Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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Hello I spent now about 5 a 6 houers to setup bally astrocade(mame/mess/mame/retroarch) Can someone confirm what emulator work. mame 0.173 when starting the rom a screen appear and disapear in a half second. Retroarch the emulator i love because it can play a lot of systems, but it wont start the game when i start the rom only the rocketlauncher/hyperspin loading screen appear. mess 0.163 with the excutable mamearcade64 only the new loading screen from rocketlauncher/hyperspin appear. I just need a point in the right direction i think. ps i dont know how its called the hyperspin/rauncher new loading screen, is it a splash thing or fade. thank aga…
Last reply by martijnoss, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
for running on an arcade cab, so matching the mame default controls. I must be stupid (no need to confirm that fact ) but i was unable to set up the config file myself. i tried using snes9x as it has a shiny gui to set controls, however mame uses keys like "Alt" which you cant assign in snes9x that i can tell. whilst at it if you are sharing, a megadrive/genesis and turbogrfix would be appreciated as well. thanks
Last reply by bigmike20vt, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
I have a complete set of rom in rar format. (iso, cue and wav) Failed using Retroarch seems none of the core suitable to this system. Which emulator do you use please recommend.
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 7 replies
Just wondering, I can't seem to get it to work. Also, does anyone use the MESS core in Retroarch? Also can never seem to get that to work either.
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
HI, Just looking for advice. There seems to be very few retroarch guides on youtube/ internet on how to bump up games to look as good as possible. Reason i ask is i want to use retroarch for emulating N64 but i cant seem to improve on the graphics as much as say the Project64 emulator does. Any advice? Russel
Last reply by russelnash86, -
- 0 replies
Ok first off.. I had daphne setup a long time ago and it was running fine with no problems (in and out of hyperspin) the only change to my system is I dumped my old generic usb PS2/3 style controller and added a logictech usb controller... anyways I noticed that my nullDC started acting funny but that was no big deal since I just went into nullDC and had to re-configure something and it went back to working.... Daphne on the other hand is giving me a error within RL/HS that says something like it can't find /roms/dragons lair or a file in the dragons lair .zip, I remember getting that error a long time ago and fixed it but I have no clue why it's happening now. Daphne…
Last reply by rastan, -
- 3 replies
Hi. I am using an older version of mame. Should I be using the newest version. I did read that some games only support older versions so I have been reluctant to upgrade it.
Last reply by rastan, -
- 0 replies
Hey all. Something that i have been wrestling with for some time now is what games to add from different systems. Of course everything 8-bit and down is good to go ( for the most part ), but the 32-bit era is my question. The analog stick really screws up a lot of games when mapping it to a 8-way. I find myself looking for games were you can use either the D-pad or the analog stick for movement ). That usually involves getting the game and playing it since there is no place that I've found that has that information available for you. So the thing is, sometimes a game will work regardless, most times it will not. So my question is...has anyone had any luck with…
Last reply by thegreatiandi, -
- 10 replies
Well I finally got MAME running... so awesome. Can't believe I held off for this long. I'm using MAMEArcade v0.175 Romset is 0.175 as well Here are the problems I'm having though: 1.) Xpadder not recognized I run all my controllers on everything via xpadder. This is so I can change controllers on the fly. However, MAME doesn't want to respond. So, for example, my coin button is the "-" key, and that is mapped to "Select" in xpadder. When I push "select" nothing happens, but when I press the actual "-" key on the keyboard, it takes it. Not sure why just this emulator is having a problem with Xpadder.... Can anyone lend a suggestion here? 2.) Controls in general. As I …
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 2 replies
I am trying to get my NES ROMs to work with MAME because I want to use cheats. I have 2 sets of NES ROMs - The full name of the ROM (Super Mario Bros. 3.nes) and the Software List set (smb3.zip). I am trying to find a few for the ROMs to launch in MAME and work with the cheat files. As of now, using RocketLauncher and Hyperspin, I can get the full named ROM to launch, but cannot use the cheats because of the naming mismatch. Is there any database I can download or any way to get this to work properly?
Last reply by rastan, -
- 1 reply
Hello. Getting back into HS after a long hiatus. Happy to see how nice Retroarch is now. I am having a problem with non NTSC NES games. I have tried using bnes and nestopia cores. There is a setting that lets you specify auto detect the region of the game and it is indeed set to auto. However when I load a pal game it looks all scrambled. If I manually set it the region to pal and then load the game it works fine. Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 0 replies
Could someone explain how to setup marquee support in mameuifx to use with dual monitors? I have marquees checked off and 2 screens set but all I get on my 2nd monitor is the rom I'm running
Last reply by danwelsh, -
- 5 replies
Anyone update to the full set through season 5 and get it to launch non steam way? Right now I can get the exe up but not launch individual table from hyperspin Link to tables http://www.pinballarcade.com/TablePacks/
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 0 replies
Blowing up the forums with questions as of late. I'm trying to get my second controller working in epsxe, or any Playstation emulator really. I go to configure and setup both controllers just fine. But when I go into any game it doesn't recognize the second controller. Or sometimes it shows I have 2 players but the second controller doesn't do anything. I know I have them configured. Any ideas on why my second controller won't register? Does this for Xebra as well. I can use both controllers in any other console and they both work. Just not the PSX for some reason. Using 360 controllers
Last reply by MilkyThumbs, -
- 1 reply
Does anybody know if there's a way to get the PSX intro to work with epsxe through hyperspin? Where it goes to the white screen then black before it loads the game. Its not a huge deal, more of a nostalgic thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIA0kaGFIhQ Edit: Just realized I spelled the emulator name wrong. Oops.
Last reply by MilkyThumbs, -
- 1 reply
So I cant seem to find a version of xebra or espxe that will run on the 32bit windows. I have tried to mess around with retroarch, but I cant find any tutorials for the 32bit version of retroarch and I have completely given up on it. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Last reply by volumetric, -
- 7 replies
I just updated from .155 to .176. On .155 I had the ini file configured correctly for MAME to see two separate light guns and it worked fine (gun 1/gun 2). Now with .176 I copied over my MAME ini from .155 that I knew was working fine with dual lightguns, loaded up a rom and it sees the lightguns as the same gun number. What would change from .155 to .176 using the same ini file where it now no longer works. This is what worked for me in .155. I wasn't using a UI version in .155, just the normal 64 bit version from mame site and I'm using the normal 64 bit version again for .176 from the site. Anyone else run into this issue updating mame and aimtrak lightguns? # CORE I…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 6 replies
how do I get the WonderSwan color in full screen on hyperspin ? emulator in fullscreen opens with the F3 key but do not know how to put this command in fullscreen ahk module it.
Last reply by haimbilia, -
- 11 replies
For those of you whom love the GameCube & Wii emulator that don't know already, DOLPHIN 5.0 is released!!!!!! Snatch it here ( VGEMU.COM ) if your looking for it.
- 1 reply
Hello Guys i want you to ask if anyone have a configured Profile for the X-Arcade Tankstick for X-Padder and if its working with the Pc Games like Street fighter 5 and other Games
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 11 replies
Ok... I'm sure you've seen me on the site, so you know I'm not an idiot when it comes to emulation. I'm pretty well versed in all of this. There's one... big... glaring... MASSIVE exception though... The realm of the Arcade... I've never been interested in Arcade stuff before. I was practically born with an NES controller in my hand, and I have TOUCHED a physical arcade machine... maybe 5 times in my entire life? All of it before the age of 12.... I'm now 28... for perspective here. I've setup the Neo-Geo AES via RetroArch's Final Burn Alpha core, but that's the closest I've gotten to an arcade really. Where on earth do I start? There are SO many different arcade syst…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 2 replies
Hey all! Im considering implementing a Sega Saturn into my arcade setup. The set up uses the normal Street Fighter 6 button config with an 8 way Happ joystick. Does anyone have a good idea of games that utilized the " D " pad style controls that would translate well to my configuration? Are there enough were going through the inevitable hassle of a Saturn newbie attempting to setup the emulator makes sense? Thanks guys!
Last reply by thegreatiandi, -
- 14 replies
Hi all. Does anyone know a way to make to video output for mame have rounded corners? Like an old monitor? Reason is, I'm using a da-lite projector screen with rounded corners and this would be much better, also would give it a retro monitor style look with some scan lines too? Can anyone help? Thanks everyone.
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi all. Quick question: What are the best Wii games that work well with arcade style controls? Side scrollers? Fighting? Currently i have Soul Caliber, Luigi's game and some random racing game that doesn't work well with an 8 way joystick. Any list of games that you guys think would be great!
Last reply by thegreatiandi, -
- 0 replies
I just found a version of virtual jaguar I didn't know was out there. This is the most up to date I could find. I confirmed the build through the developer site. The build is 6/13/2016. Every other site I have looked at was older version. I have tested it with mainly "Aliens vs Predator" and its alot more stable and less glitchy, however the speed increase is minimal. Still can't get Jaguar CD to run the dics games. Let me know if anyone has and how they did it. Hope this is a better version for anyone who loves this emu. You can get it here www.vgemu.com
Last reply by 5thWolf,