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Is anyone still working on Hyperspin 2.0


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So many hacks. Too many for me. Too hard to keep track of and way too disorganized. It's a mess.

- J*

How to rebuild your MAME ROM set using CLRMAMEPRO - Walkthrough HERE!

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From what I can see this would be the ideal path that HyperSpin should take moving forward:

Any functionality built into HyperSpin that can be replicated in HyperLaunch should be stripped out and handled by HyperLaunch instead. Just leave HyperSpin to be the foundation and to do what it does best: look pretty. (I realize that this is not possible with the originally developer currently on leave)

HyperHQ and HyperLaunchHQ should be consolidated to remove all the redundancies that complicate setup and maintenance.

All the community add-ons should be evaluated, revised, and then incorporated into the official build. Maybe there can be a process setup for doing this much like how artwork is handled.

Everyone should spend more time enjoying what we already have than working on what's next.

I'm curious about where the membership fee goes and whether it is contributing to the progress of HyperSpin now that the original developer is gone, but that is probably best left to a separate discussion.


How can you strip anything out if we don't have the source code? Not going to happen.

- J*

How to rebuild your MAME ROM set using CLRMAMEPRO - Walkthrough HERE!


Does this error happen on all wheels? I havent seen it since I started back in sept. I leave my machine at the wheel spinning aimlessly over night and come back and crank it up. Just curious.


AHh, that probably why I have not seen it since sept of last year. I redownloaded everything and installed HS/HL fresh and synced everything with Hypersync which I doubt has any of those as Emumovies puts them all in MP4. My old install from the Torrent I downloaded that was "complete" must of had those as I remember seeing it like twice ever however not since I redid the install. Thanks for the info.


This is just maximus arcade all over again, it was buzzing for years and everyone was making Themes and cool stuff then the owner just vanished and left.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks to Zerojay for pointing the flash video issue out. I was once foolish enough to download one of those Hyperspin Media torrents, and only recently realised I still had lots of flv videos left over.

It's all gone now :)



For Clarification

-We are very much, "still in touch" with badboybill, as well as Dazz.

-The site was left in the capable hands of djvj, as well as the other mods/admins

-Hyperspin 2.0 is on hold, for an unforseen amount of time, be patient and dont wait for it

-Lets all remember that Badboybill, profits ZERO from hyperspin, he has accepted a paying job programing on top of his first job which is why we don't see him much

-Hyperspin will never be "maximus arcade", and will not be abandoned unless all of the members walk away at once, lets not forget that this forum is 99% driven by the members

Instagram : baddeolv
Kik : baddeolv
Facebook : Brian Addeo

  baddeolv said:
For Clarification

-We are very much, "still in touch" with badboybill, as well as Dazz.

-The site was left in the capable hands of djvj, as well as the other mods/admins

-Hyperspin 2.0 is on hold, for an unforseen amount of time, be patient and dont wait for it

-Lets all remember that Badboybill, profits ZERO from hyperspin, he has accepted a paying job programing on top of his first job which is why we don't see him much

-Hyperspin will never be "maximus arcade", and will not be abandoned unless all of the members walk away at once, lets not forget that this forum is 99% driven by the members

Thanks for the heads up! Hope You and the team are doing well...I haven't posted here in forever!, I've still been working on my machine for almost five years now, it's turning out really awesome!, can't wait to hopefully be done this year and show everyone, thanks again for all the help years ago, it really helped with my build


Maybe 2.0 will show up out of nowhere. Remember, project 64, had an altered beast like comeback. perhaps hyperspin can have a similar, but more akin to still dre, like comeback


BBB and Dazz were some of the first friends I made on here. I am glade to hear BBB got a new programming job in addition to his old job hes got to be making some serious bank lol, that dude is pretty smart.


Wow i have been gone a long time. BBB and dazz have moved on? Power to them, and many thanks. I haven't upgraded my HS in years and it's still running better than ever. Even re-skinned the whole thing.

Not sure if anyone remembers me, but .. Hi :wavey:

ps: I'd super appreciate it if anyone can direct me to that 1080p correction workaround


Good to hear he's doing okay and that nothing horrendous happened. Too often in the arcade/emu community some guy vanishes and it turns out he stole a bunch of money or died. And then we see threads about them on KLOV (or whatever it's called these days)

  glassbox said:
Wow i have been gone a long time. BBB and dazz have moved on? Power to them, and many thanks. I haven't upgraded my HS in years and it's still running better than ever. Even re-skinned the whole thing.

Not sure if anyone remembers me, but .. Hi :wavey:

ps: I'd super appreciate it if anyone can direct me to that 1080p correction workaround


It's on the FTP under the folder "/Upload Here/Unified Mega Theme"

My tools

Steam wheel creator - Generate xml list from Steam profile with artwork and videos

HyperSearch - Integrates search functionality with HyperSpin


  Dazz said:
Both BBB and I are still around.

Good news!

  • 2 weeks later...

lol if speculation was currency this thread would be the most expensive thread on the web.


Nice Guys Finish Last, Player Finishes On Her Face....................

  oooplayer1ooo said:
lol if speculation was currency this thread would be the most expensive thread on the web.


Instagram : baddeolv
Kik : baddeolv
Facebook : Brian Addeo

  • 1 year later...
  On 3/30/2014 at 9:32 AM, gigapig said:

Thanks to Zerojay for pointing the flash video issue out. I was once foolish enough to download one of those Hyperspin Media torrents, and only recently realised I still had lots of flv videos left over.

It's all gone now :)



Sorry to revive an old thread, but I didn't see a need to create a new one. I'm having this exact issue where after several hours HS goes to the white screen. Quick backstory, I installed HS about 2 years ago and signed on with EMU Movies and the other site as well. I setup the machine initially and haven't touched it or updated since. With that said, what do I need to do to fix this white screen issue?


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