Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 4 replies
MAME (and everything related such as classic collections and *CPS1-3 *Cave *Zinc, NEO GEO etc. basically if it's included in the ROM SET and another emulator is optional) SEGA MODEL 2 & 3 Sammy Atomiswave Sega Naomi Sega TriForce Taito Type X1 / X2 American Laser Games Daphne (Laser Games) I'm trying to get everything arcade related so if you know of anything please add on.
Last reply by rastan, -
- 0 replies
Hi Does anyone know how to get derby owners club to work? I've tried so many ways and still can't get it to work, i think it runs in naomi/dreamcast emulator? is there any other system that runs this game? help will be much appreciated thanks
Last reply by ramma999, -
- 1 reply
I get no sound from Heiankyo Alien, anyone get audio going for this? It's a pretty old game, so I would think that sound samples would have been worked out by now?
Last reply by Rotgut, -
- 2 replies
Ive got Daphne with just Dragons Lair, Dragons Lair II and Space Ace. Lair II and Space Ace are working fine, but Dragons Lair is missing sound. You get the Narrator on attract mode, and nothing in game. Seems like there's a squillion things you can tweak in the root folder. Compeltely lost, anyone help ?
Last reply by jockinaus, -
- 2 replies
I keep getting this error for Stratovox, does this look familiar to anyone?
Last reply by Rotgut, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hey guys Having problems with epsxe in hyperspin. I've gotten the emulator launched by itself, etc but cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong in hyperspin. I've played a few Roms I have for it separately (stand alone), my rom path is set properly , but even when I do a game audit it's all red. I'm not too sure if this ps1 emulator has a certain trick to setting her up but if anyone knows please let me aware. I've set up a lot of the basic systems in hyperspin but never this one. Thanks in advance
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 3 replies
I'd like to take a stab at creating a MAME game theme. I know how to create/edit the graphics via Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC but how do you animate and save the file? What programs do I need? Thanks, T.
Last reply by SubZero, -
- 0 replies
i was basically told you can setup global configuration for your controllers it automatically uses default of core for instance nintendo entertainment system have controllers set up for plug and play and whatever settings you set analog or dpad and shaders etc. without having to save in config as per core its idea for me since i dont like to setup each system the same lol just a thought anyone have any ideas of pointing it to rocketlauncher also so it runs in hyperspin thanx in advance
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 8 replies
Ive downloaded Daphne for my new Hyperspin, and it prompts me for a dvd for Dragons Lair I and II,plus Space Ace. Assuming there's no way to get round this, I see DL is available on steam for $10. I was wondering if I could mount this in a virtual drive , and keep Daphne happy ? Gary
Last reply by igx, -
- 2 replies
I am working to simplify my setup by standardizing on a handful of emulators and a minimal set of input configurations. But I want to use original controllers wherever possible. To that end, I have been spending a lot of time setting up RetroArch and the BlissBox 4-Play to play nicely together. Ultimately I found that nearly everything works well out of the box! If you run the retroarch-joyconfig program with a PS2 controller attached, then the default 4-play controller mapping combined with RA's default Retropad/core input mapping removed a lot of complexity. You can swap controllers on the fly to match whatever system you are playing...and it just works. But...…
Last reply by MisterB, -
- 1 reply
Hi I'm new here and I'm setting up my system... everything has been really great except I'm have a helluva time setting up my XBOX 360 controller on mupen64plus inside Libretro/Retroarch. I've been ALL OVER the forums and I can't find anything that will help me... it's been 10+ hours. Also, I would have posted this directly to the Libretro forums, but the CAPTCHA is not working in registration OK, then... here goes: All my other cores work, and I'm using separate .cfg files for each core. But when i go into 007 Goldeneye.... somehow the "C buttons" (C-UP/C-DOWN/C-LEFT/C-RIGHT) buttons are also mapped into to my left analog (control) stick. Makes the game unplayable. …
Last reply by MisterB, -
- 2 replies
Hello all Hyperspin members, I hope 2016 has been the start of a great new year for all of you. For sometime I've known that there was unused musical snippets to the original Donkey Kong game that has made its way onto the internet. Would you or possibly someone else might be interested in adding/replacing these unused music cues to incorporate them into an updated Donkey Kong II game? If I had the expertise to do it I would but i do not. Even though DK2 would remain the same, the music would be different - a nice little update to the game. Attached is a sample of one of the unused DK sounds in mp3 format. Thoughts?
Last reply by bulbousbeard, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
At last someone working on dreamcast, atonomiswave, Naomi etc!! Its only alpha but looks promising! Could be able to have 100% emulation at some point. Let's face it, dreamcast deserves it I still ain't got my desktop running yet, anyone tested this?? http://www.emucr.com/2015/07/demu-wip-v07-alpha.html?m=1
Last reply by phranque1673, -
- 3 replies
I am currently using Mame 0.152 in my arcade machine. There are a few games that I play but they either do not work correctly or sound right. FRENZY, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders Part II. Is it even worth upgrading to version .170 or should I just leave it alone?
Last reply by bulbousbeard, -
- 3 replies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7tZeKxi2wE Of course, ASIO doesn't work with Hyperspin...
Last reply by bulbousbeard, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Not been on site for a while updated my mame to 170 the mame emu i have is MAMEUIFX .163 win32 NoNag+HiScore+DirectInput will this work ok with that rom set all the other version i find are very different to the one i have
Last reply by Emu54, -
- 3 replies
Latest tutorial, this time on dealing with moving Daphne to a different drive or folder. Includes download link to 16:9 Daphne set. Cheers!
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 0 replies
Working on just handhelds today, and got everything working up until my last one, Nintendo DS. It started off fine, I edited one of the DMG shader border images, and replaced it in the directory. Selected it after launch of game, and it looked great! Ran about 4 games from retroarch and all looked great. Ran one game in Rocketlauncher and it looked great. Selected a different game in rocketlauncher and the screen gap was all of the sudden off. Went back to retroarch and ran the first game I tested and it was fine, then ran the same game i just tried in rocketlauncher and it was fine. Went back to rocketlauncher and ran some more games, all of which now have no sid…
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 9 replies
So I've been messing around with retroarch for the past few weeks, getting stuff set up, and it's working great! Really liking the versatility here, and especially being able to play sega cd games without all the drive mounting stuff. So up until the last few days, I have had no troubles with it. But out of the blue, no setting changes or anything, I was launching a sega cd game and had no more sound. Figured that maybe next time I restarted my comp, everything would be reset and no problems, but nope, tried that tonight and did both sega cd and gameboy games, No sound. I went in and saw that audio was enabled and driver was set to dsound, and I never have been in th…
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 0 replies
Ive downloaded Daphne for my new Hyperspin, and it prompts me for a dvd for Dragons Lair I and II,plus Space Ace. Assuming there's no way to get round this, I see DL is available on steam for $10. I was wondering if I could mount this in a virtual drive , and keep Daphne happy ? Gary
Last reply by jockinaus, -
- 5 replies
I am working on building a new arcade setup. I am guessing for MAME I should use MAMEUIFX 0.170. So what about MESS games? I read that MAME and MESS joined but I can seem to get MESS games to load. I am not sure what I need to do. Or should I just use a standalone version of MESS?
Last reply by Turranius, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
While I know this isn't a Hyperspin problem because I can open the emulator directly and it's the same thing. However, I know there are many people here that use this emu. The problem i'm having is when I open the emulator, it basically goes from pause/running and is unmanageable. Meaning I cannot even open a ROM. It's almost like an IRQ/Interupt problem. Anyone seen anything like this before?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
Anyone have mame uifx165 to post?
Last reply by Jumpstile, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I've been trying to set up ePSXe to upscale decently for a bulk of games, but I'm noticing some issues when it comes to getting those games to display correctly on a 1080p screen. Games like Battle Hunter come out perfectly fine, but then some titles like Gekido come out in widescreen with bits disappearing. Then Tekken 3 is super thin, making it feel really weird to play. I'm not sure what settings to really set the emulator to in order to get the best output for my TV... Is there some setting I'm just missing or is this something I'm going to need to just manually input for each game? Cheers, Dazz
Last reply by tSRDazz, -
- 3 replies
I must not have some graphic setting correct. Launching the ROM through Hyperspin the game is a bit more pixelated that launching it directly from MAME. Any thoughts on the settings?
Last reply by pcride2003,