Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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Seems like I'm having a bit of a problem setting my AES games. Rocketlauncher somehow magically starts my games with a AES Bios which is great but also creates a aes.cfg file which prevents per game settings from loading. For my MVS games I created a neogeo.ini file and specified the Bios as Unibios31. However I can't do the same with my AES system because I have no idea where the AES bios is coming from. or what it is called What I need is either a way to specify the Bios in the ini file or a way to prevent Rocketlauncher from creating a aes.cfg file. I want my AES Bios but I also want per game configs. Any help would be appreciated.
Last reply by thatman84, -
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- 2 replies
Ive noticed on a few games on Mame that some games appear a lot more pixelated than the original games, is this something to do with my settings or is it just the way it is. Out run being one, my pic below is a lot more pixelated than the arcade version itself.
Last reply by ticmike, -
- 1 reply
I originally followed this guide and downloaded a copy of mameuifx .175. However I don't have the no nag version. Is there a setting I can tweak somewhere? Or should I just grab a fresh copy of .180 no nag that is hosted here? I was just worried about some of my games being incompatible.
Last reply by bzeeb, -
- 12 replies
Just set some games up outside of HS to get them running and I have some themes for HS. My guess is the same process for setting up TTX games will apply... and they seem to be cranking these bad boys out fast and furious... definitely looks like a nice add for those into Arcades. I'll admit that I haven't played any of the games yet or even configured the controls... but the games I tested ran and that's all I really cared about for the moment.
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 4 replies
I'm trying to find the best concise info on laserdisc games- looking for a quick rundown of a Daphne vs MAME vs (other emulator?) list of what is best for what? I see Youtube videos where I think people confuse the emulators... such as claiming to play Dragon's Lair in MAME (currently in non-working status) instead of the more likely Daphne. I'm very familiar with Daphne so I guess I'm asking what games and best emulators you need for a whole setup. Am I correct in the following assumptions: - Daphne is the best emulator for all games it emulates - NO laserdisc games supported by DAPHNE work/are supported by MAME except Cliff Hanger, Cobra Comm…
Last reply by phantasy, -
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Ive grabbed the latest hyperspin build and am having trouble with retroarch. I am using an Ipac and have configured all the other emulators to suit. player one uses the up, down, left, right arrow keys and they show up on retro arch as num8, num2, num4, num6. Player two uses 8, 2, 4, 6 on the num keypad that has arrows, and retro arch sees this as the same num8, num2, num4, num6. Every other emulator see's this as up,down,left,right for p1 and num8, num2, num4, num6 for p2. Anyone able to help Thanks
Last reply by matty_g_8, -
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- 10 replies
I'm surprised there is not greater focus on HBMAME. I've learned that it replaces and updates MISFITMAME, and nearly all of (ok, maybe ALL of) PACMAME as well. 1. Anyone know how to get HLSL and or GLSL working in HS with this emulator?? I can't do ANYTHING with it in the emulator but best I can do is in RL by going into its section, then settings, bezel and selecting a shader of either CRT-1080p or Scanlines-1080p. Both look about the same. I'm currently using the same module file as mame as I have not seen a HBMAME specific one. I even put the HBMAME emulator (and set the settings) in the same path as my MAME folder to hopefully use either the same shader effects …
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 3 replies
Look around, found 'Xenia' and ended up with a nasty virus...had to do a clean reinstall of my OS drive :/ Any good one's out there. ahh, is Xenia a real xbox 360 emulator? t
Last reply by t.h.c, -
- 3 replies
I've been out of the loop for a while on the MAME variants... Is HBMAME the newer and continuation of misfitmame? I'm assuming PACMAME is an exclusive pacman game MAME build and likely both all official MAME and unofficial HBMAME pac-games. If you use MAME and HBMAME, does that also make pacmame redundant? Are there any others? I seem to remember a neomame and a sega genesis hazeMD flavor of MAME but is there any point in those now? Any others?
Last reply by THK, -
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- 3 replies
Hey everyone, I've been using the dolphinbar for over a year now, and it's been pretty reliable for me. However, when I upgraded my TV from a 32" 1080p to a 55" 4K, I've started having some trouble. The bar still works in itself; however, it only seems to pick up the IR signal when I hold the remotes to the far left or far right, never when I'm straight in front of the sensor. I am around 8 feet away from the sensor/TV. Could this possibly have to do with the TV resolution? Or maybe I should try putting it above the TV instead of below? Checking to see if anyone has had similar problems. I find the problem I'm having is also consistent among games, it's not just a pa…
Last reply by JoeC3109, -
- 5 replies
Hello, Anyone have a clue how to get to the various settings (File, Hardware, Video, etc. on the top bar of Colem)? When I start Colem, it immediately wants me to open a file. When I open a file - it starts emulation immediately. Can't get back to the top menu. When I hit cancel - it looks like it defaults to the BIOS screen and I can't get back to the top menu. I want to tweak the video options so that it does not render a full, stretched screen but I see now way to get to the options bar. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Last reply by rastan, -
- 14 replies
A few years ago, someone on these forums was able to add bezel support to Taito Type X games. This was done by modifying some the game exe files and creating a new PC launcher module. Now, at the time i was new to Hyperspin and had other problems to solve so I just bookmarked it and moved on. Now with this new forum, that thread is gone. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Is there a need for bezels in Taito Type X? I would assume some games would benefit from them. I've tried adding bezels using the latest PC launcher but without any success at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by Yeuxkes, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I have configured ePSXe to work with two controllers and it works fine when I launch ePSXe manually and run an ISO. However when I launch the ISO via Hyperspin/RocketLauncher the controllers don't work anymore. RocketLauncher is definitely pointing to the same emulator. Could it somehow be using a different config to when I launch it manually? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by OnionEclipse, -
- 3 replies
Just curious if many emulators really benefit from cores once they are un-parked? I know certain emulators have multi-core support check options. just curious as I recently un-parked my cores and have been going thru various emulators and PC games to see if performance is that much better.
Last reply by rastan, -
- 0 replies
Hello, i want to try out this Loader but it won't start at all. I just see the Loading (Cursor) for a second and thats it. :/ Tested it with several revisions on 3 pcs (Win7/10). Always the same phenom. I found out, the programm should create a directory and some files under C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Game Loader I already see the folder, but it's empty! Maybe someone could tell me what has to be in there? Or can someone upload the content of this Folder for me? sorry for english (not my first language) thanks a lot
Last reply by schmutzbrust, -
- 0 replies
Does anybody have experience with using the Logitech driving force wheel with hyper spin ? I've noticed that when you change to a different emulator such as mame or model 2 , you have to change the Logitechs settings for "combined pedals " for mame / or click combined pedals "off" for model 2 to work properly. Ive made profiles for mame/model2, in the Logitech config screen to do this automatically when i launch the emulator . Is hyperspin able to launch each different emulator and make the Logitech profile settings change automatically to suit ?
Last reply by wardiz, -
- 9 replies
Hello, Hope it's ok to ask... Searched all over and can't seem to find the MAME v.180 no nag patch. Anyone have this file? Thomas
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Finally updated to ver 0.180 from 0.172. Problem is, instead of the game starting, it tales me to the Mame menu screen. How do I bypass it? Fixed it. Stupid 7z was enables. Now, is there a way to remove the blue box warning that says "There are known problems with this machine" on some games?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone, Hoping someone can give me an idea of what I need to do .. I have a heap of c64 roms and they load up all fine but when I am playing the games the speed is so fast. any idea on how I can slow the games down because playing in fast speed is not what I was hoping for any ideas greatly appreciated
Last reply by gigapig, -
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- 2 replies
When I first heard about the retro-gimmicky Mini NES.. like many I laughed at the 30 games pre-installed and basically dismissed it as something for nostalgia and people that clearly haven't been into the emulation scene. Reading all these reports about it being sold out and people wanting them got me to thinking why not add a NES Mini wheel... just for the fun of it but as I researched the 30 games that were on this thing.. it got me thinking.. perhaps I was wrong about it's concept. For the most part.. people that I knew only had a handful of games for their NES and probably started trading for other games and never really had an entire NES collection. the 30 games…
Last reply by Suhrvivor, -
- 2 replies
Is there any way to actually play lightgun games using mouse to joystick? I mean obviously I have already setup my xpadder to control the mouse movements with my analog stick and have changed my mame.ini to use the mouse for lightgun games. the issue is using the joystick to control the mouse... makes the movement way too fast and even setting the mame game settings for sensitivity and speed, etc. does nothing when using the joystick to control the mouse as the movement is still too fast to actually play the game (operation wolf in this case) I should note that using my mouse pad on the the keyboard works perfectly and smooth... I just wish the analog stick in my con…
Last reply by rastan, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I'm running the Commodore Amiga with Win-UAE and the Commodore Amiga CD32 with FS-UAE. Was wondering how to redefine the controls in FS-UAE? The launcher is a little different than win-UAE (F12) any help appreciated thomas
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 0 replies
After a lengthy layoff from Hyperspin due to moving, I caught the bug and have delved back into working on my setup. I'm updated to HS 1.4 and am using RL. My roms for ePSXe are 2 types of files: A single .bin that matches the name in the .xml, and a folder that matches the name in the .xml with a .cue file that matches the name in the .xml and 1 or more track.bin files. If I attempt to launch the .cue as an ISO in ePSXe it fails to load, thus it does the same when attempting to launch through HS. If I manually load the .bin as an iso it will load and play. I'm certain these titles launched prior to my move and subsequent updating. What simple step am I missing? I know…
Last reply by mrfloppy, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I have been running around in circle all night... I have been working on adding more commodore 64 games and added maniac mansion as its in 2 pieces part a and part b.. anyway this is the error.. it starts to load and the cracked teams page loads then when I press the button the attached picture comes up any help with this
Last reply by patto, -
- 6 replies
Always stuck and fade screen. Been banging my head for few hours dont know what went wrong [code] 00:55:52:327 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.1.1.1 (www.rlauncher.com) 00:55:52:327 | RL | WARNING | +0 | Main - Logging level is debug or higher and will cause slowdowns to RocketLauncher's performance. When troubleshooting is finished, please lower logging level to restore proper performance. 00:55:52:366 | RL | DEBUG | +31 | Registry.Read - Reading from Registry : RootKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SubKey=System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows, ValueName=ErrorMode,RegistryVersion=32 00:55:52:366 | RL | DEBUG | +0 | Regis…
Last reply by Metalzoic,