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Home of the AMAZING HyperPin Digital Pinball front end!
244 topics in this forum
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- 11 replies
Hello I am new to hyperpin so I am sorry if these questions have been answered but I cant seem to find any thing on this I am trying to set up hyperpin so I can build a cab, I want to configure it with visual pinball, I dumped all my directb2s and jpg back glass files in the media folder, all my play field jpgs in the table images folder in media and all the wheel images in the folder and I configured the settings ini file with those folders and with my install of visual pinball and and the tables, I made sure that the table name matched that in the database xml and with all the images and back glass files, but when I try running hyperpin the images do not show up on…
Last reply by Fender, -
Last reply by calmtnboy, -
- 5 replies
Is there a difference? If not, that is great because I could save a a lot of money by purchasing a PC that just has a VGA connection instead of HDMI. I am of course talking about the Windows PC that you use to run Hyperspin (hardware). Do you see a difference in quality of the display of the games when comparing an HDMI connection to the display compared to a VGA display connection?
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 2 replies
I read a while ago about someone that came up with a way to wire the contactors directly to the flipper buttons, someone did a diagram of the wiring for this to work. I think it was with Siemen's contactors? I have just built a second pin cab, but this time around I didnt want the added expense of an led wiz or sainsmart, I have a couple of spare 24v Allen Bradley contactors lying around and thought that if It might be an option just to have the "Clunk" of the flippers and not the other bells and whistles. Can anyone shed some light on this ?
Last reply by Capp, -
Yesterday everything was working fine in Arcade games using mame. Then it updated RocketlauncherUI. No when I load a game it goes to the mame program where I have to select a game on the mame page and then it runs. Before that went straight to game. Any suggestions
Last reply by ljubinko, -
- 1 reply
Hi friends. Sorry about my english. I have a dificulty to config Joytokey profiles in Rocketlauncher UI. I config the frontend profile and launcher profile but the Joytokey only loads when I launch any game with my keyboard. After that, Joytokey launch and the functionaly is ok. If i config starts Joytokey in HyperHQ, the default Joytokey profiles load and I have to config 2 again. I am confused. Thanks.
Last reply by j5coat, -
Hi All I'd like to convert and image for use on a real DMD. I know this can be done using photoshop. had read that badboybill had created an excellent tool called DMD-it which was available here. Unfortunately the link is now broken. Does anyone have a copy of this to reupload or share/ Thanks
Last reply by neohusky, -
- 0 replies
Amigos, alguém pode me ensinar a configurar 2 monitores no hyperspin? - A finalidade é configurar Future Pinball com Playfield no monitor 1 e blackglass no monitor 2.
Last reply by Matheus10001, -
- 5 replies
Caros, preciso de ajuda, estou criando um Pinball virtual, instalei HiperSpin + Rocket Laucher + Bam + Future Pinball, porém quando seleciono a ''Table'' desejada tenho o conforme imagem. Como posso solucionar esse problema? Desde já agradeço.
Last reply by Matheus10001, -
- 2 replies
I have my cab built and am using Hyperpin as my front end with Future pinball. I have everything ready but have a small lingering issue. When I choose one of my tables in Hyperpin, it loads the table, the play field and the back glass correctly. It shows the game and everything but I have to alt tab to make the game active before I can play. This is the only thing holding me back from being finished. Any ideas?
Last reply by rcholer83, -
- 3 replies
Hey all.. first all, i did extensive searching and most things were outdated or arent currently relevant. Now that i have an account with both emumovies and hyperspin, id like to maximize my use for it. I wanted to know if or why there is no hyperpin media on the ftp? Ive been using my gameex account to use their ftp for a lot of stuff, but wouldve rathered use all the hyperin media packs. Is there any way to download the media packs besides one by one on the downloads section? and again, i did search and read. Either the files arent available elsewhere, or im blatantly stupid.. thank you
Last reply by aldub516, -
- 1 reply
Hello guy's n gal's. Please bare with me as this is my first try to build a cabinet using FP + Hyperpin. Currently when I launch Hyperpin and select a game, rather than launching the table it launches the Future Pinball program. I'm sure this is an easy fix that I'm over looking. I've spent hours on search engines with no avail. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Last reply by Silverback, -
- 7 replies
I spent a few hours trying to search forums and tutorials for positioning the DMD and found a lot of things that don't work. For now I'm only trying to run Visual Pinball driven by Hyperpin. So who is responsible for displaying the DMD? I thought it was Visual Pinball. I don't have my real DMD yet so I thought I'd try to display the DMD at the bottom of my second monitor. The problem seems to be that Hyperpin drives the display for the second monitor so I don't see how to accomplish this. And how do you make it display on the real DMD when I get that? The setup on vpforums and a tutorial I found said I needed to overwrite the vpinmame dll with a 2.5 cabinet version…
Last reply by svfuns, -
- 0 replies
Hi all When I access a Game via hyperpin the wheel moves by one notch onto the next game on the wheel and that game plays in the background (I can hear the wheel spinning on demo mode) any ideas ? thanks
Last reply by keithpaw, -
- 3 replies
Hi there everyone, I finally gathered all the parts to build my very own virtual pinball cabinet, and I say finally because I have been wanting to build a VP machine for over a year now. Of course, Murphy's laws seem to be working against me once my surprise I came back to this website after a year or so only to find out that there are no files to be downloaded in the Hyperpin section of the website
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I think I have read somewhere that Hyperlaunch is included in the latest 1.4 version of Hyperspin, is this correct?
Last reply by frankybabes, -
- 2 replies
Hi i know that damm question asked before...but i cant find simple answer. i just install Hyperpin, and i want to add a tabel to Database from my FP how do i add PLEASE?
Last reply by ChrisKant, -
- 1 reply
Como estan? soy nuevo aca y les comento que quiero instalar emulacion de juegos en linux. ¿Alguna recomendacion?
Last reply by zlagos, -
- 0 replies
Hi All, just going through my list of jobs and have started setting up Zinc. Noticed from a google that Mame has all the Zinc roms ? is that correct ? if so what else do I not need to setup as I already have in Mame ? ie Triforce, Taito, AAE, OpenBor etc ... some names I have never heard of
Last reply by gunit, -
- 0 replies
i continue to recieve the error application was unable to start correctly 0xc000007b click to close everytime i try to run the tool anyone know how to get around this
Last reply by Sliwka, -
- 0 replies
Im having a problem with future pinball. I can get it to startup and play no problem when I boot it outside of hyperspin but when it boots through it the table and screen rapidly flash like a strobe light. Any help would be great .. thanks
Last reply by warhusker, -
- 2 replies
Hello I just set up hyperpin and its really nice and easy to use but how do you set up the wheel are and the image files that appear as your scrolling? I am using a fan made game added it to the database and can launch and play it so that is great but I downloaded the wheel art put it in the wheel art folder in C:\HyperPin\Media\Future Pinball\Wheel Images but It doesn't show up on the wheel? I named it the same name as the table...did I do something wrong? Thanks
Last reply by rj2763, -
- 2 replies
I'm finding out that I suck with AHK... I've been trying to modify FPLaunch 1.295 wip 10 to launch .vpx file extension, but I can't figure it out. Has anyone been able to modify FPLaunch to work with the vpexetables.txt and VP10 file extensions?
Last reply by dark, -
- 2 replies
Hello all, Just taking 2 seconds to introduce myself. New to all of this Hyperspin/Hyperpin. I'll probably be more of a silent member but would love it if someone could point me to threads/urls discussing installing and configuration of HyperPin. Specifically, what emus does it front end..... I understand and am building Hyperspin against my emus, but i'm new to the virtual pinball world so i would love guidance as to what emus are out there, as well as what resources (tables, roms), cabinet build diagrams, tutorials, websites to look at, and what considerations I need to know about.....etc. To contextualize, the extent of my Hyperpin knowledge is - I saw a yout…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 0 replies
I just wanted to make it known how awesome my experience has been. Paul has been sharp an email response, even on a Sunday! He worked with me on a custom lock bar on a cabinet kit. The error was my mistake and he went above and beyond to help me. When my coin door was on back order with a crazy ETA time, with my consent he sent me another coin door and accommodated me. Today months later after I ordered a digital plunger I started putting my cab together a didn't have my digital ribbon. He responded to my email instantly and is send me another. A++++ Business and customer service. SO RARE
Last reply by flippnswitchez,
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