I am familiar with where I can manually go into ePSXe and select the memory cards i want to use for a specific game im playing. Like if im about to play FF7 i can select the memory cards .MCR files though the config. But i wanted to know is there a way to have ePSXe do that manually so that i dont have to hop out of fullscreen mode and reload memory cards each time i change a game in my hyperspin set up.
Last reply by TheMadHatter, -
- 31 replies
Can someone help me with loading 3DO games in retroarch? I load retroarch with the 4do core, and when i try to load a 3do image it either does not do anything, or it loads the bios, and takes me to the insert disc screen. I have tried loading an .iso file, and a .cue file. The iso does nothing, the cue does the insert disc screen. I have tried mounting the iso, and cue file with daemon tools, but windows says it can't read the disc, and when i try to load the disc drive in retroarch it can't find anything. Everything works in the 4do emulator when loading the .cue file. Am I missing something?
Last reply by badboo, -
- 1 reply
I am trying to run sega stv through mame, but it doesnt seem to work? The only error I see is something about gdip.ahk but not sure what is wrong. segastv.html
Last reply by rastan, -
- 0 replies
I'm trying to bind my buttons in ePSXe and have tried three different versions from 1.9, 2.0, to 2.05 with no luck. As soon as I click on the button I want to map/bind it automatically gets filled in. It gets filled in by the same button no matter what I select and I've verified that button isn't stuck on or anything. I don't have any problems with any other emulators. I can also use LilyPad and it binds buttons just fine. That isn't a real option for me, though, because in order for my wheel to work properly with RocketLauncher and HyperSpin, I need to use the NegCon option as part of the core 2.0 plugin and that's the one I'm having trouble with. I'm trying …
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 0 replies
Good morning guys, Im facing the following problem: In atari 2600 i have NTSC and PAL rooms. This rooms can both run in NTSC and PAL Bios, but, if you open a PAL room on the NTSC bios, the image is cut and the color are different (yeah, i know, its strange). The big questions now is, how can i have, only one Atari 2600 Wheel, with all games (PAL and NTSC), and configure my system to decide when to use this or the other BIOS?? If you guys have any alternative solution, that also helps a lot. Have a nice weekend,
Last reply by Jefsola, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
It's been a long time since I tried both Mugen or OpenBor, mainly because most part of those programs were from Win XP era and I wasn't satisfied with all that resolution switching every time, most runs at low resolutions so I ask for anyone that can confirm. Were both Mugen and OpenBor programs updated to be displayed in 1920x1080?
Last reply by Aorin,