Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 2 replies
I have found an old game it use to be on a playstation 1 playable demo called gravitation. i have found the original developer has the game available to download on their website and was thinking is there a way to get it onto hyperspin? any help would be appreciated http://www.demonstudios.com/gravitation.html
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 1 reply
Hi, Have a weird issue with mame under Hyperspin. When I run a game with mame the game runs for 30-40 min and when I get back it's usually showing the hyperspin wheel again. I have 64 gigs of ram, so I doubt it's a memory issue. Anyone experiencing this, could this be a setting in mame like the graphic enginee or hlsl settings? Any help is appreciated!
Last reply by mikea213, -
- 0 replies
bonjour j ai un petit soucis....en etant assez novice sur les emulateurs et frontend je voudrais savoir pourquoi quand j ouvre mame je peux jouer et sortir du jeu avec la touche echap et que je ne puisse plus lorsque je passe par hyperspin? du moins c est quand je renomme le dossier mame en dossier data east par exemple
Last reply by maurin, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, Has anyone got Star Wars Battle Pod running on Windows 10 latest version 20H2 build ? I had it running perfectly, but now RSLauncher.exe won't load. Any help appreciated. ps, tried running as admin and no admin, but still just small black box then it disappears.
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
hi guys, i am looking for help setting up arcade 64 with hlsl, i have it running wih scanlines and it is looking ok but still tiny bit blurry, i know it can look better(looking for crt geom look in retroarch). i realize i am blowing up a super low resolution on a 4k tv but what would i change to sharpen the image to give a bit more detail. has anyone got any mame ini files to try or offer some advice, thanks ps would try retroarch but latest mame core not surpported
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 6 replies
Someone please help me 1. I have a complete working set of bezels, perfectly named with roms. 2. I put them in my overlays folder , inside each system folder , inside retroarch. 3. The config file is pointing correctly 4. I load up a game for said system. It doesn’t load the bezel, it loads a default bezel. 5. No matter what I do, if I change that bezel, it becomes the default bezel for every core. how do I set per core directories so each core I can direct to said folder in my overlay folder ( overlay/snes) etc. this is super frustrating.
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 4 replies
SO I managed to get SNES emulator up and running games but then after about 20 seconds into the launch I get the following error (see attachment).
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, I am literally 2 days into Hyperspin and Rocketlauncher so please assume I am dumb and don't know all the lingo yet! Essentially I have just set up both applications and programmed them to work together etc. I am tryng to set up my first emulator for SNES. The emulator on it's own works fine in regards to launching roms. But whne I launch Hyperspin and select a rom nothing happens. When I am in RocketLauncherUI I can launch the games fine from the red rocket under the game stab. If I launch RocketLAuncher to test something I get the following: Cannot find e:\arcade\rocketlauncher\rocketlauncherui\databases\super nintendo entertai…
Last reply by goosethemighty, -
- 4 replies
hi guys gonna build a fresh hyperspin setup for my arcade joysticks, i had it set up years ago but i know a lot has changed and forgoton a lot of it. could someone answer a couple of questions for me. thanks 1 how do i get arcade 64 no nag to work , i downloaded it ,what else do i need to download to get it to run because i am missing loads of folders. 2 i have read that people are using retroarch for mame because of the shaders, i am using it on a 55 inch 4k tv and would like scanlines etc to get the best possible image any help would be great thanks
Last reply by juicelee, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I have my aimtrak light gun all setup in mame. Works great. I have it setup as gun 2. In RL, its seeing it as gun 4 and when I try to test a game in RL the gun fires repeatedly in the bottom left corner. I have control of nothing. I have hlsl pointing to the mame ini. Updated the RL modules folder with that ini. I'm using Mavericks light gun setup from YouTube. Any help is appreciated. thanks.
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I've used Stella in the past for 2600 emulation but it doesn't like bezels. Make 0.226 supports 2600 but it doesn't allow configuration of games that use paddles. Retroarc...the front end I don't really carefor so have limited knowledge, runs the games in slow motion using the atari 2600 (Stella) core. Has any one gotten 2600 games with bezels working correctly?
Last reply by potts43, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys - I'm trying to get Hyperspin working with ExoDOS v5, however the games refuse to launch. The games are in .zip format - I've setup the emulator in RL for zip extensions. I've created a MS-DOS.xml with HyperROM2XML and I can see all of games when performing an audit in RL. I've also renamed the Microsoft MS-DOS.ini in the RL modules 'Zipmapping' folder. If anyone ha got this working, any help would be appreciated.
Last reply by yuljk, -
- 7 replies
I'm using Mame to run the Neo Geo Pocket Color games. Every time I launch a game, the system setting need to be updated. Not sure if there is a way to save that or just not have the setting questions come up? Does anyone have any ideas or am I missing something simple. Thanks Nick
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 2 replies
I’m using Mednafen with RL/Hyperspin. I’ve set up all the systems and they all work fine on Mednafen. When I run them through RL, the input doesn’t work on any of them. It’s like RL can’t tell Mednafen which system to use for the game I’m playing so it just doesn’t give me any input. Anyone know how to make it use the correct inputs in RL as well?
Last reply by SparklePig78, -
- 4 replies
I'm having some issues with setting up the Atari 7800. I currently have a pedestal cabinet that has 4 players and controlled by an Ipac 4. If I use EMU7800, I am unable to set up player 2 controller or at least I don't see where to set the player 2 controls. If I use Pro System 7800, I have issues with full screen and sound cracking. Retro arch using the pro system core, plays the games sluggish for some reason. Is there anyone who can provide some advice on setup? I like the EMU7800 the best but it sucks without the second player.
Last reply by nguerra, -
- 0 replies
I have a rom that works in Mame (NFL Blitz '99), but it doesn't in RL. It requires the blitz 99 chd. I have my chd folder, that contains the chd, set up as a rom path in RL. Other versions of nfl blitz, which also require chd's from the chd folder, work fine in RL. The exact name of the rom that doesn't work is blitz99 btw. Why would that one rom not be working in RL? It says initializing then disappears.
Last reply by SparklePig78, -
- 1 reply
I have used Mednafen to run multiple systems so far and everything works fine. However, I started setting up the Nec Turbografx-16, and the input doesn't work. I set it up correctly but when I play a game, the joysticks don't work.
Last reply by SparklePig78, -
- 2 replies
When I run an Atari Lynx rom in Mednafen some games work fine, but other games just show up as a blank screen. Usually it is just a random color. The roms are all from the same set, does anyone know the problem?
Last reply by SparklePig78, -
- 8 replies
Hey all, I have just finished creating my Cabinet and installing the emulators I want, and MAME is one of them. I downloaded a .226 Master (Merged) and was browsing around today while working on getting MAME up and running correctly and ran into something called HBMAME and Arcade 64. I have the general grasp of both but was curious if anyone has a more in depth description of them both. So far all i know is HBMAME has Hacks (Dont know what that implies) and homebrew games (which I also dont know what is). Next with Arcade 64, I have realized that it is a GUI for MAME, but was curious if it had any additional features that I might want opposed to just running MAME .22…
Last reply by Asparky, -
- 1 reply
A few weeks ago I downloaded a few Mame update packs, I believe they were on archive .org, but when I tried to download some more earlier they were gone. Even the ones I downloaded a while back are now no where to be found. Does anyone know why I cant find update packs? I figured the mame website would have them but I cant seem to find any. Btw, I am looking for .202-.209, then .216-.227. Also is it against the rules to share links to mame update packs?
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 1 reply
A few weeks ago I downloaded a few Mame update packs, I believe they were on archive .org, but when I tried to download some more earlier they were gone. Even the ones I downloaded a while back are now no where to be found. Does anyone know why I cant find update packs? I figured the mame website would have them but I cant seem to find any. Btw, I am looking for .202-.209, then .216-.227. Also is it against the rules to share links to mame update packs?
Last reply by Spawk, -
- 4 replies
Hi I am using Mame through Hyperspin and rocketlauncher. I have multiple games that work fine when I go on mame and run them, but don't load when I try to run them through rocketlauncherUI/Hyperspin. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
Last reply by SparklePig78, -
- 1 reply
Hi I’m trying to set up retroarch for multiple systems on hyper spin. Usually in retroarch you select a game then select an emulator to use. However, you can’t do that in hyperspin. How do I set it up so that, for example, my Atari Lynx games automatically run on the handy emulator, and my Atari5200 games automatically run on Atari800.
Last reply by dark13, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I am setting up Mame with a romset I recently downloaded. I have tried many versions of Mame including the one specified on the website. Most of the games work fine, however, there are many that don't. Some of these include The Punisher, Marvel Vs. Capcom,, etc. Does anyone have any idea why they may not be working. I have tried everything I could find online.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Mame ROMs run perfectly in rocketlauncher but if I try to launch from hyperspin I get this error. I’ve checked all my settings and paths and everything looks fine. I’m using the most current version of hyperspin, rocketlauncher, mame, and windows 10. Any help would be appreciated.
Last reply by Spawk,