Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 8 replies
Should I add to cab or no? I understand mugen is a 2d "program???" How does it exactly work?? 2d fighting with cross platform characters? Best place to start learning about it? I'm looking online to get educated .... Looks fun?? Yea/no?
Last reply by mosaiclive, -
- 1 follower
- 90 replies
Can anyone please help me with setting up the Acorn Archimedes with HS/RL It boots perfectly, but will not load anything automatically (not even sure if it would load manually tbh...) Problem seems to be that nothing is passing through to the emulator - I have set the wait time in the module for well in excess of what it needs to be, but still noting. Looking at the module it seems that it should be a F12 press to kick things off which when I do it manually works to give me a bar, but nothing automated at all... Anyone able to help? Thanks
Last reply by manson976, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone! I just updated to the newest retroarch setup and went in to download all the cores. After relinking everything i am getting the following error when trying to test out NES games: Could not find retroarch-core-options.cfg in retroarch directory Any idea how to solve this problem?
Last reply by kiddanplay, -
- 1 reply
Trying to setup all the classics wheels ie capcom classics, konami classics etc. Setup the wheel in HQ and added fine Added the .xml file to databases Everything shows up in game audit And everything g shows up in HS properly Launch game you did not supply.any valid rom extensions rocket-launcher. Please turn off 7z support or add at least one extension to Rom extension. Where do I do that? I did them in HQ it looks like, kind of confused.??
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys today i've been trying to setup sony playstation minis in my Hyperspin setup. I've setup in HyperHQ and gone into RocketLauncher to add the rom pathand so on but when i click to add default emulator nothing is there, Why?. Also does everyone use ppsspp as emulator.
Last reply by voyagerxp, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I just recently setup Naomi and wanted to use some of the bezel art people have made but I can't seem to figure out how to get the games to display in 4:3- they're all stretched to fill out my 16:9 monitor. I launched the emulator outside of Hyperspin but couldn't find any options for changing the aspect ratio. Many of the other emulators have a clearly marked "Enforce Aspect" setting or something similar but Naomi didn't seem to. Any ideas?
Last reply by boomerps2, -
MAME 173 No Nag? 1 2 3
by Guest- 1 follower
- 60 replies
Has anyone already done a MAME 173 compile with no nag? The MAME Compiler app isnt showing 173 yet...
Last reply by jvlk, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys I keep hearing about "cave" games and wondering what they are. I have Mame 0.171 running fine in hyperspin but I'm wondering but about Naomi/capcom etc. Are these arcade sets in the mame set already or should I be setting them up as a seperate system on my cab. It's something I've never figured out how the other arcade roms were included in a mame set... Kinda like neo geo. If anybody can provide some simple clarity that be awesome. I'm trying to round out my official "ARCADE" collections
Last reply by rastan, -
- 2 replies
So i have multiple systems already set up including MAME. Rocket Launcher recognizes all my ROMS and will launch from both RL and hyperspin. I tried setting up neo geo and although it recognizes all ROM's in the database for it it will force close when launched from RL and when in hyperspin it starts to boot but ends up at the selection screen as if nothing happened. My settings are the same for MAME as they are in Neo Geo.
Last reply by tjayphilly, -
- 1 follower
- 65 replies
Hello, I would like to set this system up next. Can anybody share wheels, themes, videos, pngs etc? Here is what I have found so far. If you have stuff or locations please let me know. I greatly appreciate it. MAIN MENU STUFF Main Menu Wheel - download from here http://spacevalkyrie.weebly.com/main-menu-wheels.html Main Menu Theme - download from here http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?38873-Acorn-Archimedes-Main-Menu-Theme http://spacevalkyrie.weebly.com/main-menu-themes.html Main Menu Video - I made one. See 3 posts below DEFAULT STUFF Default Game Theme(s) - have not found yet Default Game Videos/PNGs -Emumovies has pngs but no videos htt…
Last reply by manson976, -
- 6 replies
Does anyone have any tips for getting the games to work for the TurboGrafx CD system in Retroarch? I have mounted one of the games in daemon tools and it worked with the Magic Engine emulator, but all I get in RA is a black screen. I looked through the RA log files and saw no errors. My paths and core are all correct and I also have the right bios file in the right location (confirmed by the core info screen). Help!!
Last reply by DJQuad, -
So when I try to launch a MUGEN game it looks for the mugen.exe within the game roms folder and not the rom name\ which is the same as the folder name. Any ideas? So if I change "bastard.exe" to "mugen.exe" seems to work.
Last reply by findme29, -
- 10 replies
Hi everyone, so i have ePSXE installed and everything works fine, but when i launch a game in hyperspin it keeps giving me the error: Error loading gpuPeteOpenGL2.dll When i launch a game in ePSXE i don't have this problem... Please help me, i'm finishing out my last emulators in the hyperspin T_T I want this to be over with so i can enjoy the games Thanks in advance!
Last reply by Scarabay, -
- 10 replies
Hello All, I have a bit of a weird one! I have the Direct Input version of Mame 0.149, and have it working fine with Xpadder.. Well almost; The only mappings that won't work are the Coin input and Start buttons. Once coin inserted from keyboard and pressed start (from the keyboard) all the Xpadder mappings work great! Any ideas? I have tried using different keys for Coins and Starts and mapped those on Xpadder but get same results. I am thinking it may be that Coins and Starts are somehow *above* the input level that Direct Input works on ie. a machine input level over player input level, if that makes sense at all!! Note: I am using Xpadder becau…
Last reply by Cholsonic, -
- 1 reply
I started out setting up dolphin triforce for the arcade Mario Karts using Dolphin 3.0.697. I had it all working in Rocketlauncher & hyperspin perfectly... Then I set up the Gamecube version of dolphin(Last stable version 4.0.2). I created a portable.txt file in each emulators folder so they're both using their own set of config files. But now when I try to launch the arcade Mario Karts it crashes & I see it's the Gamecube Dolphin emulator (4.0.2) running instead of the other one specified in all the dolphin triforce settings. When I hit "launch Emulator" on the emulator tab in rocketlauncher it starts Dolphin Triforce 3.0.697 just fine. I can start the gam…
Last reply by Jaydeekay, -
- 3 replies
I would like to run the Dolphin emulator with good a frame rate but my PC is having a hard time Here are my current specs Intel I5 650 3.2ghz Processor 12gig DDR3 Ram ATI 5450 graphics card 1gb 320w Power Supply Ishiiruka-Dolphin Emulator Currently running a game like F-Zero my FPS is around 35. I think I need to upgrade the graphics card. I'm thinking of buying a GTX 750 TI and bigger power supply but I'm looking for options
Last reply by runduck, -
- 13 replies
Hi new to thisI just got a x-arcade tank stick, the trackball works on windows and the menu section of mame .171but I can't get it to work in any of the trackball games, any suggestions?
Last reply by digdug405, -
- 6 replies
Since I'm really new to all this, I'm trying to understand why MAME loads really slowly from the main hyper spin wheel? I was on MAME 148 and I just updated to MAMEUIFX 173 and now when I click on MAME on the main Hyperspin menu it thinks for a really long time before loading the game list. 148 wasn't instant but it was pretty quick. Is this just a quirk with a newer version of MAME?
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 7 replies
Hi friends I have installed win7 ultimate and gpu 980ti can someone please help me whenever i try to open ssf this error comes up error Idirect3d9::CreateDeviceDerror. file: ./direct3d9.cpp line:1147 function:direct3d9::_initializedirect3d9 I have also installed directx9.0c what else I am missing?
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 12 replies
I'm trying to play Cliff Hanger (cliffhgr) through MAMEUIFX 0.171, and I'm having a problem where the Laserdisc video is not being rendered. The non-Laserdisc video graphics (title overlay, coin counter, etc.) all display correctly. Sound is working, and controls work as well. I came across this thread where someone had a similar problem: http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=339230&page=0&view=expanded&sb=5&o=&vc=1 I tried changing hlsl_enable to 0 in mame.ini, but it didn't change anything. If I can't get it working, I might as well delete it, since it's a 13 GB CHD file. Does anyone have any suggestions? Than…
Last reply by Takaji, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I'd like to add Visual Pinball to my Hyperspin arcade machine. What files do I need and where do I find them? Do I use version 9 or 10? -EpicG
Last reply by QuinnHQ, -
- 0 replies
For some reason this emulator (intellivision) runs i background. So from hyper spin, I click a game, nostalgia loads the game in behind hyper spin. Any suggestions? I forget the fix for this.
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 3 replies
I'm sure this is redundant but maybe somebody could help me out or provide a link. I setup Hyperspin; NES, SNES, Genesis and Atari are all 100% perfect. But with MAME I notice Tekken, King of Fighters and a few other games don't load. And the videos for them are messed up too. I've read that I need the correct version of MAME for the roms I have. But my question is this.... How do I setup different versions of MAME for different games? In HyperLaunch I'm guessing? Should I find the correct MAME version for the roms I have? Or should I find the correct version of roms for the MAME I have. Any help would be appreciated. Once I finish MAME, it's off to keymapping and t…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 4 replies
I just got ePSXe working within HyperSpin. Once ePSKe is launched. is there any way to program a button (or combination) of buttons on my controllers (Logitech) to exit the game? OR Is there a button on my X-Arcade controller I can program to perform the ESC function. Usually when I am in the emulator playing the game, the X-Arcade controller is not functioning. I use the X-Arcade to navigate around in Hyperspin (and for old arcade classic games). Thanks for any ideas of how to exit an emulator like ePSXe and return to HyperSpin menu without having to get my keyboard and hit the ESC key...
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 6 replies
...the epsxe.ahk module (v1.9) in RocketLauncher doesn't work with the new ePSXe 2.0.2-1 version. Does anyone know where I cab download a version of epsxe.ahk newer than 1.9? I cant find any info when the update will be made to RocketLauncher. Thanks,
Last reply by craig816,