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Taking a very long, needed break...


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Dear HyperSpinners,

Over the past three years here on this site I have worked very hard to bring you nice utilities, amazing applications and an overall enhanced web browsing experience. However, it is with a heavy heart and a clear conscious that I must take a very long and extended break from the forums. Over the past three years I have been on this website everyday (even though you may not have known it) working on the website, fixing issues, adding many of the features you see before you today and processing files for the HyperSync application (as well as the HyperSpin FTP.) I currently devote over 50+ hours a week to this website, a place that I love, a place that I call home. I do feel that it is in my best interest to take a minimum of at least one year off to get things in order in my own life; as I have reconstructive jaw surgery (the second of four) coming up very soon and I know it really takes my mind off of the site when you are in constant pain.

However, please take note that I will continue to work on the HyperSync project, the FTP project (which Circo and I are spear-heading) and Easy Builder; but my work will be silent and in the background I am afraid. I think that Circo knows me the best out of anybody on these forums, and it is Circo that knows what I do and how much I do for the community (most of which you guys will never know about, because I am not a braggart and try to stay out of the limelight as much as possible.)

I am also starting my own indie gaming company and really need to focus my efforts on that as well as my neglected work with Blizzard Entertainment. Please do not think that my decision to leave the community is focused around one person or a group of people as that is simply not the case. My decision comes forth as a culmination of many key factors, the main being stress and physical well being. I am also really needing to focus more attention on the FTP application until it is up and running and a proven stable system (because you all deserve no less than my best.)

If during my minimum one year break anybody wishes to contact me regarding any issue, or just to say hi please feel free to add me on Google talk @ [email protected], I would love to still hear from you guys. So, my friends, I bid you farewell and happiness.

Your Friend,



You definitely deserve the break man! Thanks so much for so many awesome apps etc.. and for helping me lots of times in the past :) Take care man!




Have a good extended break man, thanks for all you've done. You've made things so much easier than they used to be, I'm sure when you come back the community will be flourishing more than ever.


It is an unfortunate loss for us, but I hope it ends fortunately for you.

You contribute a specific and unique dynamic to the forums I think will be missed more than your incredible contributions. It's part of the character around here.

Don't cut us out completely cold turkey :-p but you certainly deserve your time. We benefit from the fruit of your labors but enjoy the pleasure of your company here.

Best of luck to your next chapter, we will keep on spinning.


Take the break Rain. You have been an essential part of the community and have given us a lot of neat tools for this frontend.

It's human nature to get burnt out on this hobby, and we are all only human:)

I am......Machine


your the legend rain you will be missed by the entire community you have outdone yourself and deserve a break please return when you can i look foward to seeing future suprises from you

all the best goodluck and good will thx regards relic

sig.png 100%


Good luck Rain, I wish you a speedy recovery and a fruitful year.

HyperSpin behaving oddly? Read about known bugs here: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/4590-known-bugs-and-handy-hints-for-hyperspin/

The installer for HyperSpin now includes HyperLaunch 2. Go here for support: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/122-hyperlaunch-2/

HyperLaunch3 is now called RocketLauncher. Go here for support: http://www.rlauncher.com/forum/content.php

Read this for ftp login info: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/2320-ftp-access-must-read/

Platinum members get 25% off an Emumovies subscription: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/1211-emumovies-code/


Seems like a bunch of big time people here are taking breaks. Hope you guys come back refreshed!

- J*

How to rebuild your MAME ROM set using CLRMAMEPRO - Walkthrough HERE!


Health is everything! I want to thank you for all your hard work, time and devotion to moving Hyperspin forward and wish you all the best!

-Hyperspin Project progress:

Got most emulators running fine now! Software wise I'm nearing completion. Time to start pondering over what cab I want :D


Rain....thank you for all the great software and support you have done Brotha! Also thank you for helping other members out in their time of need. If I ever make it down to NM, Ill definitely hit you up for beers on my coin. Give yourself a well earned and needed rest!!! We will be here slaving away!!!:beer:

Sega Saturn Japanese Wheel Project: COMPLETE!! If you have FTP access, find my name and grab the set now!!!


I can tell you, a year off is a good thing. Though my 'break' from doing anything other than browsing the forum is for different reasons, it keeps HS as a fun break/hobby in stead of labor/work. So take you're time, we'll see you around when the itch gets you!


..........................back with a vengeance........................


You are "The King" of Hyperspin Rain and long may you reign. But every King needs a vacation, you just can't sit on your throne forever, sometimes you've got to get up, shake yourself down, move around and see whats out there.

The Knights of Hyperspin will see the Kingdom safe in your absence.

Thanks for all your magic and long live the King.

Hail to the King.:adore:


  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to say a big thank you for the outpouring of support that I have received here on these forums and on Facebook, for the cards and letters I have received in the mail. Providing services for you all for the past several years has been my greatest pleasure, and I just want you all to know that I reciprocate that respect and admiration. Unfortunately with all of my surgeries here as of late it has been almost impossible to keep up with my day to day life, and the burden just seems to be getting harder. However, inasmuch I do have good news to report, after one more final surgery I will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Within one year, I should be more or less "back to normal." I will be going to therapy constantly, to improve my vocal performance (not singing, talking) and a few other things.

Which brings me full circle and I am further saddened when I must write this; effective immediately I will be unable to support any previous applications written, produced or designed by me. I will no longer be able to devote myself to making the website a better place, installing updates or adding in new content and features. Aside from the new FTP system (due out any day now) I will no longer be developing anything, which leads me to another thing.

A year ago I had the wild ideal of a synchronization utility that could unite all of the media available to HyperSpin and EmuMovies, thanks to the help of BadBoyBill, Circo and JHabers this dream was realized and HyperSync was born. HyperSync has been my baby over the past year as never a day has gone by where I have not tinkered with it, improved it, or added in new content. However, at this time I feel that I must inform you all that I am actively looking for someone to take HyperSync into the future for me, as I have just lost the motivation to work on it. If you are a highly experienced C++ developer and are interested, please feel free to message me in private regarding HyperSync; but I must warn you, I will be very selective whom I choose to take the reigns, as HyperSync requires a massive dedication to the program and the community to work on. I don't wanna leave it all behind, but this is one time where I feel it necessary to do so.

So, thank you all once again friends; and as soon as I am better, I promise I'll stop in and check back up on you all.

Your Friend,



I wish you the best in your projects and for your recovery, take all the time you need and come back anytime you feel like it !

Thanks for everything you kindly gave us during all these last years. I'm pretty sure you'll be back sooner or later with new great surprises :)

Take care !


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