Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 1 reply
im setting up retroarch but noticing some systems have multiple cores. are there ones that are better than others? i noticed alot for nes and snes. Is ther a core guide somewhere or better yet which ones do you guys use. Thanks
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 2 replies
Hi All, I have been using retroarch version 1.2.2 for my Sega Megadrive / Genesis emulation with a bezel which all ran fine, then I added the Sega Game Gear and changed the settings in the config file to use with a bezel too and it has overwritten the Megadrive / Genesis config file. I can now see that they both use the same config file but I cant find a way to make them use there own file, does anyone know what i'm doing wrong or need to be doing? Thank you for your time.
Last reply by Rincewind, -
- 3 replies
Sorry if this has already been posted but I searched thew Dolphin website as well as here and rocket launchers website. Is there per game memory card support similar to epsxe and pcsx2?
Last reply by FrankyRizzo, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone / anyone reading, I am pulling my hair out on this one. I have two wireless xbox 360 controllers and for the life of me I can't get them both working with RetroArch. Is anyone else having this issue? I have used multiple versions with varying levels of success but never gotten both working. Last night I was able to get a single controller to work inside a few cores but never the second. That was the latest stable release. Today I tried a nightly build and Retroarch sees them, but does not allow me to change any controls. I can EVEN use the damn menu within retroarch with a controller, but not set controls?!?! Xinput has been selected in drivers. Both c…
Last reply by mobly100, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I am currently using Simply Austins pre configured setup for commodore amiga. When I try to change the resolution or setup xbox 360 controls however, I can't get it to save my changes. Any ideas?
Last reply by C_Wilson009, -
- 12 replies
I can't seem to get AAE to run i always get an App Crash, i'm running win 7 64 bit, funny think is it runs on my main computer just not my cab...? I'm using the latest version with AAE Update #2
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 3 replies
I know mame is funny if you don't have certain roms somewhere in your actual mame rom folder(s) but is there really any reason to keep the CLONES in our hyperspin? Obviously bootlegs like crazy kong are one thing and games like Salamander and whatever the other version was called (ex: FLYING SHARK and SKY SHARK) when the games are the same but different names that's one thing but the CLONES just seem like they take too much space on wheels. How do you guys have your arcades setup? I noticed an option in HyperHQ that said something like parents only but I haven't messed with it yet.. I assume it will only show the main roms and not the clones?
Last reply by SubZero, -
- 6 replies
Hi i've not been on here for a long time and a lot has changed. I've never used Retrolaunch before and i've been trying to set in Rocketlauncher but i can't get it working. I've been following Simply Austins video's but i get this error when launching in RocketLauncher.
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 4 replies
Just curious to know how many people that have a full MAME ROM set also have separate wheels for systems like CP1-3, Namco System 22, Sega Model 3. I guess it comes down to preference (with the individual game themes) because with each system I have do have themes for the games (CP1-2, Namco System 22, Sega Model 3) so it looks good having them in their own section their own themes but being that all the games are already on a FULL MAME ROM SET... I'm wondering if anyone else bothers to keep the separate wheels just for the themes?
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 2 replies
I posted on the libretro forum but it seems that it's not extremely active... I have been trying to get the x86 Windows MAME cores to work but it's driving me nuts! Only the 2014 core (0.159) works but when I load a game (sf2 for example) there's terrible noise on the audio. I would like to mention that 0.79 (2003 core) is fine but it's pretty much pointless. Any ideas how to get the darn thing to work? Please tell me that it's indeed a real issue... Note that the x64 2014 core (0.152) works flawlessly so I don't think I'm doing something wrong. I remember some previous nightlies working fine (several months ago) but the buildbot doesn't keep older binar…
Last reply by something, -
- 0 replies
I just purchased a platinum account, and was setting up Hyperspin with the platinum beta. I have Action Max working, but when testing it out i noticed the scoreing is messed up. It doesn't seem to display 7 correctly, and I believe 10 + was not displaying the numbers correctly. Then as I was playing my score would go up and down. For example, i would have a score of 15... then i hit a target, or maybe i missed, then i had a score of 12, then it would go up, then it would be a lower score again. I don't remember the score going down before. This is happening with all games. Is this a known issue with Action Max, or did i screw something up? I did have to mess with the …
Last reply by maabus, -
- 5 replies
Hi all, Need some help with sound settings.. >> Retroarch :: is being my biggest issue at the moment - across all platforms it emulates (nes,snes,ms,md,gbc,gba,ps1) Its Crackly, like a stereo trying to use blown speakers >> Dolphin :: Like retroarch but no where near as bad, tends to be mostly on highest & lowest frequency peaks.. mid range being good sound. >> PPSSPP, Mame, PCSX2 and others are all clear and in good working order. I have tried several settings and multiple combinations of those settings but can't seem to shake the "Crackle-Effect".. I have also checked my drivers for updates etc.. but didnt help.. any tips? PC S…
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 5 replies
Took me most of yesterday to get Retroarch and the mess core to play nicely with Atari 5200 and others but I finally got it all working with the help of information found in this thread: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/6751-mess-bios-retro-arch-problem/ However, since this is an old thread, it references and older version of RA. I've looked through all of the general and core-specific settings but can't find the place where you can disable the Mess nag screen as shown by Baddie here: Was this functionality removed from the newer versions of RA or mess core? Or am I just blind? FYI...I also know that RA is not the preferred emulator for some of the …
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 9 replies
Hey I have found DOSbox and heard of exodos and other DOS apps to run non windows games in Windows 7. I was wondering what method (or others) is easiest to setup? Link to a tutorials please? Is there a certain place or naming set that is hyperspin named? Any recommendations for games? I have found 2 WWE games I never heard of that are similar to the ones in MAME but different characters.. I also have noticed issues with some games that I used to play on Windows 95 and 98. IE) Need for speed 3. Wont run... just hangs. or I get that error about I can not run the app in windows64 I have tried right clicking on the exe and changing the compatibility mode all the wa…
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 2 replies
I have my system setup with HyperSpin as my front end and RocketLauncher interfacing with it. When I try to run a game through HyperSpin the screen flashes and says loading game 0% then just comes back to the Hyperspin menu. Any ideas???
Last reply by DefektivePrimate, -
- 4 replies
I am wondering if it is just me or the PC I am setting up (a Dell Precision 390 i5 Win7 based PC). Setting it up for a buddy and it will eventually go into a CRT based cab. But right now, when I launch a game from the command line, seems the audio skips or is smeared. But when i exit out of the game, the command line window reports no frame drops? I haven't yet tried it on another PC. Anyone having audio issues in MAME 0.166?
Last reply by albert_c, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone , I have followed the instructions on youtube, for the Dolphin Emu (Gamecube) Everything is working and i installed it just the way austin explained in his video, but I cannot get it working to full screen within the bezel, it always starts up windowed. What do you guys think the problem may be?
Last reply by thegreatiandi, -
- 6 replies
I got all bios files right place and rooms named right retroarch just crash when I select a game works in expse any ideas? Sent from my LGL16C using Tapatalk
Last reply by griffin518, -
- 2 replies
Hi, i tried setting 3do up with retroarch but i dont have the iso collection of roms, i have the img and cue file roms so i cant use retroarch right? Anyway i set up FourDo and it works well with the bezel apart from the info bar at bottom and tool bar at the top, is there a way to hide these? If i enable fullscreen i lose the bezel. Thank you
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 26 replies
Now Exists check it : http://mynintendonews.com/2015/10/13/a-wii-u-emulator-has-been-released-for-windows-10/
Last reply by ryuuji, -
- 3 replies
i know you have to unecm if they got ecm file but what does ape file do and any suggestions what i should do i got serveral ps1 games with extension 13 tracks of it any knowledge is helpful
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I have tried looking it the settings but I am unable to figure out how to exit without a keyboard. I am using an xbox 360 controller. Any ideas?
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 4 replies
I have a huge cab build going on in my shop class where a phone hot spot is all I got for downloads. Its too big of a file to download using my students phone as a hot spot so I ordered some rom dvd's and they showed up last week as Mame163 Not a big deal, but I cant find Mame32 163 anywhere to match my rom's. In addition, the tutorial sates that they must match to work. Is it really that picky and if so where can I find a version of Mame32 163 ? Yes I did try a search at this site but came up short. Any help would be great . Thank you
Last reply by OPM, -
- 1 reply
can't seem to find much help on this, i know bc its a new version. i just started again messing w/ HS etc . last night i was in finishing stages of having mame done i went to enable hlsl. then roms were black screen.everything else seemed to work bezels etc etc just area for rom on screen was black. i disabled hlsl and everything was fine and working. tried a couple old hlsl i found same issue. any sugestions for a newb, been several years since i messed w/ thihngs, decided to ask before i changed something i shouldnt have lol
Last reply by No Name, -
- 14 replies
Ok so I am finally apt done setting up taito type x again... let me tell you, it's been a journey lol But I think most of my problems has been windows 10,since I am setting it up on 2 different computers, one Intel and one amd. So now I am down to the bezels lol And so far so good... have the hard ones set up already, thx to gigapig for hooking me up with my old material for it,which BTW still works as it should... well mostly lol So as the title says... vertical bezels. .. well they're not showing up on either PC... I've tried the regular way to see in that's the case N that's how it's supposed to be set up now, and no that didn't work out either. For those who ha…
Last reply by danwelsh,