Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
2,051 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hey Guys, sorry if this has already been mentioned here but i have some problems with my sega model 2 emulator while playing lightgun shooters. The games are working almost perfectly. But sometimes when i shoot outside the screen the emulator minimizes and i have to restart the whole thing. While searching threw the web i found out that many people have this problem. Is there any way to fix that? Thanks for your help in Advance :-)
Last reply by Jonnykool, -
- 5 replies
I don't see many of the options in the Mednafen.ahk that are in the MedGui, and would like to launch Turbo Graphx 16 through Hyperlaunch, with my MedGui settings. Does anyone know how to edit the .ahk to match the settings in the MedGui?
Last reply by JoeBlow42069, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I recently decided to build a new MAME machine and wanted to add 3DO to the systems list. I'm using my old external hard drive that I set up about 4 yeas ago with (what I believe is) the 1st hyperlaunch on it from years ago. I have every system that I want running perfectly except for the 3DO. I was wondering if anyone could take a look at my logs and perhaps help me figure out my issue. I have hyperlaunch starting up the FreeDO 2.1 Alpha emulator in hyperspin, fullscreen, and can exit with the commands, however, it won't load the ISO. It's going to the main emulator screen and saying "insert game disc" There's obviously an error somewhere with my script and it po…
Last reply by stillcore, -
- 20 replies
Hello everyone. I'm still trying to figure out things in Hyperspin but few things just stoped me. Recently I decided to add Sega Saturn problem is I can't set it up at all. The wheel is added but none of the media are showing up (backgrounds, vids etc.) but thats least of my problems. I was following THIS topic regardless editing the daemontool script to work with magiciso. So now whenever I try to play a Saturn game all I get is: Error: Failed attempt to launch program or document: Action: <"C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\daemon.exe"> Params: <-mount 0, "[b]-rom path-[/b]"> The current thread will exit. Specifically: Can't find specified file…
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 1 reply
Every time I select SNES from the main wheel, the screen immediately goes black and becomes unresponsive here is my log 01:10:19 AM | HyperSpin Started 01:10:19 AM | Going FullScreen 01:10:19 AM | Checking for updates 01:10:19 AM | Update Check Complete 01:10:19 AM | Startup program unavailable 01:10:20 AM | Menu Mode is multi 01:10:21 AM | Loading Main Menu.xml 01:10:21 AM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded 01:10:22 AM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully 01:10:53 AM | Loading Super Nintendo Entertainment System.xml 01:11:01 AM | Quiting Hyperspin 01:11:01 AM | Bye! Any solutions?
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 2 replies
Posted this a few days ago in the Gold Section, had no luck gathering some answers lol so im gonna try again here: Hello all Im trying to understand the three movement sticks u have to map on demul arcade controllers config (Analog1, Analog2 and Digital1). Could anyone give some example of games that uses that multiple sticks setup, or, is there a game that uses the digital instead of the analog ones? Just trying to figure some xpadder profiles for my controllers. Also, since we are here (dont wanna create another thread), does anyone knows of a solution for the ugly launch of demul? It pops up windowed in front of my fade screen, then after a few flashes it goes full …
Last reply by xavielson, -
- 17 replies
please can anyone help me set up Atari 800 on Hyperspin, i don't mind using mess which is already set up, and i've added a new wheel for it, and a small xml file for the games, but i can't get it going thanks for everyone's help
Last reply by therealdealadam, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys Anybody know why my demul 0.58 settings are not sticking? I keep trying to change the settings to enable the filters, as well as use the dx10 plugin, seems to work better on the later games. And the settings for the life of me just wont stick. Ive even tried to change the ini files directly. They keep getting overwritten every time I run a game. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Chris
Last reply by wizshaw, -
- 2 replies
I just finished setting up Kat5200, and have everything working, except on my 1920x1080 display, the video only fills about 1/3 of the screen. I have selected fullscreen, widescreen 1920x1080, and zoom 3x. Is it possible to stretch the video to fill my entire screen or at least more of it? If this is not possible, can it be done with another 5200 emulator? *edit After doing some reading in the forums, I saw that others have also had this same issue. The posts are at least 5 months old though. Anyone know if anything has changed recently?
Last reply by JoeBlow42069, -
- 8 replies
last emulator i used was bluestacks for android but,played some games..just want to know my choices and how to set it up on hyperspin
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 2 replies
Hi. I have been fighting with SSF for a couple days now and I just can not fix this direct3d9.cpp error (screenshot attached). This is the background: At first install and setup of SSF 12 Beta R4 I was able to play for a couple of hours with no problems. Then seemingly out of nowhere I got the direct3d9.cpp error. From then on out when I started SSF I would get the same error during the emulator start up. I researched it a bit and made sure I had the most up to date DirectX and that all my drivers were updated but nothing fixed it. I uninstalled and re-installed SSF 12 Beta R4 but still got the error maybe 15 seconds after launch. I then downloaded and installed SSF 12 …
Last reply by brolly, -
- 2 replies
Ok, I'm usually more of a forum reader than an a poster, But I am calling in reinforcements on this one. Full Story: I have been running HL 2.0 for the longest time and upgraded to HL 3 with also using HLHQ Managed to get everything working except for the scummvm emulator which loads all games just fine; however, it does not load the correct resolution to see and play the game. AT BEST I can get it to a full screen setting with a black boarder around it. My video settings are configured through HDMI to an HDTV that runs at a 1920x 1080 resolution.... But back to the issue. I have tried coming at this with every angle I can think of including (but not limited too) adjust…
Last reply by shredder, -
- 20 replies
Hello, Just had a few small issues with a few emulators: 1) Mednafen emu using it for Lynx. Some games such as Raiden are rotated 90°. Mednafen seems to be GUI-less, Is there a setting/key macro to default games to upright or non-rotated positions? (I printed out the instructions, but didn't see anything on screen rotation).***Found out how to rotate screen, but you have to do it everytime you play the game. Press Alt+O (the letter, not the number). 2)For PS2 I'm using PCSX2 1.2.1 *Edit...I'm getting a CDVD plugin failed to open. I've tried 3 different CDVD plugins...*** Thanks to fame-shadow got it working 3)In ePSX (PS1) I can't seem to re-map the controller…
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 2 replies
I've searched for about a week and so far haven't come up with an answer. I'm trying to perfect my House of the Dead wheel which uses two of my Aimtraks. So far House of the Dead (model2), House of the Dead 2 (PC), and House of the Dead 3 (PC) run fine using troubleshooter and troubleshooter 2. House of the Dead Overkill is only on Wii. It will only map to one mouse and I can play one player. If I try to use 2 guns, they fight over one mouse input. If I try to map the buttons to an Aimtrak, they aren't recognized. Is it possible to use both guns? In the Aimtrak utility, I have them as emulated mice and not emulated joysticks. Changing this will throw off the rest of my ga…
Last reply by hypermame55, -
- 1 reply
i updated my modules with the updater tool but now none of them work but even though it might be staring me in the face i can't figure out why.
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 1 reply
can any wise one here help me; What have done wrong to get this message?
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 12 replies
hi guys, i'm trying to convert some gdi dreamcast games to chd to save some space, there was some talk about this here http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9597&page=4 a while ago but links are dead, does anyone have this tool? thanks.
Last reply by Enverex, -
- 1 reply
I have my games in 7z archives. Inside are ccd, cue, img and sub files. When I launch these from HS or directly in the emu, I get an error saying "could not find audio track 2". The game I'm trying to run is Super Spy, but I have seen the issue with many other games aswell. It seems that NeoRaine isn't able to run the images properly. If I mount the image with Daemon Tools and run the game from "CD" inside the emulator, it runs fine and the audio is played. Is it possible to force NeoRaine to use Daemon Tools when launching from HS? I haven't been able to make it work. I have several other systems set up to use Daemon Tools, but this one I can't get right. Does anyone hav…
Last reply by Dime333, -
- 8 replies
I have MESS working with the Atari 5200 (I can't get Kat5200 to work properly with bezels - does not fill up the bezel due to it's low 3x setting). Anyway, the problem I'm having with MESS is that half the roms don't work. Some go black after the main screen and some start flashing. The other half of games works just fine. I would assume this is just an issue with MESS and it's compatibility with the Atari 5200 but I keep reading people in these forums claiming that MESS works great and even recommending MESS over Kat5200. Are these people just full of it or are there any special settings in MESS or a different 5200 Bios that improves compatibility? I'm at a loss here a…
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 6 replies
From what I've read here, there seems to be a general consensus that best practice is to set up your emulator for keyboard controls and then map them in xpadder, so I've been setting up an xpadder profile for each system. Are there any instances where it's preferable to use the emulator to configure controllers instead?
Last reply by Sea Monkey, -
- 2 replies
I can't seem to get bsnes to boot Satellaview games. I can see that it only supports .bs files but renaming .sfc to .bs doesn't work. I'm able to get them to work in snes9x and the two fork emulators snes9x-sx2 and bsnes-sx2 but not bsnes. Does someone know how to get bsnes to run satellaview games.
Last reply by DrMaxwell, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I was wondering if there was a way to get static snaps/artwork/background to appear INSTEAD of a video snap if not available? I can put my static backgrounds in \Media\Sega Dreamcast\Images\Artwork1 and they slide in from the left, but underneath the video snap which is empty. Also can someone tell me what the background folder is for...\Media\Sega Dreamcast\Images\Backgrounds, I placed some properly named backgrounds in there and nothing came up..is it on a per game basis or is it just the background for the entire emulator section..? Thanks for any advice. Rolf
Last reply by kangarolf, -
- 5 replies
Ok... I have looked for 3 days on... I even got off of this emu. and tried Magic Engine... It seems that either one of these is going to give me issues... So I am back to my original Turbo emu... I can run the emulator OUTSIDE of hyperspin.. But when running inside, I come up with an error "Can not find syscard3"... I am so confused... When I look for tutorials... I am coming acroos syscard3 downloads... Then a folder that doesn't exist in my emulator (Medna* something??) So heres my log... ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED!! 12:24:04:236 | HL | INFO | +N/A | Main - HyperLaunch v3.0.1.1c 12:24:12:772 | HL | INFO | +8531 | Main - System Specs: HyperLaunch…
Last reply by hypermame55, -
Hey Guys I have an issue with xpadder. If I load up a game like Pinball Fx 2, or ultra streetfighter 4. Once I get in game, if I press left, right, up or down on my arcade stick. The cursor will jump two spots instead of one. But as soon as I close down xpadder, it goes back to moving one space. How do I fix this without shutting down xpadder? Im assuming the inputs are registering twice, once for the controller, once for xpadder. I just dont know how to fix it. Thanks Christopher Shaw
Last reply by marxkemp, -
- 4 replies
Hallo hyperspinners I have updated my hyperspin modules, and now I cant get scummVM too work with 7z. files. I have read the module notes, and wanted too use this Launch Method: ; Launch Method 1 - Rom_Path has archived games inside a zip, 7z, rar, etc ; Set Skipchecks to Rom Extension and enable 7z I have Set Skipchecks to Rom Extension and enable 7z But then I get this error : I have no problem getting the each game inside its own folder and uncompressed method work, bt I wanted them zipped. :-) What is the problem here?
Last reply by ArtMac,