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What happened to these forums?


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Is it me or does visiting the Hyperspin forums give you memories of what this forum used to be like? Remember the days of old with HS 1.0 and trying to nail that script to get any one of your emus to run and when you got it running you jumped up and screamed for joy just to find out when you exited HS would freeze :verymad: Tons of people always online to help you with questions. Constant new topics/threads daily. Having to always bump your thread because this place was booming.


I guess what I'm getting at is....where the heck is everybody!!!??? Visiting here anymore feels depressing, empty like you can hear the echo of your keyboard. I feel like there should be some tumble weed roll from one side of my screen to the other.


Is there another front end everybody migrated to that I don't know about? Gamex Evolution maybe?

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I imagine it has something to do with the split of the RocketLauncher guys and the opening of their own site.

A lot of people came here for support to get HyperSpin/Hyperlaunch working (they still do of course) but that can now be done at rauncher.com.

People also move on after getting what they want.



I agree. I still hop on once in a while to see what's going on but doesnt feel the same. Reall miss the days of Rain and the others who would constantly write stuff and help out others. Thanks to Giga and a few others that are keeping this going in the right direction.


I can't really compare to the old forums, I was able to use them for like... a week?

Still, lots of people here willing to help out with other's setups. and thank-god, because this program takes some serious time to really get into all the features.

2 years later, and I STILL haven't decided on a final graphical theme.
STILL setting up emulator/rocketlauncher cooperations.
STILL fumbling with art... oh god the art is taking the longest lol.

Couldn't do it all without the help of everyone here. I know "I" Jump for joy whenever something actually works lol. I FINALLY got Daemon tools to work on Windows 10 with SSF, and that was certainly a victory.


I can't really compare to the old forums, I was able to use them for like... a week?

Still, lots of people here willing to help out with other's setups. and thank-god, because this program takes some serious time to really get into all the features.

2 years later, and I STILL haven't decided on a final graphical theme.

STILL setting up emulator/rocketlauncher cooperations.

STILL fumbling with art... oh god the art is taking the longest lol.

Couldn't do it all without the help of everyone here. I know "I" Jump for joy whenever something actually works lol. I FINALLY got Daemon tools to work on Windows 10 with SSF, and that was certainly a victory.


Someday soon, I will actually get to play the games :P

Check out my MAME Arcade classics themes


Also, there was some other BS going on that made a few ppl leave and had a few banned.


..........................back with a vengeance........................


Also, there was some other BS going on that made a few ppl leave and had a few banned.

No time for BS get enough of that off the missus LOL, well i gotta say if you look in the right places there is absolutely loads going on here.

The artwork submissions whether it be marquees, themes, boxart and Wheels have been an absolute hive of activity with some incredibly talented people showing there skills. Maybe the help setting up sections are not as busy but ive been overwhelmed by everything else recently.

Thanks to everyone for making hyperspin what it is!


Themes is pretty far from what it used to be, but wheels 'n boxes are doing ok :)


..........................back with a vengeance........................


Yep your right THK im with you on that like you I tend to release in bulk but between that it does go quiet :-(

Come to think of it that said Subs just obviously released the 400+ base pack that should be more than enough to keep the theme hunters happy at least for a bit


Oh well until the next bulk release at least the others are thriving and your efforts have been nothing short of legendary!!!


A lot of the people that were here are over at the Rocketlunacher forums and because Rocketluncher works so well, a lot of the script support is no longer needed. Emulator support is also minimal now that everyone is using Retroarch. And let's not forget Gigapig and Simply Austin with their builds and guides making it easy for everyone to setup Hyperspin. I blame them personally :-)


Can't speak of themes. I don't use them. I think the fact that most people are on 16:9 screens and hyperspin does not support widescreen, keeps people like myself away from game themes. Too much work to make them widescreen.


Wheels, Covers, Carts and XMLs are doing a lot better now than 2 years ago.


I think the main reason that the theme section is damn quiet is that since the like button no one comments anymore.....well the few elite do but thats it. and a art creator gets his energie from comments thats the whole reason. in the good old days a artist would get 30 comments. you should be glad if you get 5 nowerdays. 


And Donnei1979 thats the dude i miss :D






Is it me or does visiting the Hyperspin forums give you memories of what this forum used to be like? Remember the days of old with HS 1.0 and trying to nail that script to get any one of your emus to run and when you got it running you jumped up and screamed for joy just to find out when you exited HS would freeze :verymad: Tons of people always online to help you with questions. Constant new topics/threads daily. Having to always bump your thread because this place was booming.


I guess what I'm getting at is....where the heck is everybody!!!??? Visiting here anymore feels depressing, empty like you can hear the echo of your keyboard. I feel like there should be some tumble weed roll from one side of my screen to the other.


Is there another front end everybody migrated to that I don't know about? Gamex Evolution maybe?

I think it has to do with the lack of updates to Hyperspin. Of course I could be wrong, but in my opinion, that lack of passion you're recognizing has to do with the lack of passion going into the main program itself. All of that is understandable though -- People have lives. Lives outside of Hyperspin.


But even with that said and before I start rambling too much.....I close my comments with this:


Once BBB pops up....Expect this place to go nuts with all kinds of activity. Unfortunately, the main source of excitement comes from him. Activity with the development of Hyperspin will equal activity in the forums. It's as simple as that. 

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And Donnei1979 thats the dude i miss :D


Some say he's somewhere choking on ice cubes, getting blue-balled. We should've listened to him when he said "winter is coming"


..........................back with a vengeance........................


Oh it has changed a lot here.  When I first signed up it was awesome, lots of activity and help, then things turned bitter.  There was a brief time were asking for help was frowned upon, and god forbid anyone asked about Billy.  Once people realized there wasn't much movement, the Rocketlaunch site went live, this site just kinda fell silent.  We also now have RetroFE in (kinda) development so there is another frontend on the horizon.  I do really miss the old community, but love the current people here that are willing to help.


I think it has to do with the lack of updates to Hyperspin. Of course I could be wrong, but in my opinion, that lack of passion you're recognizing has to do with the lack of passion going into the main program itself. All of that is understandable though -- People have lives. Lives outside of Hyperspin.


But even with that said and before I start rambling too much.....I close my comments with this:


Once BBB pops up....Expect this place to go nuts with all kinds of activity. Unfortunately, the main source of excitement comes from him. Activity with the development of Hyperspin will equal activity in the forums. It's as simple as that. 



BBB popped up last summer, made a few minor updates, broke hyperspeach in the process and disappeared again.


I hear the HyperSpin town folk traveled north in search of food and women.  They was last seen just a week ago next to the ridge at Devils Cliff.  there was talk of them turning back as their numbers had dwindled through great battles against one eyed beasts and great snakes that are said to rattle your bones at mere site.


I have confidence though.  I feel they will get north of the wall and bring back the golden chalice of HyperSpin 2.0.  Its legend has been whispered among the men to give them strength to fight the forces of doubt and despair.  One day the shackles will be removed, the forums will rejoice with the sweet joy joy sound of widescreen HyperSpin and wheels soo multiple, you will be lost in their never ending trees of sacred systems.


But for now we just got us... the people who still love our hobby and never give up hope!


I hear the HyperSpin town folk traveled north in search of food and women.  They was last seen just a week ago next to the ridge at Devils Cliff.  there was talk of them turning back as their numbers had dwindled through great battles against one eyed beasts and great snakes that are said to rattle your bones at mere site.


I have confidence though.  I feel they will get north of the wall and bring back the golden chalice of HyperSpin 2.0.  Its legend has been whispered among the men to give them strength to fight the forces of doubt and despair.  One day the shackles will be removed, the forums will rejoice with the sweet joy joy sound of widescreen HyperSpin and wheels soo multiple, you will be lost in their never ending trees of sacred systems.


But for now we just got us... the people who still love our hobby and never give up hope!


You should be a script writer for Game of Thrones.  :sword:


Last I heard Billy went to visit Baddie in Vegas and they went on a slot filling bender if you know what I mean ;) It's where all Admins go to retire apparently so I'm looking forward to that.


They now live together in a trailer in pahrump. :P


Looks like Baddie dyed his hair.





BBB popped up last summer, made a few minor updates, broke hyperspeach in the process and disappeared again.

And this place was rockin. People love it when he shows up and his update thread skyrocketed in views. 

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I still peek in here cuz i always find a similar problem with my setup that another member had at one time or another.  But just lately no time to work on it.


Oh it has changed a lot here.  When I first signed up it was awesome, lots of activity and help, then things turned bitter.  There was a brief time were asking for help was frowned upon, and god forbid anyone asked about Billy.  Once people realized there wasn't much movement, the Rocketlaunch site went live, this site just kinda fell silent.  We also now have RetroFE in (kinda) development so there is another frontend on the horizon.  I do really miss the old community, but love the current people here that are willing to help.

My thought exactly. When modules where released it went crazy in here. Going to be interesting around here when GameEx Evolution is released since the beta build just got released to assigned users. I see alot of Hyperspin features in GameEx Evolution plus many more not to mention the RocketLauncher support. 


There are a lot of great devs out there.  I hope hyperspin doesn't get lost in the shuffle.  It really is the best IMO.  It just needs a few features to bring it up to snuff.  I still think BBB should delegate some stuff to trusted friends to keep the ball rolling instead of crawling.


People also move on after getting what they want.

Ain't that the truth! LMAO As long as all you guys stick around I think we'll survive :) Hey Gig "See ya in Vegas, I've got a plumbing job out there!", and tell John Snow he knows nothing.

Jokes aside, as a new member, I am always surprised about how little people know about Hyperspin. The only real advertisement the program gets (in my personal experiences) is a small corner of youtube. And even then, most of the videos are trying to rip you off by selling a preconfigured drive or, for some reason, in Spanish. Every single person (well... Except my wife) I've ever told or showed Hyperspin to, are blown away, and right away want to get involved. Rightfully so... We need the word spread a bit more! (I'm trying). But, I super appreciate how new user friendly everybody is in the forums. I have yet to see a lot of belittling or snobbery (even to the clueless bunch wanting help with their preconfigured drive... Even Austin gives them the time of day! :). So thanks for that!


As a n00b I've found these forums invaluable. The basics of HS are relatively easy to pick up (I do have a Comp Sci background so may not be speaking to the average Joe), but some of the intricacies can be tricky if you don't know where to look. I've found everyone here welocming and helpful, and I for one will be sticking around even once I've finished my build to help others out in similar situations with my new found knowledge


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