Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 1 reply
Hey Guys Hyper Hq is not saving settings latest build Can anyone help thanks
Last reply by monkey666, -
- 2 replies
I'm trying to fix some transparency issues I'm have with some Dreamcast games (Shenmue, MSR). If I run demul.exe(demul32- by itself and choose Config->Video, there's an option for Disable Auto Sort which is checked. Turning that off seems to fix my issue. The settings are stored in gpuDX11.ini. However, if I run through HyperLaunch, the option & ini file get reset. I think it has to do with the Demul (v0.5.8).ahk file, specifically these lines: ; This updates the DX11gpu ini file to turn List Sorting on or off. Depending on the games, turning this on for some games may remedy missing graphics, having it off on other games may fix corrupted g…
Last reply by derekmorris, -
- 18 replies
I have a compiled some binaries of a few Japanese emulators that I use for unsupported systems. I know some of us collect rare or hard to find systems, so if you are interested send a reply. List of Emulators: Emu5 - SORD m5 emulator EmuGaki - CASIO PV-2000 emulator EmuLTI8 - MITSUBISHI Electric MULTI8 emulator EmuPIA - TOSHIBA PASOPIA emulator EmuPIA7 - TOSHIBA PASOPIA7 emulator EmuZ-80B - SHARP MZ-80B emulator EmuZ-80K - SHARP MZ-80K emulator EmuZ-700 - SHARP MZ-700 emulator EmuZ-800 - SHARP MZ-800 emulator EmuZ-1200 - SHARP MZ-1200 emulator EmuZ-1500 - SHARP MZ-1500 emulator EmuZ-2200 - SHARP MZ-2200 emulator EmuZ-2500 - SHARP MZ-2500 emulator EmuZ-2800 - SHARP M…
Last reply by Roverius, -
- 72 replies
Well here we are on the forums again trying to get that blasted emulator working for one of our childhood systems. Calamity has recently combined GroovyMAME and MESS binaries into GroovyUME. Some of you reading might not know how significant this is for all of us trying to play our retro systems the way they actually looked like. The systems emulated accurately by MESS as part of GroovyUME 0.149 at the moment are as follows: Acorn Electron (Computer) Alice32 (Computer) Apple IIGS (Computer) Aquarius (Computer) Arcadia 2001 (Console) Atari 400/800 Series (Computer) Atari 2600 (Console) Atari 5200 (Console) Atari 7800 (Console…
Last reply by devilchi, -
- 3 replies
Is there any way to turn on vsync for the Daphne Singe emulator? Seems to be tearing in all games (Dragon's Lair, Mad Dog McCree etc.).
Last reply by derekmorris, -
- 8 replies
Hi, I would like to change the dragon's lair rom from F2 to DLE21. Somehow, if i run from hyperspin, it allways uses the default F2 rom. No mather what i change, it keeps running on F2 instead of the DLE21 I made a BAT-file with the the DLE21 settings, and that worked perfectly. So, my question is, how can i change the settings to point out to DLE21 rom Module i use: What file is used in %daphneParams% ? The reason i want to use DLE21 is because it plays the bridge scene. in the F2 version, it skips the bridgescene. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Laser Disk ;Daphne v1.0.6 ;by Shaterdsoul ;1.0…
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys, I've tried nestopia and RetroArch, but neither are capable of playing the English Translated roms for Famicom and Famicom Disk System. What emulator is everyone using for these? Thanks!
Last reply by silverfox0786, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys! It's been some time since I tried emulating Dreamcast on my PC. I tried running Sonic Adventures and I don't think it ran smoothly and there were lots of graphical glitches. This is my PC specs running Win7: Processor: AMD FX 6100 3,3GHz (95W). Graphics: Radeon HD7850 2GB Ghost, Black Edition . RAM: 8GB 1600Mhz. Are there any suggested or recommended settings to use when running NullDC on a PC similar to mine?
Last reply by vonfnas, -
- 0 replies
Anybody have one to share ? I can't seem to find one......
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 1 follower
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Last reply by gigapig, -
- 4 replies
Updated mane to 157 and now no more Atari system 1 games. No marble madness, roadrunner and Indiana jones. Is there a fix? The bios for system 1 is included in mame 157. I even dropped system 1 bios in the mame rom folder. Error says 136032.103.f7.bin not found tried in marble atarisys1 marble.
Last reply by djsim, -
- 20 replies
I've been trying to emulate Tiger Game.com games and while I can load the games successfully in MESS, there is a crosshair overlay on the screen that I can control with my joystick which only goes in 8 directions from centre, which doesn't actually allow me to select anything on the screen. I tried searching for the "GameCom" emulator but can't find it anywhere on the internet, nor is there a link in the HyperLaunch HQ AHK file. I've read that MESS emulation of Game.com isn't perfect which is why I was looking for GameCom in the first place. What do other people use? Can anyone provide a link to the GameCom emulator? Thanks!
Last reply by Gazman2003, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys. I'm having a problem that has been driving me crazy for 4 days now. I have searched and searched, but can't seem to come up with a solution. I'm sure it is something easy, but thus far it has eluded me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. So here goes. I am setting up Retroarch with an arcade control board run by two iPac2s. I have mapped the iPacs and assigned independent keycodes to each. All buttons and controls work flawlessly in MAME. I have successfully binded player 1 and it works on both consoles I have tried. The problem comes with player 2. I have been able to set movement keys and "button B" but that is all. Within Retroarch I am unable …
Last reply by awesomo, -
- 31 replies
Hi, can someone tell me how I can get hyperspin to launch the 2 player versions of mame games such as turtles, turtles in time, simpsons etc I have located the roms and can place them in the rom directory but I am unsure on how I tell hyperspin to launch these roms instead of the 4player variants. can anyone offer guidance on this ?
Last reply by 32assassin, -
- 1 reply
Hi all I'm new here but my problem is when trying to boot a saturn iso it mounts fine in daemon and launches in hyper hq set to drive 0 (as example) yet when I start hyperspin the game won't start.so I go back into hq only to find I need to change the drive number again ? Every boot the drive number changes,I'm running win 8.1 and wondered if anybody could help me solve the issue Thanks
Last reply by stacymc, -
- 7 replies
Well, I've got the emulator (PCSXE) and some ROMs. I've set-up all the folder correctly, but when I go into the games wheel for Playstation, it just shows Castlevania over and over and over again (I don't even have that ROM). How do I fix this?
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 3 replies
Ok i have all my other emus running ok, but with CD32 i get this..? I followed this guide, http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?30448-Complete-Guide-for-Commodore-CD32-in-HyperSpin-and-RL-using-VinUAE-only&highlight=CD32 which worked last time i set this up. I'm running Latest HS and HL WinUAE.ahk 2.1.3 WinUAE 2.6.0 Do i need WinUAE.ahk 2.0..?
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 1 reply
Check your rom extension and make sure you have added that to your retroarch RL settings.
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 1 reply
Finally got around to setting up Mame properly. However I noticed that in certain newer games with higher resolutions like Ridge Racer, the HLSL effects don't look as good. Is there any way to fix that?
Last reply by bandit721, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys I setup my HS with all dedicated emulators to start with and all worked but the emulation was iffy but the games worked just fine Emulators where as follows Atari 2600 Atari 5200 Atari 7800 Jaguar Lynx Amstrad GX4000 I then decided to use MESS as the emulator I noticed that only Atari 5200 had a MESS AHK I looked at the MESS guide and also the AHK guide and decided to write my own for GX4000 and take it in steps Inside of HyperlaunchHQ everything works fine with the Rocket test feature and the games starts up just fine MESS as a standalone is also working fine but when I try it on HyperSpin the AHK does not fire up I get nothing at all also t…
Last reply by silverfox0786, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, This is my first post to the hyperspin forums, I've spent hours trying to work out how to layout my controls how I want them but I'm stumped; Basically I am using xPadder with 4 xbox360 controllers, 2 hacked wired pads with arcade buttons/sticks and 2 standard wired pads for dual analog games I have two xbox360 controllers that I have pulled apart, soldered and attached my arcade buttons and joysticks to the respective Dpads I have a few queries; The main issue I am trying to deal with, is how to set the analog stick(s) of the pads to work with my emulators Project 64 for example I will need to map atleast the left stick to the actual controllers instead of…
Last reply by F4LL3NH3ART, -
- 0 replies
Hi i'm trying to set up my hyperspin steam wheel, but i ran into a problem. i ran EncryptPasswords.exe and filled in my credentials. when i try to launch a game it starts steam and tries to enter them. in EncryptPasswords my username is "mikomi" but when i look at what it entered in steam it is "W*vb3~" so logging in doesn't work. any idea what i'm doing wrong ? edit: aslo i can't get the games to get audited, is there something else i must do ? thanks in advance
Last reply by mikomi, -
- 1 reply
Hi friends I have setup SNK Neo Geo with Retroarch but whenever I tried launching the game get the following error, please advise what should I do thanks Game launches without problem in RA outside HQ
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 9 replies
Wonder if anyone can help me here. I have sent hours looking and trying to figure out how to added systems under HyperLaunchHQ I have a bunch in there MAME N64 ect they have a icon next to me on the left and I can add my emulators to them no problem. There are a few like Gameboy advance or if I add a name the dont have the icon and they will not let me add a emulator to them. I add say RetroArch under global and then click on the name on the left and emulator and default emulator and its blank nothing will fill in. Any ideas? Thanks,
Last reply by brolly, -
- 1 reply
Ok i've installed MameUI64v160, i ran my roms through CLRMamePro Scanned and Rebuilt, and when i run a game in MameUI it runs fine, but when trying to run a game through hyperspin it says epr-14452a.ic6 NOT FOUND (tried in f1en f1en) this happens with LOADS of Games infact i can't get one to run..? But it runs through HyperLaunchhQ and not through HyperLaunch
Last reply by tonycrew,