Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 11 replies
Hi Guys, noticed that MAME from 1.68+ supports negeocd and their chds, can anyone get these to work? I cant even get it to recognise using: [MAME dir] MAME>roms>neocd.>mslug>metal slug (1996)(snk)(jp-us)[!].chd MAME>roms>neocd.zip [bios] MAME>roms>mslug.zip [dummy zip] any ideas, cant get the game to recognise in mame dos or mamuui using mame 172 64bit +nonag+ hiscore_ forced directinput 0,172 from downloads thanks in advance MS
Last reply by rtrip, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Hi may I know if anyone using these systems with ipac ?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 5 replies
I'm currently setting up a bartop cabinet which will be running Hyperspin. I have 2 x Sanwa 8-way joysticks installed running through an iPac2. I have setup on the iPac2 that up, down, left and right on the joystick are mapped to the up down left right cursor keys. This all works well. The problem I have however is with setting up WinVice you need to setup 8 directions - as in up left, up right, down right and down left - the diagonals. This is needed for games like barbarian which need the diagonal directions to do moves. Now I know the Sanwa is an 8 way joystick as it can read 2 microswitches pressed at the same time to signal a diagonal press, but I don't see a…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I downloaded Gigapig's Hyperspin setup mainly to make use of the preconfigured emulators in that pack. However, when i push the pause button on RetroArch the screen flashes because it is trying to open a window but fails to do that and it keep doing that till i press the pause button again, and i have no solution for that. Lomg story short, i want to download the latest version of RetroArch, and setup the shaders myself, but i really like the way they are setup in Gigapig's version, and i have no idea to achieve the same result. Can anyone help me to set up the shaders? Or can i just copy a file from Gigapig's config to my new setup so it copies just the sh…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 16 replies
Hi guys.....I'm wanting to use bezels with mame, not through rl but through mame, I have a 1680x1050 monitor.....I had used metalzoics bezel pack with rl but I noticed it stretches the bezel and just doesn't look correct.....will I have to redo all the bezels with the correct resolution to work with mame? Will they even work if I do that and turn them on in mame, I know I also would have to do a lay file for each one......I'm using mameuifx 172. Any help would be appreciated.
Last reply by danwelsh, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, first time poster here. I'm very new to HyperSpin but I'm building my own arcade cabinet and really want to get this up and running. I *believe* that I have everything set up properly but every time I try launching a MAME game, the screen will go black like the game is about to load, I'll very briefly see the word "Initializing..." and then it will bomb out back to the HyperSpin main menu. The log file doesn't really help, as it doesn't give any indication as to what's happening between when it tries launching the game and when it returns to the menu. I know this is extremely broad but I don't know what other details to give you just yet... so any help would…
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
Hey guys, i have issues getting the CPS1,2 and 3 roms running through Rocket Launcher. Whenever i launch them in Rocket Launcher/Hyperspin, an error pops up telling me there was a fatal error and that required files are missing. However, when i launch them in MameUIFX directly they work fine. Using version 0.172. So the roms themselves are fine, but for some reason i cannot get them to work through RL. Are there specific settings i need to enable/disable? I hope you guys can help me out!
Last reply by AeronNL, -
There are a few emulators one being MAME that when i launch a game in hyperspin or rocketlauncher i get the following error in the attached photo. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jonathan
Last reply by JDJD567, -
- 1 reply
I downloaded the newest version of MAMEUIFX from there site and looks like no Hi Score support now? Anyone seen this? And if gone what MAME people suggest using now?
Last reply by rmilyard, -
- 7 replies
Anyone know how to get one of these to work in hyperspin. I have the wheel settings all ready to go and set the .exe to run without hyperlaunch. My mian problem is i have no clue how to write an .ahk for one of these programs. Any help would be appreciated, would really love to start organizing a comic collection for my cab.
Last reply by JDJD567, -
- 0 replies
Hi everybody, Actually, I try to add commodore C64 system. Unfortunately, I don't find roms packs which matches with database xml hyperspin list. Someone would have? (roms pack that maches with xml list). Or url link? Thanks!
Last reply by NicolasRaphael, -
- 6 replies
I have 2 monitors, my main display and a secondary to the left. In Settings they're identified as 2 and 1 respectively. When MAME opens it opens on my secondary monitor. I've tried various settings in MAME.ini - # # OSD VIDEO OPTIONS # video auto numscreens 2 window 1 maximize 1 waitvsync 0 syncrefresh 0 # # OSD PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen auto aspect auto resolution auto view auto screen0 auto aspect0 auto resolution0 auto view0 …
Last reply by DJQuad, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
how to improve the resolution of the games on a TV 40 "?
Last reply by rastan, -
- 1 reply
Please help . Seeking Mame version for touch screens and function Windowed Full Screen or Windowed Borderless. I'm trying to create my portable arcade machine on my Surface Pro 2. To control the play and Hyperspin I use applications Touch Anyway: This application works properly for screen settings -window mode, windowed full screen and some full screen. I did have a lot of emulators (PCSX2, PPSPP, PC Games, Sega Dreamcast ....) for Hyperspin and it works well with this application. Now I would like to add Mame emulator. I installed version: Mame 0.149 nonag cavesh3 dinput highscore and this version works well but does not have windowed full screen. Ther…
Last reply by dmendezn, -
- 0 replies
Hey all I'm sure this is a simple one for those who know the bizhawk emulator. I am looking to map the controls for N64 but there is only player 1 controls. I cant find an option for adding a player 2. Anyone know? I also dont understand why it defaults to just one player. Other systems with Bizhawk don't.
Last reply by Bruiserh89, -
- 1 follower
- 153 replies
Hello All! This is my next installment for the Commodore Amiga CD32! Scope: This guide is to help the community to setup a Commodore Amiga CD32 wheel in HyperSpin using: HyperSpin v1.3.2.0 HyperLaunch v3.0.1.0 HyperLaunchHQ v1.0.12.0 WinUAE v2.6.1.0 - Dowload page: http://www.winuae.net/frames/download.html Daemon Tools Lite - Download page: http://www.daemon-tools.cc/products/dtLite (see disclaimer below) Introduction: The company (Amiga Corproation): Taken from the WiKi page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiga_Corporation The console/computer Amiga CD32: Taken from the WiKi page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiga_CD32 Ok, let's get started: Make su…
Last reply by the_poon, -
- 5 replies
Ok well I took what I think is the best emulator for PlayStation one and made it better! hehehe
Last reply by boomerps2, -
- 10 replies
Hi guys as the title says its a massive longshot but im using a shader called caligari-scanlines.shader in my neoraine setup but want to run my games at 640 x 480 which makes the shader display unevenly. Basically the lines become too big and not uniform. When run at 1024 x 768 it displays perfectly. Is there anyway to modify the shader to display correctly at 640 x 480. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Last reply by fire10, -
- 7 replies
So I haven't messed with MAME since way before 0.162 when MAME and MESS merged, so please be gentle. I have no experience with MESS. I'm now seeing CHDs, Software List CHDs, Software List ROMs, etc. So some questions, and yes I've tried googling for answers What are the differences between them? Those are specific to MESS right? It seems like most that use HyperSpin already have emulators set up to handle the games MESS supported. Not only with a MESS version pre 0.162, but RetroArch. Is there a reason why MAMEUI supports MESS but MAMEUIFX doesn't? I'd rather stick with MAME when possible, but I suppose learning RetroArch is pretty inevitable. It looks lik…
Last reply by DJQuad, -
- 18 replies
finally got all my games for snes to show up in hyperspin, but I cant get the games to run, keep getting error that it cant fins snes9x.conf. I googled it, and came up with what looked like a settings file, but I have no idea how to copy it and make it into a file that is readable by hyperspin... hoping its something simple lol
Last reply by moussa333, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi all, I'm just at the end of building my own cabinet and fired up MAME for the first time last night. It was superb but I also have Spectaculator so wanted to play an old Spectrum game too. I launched Atic Atac but then realised that I can't play it as my joystick/buttons are mapped to MAME controls. I do have a keyboard in a 'hidden' drawer in my cabinet but would rather not have to keep getting the keyboard out to play Speccy games so just wondered if there is a solution to this? Thanks for any help you can give me. :-) PS. If you are on the cusp of building a cabinet but not done it yet I can heartily recommend it. I've never done any woodworking …
Last reply by uptown47, -
- 1 reply
Hi all. I am having trouble getting winkawaks to boot up from hyperspin in full screen. Has anyone got a way of achiveing this? My settings file in the modules folder has full screen enabled true in it but it does not seem to work. Thanks
Last reply by TITCHGAMER, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi Guys, I have recently been trying to set up my controllers to work with multiple games, I use Xbox 360 controllers and would love to get the controls working so they can change with each company I load, Eg Capcom, SNK or CPS2, Neo Geo, I have been following this guide on the subject, http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=100079.0 and it has resulted in some success, now the streetfighter/capcom games work correctly with joypads and fightsticks the issue i am having is with the Neo Geo or SNK games, These games do not have correct button assignments when they load, I have tried to edit the XArcade+XBOX360x4.cfg with no suce…
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys i've been trying the get Sammy Atomiswave working but i'm having problems. As a test rom i've been using Demolish Fist, it works fine outside Hyperspin in Demul 58 but when i launch the game in Hyperspin i get nothing, not even an error. The emulator looks like it tries to load but doesn't. Any ideas?.
Last reply by voyagerxp, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Any one know how to or have a script to auto log in to Fightcade from hyperspin?
Last reply by Metalzoic,