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351 topics in this forum
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como puedo aumentar la dificultad de los juegos arcade en hiperspin ya busque y no encuentro la manera de hacerlo si alguien me puede ayudar
Last reply by fernando250785, -
- 0 replies
Que vous pouvez dire concernant 4 ROCKET LEAGUE? Quel est votre jeu préféré? Ce jeu est à double tranchant. Si vous invitez votre moitié à un duo de manettes sur à ce jeu-là, il se peut que vous ne la retrouviez plus jamais (votre manette ou votre moitié). Dès les premiers instants Rocket League est incontestablement un jeu… comment dit-on déjà… tenant, captivant ! ADDICTIF ! Le but est de marquer des buts sur un terrain de foot amélioré grâce à vos talents de conducteurs, vos pirouettes aériennes, et le dynamisme de votre moteur. Certes le mode solo laisse un peu à désirer, mais on va dire que Rock…
Last reply by Milana88, -
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- 4 replies
Hi all, I guess this question has been asked 10's of times before but It will save me loads of time if I ask now. I've got loads of roms for various systems but I have problems with quite a few systems. Roms for the following systems all have different names to mine - Saturn, 3DO and Intellivision. I know it's a long shot, but can the Hyperspin compatible roms be found anywhere or have you guys had to manually rename your whole romsets? Thanks, Pel
Last reply by 32assassin, -
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I have pretty much finished my cab now and have MAME up and running nicely I was looking at Street Fighter IV on my Steam account and was thinking it might be good to get a few more modern arcade ports/variants or even arcade friendly games that were never in the arcade I remember reading that Street Fighter V had some mapping issues when it was first out, but if anyone can suggest some fun things to add to the cab it would be great!! To kick it off here are a few I can think of: Street Fighter IV / V / 30th Pacman Championship DX Overboard (classic pirate pc game, arcade style play)
Last reply by vaderag, -
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- 6 replies
Does anyone have a better way to download files for free. I used mega downloader but now it doesn't work. Is there another program that will let you download multiple files without errors out there? Any help would be appreciated. I'm trying to download meganz files
Last reply by kratos99050, -
- 5 replies
I was wondering what the best places are to get lists of the number of games per system. Is Hyperlist the best - is it accurate and up to date? Or are there other good sources?
Last reply by Andyman, -
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- 4 replies
Looking to include a smattering of sports titles in my setup. I am more of a Hockey/Football guy so I know those games. For basketball I opted for NBAJamTE... I would like maybe a cartoony/easy controls Baseball and Soccer game as well. Joystick only, no trackball. Any suggestions?
Last reply by lui36, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys! Does anybody know or can recommend MAME bootlegs/hacks worth having/playing? I currently have my MAME set trimmed to Parents only plus clones worth playing, but I have seen some themes from @Skywatcher about King of Fighters and Street Fighter bootlegs that look awesome to play! Instead of just adding one by one, wanted to know your recommendations and if you already have a list of bootlegged games with extra features or cool modifications (not just clones that the only difference from the parent is the region). Thank you in advance ppl!
Last reply by fire10, -
- 1 reply
As the title says beat my HI-SCORE!
Last reply by wallmachine, -
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Hey guys! I am collecting the stuff from the TurboGrafx16 system, as I saw there are some great gems in there, and the entire library I believe is less than 100 games and very light weight. I stumbled across its Asian counterpart, the NEC PC Engine, with over 400 games. The question/topic here is; is it worth it to have the PC Engine games as well? Or are they unplayable because of the language? Are there specific Japanese games that are great and are a must, and/or can be played without knowing the language? Thanks!
Last reply by Kondorito, -
- 4 replies
He guys! I am redoing my entire MAME collection, and got to the point of deciding about the CHD based games. These are the ones that I have played before and will get, but I wanted to check with the community about the rest, as I dont want to leave behind possible good/entertaining games, but neither to occupy gigs of dead space. Games that I currently listed: - Jojos (both games) - Killer Instinct (both games) - Street Fighter III (three games) - RedEarth Games that I do not know their status (playable or not): - King of Fighters (three games) - Tekken 4 and 5 - VIrtua Striker - Virtua Tennis Games that I am on the fence: - Beatmani…
Last reply by griffin518, -
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- 3 replies
All I am really pleased to finally get going on mame and very happy with the games thus far. I am esp interested with the starwars 1983 vector graphic game and the empire strikes back same genre. What I don't feel great about is navigation .. to me this is cryptic. I cannot figure out what key does what nor can I wrap my head around the tab >> Player 1 controls .. don't have any idea what anything on that page means its all crazy town to me. Cant set anything don't know what a P1 Button 1 is or what it means (fire thumb button .. no context). Any pointers or links to demystifying this would be grateful. I'm certain I am overlooking something but right now its j…
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 1 follower
- 43 replies
Here is my current list of games for my hyperspin pc section what are yours ? Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round Mortal Kombat Complete Edition Mortal Kombat X Need for Speed The Run Need for Speed Underground Need for Speed Underground 2 Shank Shank 2 Street Fighter X Tekken Post yours, I am after some more for my collection.
Last reply by nipser, -
- 4 replies
Hi There is any way to play cuphead co-op with one keyboard? ( i have tried with xinput files but don't worked)
Last reply by Echo1972, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hey Guys, not sure if it was posted anywhere here.. but Starcraft 2 is now free? Happy Gaming.
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 reply
- 61 views About: As vast alien mining cities suck the power and minerals from every major metropolis on Earth simultaneously, time is of the essence as millions of civilians are expiring by the second. Using your stealth parachute and the now infamous "Zooming" head-mounted sniper weapon, your task is to slip in undetected from the sky, seek out and remove the alien leader by any means. Fully reactive “smart enemies” think, listen and communicate in a calculated assault on your life. Think fast and act faster against the most sophisticated artificial enemy intelligence of its time. The main objective of the game is to basically shoot ever…
Last reply by Bungles, -
- 1 follower
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- 87 views DESCRIPTION Brütal Legend is an action-adventure that marries visceral action combat with open-world freedom. Set in a universe somewhere between Lord of the Rings and Spinal Tap, it’s a fresh take on the action/driving genre, which in this case is full of imitation cover bands, demons intent on enslaving humanity and Heavy metal tunes. Featuring the talents of comedian, actor and musician, Jack Black as super roadie Eddie Riggs, as well as cameos by some of the biggest names in metal music it's a wild ride in the belly of the beast that is not to be missed by…
Last reply by CroCop, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I am looking at Steam as an option for downloading games etc, however I am new to the entire thing. I went to their site, however I am unable to post questions on their forums.... (not sure why). I was hoping that someone could help me? Here are some questions I have.... How exactly does steam work? i.e.) I download a game, does that mean I keep it forever? Is it saved online somehow? Can I save it to multiple computers? PC Requirements- Is there a way to check if my pc will run a game before I buy it? I see specs but I get confused by that... I have a Mac and PC will it work on both? If I downloaded the game onto one or the other is it trans…
Last reply by Bungles, -
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Can someone please help me with how to configure joysticks to work in games like pacman so that when trying to move sometimes there is a delay. I have my restrictor set to four-way but I'm not sure how to adjust dead zones I'm using Mame 2003 in retroarch on a raspberry pi. Joysticks are Sanwa style zero delays. Any help is appreciated. I have looked all over the web and read up on set ups via wiki and have just become more confused.
Last reply by Gotthat, -
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I just built a 3 sided cocktail . Been messing with a VGA3000 scanline generator. Using a HP2065 20" 5:4. LCD monitor. Any options would be great. Been tricky trying to get correct resolutions and having things auto change in MAME etc. Anyone done this setup before with a SLG3000 from a PC and Hyperspin ? Running windows at 1280 x 1024 , is that good ? Have to run Galaga at 1280 x 1024 to get it smooth , want to run lower for scaliness but not smooth. Any advice ? Cant get frogger to run smooth either , has to run at 1280 x 1024 also or the trees look jerky etc , any advice ? Thanks …
Last reply by evile7575, -
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Probably old news but I have just played an updated version of Daytona. Same game with better graphics, very good and I sucked at it.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
I made a quick post on this in the Bliss-Box thread but it's a major enough breakthrough it deserves its own thread as well. We got Bliss-Box working perfectly with all dance pads. This is a huge, huuuge deal akin to getting light guns to work again because until now, no one's been able to do it! The only adapters that could remotely do this were super crappy, couldn't handle the required inputs, required you to install windows drivers, also required the user to input specific button combos to turn it on, and they'd break frequently. Conversely, as of the latest Bliss-Box firmware release, all you have to do to use any dance pad with any emulator on any operationg sy…
Last reply by xtwistedsanityx, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
This looks like loads of fun.!!
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 7 replies
A couple of weeks ago, I saw that the Steam link was on sale for next to nothing. I didn't really know what it did exactly and always thought that it was exclusively for playing Steam games. But after I did some Google searching, I was amazed of what is supposedly could do... I was kind of sceptic to be honest, but after receiving it and setting it up including HyperSpin and all the local (non-Steam) PC games I have running on the arcade cabinet, I was swept away. This thing is FREAKING AMAZING! It works like a charm, easy to set up and a blast to navigate through. Now I'm playing on the HD-TV and I rarely feel the need to sit behind the cabinet (until friends come a…
Last reply by gigapig, -
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I toyed with the idea of adding Atari ST to my set up but wasn't sure since the amiga has all the same games. However I came across this list on another site of ST games not on amiga, so I thought I would post it here juist in case other people are interested There are not that many so perhaps we will see some wheels for em one day *wink* *wink*
Last reply by guyverjay,
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