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Today we have a bit of media for a new system, the Commodore MAX Machine. This is a small set that should give you countless minutes of enjoyment. Included are 16 video snaps, EM Default platform video, gameplay and title screen snapshots. This set was actually requested awhile back and we hope some of you find some holiday enjoyment with this. High Quality Video Snap Sample EM Default Platform Video Videos Added / Replaced - 16 @DamnedRegistrations, @Circo Avenger (USA, Europe) Bowling (Japan) Clowns (Japan) Jupiter Lander (World) Kickman (World) Le Mans (USA, Europe) Mole At…
Last reply by Circo, -
- 2 replies
This isn't a release announcement as much as a preview, we should have release announcements once a month going forward. But I did want to share an example of what to expect in the coming months. The MAME video snaps collection is a constantly evolving set. With all the redone sets that EmuMovies have released over the last year (much more coming on that front too) MAME needs some TLC. I can show much easier than I can tell, for this first example here is the before and after for the aliens video snap. Old aliens.mp4 New Aliens.mp4 Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our news feed to stay up to date on MAME Video Sn…
Last reply by onesikcoupe, -
- 23 replies
As Santa is now on his way to our good friends in Australia and New Zealand, I would like to wish all our members a Happy Christmas. Thank you for all you have done, there has been some absolutely stunning artwork produced this year, new ways to theme Hyperspin and updates to the awesome apps we use. Let us know what you are up to for Christmas and I hope you all have a great time. Regards Giga
Last reply by Kondorito, -
- 0 replies
We hope everyone had a good Christmas and our present to you is a brand new video snap collection for the Nintendo Super Game Boy. This release includes 461 video snaps as well as a new default platform video. Big thanks to @DamnedRegistrations for thge initial submissions. EmuMovies High Quality Video Snap Sample EmuMovies Default Platform Video Sample High Quality Pack - 461 Videos - 1.62GB Standard Quality Pack - 461 Videos - 683MB Initial Captures & Edits @DamnedRegistrations Final Edits & Encoding @Circo Video Listing Spoiler …
Last reply by Circo, -
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Here's your link. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/killer-is-dead-nightmare-edition
Last reply by gigapig, -
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We have a pretty cool update for the EmuMovies Nintendo Entertainment System video snaps collection. This update primarily contains video snaps for hacks, unlicensed and prototype games. Big thanks to @Riffman81 and @Audi85 for the submitting the captures. Continue reading below for the usual samples and links...Enjoy!! High Quality Video Snap Samples Videos Added / Replaced - 229 @Riffman81 @Audi85 Spoiler 1942 - Cold Winter (Hack).mp4 1944 (Hack).mp4 8 Eyes - Belmont's Quest (Hack).mp4 Abarenradin (Hack).mp4 Acid Bros (Hack).mp4 …
Last reply by Circo, -
- 1 reply
Today's release from EmuMovies is a new video snap collection for the Atari Lynx. DamnedRegistrations is still cranking out updates faster than we can get them posted and this new set again features crisp captures at 60fps. We also have a new Platform Video as well as some artwork updates. Continue reading for a listing of the new videos as well as the usual links and samples. Video Snap Sample (High Quality) Platform Video Sample (High Quality) Videos Added - 76 @DamnedRegistrations A.P.B. - All Points Bulletin (USA, Europe) Awesome Golf (USA, Europe) Baseball Heroes (USA, Europe) Basket…
Last reply by SupraKarma, -
- 5 replies
Today we over here at EmuMovies are happy to announce a brand new video snap set for the Watara Supervision. This new pack includes 66 video snaps as well as a new default platform video and gameplay and title snapshots. Continue after the previews for details and links. Video Snap Sample (High Quality) Platform Video Sample (High Quality) Videos Added - 66 @DamnedRegistrations 2 in 1 - Block Buster + Cross High (USA, Europe) 2 in 1 - Hash Blocks + Eagle Plan (USA, Europe) Alien (USA, Europe) Balloon Fight (USA, Europe) Block Buster (USA, Europe) Brain Power (USA, Europe) …
Last reply by SupraKarma, -
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Today we have a new update for the EmuMovies Sony Playstation Video Snaps Collection. Audi85 has been sending us quite a few captures of Japanese and unlicensed games and a few more translations were submitted by DamnedRegistrations. This update takes us to version 1.8 and includes 118 new videos bringing the total number of videos in the collection to 2,072. Continue reading for samples, changelist and links. High Quality Samples Videos Added or Replaced - 118 Captures and Initial Edits - @Audi85 @DamnedRegistrations Final Edits and Encoding - @Circo Advanced V.G. 2 (Japan) Armed Fighter (Japan) …
Last reply by Circo, -
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We have some new media for Locomalito games released today. If your not sure what these are check out the Locomalito website as all are free downloads save for the newest one Maldita Castilla EX which is available on Steam. Today's updates include 18 new video snaps, a default platform video as well as gameplay and title snaps. I had a ton of fun recording this set and I can't wait to get them installed in my front end. This media is also being added to the Microsoft Windows collection which now has 5,933 video snaps. The new Locomalito video snaps are available in HD (720p), HQ (480p) and SQ (240p). HD and HQ packs are available via our EmuMovies FTP file server an…
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 4 replies
We have just released a long awaited update for the Sega Dreamcase Video Snaps collection. This update adds or replaces 184 video snaps bringing our total for the collection to 459 videos. Huge thanks to DamnedRegistrations and Audi85 for helping with some of these captures. Now on to the sample, list of changes and links (you know the drill). High Quality Sample Videos Added or Replaced - 185 Captures and Initial Edits - @Circo @DamnedRegistrations @Audi85 Final Edits and Encoding - @Circo 102 Dalmatians - Puppies to the Rescue (USA) 18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker (USA) 4 Wheel Thunder (USA) 4x4 E…
Last reply by SupraKarma, -
- 1 reply
EmuMovies news releases have been non existant over the last monthy but for good reason. Today we release version 2.0 of the Nintendo Game Boy Advance video snap collection. This update includs 1,260 new video snaps, now with better gameplay, picture and sound quality. We hope you all enjoy these new much higher quality video snaps. High quality versions are available on the EmuMovies FTP and SYNC service. Captures and Initial Edits - @DamnedRegistrations Final Edits and Encoding - @Circo High Quality Set - 1,373 Videos - 11GB Standard Quality Set - 1,373 - 3.82GB High Quality Samples: …
Last reply by pinballspin, -
- 175 replies
Every day as time/content permits, I'm going to try to make a post on the HyperSpin facebook to try to publicly highlight and give credit for some of the great work that goes on in the HyperSpin community. I put some recent examples at the bottom of this post. I'm hoping that fellow HyperSpinners can help me pin down awesome projects by nominating developments here or via PM. Also, if anyone would like their work to be in the spotlight let me know! I don't want to focus on any one specific aspect of HyperSpin either so if people are working their butts off on anything at all, whether it be a database, artwork, a personal cabinet project, a third-party tool, anything …
Last reply by MADrigal, -
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View File Rambo The Video Game - Baker Team (PC Theme) Hello my fellow nerds, and hyperspinners. . Yes we all know what a disappointment Rambo the videogame was when it was released. However Rambo is my childhood hero. Although the game is terrible, I still have it in my collection. I made the theme myself using photoshop and hypertheme messing with some transparency with some pics to create a ammo-belt overlay. It actually looks neat. Again , I'm sorry my first theme upload is of an unpopular game. But for people who grew up like I did with the Rambo movies, or people who have rambo on the pc without a theme. here you go. You also ha…
Last reply by St0mp3r, -
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Today we have 13 new video snaps for the Atari Jaguar. Previously these were listed as not working. Thanks to @DamnedRegistrations for the submissions. Videos Added / Replaced - 11 Captures & Edits @DamnedRegistrations Final Edits & Encoding @Circo Air Cars (World) Attack of the Mutant Penguins (World) BattleSphere Gold (World) Club Drive (World) Cybermorph (World) Flip Out! (World) Hyper Force (World) Power Drive Rally (World) Ruiner Pinball (World) Skyhammer (World) Towers II (World) White Men Can't Jump (World) Zoop! (World) Video Sample Grab the …
Last reply by Circo, -
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Another update today is for the Sega CD video snaps set including 10 new videos. Thanks to @DamnedRegistrations for the captures. Videos Added / Replaced - 10 Captures & Edits @DamnedRegistrations Final Edits & Encoding @Circo Corpse Killer (USA) (32X) Night Trap (USA) (32X) (Disc 1) Night Trap (USA) (32X) (Disc 2) Slam City with Scottie Pippen (USA) (32x) (Disc 1) Slam City with Scottie Pippen (USA) (32x) (Disc 2) Slam City with Scottie Pippen (USA) (32x) (Disc 3) Slam City with Scottie Pippen (USA) (32x) (Disc 4) Supreme Warrior (USA) (32x) (Disc 1) Supreme Warrior (USA) (32x) (Disc 2) …
Last reply by Circo, -
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A small update for the Nintendo Super Famicom video snaps set has been released today including videos for 3 new games. We have a new translation and a couple of videos that were requested on our forums. Thanks to @DamnedRegistrations for the captures. Videos Added / Replaced - 3 Captures & Edits @DamnedRegistrations Final Edits & Encoding @Circo Ghost Chaser Densei (Japan) (Translated En) Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '96 - Kaimaku Ban (Japan) Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor (Japan) Video Sample Grab the new video snaps and artwork immediately via: EmuMovies Website (SQ Only) Directly through your front-end …
Last reply by Circo, -
- 1 reply
Another update for the Nintendo Famicom video snaps set brings us 5 new or updated videos. These updates are recent translations that have been released. Thanks to @DamnedRegistrations for submitting the captures. Videos Added/Replaced - 5 Captures, Edits - @DamnedRegistrations Final Edits, Encoding - @Circo Aigina no Yogen - Balubalouk no Densetsu Yori (Japan) (Translated En) Castle Quest (Japan) (Translated En) Dragon Ball - Daimaou Fukkatsu (Japan) (Translated En) Mahjong (Japan) (Translated En) Nagagutsu o Haita Neko - Sekai Isshuu 80 Nichi Dai Bouken (Japan) (Translated En) Video Snap Sample Grab …
Last reply by Kondorito, -
- 1 reply
Yes free for 1 day 18 hours from now. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/shadow-warrior-special-edition?linkID=&mcID=102:596fdc0ff4ab4eca30224e3f:ot:56cfa0e3733462ca894b907a:1&utm_source=Humble+Bundle+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2017_07_20_FreeGameShadowWarrior_store_20170720&utm_content=Banner
Last reply by Black Hazor, -
- 2 replies
Version 2.0 of the SNK Neo Geo CD video snaps have been released. This release includes 137 new video snaps, 1 new default platform video as well as new gameplay and title snapshot packs. Most of the videos were recorded in MAME using the Neo Geo CDZ core. Standard quality videos are available on the EmuMovies website and the High Quality videos are available via EmuMovies Sync and FTP. Some quick details Captures, Edits & Encoding - @Circo High Quality - 1.84GB / Standard Quality - 537MB Video captured using MAME (NeoGeo CDZ) Video Snap Sample Default Platform Video Videos Added/Replaced -…
Last reply by thatman84, -
- 3 replies
We're very excited to announce that Rec Room Masters has become a partner of HyperSpin. Any Rec Room Masters customer receives a 20% HyperSpin discount! If you've been considering getting a cabinet just take a look at their site here and it'll definitely get your blood pumping! On top of the various cabinet builds they offer they also provide custom art services so it's definitely a good option for anyone dreaming about a specific build too. Happy gaming!
Last reply by Avar, -
- 18 replies
Our latest development teaser is live:
Last reply by newoski, -
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To celebrate the release of their new game, Sundered, Thunder Lotus Games has made Jotun: Valhalla Edition free to keep forever if you download it this weekend! http://store.steampowered.com/app/323580/Jotun_Valhalla_Edition/
Last reply by Tomkun, -
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I am calling this run of video snaps the EmuMovies loves Demul series. The Sega Dreamcast and its affiliated arcade systems are some of my favorites. When I found out just what a big improvement the latest Demul emulator was over previous versions I decided it was time to redo all the Video Snaps. This pack is a HUGE improvement over our previous set, and I have also made a new default platform video as well as new gameplay and title snaps. These new Demul based packs will be available in SD, HQ & HD quality levels. Some quick details Captures, Edits & Encoding - @Circo High Definition - 1.05GB / High Quality - 504MB / Standard Quality…
Last reply by Circo, -
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Next up on our insane summer release schedule is a whole bunch of new media for the Nintendo Famicom Disk System. First off, a completely new and much needed video snaps pack. The old pack was 92 videos that were recordings from a fairly glitchy emulator with loads of sound issues. Replacing that pack are 210 brand new videos captured in RetroArch and are nicely hand edited. We also have a new default platform video as well as a new entry in our parallax series. I have also added matching gameplay and title snap packs. Continue reading after the samples for a breakout of the new videos. Videos Added - 210 Captures & Edits @Da…
Last reply by Circo,
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