Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 8 replies
Fellas, Got most of my MAME games working...finally ha! However, the sound quality is very "spotty" if that makes sense. Sounds like you're at a fast food drive thru ha! Any ideas? Really appreciate all you guys being willing to help the NEW GUY lol!
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
friend help me set up hyperspin and it is mostly working except for the games run by Retroarch. whenever I try to load them I get this error message. Can someone direct me on how to correct this. seems like it should be an easy enough fix, but I'm a bit lost. Thanks for the help, ~Joe
Last reply by Becksbolero2, -
- 0 replies
Followed the guide below here and got everything setup and working, but one question I had is after setting it up I recall if I just ran the emulator stand-alone I could load different games by selecting normal boot and then choosing the CDI file I wanted. Now it just loads whatever game hyperspin last chose. I was wondering where the setting for this was, as I couldn't find it in Rocketlauncher or HyperHQ anywhere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pY0dbGs2bk
Last reply by bzeeb, -
- 16 replies
I'm trying to incorporate a ScummVM set into HS. The Set (the most common torrent going around) has archived files for each game that does not follow the HS official DB. The most elegant solution is to deploy a rom mapping file to map the archive file names to the short game names in the DB. Does anyone out there have a working file willing to share ? thanks in advance,
Last reply by deejus679, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone, I'm having trouble setting up my Cemu emulator with Hyperspin/RocketLauncher. Basically, 90% of the games I have are the loadiine format, relying on an rpx file deeper in it's directory. Meanwhile, my nromal usage of HS/RL is that I need a file named as the game in a single directory (or a same-named sub-directory) to get it to load... How do you guys have yours setup? Is it worth it to just track down .wud or .wux files of these titles? I tried to find a way to convert them, but it was a no-go.
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 6 replies
I have everything working on hyperspin for future pinball, but i cant seem to get any of the controls working except for the left and right nudge buttons, even if i remap them. any ideas?
Last reply by phaseprizm, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to set multiple MAME emulator under the same System wheel ? Even if I try to use Retroarch, I don't find the valide core for my ROM version. If somebody can help me
Last reply by Krakerman, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I hope this is ok to ask. It isn't a rom but a file within a rom. I seem to have lost it while upgrading my rom set to ver. .180 Wondering if anyone could help. I believe it's from GTFORE04a rom and the file I'm missing is: g44-us-u.u53 Here is the arcade database info on it: Arcade Database (gtfore04a.zip) Please let me know if this is not allowed...I'll remove/delete the post. thomas
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
Finally setting up DOSbox after all these years but ran into a problem. The DOSbox module says you need an enhanced version of Dosbox. Downloaded that but when I went to setup the path in Rocketlauncher and I can't. DOSBox does not exist in the list of emulators. There an option for DFend but that's the only option for DOS that I see. What do I do now?
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 4 replies
I know i shouldn't ask but how and where do i get working emulators and mame. I downloaded a Mame 0.161 emulator pack and a version of Mame 0.161 but every game gives me some thing like file missing .ini.
Last reply by raygst, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
MAME Multithreading does it make a difference? it's now set like this on my setup multithreading 0 numprocessors auto bench 0 i always wondered iif it makes a difference and if MAME would take advantage of multicores. can someone chime in on this subject
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 0 replies
I love Retroarch and I really appreciate the amount time and effort their team puts into improving retro gaming. Their recent efforts around Vulkan and the new N64 and PSX renderers are amazing. If you appreciate them as much as I do, please join their Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/libretro
Last reply by reznnate, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hey Guys, so first i hope its the right section and second here is the error i know on intel graphic adapters i need to change 2 options in case to get the emulator run. thats all good changed it and it boots (in Hyperspin and stand alone) -> picture 1 but now the problem after that i get only this screen and tried alot and also found nothing in forum or im just to blind. but maybe someone can help and see the problem. so again only this screen appears and nothing more. if i use stand alone all perfect but in hyperspin / rocket launch nothing boots up, so no game.
Last reply by Lucky1, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I have a 32" lcd that is rotated for vertical orientation. My goal is to move the MAME gameplay to the bottom of the screen (it currently centers itself), and then display the appropriate marquee above. This would all be done on a single display. Is this possible?
Last reply by solid187, -
- 1 reply
Hi all, I need some help please. I have N64 working perfectly in RocketLauncher using RetroArch w/ Mupen64plus core but as soon as I load it in HyperSpin it is all glitchy and slow. Please help with some advice. It was working perfectly until I installed a new graphics card before I was just using the integrated graphics. Now it just bogs down and is slow and glitchy but works perfect in RocketLauncher. It's doing my head in. Please help Thanks Greg
Last reply by n0v1c31, -
- 12 replies
Hopefully I have not been so burnt out in the brain I get this right. So I have win uae and I am trying to load up maniac mansion.. it loads but I cant access the arrows in the game to move the characters around attached is the 2 pics I am trying to figure out I would like to use my mouse as the main feature to control the characters in the game and space bar is the pause menu.. anyone help me set these configurations up correctly.. its so confusing normally ya just point what ya want and click the buttons but this is never work.. after I make up some buttons I save the file and still it aint working in game.. Frustrating
Last reply by Tomkun, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
When playing various games on mame they seem extremely pixelated, does anyone else have this problem or do I need to fiddle with settings or is it just like that. Out Run and Football Champ are a couple of examples. Out Run, its quite hard to make anything out, just very blocky. Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 6 replies
When I run Taito Type X's Chaos Breaker it's super fast. It's unplayable. Does anyone know how to fix? Thanks!
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 0 replies
Hi very new to hyperspin so apologies for the noob question. i have got WinUAE set up for my amiga wheel, but i have no idea how to handle disk changes well. i know i can change disks in WinUAE but i would like to run the amiga games from an arcade cabinet so would like to avoid having to do this, can anyone advise on how they have got their amiga setup to work without having to change disks in game?
Last reply by ceteri, -
- 4 replies
If I start a game within retroarch then the screen is little and to the left. I tried to center it with opt. custom but it resets to the left position. I think its a retroarch thing because my mame games work fine. If I pus "f" the screen doesn't change, it just becoms a window. I got N64 and mega drive at the moment on the retroarch emulator.
Last reply by svennh, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys, does somebody have Mame 180 with raw input and no nag version? I think I understood that this is the version needed to play with two aimtrack lightgun thx
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Was thinking about buying the Dolphin Bar. Anyone have it, used it? Opinions on how it works...good and bad...? How does the bluetooth work? Worth buying? thomas
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 39 replies
Does anyone have a retroarch build that still has per core option AND support the vulkan shaders (.slang)? This new override is pissing me off but I really need to use vulkan in the new psx HW. If you could supply me with a link I would forever be in your debt!
Last reply by newoski, -
- 0 replies
When running Golden Tee or Shuffleshot through HS in MAME, occasionally my trackball exhibits some odd behavior. In Golden Tee, the player will just start swinging at shots on their own. In Shuffleshot, the trackball gets pegged up and to the left, holding the puck off the board. As both games utilize the trackball, I assumed this was the culprit. Exiting the game and restarting it from the HS menu fixes the problem. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm not sure whether it's a rom issue, a settings issue, or a problem with random trackball behavior. I am running older versions of mame and roms, .150 I believe. This seems to be a fairly new behavior though. Anothe…
Last reply by mrfloppy, -
- 8 replies
I read somethings in libretro forums, the devs there says it easy to compile it, though it's not easy for me as I have no knowledge on how to compile anything. I'd really appreciate if anyone could help with that, I'm sure there are lot more who want this core. I read that there's some versions for MAME 2003 core that has a way to disable the nag screen, but I think it's old.
Last reply by nespcbuild,