Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 11 replies
Hi Everyone. Been quite a struggle trying to get HS working for me but system by system I'm slowly getting there. Thought many times to just go with Maximus because it's so damn easy to set up but it just doesn't have the wow factor that hyperspin does. Anyways...getting everything setup through HyperlaunchHQ and when I do a game audit for SNES all but one show as missing. Figured maybe my game list was different than the hyperspin game list so tried to do my own XML. This has worked fine for my MAME collection. What happens when I create a SNES XML file is doesn't look like a XML file when I open it, it looks like this: Instead of the typical My game list is …
Last reply by Frank Drebin, -
- 5 replies
hi i am struggling to have visual pinball working. with normal options (not hyperlaunch command) it gives me error that cannot load table, and the problem is the name of the tables i dont know why win 7 and visual pinball if there is spaces only reads first word of the table name, if i use a table without space works perfect. now i found out in the forum some posts regarding a pinballwrapper, but when i try to download the file does not exists anymore. can anyone upload a wrapper so that i can finish my config? thanks in advance
Last reply by estrika, -
- 1 reply
I'm pretty sure this is a simple fix but obviously I don't know how to fix it. Lets use 1942 as an example. 1942 works using mameui. No files are missing. The game runs perfect. Then if I use hyperspin to launch the game it says certain files are missing. Very few games actually work in hyperspin. What is the best way to fix this? Am I missing something?
Last reply by rfancella, -
I can not quite understand how the Commodore 64 is supposed to be set up with roms. The default XML from HyperList Online seems to be 527 games only, based on TOSEC. The just finished database is 8076 games: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?28260-Database-Commodore-64 The tosec package from 2014-02-28 has a lot more then 8076 games, mostly dupes. Where can I find the xml with 8076 games in it? Once I have that, I can make a script to match the roms from the tosec package and only copy the ones included in the XML to HyperSpin\Roms\Commodore 64. Thanks!
Last reply by Turranius, -
- 8 replies
As title, I'm trying to setup Kat5200. It works perfectly except I can't get it to run fullscreen. I'm playing on a 1080p plasma. I've tried ticking all different boxes and different resolutions but none will display in fullscreen. Best I get is a box in the middle taking up about 20% of the total screen size which is impossible to play from the sofa! Someone MUST have this running fullscreen???
Last reply by OneBadVeggie, -
- 2 replies
Hi, After some hours of trial error and reading some complicated ahk codes i give up and i need help to start Visual Pinball without the popup of permission to change files of windows. And to make a clean exit of the visual pinball. I only read something about ahk start and close scripts. But i dont know what exactly todo.Or what/Where i should things change. Can someone give me a hint or a advice . Greetings uNkeLo
Last reply by Marcoqwerty, -
- 3 replies
I have WinAPE running fine but I am confused on how to setup the keyboard controls. When I look at the input screen it says numlock on and numlock off and three dropdowns for each. I want to map the up, downm left and right arrows for movement and the following keys to the buttons: button1 is = button2 is H button3 is 9 Can someone please shed some light on this for me? Thx
Last reply by warpsycho, -
- 4 replies
I all, I've spent quiet a while looking around for a fix to an issue I seem to be having that involves TurboGrafx running on PCE. I'm using HyperLaunch3 and Magic Engine 1.1.3, which is specified as the test emulator in the module ank for HyperLaunchHQ. Hyperspin launches opens ROMs, but I seem to have this issue where everything seems to be running at x2 the speed it should be. I thought maybe it was bad ROMs and I tried downloading several different games, but they all seem to emulate quick. Is there anyone who has any pointers to give me on this issue, or what is causing it?
Last reply by 3y3c0ugh, -
- 2 replies
Quick question, does anyone know how to get Model 2 fullscreen without aspect correction? I still get black bars on the sides, even after changing the module settings along with putting a custom resolution in the emulator .ini as well. Am I missing something? Thanks
Last reply by JoeC3109, -
- 1 reply
hi there when i run either dragons lair 1,2 or space ace i get a error message, all teh other roms run fine, then on new hypersin launch hq i have a ! mark bottom right of screen saying -the following errors must be manually fixed by the user: 1.section/key pair tq/params is duplicated on the ini file. does anyone know what this mean thx , also just to let you know the games run fine when i boot them via daphne loader, many thx in advance
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 2 replies
Hello. When I exit the emulator NullDC crashes, this is not a big issue (it seems to be a known bug with purupuru), I set an auto send "Space" command in the module so I never really get to see the crash dialog. The problem is it blanks my pad configurations, only the keymappings, the rest (plugins, etc) is fine. Does anybody experience the same? I guess I can ultimately make an auto copy command from a backup file each time I exit the emulator but really would like to have it fixed. Here my nullDC.cfg [nullDC] Dynarec.Enabled=1 Dynarec.DoConstantPropagation=1 Dynarec.SafeMode=1 Dynarec.UnderclockFpu=0 Dreamcast.Cable=0 Dreamcast.RTC=2030303078 Dreamcast.Region=1 Dre…
Last reply by Dogway, -
- 1 reply
I'm having a really tough time getting WinVice to load up in Hyperspin. I followed the guide here But I'm still getting this error. I can open the emulator up in Windows and load the few games that I have extracted from the zip files, but trying to launch the emulator in Hyperlauncher HQ or Hyperspin itself throws up this error. Anyone got a clue on what I am doing wrong? Also I wanted to make sure that I am doing this right, I need to have the games extracted right? so instead of .zip it has to be extracted and renamed to the XML file name and then the .d64 or .t64 right?
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 6 replies
Basic question, mostly out of sheer curiosity, like the title says, what systems are you using Mess and Mednafen with? Other than curiosity, I ask mostly because I'm always trying to streamline things, and try to run my setup with as few emulators as possible, and I'd like to hear opinions why you would use either of them over other emulators. My setup is like this currently: MESS: Atari 7800 ColecoVision SNK Neo Geo CD Mednafen: Atari Lynx Nintendo Virtual Boy SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color Sony Playstation In fact, if you prefer other emulators over MESS or Mednafen for any of the systems I listed above, I'd love to hear why. (Except PS1, I've tried a lot of PS1 em…
Last reply by baddeolv, -
- 8 replies
hi there was wondering if anyone has got the amiga cd 32 games to boot via hyperlaunch hq? i have no probs booting the amiga cd32 games through fs uae frontend , i can even boot them through winuae loader , when i try to boot a game through hyperlaunch hq i get the workbench loading screen & in the bottom screen it says no configuration file was found ? am i missing something here any help would be much appreciated, also i noticed that the mod.ahk file for fs uae only looks for 7z,zip,adf & hdf but the cd32 games are bin & cue? is this a reason for it not to work?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
I've got a quick question about MAME I'm hoping someone can answer. I've recently updated my MAME version to 1.48, and my rom set to 1.48 (merged, 7zipped - love the space savings). So when I run MAME and use the built in GUI - I can't find dkongX (jumpman 2: donky kong 2). It just doesn't show up in the list. But from the command line I can run "mame dkongx" and the game fires right up - so I've obviously got the rom (which I thing is considered a CLONE in MAME terms?). Can someone explain why the GUI won't show this game? there are a couple others it does this with too. thanks
Last reply by kruge99, -
- 1 reply
Could someone give me advice on how the mapping should be for most games and fighting games in MAME? If anyone can share their thoughts on L3, R3, etc etc that would be most appreciated. I'm also thinking of mapping select+start as the exit button and still need a brilliant idea to map the hyperpause(+) to a nice button combo. Most Games: X = Button 1 Y = Button 2 A = Button 3 B = Button 4 LB = Button 5 RB = Button 6 LT = Button 7 RT = Button 8 Fight-games: I set it to X, Y and LB as the first three buttons (punches) and A, B and RB as the second three (kicks). L3 = ?? R3 = ?? Start = Start? Back/Select = Coin? L Analog = Main Stick R Analog = ??? D…
Last reply by marxkemp, -
- 10 replies
hi all , having troubles now with finally getting my computer into the cabinet and running the arcade coontrols in the hyperspin menu wheel.controls work perfec in the games but in the menu the joystick faults as it isnt smooth and doesnt work correctly. when you push down oor up it skips multiple items and makes it really hard to choose a machine and a game. anyone got any ideas on how to fix this
Last reply by KMxRetro, -
- 1 reply
I have experimented with both PJ64 1.6 and the new latest version that was taken over development from the old team ( I am torn between which should actually be my primary emulator for N64. I find that the newer version has a better display driver (up scaling things to HD is nice in the newer version by default). However, the frame rate is MUCH slower on many games that in 1.6. A noticeable drop is seen when I play the same game in both emulators. One of the main reasons I upgraded to the newest version in the first place was because my video card couldn't run Glide (however, I'm in the process of upgrading to a GTX series Nvida card soon). So what would people…
Last reply by OneBadVeggie, -
- 1 reply
I've been working with MakaronEX 4.0 for Sega Naomi the last 2 nights, and I seem to have a glitch... I need to use the keyboard to play this emulator, (I am using joytokey to send my xbox360 controllers input to the keyboard interface for this emulator) I can get player 1 keys to work with flying colors player 2 is mapped correctly in JVS.ini But when I select enable 2 players in MakaronEX options, only player one will work, I have tried several ways to work around it, none of the options in MakaronEX for input hold... so I thought I'd post here to get some help, Thank you in advance by the way, if nulldc is better for this I am up for it, I just havnt had time to t…
Last reply by paulmichel21, -
- 5 replies
Hi i been using Mednafen for alots of differnt system, And it has always worked great. But suddenly i had this problem, its very much zoomed. i can only see the middle of the game, all other is missing from the screen. i have tested alot off different settings, in window mode it looks good. but in fullscreen i have this issue. Anyone had or know what causing this? /regards mallorz
Last reply by malacai, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I used to run a realy old beta version of HS but had it all set up nicely. I've recently updated to the latest version and there's a compatability issue cropped up. Using the old method (as long as the filenames matched exactly), I could load in "Wheelart" (from the media/wheelart folder), "background" art (from the "media/backgrounds" folder) and videos (from the "media/videos folder"). In the new version, wheelart works but I can't see how to load in "videos" or "background art". Do I have to make a theme for each rom? Thanks eg: In the "settings" file, the old version had a [video defaults] and all the [artwork defaults] but the new one's a lot more streamlin…
Last reply by veganpete, -
- 3 replies
Hi I updated to the new version of Demul, 0.582 won't recognize my controller for some reason so I have to use 0.581. Does anyone know what the options under graphics settings do? Specifically max layers and internal resolution settings. I have tried different combinations of these and it seems to run fine with internal resolution x2 and max layers 64, but if I try and turn the internal resolution up further it doesn't work. Is max layers 64 necessary or can i turn this down? I have a laptop with sli gtx 880m and i7 4900 cpu. Many thanks
Last reply by jedfactor, -
- 5 replies
Hello out there. I was just reaching out to see if anyone had any hints or tips for my Naomi setup. I have it up and running but it seems that if Demul stops working, all configuration files are then corrupted and have to be reset. I can do the whole copy the config file and replace it but that can be a nuisance. I have been trying to get Dynamic Golf running but it fails soon after the initial boot up screen. When I then leave the game and try something new, all settings (controller) have been removed. Any advice or tips? I have read all the module notes and stuff from djvj but I wasn't sure if someone had their own workaround or tip. Thanks!
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 2 replies
I've just been messing with a few different emulators, and saw on a list that Makaron is better to us with Windows CE games on Dreamcast than Demul. My issue I'm having may just be a simple setup issue, I found all the files I need to run it I believe. I'm running GDI files, which as far as I know work with Makaron. My problem is when I go to use an image, I get an error: I haven't been able to find any solution online, so I want to see if anyone else knows what the issue might be.
Last reply by hhgross, -
- 2 replies
hi guys so i set up my emulators etc in hyperlaunch hyperlaunch runs them great but when i run them in hyperspin it gives me a simple error an unknown one even so my settings . inis look normal i have no idea whats up the only thing i can think of is cause ive named my folder diffrent rather then hyperspin it seems to be looking for the orginal hyperspin folder which mine is set as this Hyperspin 2014 Belive The Hype rather then this HyperSpin and its doing it will all my machines ive setup through hyperlaunch. my set up .ini dice emu it turns out it was pointing to the wrong hyperlaunch simple fix if you guys get stuck this is how to fix it im a noob for not spoting…
Last reply by relic,