Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 2 replies
I've tailored my MAME collection and have deleted unwanted roms, such as clones/not working/mature/mahjong and so on. What I would like to do is: 1. Create a modified MAME.xml database containing only the roms present in my roms directory with the relevant metadata (manufacturer, year of release, etc.). 2. Create modified genre sub-databases containing only the titles present in my custom MAME.xml database. Is there an easy way to do this? I've been playing around with certain programs but it all seems a bit confusing at the moment. I should be able to start out with the official MAME.xml database from Hyperlist and go from there...? Thanks for the help!
Last reply by Takaji, -
- 9 replies
I've decided to try out the new version of Virtual Jaguar. Anyone else having any issues with it not mapping/saving the controller configurations? It's allowing me to input my desired keys, but isn't mapping them when running the games. So odd...
Last reply by kcorcoran, -
- 3 replies
ok first i wannna say i have alredey set up N64 and Gamecube following the same steps. i use HyperTools XML tool. i scan my roms, it creates the list, everything is named correct. but still it shows red on every game:facepalm: i cant seem to get snes to work. i know it's nothing really too go by, but perhaps that system have given other problems
Last reply by ALIE, -
- 19 replies
I thought I'd post my setup, as it took a week of testing to get things working just right with Snes9x. One of the main reasons I switched to snes9x over zsnes for SNES emulation was due to being able to stretch the image correctly to fit my HD TV running at 1920x1080, which zsnes was unable to do. Things you'll need:- Snes9x 1.52 Xpadder (If you're using a gamepad) Updated HyperHQ and script from the Hyperspin forums (Sorry, was unable to post links due to a low post count) Firstly install Snes9x and configure your input options under 'Input' to match your gamepad. Now move to 'Options' and then 'Display Settings'. You'll want your options to be setup like s…
Last reply by daronthomas64, -
- 5 replies
Hi Guys, Any tips for reducing screen tearing in MAME? I'm running an i5-4670 / GTX660. All the threads I'm finding are really old. What does everyone recommend? Thanks very much!
- 2 replies
When I try to run NullDC r141 I get the system error message, " The program can't start because emitter_Win32.dll is missing from your computer Try resinstalling the program to fix this problem". I have tried to re-install, but I keep getting the same message. Does anybody know what I can do to fix this error, and am I running the best version of NullDC?
Last reply by JoeBlow42069, -
- 17 replies
Hi Guys, I'm digging into RetroArch and it's pretty great, however, I'm having trouble getting it setup on my cabinet. Here are my problems: Keymapping: 1. I'm using a MiniPac. My buttons use nearly all the alphabet. Once I map my inputs, then the main menu "x" and "z" navigation no longer work. 2. I can't figure out how to setup inputs (6 button game pad) for Sega Genesis. RetroArch doesn't have enough/compatible inputs. 3. RetroArch has a lot of default function shortcuts that use the alphabet. Any issues with simply setting these all to "nul" if I don't plan to use the function? For example... Start Recording Any solutions? Thanks!
Last reply by newoski, -
- 7 replies
I am sorry if this has been covered in another thread. I've been pulling my hair out and done so many searches. I have tried many of my previous collections of Lynx roms, downloaded many database files, and still can't get Dons Hyperspin ROM Renamer to match my roms. My entire collection is for the most part matched and renamed with the exception of my Lynx collection. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to avoid renaming every file manually and if my roms don't match, then maybe get a collection that does. Thanks in advanced.
Last reply by WelshJohn, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone. I'm not sure if the settings file isn't being saved but every time I start KAT5200 I get the Configuration Wizard. All of the settings I originally added are gone and the Wizard is saying this is the first use of KAT5200. Is there a save somewhere or are these settings remembered when I exit? I'm using KAT5200 0.6.2 and running Vista 32 bit.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 16 replies
Ive been trying to set up the Super Acan, in hyperlaunch hq, I don't get any options under default emulator, and the MESS module won't show when I set the default emulator to MESS. Anyone know why this is? Thanks
Last reply by jedfactor, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I have retroarch somewhat working in hyperspin with psx, but when I load a game, it will either: A: take 30sec to a min to load then is fine, or B: take 30 sec to a min, then just says error, check ahk module. I though it might have to do with the different rom formats, are some are bin/cue and some are ccd/img, however it seems random to whcih ones work and which ones dont.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, I'm struggling with the Stella inputs. My understanding is that there were 3 "buttons" for the game actions, however, I'm not sure what they are called in the Stella mapping interface. Could someone please let me know the names of the inputs in Stella -- and which would be 1, 2, 3? Thanks!
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 15 replies
Hi guys, I've tried searching the forums but couldn't find this particular issue. SSF is only a three letter query and unfortunately you can't search the forum for words that short. I've read back quite a number of pages. Plenty of people got problems getting SSF to run, but nobody seems to have much trouble once they have the games running... Well, I do. I have SSF 0.12 R4 running outside Hyperspin and inside as well. Various games I tried so far launch fine. I use the multinorm bios for all 3 regions. Problem is, the graphics are messed up. I have black horizontal stripes appearing seemingly random all over the screen. They flicker all over. In some games i…
Last reply by Agrajag, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, Does anyone have Joust working for the Atari Lynx via RetroArch (Handy core)? Some games work, but RetroArch freezes the moment I try to launch Joust. Says something about an invalid rom. I'm using a HS set from PD. Thanks!
Last reply by zerojay, -
- 2 replies
Hello, First post here. Great website - I look forward to learning a lot... I finished setting up MAME with HyperSpin and other HyperTools (hypersync, etc) and then I thought I'd setup my next Emulator so followed rfancella's guide for WinVICE/C64: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?30434-Complete-Guide-for-Commodore-64-in-HyperSpin-and-RL-using-WinVICE I think I've followed the guide properly and I've revisited many times but can't work it out. My c64 roms are not showing then I go into HyperLaunch and run the game audit. I have tried this using the following two roms: - Montezuma's Revenge.d64 - Samurai Warrior - The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo.d64 …
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 2 replies
hi all i tried for 10 hours straight but still no luck. can someone help setup ps1 game on hyperspin plz. epsxe 1.9.0 with rom is working perfectly but with HS
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 2 replies
I searched the forums and although some had similar issues, they weren't quite the same and they were also for older versions of Hyperlaunch. I've been trying for the last few days to get all my emulators running and got most of them working fine, but there seems to be an error with the Panasonic 3DO. I'm using FreeDO (Because 4DO for some reason won't even LAUNCH on my computer) and it works fine outside of Hyperlaunch, but when I try to launch it from the inside, I get an error box with no error inside, just a red X. I then have to point to the bios file and to the rom to launch it. Here's my log file: 00:41:32:690 | HL | INFO | +N/A | Main - HyperLaunch v3…
Last reply by Zuckerton, -
- 1 reply
Hi there guys, I'm configuring my Mame, and reach the point to define the controllers. So i asked myself if there's is a way that i can configure input schemes by manufacturers intead of moving between "general setting" and "individual game setting"? For example: I want that every SNK game have the ABCD button order in my PS3 controller (A=Square, B=Cross, C=Triangle, D=Circle), and by other hand i want another config for all Capcom six button games, and so on with another manufacturer, or simply make another more common scheme for "general setting"... So the idea is to establish a config for every manufacturer intead of every single game of that manufacturer. Hope …
Last reply by connorsdad, -
- 7 replies
Rename the executable back to the original name and replace this line in the module: Run(executable . " " . options . " -s """ . (If romExtension = .txt ? "" : romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension) . """", emuPath) With: Run("""" . executable . """ " . options . " -s """ . (If romExtension = .txt ? "" : romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension) . """", emuPath) and let me know if that fixes the problem. Also please report any HyperLaunch related issues in the HyperLaunch site from now on.
Last reply by azzajess, -
- 15 replies
Hi trying to set up Atari ST tried both steem and hatari getting really bad lines down screen and loads Atari ST desktop not sue if that bit is right out of the 2 what do u think is best and an one seen a guide to setting it up thanks.
Last reply by kreator, -
- 17 replies
Please help, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if all the programs I've tried aren't doing what they're supposed to. I've tried a bunch of things to cut my database down from 9000 roms to the 6000 that I've got. I've tried using clrmamepro to make a .dat file then used Dons dat to hyperlist converter only to have the end result as a blank 0kb file. Hyperrom2xml hasn't given me any joy (I've tried both 1.3 and 1.5). All I want to do is get rid of the roms that I don't have, any ideas?
Last reply by Derrdiaz, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys This demul thing is making me go grey. I am trying to launch a "zip" naomi rom in demul and I keep getting "error 01 this game is not acceptable by main board". 1. Searching on this forum, looking for a tutorial on demul. I have a bios pack, there's a million naomi bios's in there, it's on auto select?? 2. My romset (off pleasuredome) is in zip format, this is correct? 3. I have all the bios in the naomi rom folder with the roms? I think this is correct? 4. Is there a proper way to get this thing running? I didn't think it would be this difficult?? I ask a lot of questions on here, I appreciate the help and search as much as I can before I ask, I tr…
Last reply by thenoob, -
Sega Saturn Emulator Setup Tutorial Author: Hypnoziz Date: 09-04-2011 For use within the HyperSpin-FE Community only. (This tutorial may be downloaded in whole in .doc (Microsoft Word) format at the following link: Sorry, link removed. If you would like the document version, send me a PM) Table of Contents I.......... Requirements II......... Introduction III....... Daemon Tools Lite IV........ Preparing Your Emulator V......... Setting Up Your Controller/Joystick VI....... Defining Video Output VII...... Adding Sega Saturn To HyperSpin VIII.... Identifying Rom Files For SSF IX....... Converting Audio For Use With Daemon Tools/SSF X........ Cue Check! XI..…
Last reply by Takaji, -
- 2 replies
Happy holidays everyone. Spent a few hours today and got supermodel 3 working in stand alone mode. Got all my controls configured and it's working good. I am confused when trying to set it up in hyperspin. I've added it to the wheel, and selected everything I believe needs to be done in hypeaunch hq.... Games audit shows absolutely nothing.... Rom path is set correct. 1. Do I set the supermodel ui as my default .exe or the original supermodel.exe? 2. Do I have to add directories when I add it to the wheel or does hyperlaunchhq take care of that? Any help or if there is an existing tutorial that I did not find in my search would be awesome. Thanks again guys
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 7 replies
are there instrucitons anywhere for adding TurboGrafx-16 to HS? It is the only emulator/console im having trouble with. Games work fine outside of hyperspin but wont launch in hyperspin. was looking for guides on it but they all are for HS 1.0 and they dont seem to be accurate for the newer version of HS im using.
Last reply by dsnyd22,