Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 7 replies
I have a EMS top gun 3 light gun. It works great for operation wolf and police trainer but for revolution X and Terminator 2 and a few others the on screen crosshair just shoots into the upper left corner. I set up the directions in the menu for each game. What could be wrong?
Last reply by 5thWolf, -
- 4 replies
Okay so the simple breakdown... When launching Retroarch in Hyperspin games load up and seem to run at about half speed and have extremely choppy audio. This happens with all 5 cores I currently have setup. When I launch retro without hyper everything runs perfect. Machine specs are as follows: Athlon dual-core 3.0ghz 4gb ddr3 nvidia 8400 gs with fresh drivers Windows 7 HP 64-bit The whole computer and hyperspin installation is new from about a week ago. Directx is also a fresh install direct from MS. All core .dll's have been pointed to in hyperlaunchHQ (which fixed my issues on a previous machine, but not this one). Some input would be appreciated, I'm ready…
Last reply by Munckis, -
- 4 replies
I am rebuilding my HS setup and wanted to use MESS 0.156 with it. This might be a pretty stupid question, but I have not been able to figure out how to setup my player 2 controls for use with my X-Arcade. I can setup everything and launch mess from within RL, and then tab into the config screen. From there I can choose Input (this system) and I only see player 1 assignments. If I go into INPUT (General), I can set up the controls for player one and player two, but inside the game (i.e. Combat) player 2 input does not respond. It works fine with Stella. Am I missing something?
Last reply by potts43, -
- 7 replies
I'm using XB360 controllers and have BACK+START mapped in HLHQ to exit emulators. Project64 version is 1.6.1 with glide video plugin and RL module djvj's version 2.0.1. Everything loads and runs fine, but when I hit BACK+START to exit, I get a Windows "Ding" and HS comes into focus. If I hit CTRL+ALT+DEL I still see Project64 and Hyperlaunch listed, and I have to kill them, otherwise my Xpadder mapping is screwed up. Outside of HS/HL, PJ64 works fine, and exits without issue.
Last reply by drewbagel423, -
- 1 reply
so i just got into hyperspin after fixing up an old computer and having the idea of building an arcade cabinet but because hyperlist is down and it is not letting me get my xml and ahk files please help!
Last reply by Lashek, -
- 1 reply
I dont know if this has been covered or not, but is there a way to do individual config setting for playstation games. Specifically for multi-tap games. Any ideas?
Last reply by jspence3, -
- 3 replies
So long story short I got Zsnes working pretty good except for when I hit the Start key which I mapped to my X arcade Tank stick I get the game character's disappearing (ive attached a screen shot for reference) and it says in the bottom of the screen "Sprite layer disabled". Ive tried mapping a few different buttons but it still happens..any ideas?? Here is my Config file for the emu ; PSR-produced config file (stock default in CAPS) ; Note, if you're worried you messed up a setting, removing the line will have ; ZSNES use the default settings for that option. ; The next time ZSNES is run, the line will reappear with the default settings. ; ---- ; -- Input -- ; -…
Last reply by taekwonjohn36, -
- 12 replies
I have the Panasonic 3DO emulator FourDO all setup with latest Hyperlaunch/HQ and latest module etc... etc... But it will not run when i start it from either Hyperspin or HLHQ, i Just get a windowed black screen and nothing happens the only key that does anthing is the ESC which quits the emulator back to HLHQ. The emulator works fine on its own in windows. I have trried deleting the settings in the emulator and configuring from scratch selecting bios control input, but still the same. Have even tried 3 different versions of the FourDo including the latest build but still same, even lowering the resolution in windows. Any help would be really appreciated.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 13 replies
I'm trying to set up Neo Geo on my system and it seems like each choice of available emulator is causing me some sort of problem. So I'm wondering what others use to emulate Neo Geo games? I'd like to use MAME, but when I try to launch a game, nothing happens. I get a timeout error waiting for the MAME window class to show.
Last reply by Takaji, -
- 6 replies
Ok, different day, different problem My Sega CD rom set is all iso/mp3 files. It is my understanding that Retroarch won't play music from mp3 files is that correct? Is there a way around it? If not, do I need to find a new rom set? I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 5 replies
I used to have this system set up with WinApe. I have switched to MESS because I just like the emu better. I can't get any of these emus to display the games in full screen. I get black bars around the game screen. Is there a way to do this with these or any other emu?
Last reply by potts43, -
- 6 replies
Trying to get this system to work properly. Tried Retroarch but I always get a black bar on top of the screen and games like Air Zonk don't work. I got it to work perfectly with Magic Engine but I can't find a module that has bezel support. Any other recommendations? Does anyone have a working module for magic Engine that supports bezels?
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 33 replies
I have a problem running Dc games via HS. All my ISO's are in GDI format with .bin track files and each game is in their own folders, which hyperspin wont find/launch - is there a workaround for this???
Last reply by subzero1970, -
- 7 replies
I have the amiga setup working almost perfectly, it seems sound effects are overlapping (not sure if that's the correct way to describe it). Take xenon 2 for example, when I kill an enemy I get the sound of the enemy being destroyed but it cuts out the music whilst the sound is played. Another example is Lotus esprit turbo challenge, when skidding/screeching around a corner or bumping into the back of an ai car the event sound is played but again the music cuts out. I either have something wrong in my config or my very fond memories of my amiga days are distorted :/
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 4 replies
i am using the dragon's lair dvd iso, works straight from daphne loader, when i try to run it in hyperlaunch i'm getting the error below. is there on option in hyperlaunchHQ that i need to modify to get this game to run? fatal error! unknown argument c:\emulators\daphne\roms\lair.zip here is the daphne log --DAPHNE version 1.0.12 --Command line is: daphne.exe lair vldp -framefile C:/Emulators/Daphne/vldp_dl/lair/lair.txt -blank_searches -min_seek_delay 1000 -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -homedir C:\Emulators\Daphne -bank 0 11111001 -bank 1 00100111 -sound_buffer 2048 -x 640 -y 480 --CPU : GenuineIntel 3450 MHz || Mem : 4032 megs --OS : Windows XP/.NET || Video : ATI Ra…
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 3 replies
I've setup MESS 0.157 and this emulator work good with uncompressed and zip archive but when I try to open a 7zip file the emulator is closed. I've notices that MESS work with 7zip used in softwarelist only but why the 7z extension is present in HyperLaunch MESS module? Sorry for my english and many thanks!
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 1 reply
trying to set up colecovision, using mess0.134. if I load up messui all roms are detected and I can launch the games no problem. hyperlaunchhq is setup and paths are correct however when I run hyperlaunch the game opens and quickly closes. and if I try to run in hyperspin it will say "E:\Roms\ColecoVision" rom not found. rom path is exactly in hyperlaunchHQ as it is in mess.ini and all related configs in the emulator. using mess.ahk, and I downloaded mess 2 days ago so I can't see why I would have an outdated emulator. here is my hyperlaunch log 22:25:07:417 | HL | INFO | +N/A | Main - HyperLaunch v3.1.0.3 BETA (www.hyperlaunch.net) 22:25:07:526 | HL | …
Last reply by iceman1981, -
- 2 replies
On some of my PCSX2 files the start button seems to lose its ability? Marvel vs capcom 2 for example, upon loading it(via start button in xpadder) it launches the game, then I can't use start on the 360 pad? Outside of Hyperspin all works fine. Only thing I've seen is some people mentioning it having to do with analog input? Any light anyone can shed here?
Last reply by ruebsy, -
- 3 replies
I'm running into an issue with trying to run Action Max and hopefully someone can give me some input on what's wrong. I've read Ron's walkthrough, and set it up step-by-step and have it working properly in HyperLaunchHQ, however, when I try running it in Hyperspin it starts to load, goe to a green screen, then jumps back to the wheel. (Probably lasts about 2-3 seconds before jumping back) I'm not seeing any errors in the log which would result in it resetting.... it's almost like Hyperspin isn't giving it enough time to fully boot before it resets. Here's the last log: 04:56:21 PM | HyperSpin Started 04:56:21 PM | Going windowed mode 04:56:21 PM | Checking for u…
Last reply by stillcore, -
- 6 replies
Well, I´d like know wich is the best shader for retroArch ??? For system 16 Bits like Sega Genesis, Snes, Master system, NES, etc...
Last reply by justice999, -
- 4 replies
so i'm setting up hyperspin using the "the hyperspin project" , which is not as plug and play as it sounded, however i've been scouring these forums and getting things up and running system by system. I hit a snag with a2600, i'm using mess which i read mixed reviews but stella is not working either. I keep getting a "E:\downloads\Roms\Atari-2600\ no cart with provided extension" files are .bin, this is the only thing i messed with as the original download were zipped as .7z which is not in the hyper launch extensions(it think a2 and bin) so i unzipped them and they are .bin now my suspicion is that the .xml does not match the roms in the folder, however the whole po…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 5 replies
I would like to setup capcom system how should I go with it? Front main wheel with all CP1,2,3 or with subwheels of capcom1,2,3 inside main wheel? Can someone point me to guide I tried but not able to find. Thanks
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 6 replies
So I'm setting up HyperHQ, I managed to get mame configured correctly, and now I'm attempting to configure Visual Boy Advance, I've set the options as Normal Execution, full path to roms, search subfolders, however Hyperspin refuses to open my Roms, it displays them, artwork shows up etc, but it passes the name of the rom, to the executable, instead of the full file name. For example, instead of C:\roms\gba\filename.zip it passes C:\roms\gba\Game Name.zip - this behavior is fine for Mame, since mame just takes the name of the rom and uses that, but there doesn't seem to be a setting to pass the full file name to other programs, unless I'm missing something; the only othe…
Last reply by geek2games, -
- 1 reply
Hello, Did some searching...and can't find really what I'm trying to do. I have Vice setup and running and configured to mame style keys (Up, Down, Left, Right, X). Some games like commando,use a secondary fire (throw grenades), which is mapped to the space bar :/ Is there any way in the Vice settings to map the 2nd fire to another letter...such as 'V'? Any help, input appreciated. Thomas
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
I have looked high and low for a tutorial on how to install this emu into Hyperspin. Can anyone help?
Last reply by rexryan,