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HyperSpin 1.5.1 Public Release


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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is an old thread but I updated windows and wish I never did. But anyway I applied the  updated fix and the application works but I believe my button mapping is not. Has anyone else had this issue? Do I have t ok remap the buttons for each emulator and each system? I truly dont remember how I did so I truly hope not. And I did not back up the old hyperspin files by renaming them either. Big fail!

  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/1/2018 at 12:44 PM, gigapig said:

Isn't that down to a bad theme/bad wheel art or mixture of flv & mp4 video? 

Any idea if there’s a limit on file size for videos or artwork?  I’m still getting this problem.  I’ve switched off all the artwork checkboxes in hyper hq to minimise what’s on screen

  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/24/2018 at 4:45 AM, ninja2bceen said:

Yes it’s a simple replace the exe and you are done. Small update

So it looks like the latest MS Win 10 update made it all work again...

Is there any reason i should still download this new exe?

Ninja are you absolutely sure it's a simple replace exe and won't perma-f anything up if i do?


Well all updated and seems to be running like a champ.

Thanks to everyone responsible for building this and to Ninja for giving me a bit of instruction

Animated wheel art... sounds like an entire rabbit hole I could fall down into.

Hobby never ending!!

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Is this version compatible with Vista 64? I updated the exe's but none of them load. I have to open task mgr. to close them as well.

Is this version compatible with Vista 64? I updated the exe's but none of them load. I have to open task mgr. to close them as well.

Vista no prolly 1.4 would be better?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Being able to display 7 genres for systems that use a horizontal wheel since this method only displays 5 games and then genres are screwy. It would also be beneficial of have genre wheel sizes be separate from system wheel sizes.

Being able to display 7 genres for systems that use a horizontal wheel since this method only displays 5 games and then genres are screwy. It would also be beneficial of have genre wheel sizes be separate from system wheel sizes.

I’m not sure I know what you mean. You can have as many genres as you want, you can control the size of the wheel images for genres. I’m not sure what this enhancement would be as it currently supports all of this

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1 minute ago, ninja2bceen said:

I’m not sure I know what you mean. You can have as many genres as you want, you can control the size of the wheel images for genres. I’m not sure what this enhancement would be as it currently supports all of this

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You cannot separately control genre wheel image sizes. They use the setting for the system wheel. Secondly If your system wheel is only displaying 5 games then so does your genre wheel. It makes sense to be able to control wheels separately. If you need to do a TV session to further understand please let me know. That will be easier than posting a bunch of images.


I have a question about a 'clean' installation. I use RocketLauncher and want to delete all HyperLaunch files. Are the following files all part of HyperLaunch and not used by HyperSpin? 

  • Modules folder
  • 7z.dll
  • 7z.exe
  • AutoHotkey.dll
  • HyperLauch.exe

I know it's not that important, but I like my folder clean ;)

Another question: Anyone knows what happened with HScript.ahk? It's not included in the latest full install anymore.


none of those files are needed 

you do need 7z.dll and 7z.exe

but those files are found at

RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.dll

RocketLauncher\Module Extensions\7z.exe


C:\HyperSpin\Modules  --->  Hyperlaunch2 modules

C:\HyperSpin\Hyperlaunch.exre  --->Hyperlaunch2


I'm pretty sure that the HScript.ahk is just an example of a custom script you can run with Hyperspin.

its not really doing anything


SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% 
OnExit, ExitSub

themeStart(system, game)
	;MsgBox % system . " " . game





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