Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 7 replies
hello guys im working with Demul to configure atomiswave and naomi, so far games run very well, my problem is this: for some reason some games in naomi or atomiswave dont start in full screen, it just show the naomi animation, after that a black screen until i hit windows key or something like that, i was testing and this seems to happend only when i select true full screen in the demul module in rocketlauncher, if i set it to any other, the game start rigth away but i can see the windows task bar. this is my demul config. Does any of you guys, knows the fix?
Last reply by Creezz67, -
- 7 replies
Hi there, I've got a set up using Rocketlauncher and Hyperspin and it's all working fine. I've copied the set up to another drive and so have been updating several emulators so that they run on the new drive (rom paths etc) and also have updated the HyperHQ wheel settings etc. All is well apart from MAME. When I try and launch games from Rocketlauncher on MAME - some will run fine but others just show the black "Initializing" screen and then drop out of MAME back to Rocketlauncher. Looking at the rocketlauncher.log it looks like it's trying to find my MAME bios files in the MAME/roms folder but I don't have any BIOS files in there. I'm guessing t…
Last reply by uptown47, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
So I am having luck in rocketlauncher running SSF in windowed mode, but when i try to switch to fulslcreen via alt+enter, i get a directx error. If i set RLUI to go to fullscreen automatically i get the same error. tried getting mednafen setup but it refuses to launch, and retroarch is out because i cant get it open in crtemudriver any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 14 replies
My Sega 32X runs through RocketLauncher, but nothing happens when trying through Hyperspin.
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 5 replies
I'm still trying to configure all the emulators, this time I'm having problems with SSF, the Saturn emulator. the game loads and then nothing happens, when I push enter a few times I get the error "drive door open" and a black screen, and the SSf window can be "kinda" seen. Anyone knows how to fix it? Iv'e been at it for a while now. (I will try and not come across as an asshole this time lol :D) Let me ad that I use windows 10 and daemon tools 10.5xx, I watched the tutorial from SimplyAustin but he goes on and on babbling and left out a bunch of important info I found elsewhere.
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 1 reply
Is somebody around here who use DEMUL v0.7 WIP 28.04.2018 With RocketLauncher and Attract Mode ? i had extremely issues when starting. Demul starts only in background. This is so terrible. I had tried fade in and out switching off but that was not the solution ! I tried several settings. Nothing will work Demul standalone works perfectly, so I think, anything must change in the ahk file but I don’t know what.... i spend lots of days to fix it but I can not find a solution ! Hopefully anybody can help me here
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello searched on here to find the problem and I can’t, but confused. as my pic says , RL is telling me it can’t find said XML I’m not new to this. My XML is sitting in Hyperspin/databases/taito type X/taito type x.xml from the prompt I’m given, it looks like RL is looking at the wrong place for the XML? i looked at the file structure where it’s looking for it, inside the rocketlauncherUI/databases folder , and there’s nothing there but a Systems.xml, no xml’s for any of the 30 other systems I have already setup. what am I doing wrong and do I need to redirect RL where it’s looking for the XML? thanks!!
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
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- 3 replies
This is more of a question of how do you make all the games work - obviously there are two orientations the games can be in, and I'm guessing that no layout of controls really works for both on most people's cabs... My cab has 2 players and 8 buttons each - is there a sensible layout that will work for the Wonderswan with both orientations?! (nb. only care about 1p) Problem seems to be that if you set up the lower d-pad as joy 1, it essentially takes joy-2 position on a vertical game! Thoughts welcome
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Is there anyone that can please help with this error? I have tried what it states but in the folder it only has DX11 not DX10
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 1 reply
Hi ive havent been with a complete setup for some years but now im trying to reconfig it all and get all i want emulator wise to work, except MSdos... PLEASE can anybody help show me the setting/ directory/ setup so I can get a dosgame running after clicking i in the HS wheel? I can setup multiple frontends like dosshel and dfend. But don't know to get rocketlauncher setup with the right HS HQ settings? At present i click on the game in the wheel, and it opens dfend with the list but want it to automatically open it all bypassing this?
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 164 replies
Hello All! This is my next installment for the amazing Commodore Amiga! (Fond memories) Scope: This guide is to help the community to setup a Commodore Amiga wheel in HyperSpin using: HyperSpin v1.3.2.0 HyperLaunch v3.0.1.0 HyperLaunchHQ v1.0.12.0 WinUAE v2.6.1.0 - Dowload page: http://www.winuae.net/frames/download.html WinUAE Loader v1.78 - Download page: http://headsoft.com.au/index.php?category=winuaeloader Introduction: The company (Amiga Corproation): Taken from the WiKi page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiga_Corporation The computer Amiga: Taken from the WiKi page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiga Ok, let's get started: Download both WinUA…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 0 replies
Dear specialist, I'm trying to install WinUAE on my Hyperspin/Rocketlaunch configuration. I want to run WinUAE with the 'A500 - 1.3 ROM, ECS Agnus, 1MB Chip Ram' so I can play my all time favourite game, namely Golden Axe. In WinUAE, my configuration is set right. And in Rocketlauncer, the module for WinUEA is set right as well. The tab 'settings' shows the right chipset at 'Quickstartmode'. But, the strange thing is, that anytime when I load a game from Hyperlaunch, it always loads the wrong kickstart rom. Regardless all my settings, it always loads the default kickstart Rom (A500 - 1.3 ROM, OCS, 512KB chip + 512KB Slow RAM (most common)) which is not compatib…
Last reply by DmaniacG, -
- 23 replies
Hello everyone. First post. I am trying to play SNES on hyperspin but running into some issues. All button mappings seem to translate well with the exception of what I have programed for the 'b button' in SNES, L Shift. I can't get it to work wothin hyperspin and I purchased the cabinet through a company that has premapped all the buttons for the hundreds of systems installed. I tested this out by launching the emulator standalone SNES9x and was able to ensure the correct button mapping and even played a few games to ensure functionality however, replicating this success in hyperspin doesn't work. I ensured under RocketLauncher that I am using the correct emulator in…
Last reply by BoneCrusherPLT, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hey All! Please tell me where I should post this if this is the wrong place. I am trying to run JoJo's Venture. I have all of the .chd files and it seems to load ok up to a the initial screen, but I get a prompt saying "You have insterted a new CD-ROM" with options of "Rewrite Game" and "Cancel" (attached) and that it will take 43 minutes. I've never played the game before so I'm not worried about overwriting anything. My question is, how to I actually get it to select the option and will it bugger anything up if I do it? TIA!
Last reply by bionicrocky, -
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- 0 replies
hi guys, i am adding wii games to my HS set up and would like to break out games that are playable with a control pad to a separate wheel. curious if anyone might have an xml already done for this? thanks!
Last reply by d8thstar, -
- 3 replies
Is anyone using the Aimtrak light gun with mame?
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 11 replies
Demul has had quite a juicy update this October 10th and some minor updates after. Here's a link and change log. http://demul.emulation64.com 10 october 2017] DEmul 0.7 WIP Release notes: Up-to-date build of almost year of developing. Enjoy Changelog: - SH4: OnChip access correct bit width only - SH4: add flti0/1 PR flag check - SH4: reg binding cleanups and fixes, PR sanity checks - SH4: fix DIV0S, optimize DIV1 and add linking current block - SH4: fix Invalidation code - SH4: fix delayed slot exceptions - SH4: interrupts fixes / improvements - GD-ROM: fix CD PLAY after SEEK for Taxi2 - GD-ROM: small fix for bleemc…
Last reply by Zancou, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, I'm working with the Acorn Archimedes emulator, ARCulator 0.99 under Windos 10 OS and every time I run a game the menu bar appears on top of the screen. It doesn't matter if I run the emulator directly or if I do it through RL. Hope you could help me. I've tried in RL changing options in Settings -> Main Settings (Hide emulator, Hide Desktop, ...), but it doesn't seem to work. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by diskmach, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Been a way for a while trying to update my stuff in search of mame no nag is they still do this my rom set is MAME 0.199 ROMs if some one can point me in right place many thanks
Last reply by mikea213, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, so i am trying to add a new emulator to the mix. Atari jaguar. I have PT (project tempest) but it doesn't work inside rocketlauncher / hyperspin. Outside of rocketlauncher it works perfectly, but when i try to load a rom with rocketlauncher and i select PT as the emulator, it doesn't do anything when i press the launch button...
Last reply by vaderag, -
- 1 reply
I found this old mame compilation with 6000 roms in an old Hard drive i have, but the mame version is 0.122 so i was wondering why there are sooo many mame versions?, and what if i get the latest version of it, i will be able to play these roms? what are the advantages of the latest version? thx in advance.
Last reply by rastan, -
- 0 replies
Hi, I am setting up psx on hyperspin and i have a question. How do you set up the intern resolution by game in rocketlauncher. Because some games must not be played on 4x or 8x upscaling. This i can not figure out because i don't see this in the retroarch module. Can somebody please help Thx
Last reply by defre1976, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hello, When I exit a game for PSX in Hyperspin, Aero is desactivated. If I press Esc in Expse outside Hyperspin, the screen get out fullscreen and I when I close Epsxe, Aero Transparancy comes back to normal. So, when I play a PSX game and I'm finished, I'm obliged to launch a game with Epsxe outside Hyperspin and close it to re-activate Aero. Is there a way in Hyperspin to exit Epsxe and comes back to the function of Aero or maybe to prevent Epsxe to desactivate Aero? Thanks and regards,
Last reply by doohan, -
- 5 replies
Hi Guys Updated to MAME 195 and no hiscores are saving, i have updated the .dat file and placed in plugin folder in root directory set all paths in mame.ini set hi score to enabled aswell anyone else having same problem
Last reply by cowboy, -
- 1 reply
Hi , sorry if i posted this in the wrong section . I am busy to setup teknoparrot in Hyperspin . But i am stuck for launching the games trough teknoparrot . I want to create a Autohotkey to lauch the exe of the game . But how to make it . So it should start Teknoparrotui.exe + the selected game that i want . Automatic Enter to start the game after 2 sec or so . Can somebody please help . thank you .
Last reply by defre1976,