Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
2,051 topics in this forum
- 222 replies
Hello All, There are quite a few threads out there about Singe setup for ALG and ActionMax games. Some notable ones are as follows: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?19688-American-Laser-Games-(ALG)-and-Hyperspin-Guide-13th-July-2012-Dirk-proof-guide http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?19440-Step-by-Step-tutorial-on-American-Laser-Games-time-gal-and-hayate-on-daphne-please&highlight=american+laser+games http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/377-ok-im-tired-of-searching-anyone-have-the-american-laser-games-dvd-iso NOTICE: Daphne and Daphne Singe are two different emulators. Daphne Singe is for the following games: American Laser Games: Cr…
Last reply by jkh0208, -
- 3 replies
So i have a dilemma. I have Retroarch with roms for Nes, SNES and Genesis and they used to work through hyperspin, but now suddenly they dont launch from hyperspin anymore. Nothing happens when i select a game. From rocketlauncher when i try any game trough audit and launch through rocketlauncher they work. When validating ini files for selected module (retroarch.ahk) it comes up for example: Ini File Retroarch.ini/ section %SystemName% is referencing an invalid group: VideoOptions That error comes up with all systems. So since then i tried to tinker a bit with retroarch settings and such but no avail. When i try launch a game using Retroarch on…
Last reply by adamg, -
- 0 replies
The MAME 2016 is missing from libretro downloads... i need this core so i can use my Mame 0.174 romset. Is for Windows x64 ... mame2016_libretro.dll please Thanks
Last reply by knewlife, -
- 4 replies
I have a quick question about Mame software lists and Hyperspin. I would like to use Retroarch for some of the obscure systems using the mame core, or if I can't get it working in Retroarch I'll just have to use Mame directly. I understand how to set up software lists, and get the systems to run, but I'm a little confused on how they tie into Hyperspin. I know that Mame has it's own naming convention, and to use the software list you have to use Mame's names, otherwise you have to update the hash file with your own names. Updating the hash seems like a pain as every time there is a new version of mame you would need to update the hash file. Also using Mame's naming conven…
Last reply by maabus, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, I've been trying to add my PSX games to HyperSpin all day. I can get them workinn within ePSXe just fine. I've tried to get them working within RocketLauncher, and they just won't launch for some reason. There's isn't any sign of an error within the log files etc, so I'm stumped. Any help would be appreciated!
Last reply by gigapig, -
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There's a new Saturn emulator in town which looks pretty sweet, here's some details. https://twitter.com/realSteveKwok/ Android version coming later.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 3 replies
So I have hyperspin and rocketlauncher running and working properly. Several emulators already work and I have several game systems completely set up. On Sega Genesis, the gens and fusion emulators both start and then disappear behind hyperspin but run in the task manager. Any ideas on how to get gens or fusion to work?
Last reply by shitoken, -
Anyone had any experience running this front end on Ubuntu (Linux) running on PS3?
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 2 replies
Can someone tell me or have a video of how to add more games and titles to Daphne Emulator
Last reply by rkrick99, -
- 0 replies
Im new to hyper spin. Built jamma machines before. Im trying to run games in 640x480 , then into SGL3000 for scanlines on LCD monitor. Pac Mac , frogger , donkey run great , other games like street fighter 2 change the resolution from the default I set of 640x480 , and that doesn't play well with slg3000 wanting the 640x480 Rez , then looks bad . Im using a HP LP2065 4:3 for a monitor. Any advise ??
Last reply by evile7575, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Outside of hyperspin, I have my pcsx2 video settings looking great. But when I launch through hyperspin, it defaults. Do I need to manually edit a settings file somewhere? The main setting I really want to get working is the internal resolution multiplier.
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 1 reply
Hi greets from Finland im trying to get Atari St emulation working. I have tryed the retroarch and gamebase both not working like i wanted, now i tested just SteemSSE and it is working but one problems remains, how do i make it save the config for the atari it always changes the model to STF 512k and tos 2.06? if i change the config for example to STF 4megs and tos 1.0 it stays like that if i start steem from desktop, but if i go and use hyperspin it changes back to STF 512k tos2.06.
Last reply by Poiex, -
- 0 replies
Hey All, I'm currently working on a Racing Hyperspin cabinet for my sister and am currently trying to get things set up. I've gotten Sega Model2 and 3 games running really well in their respective emulators, but I'm having trouble with Cruising USA and Cruising World in MAME. Both are reallllllly slow and I'm not sure if its the PC I'm using or if I should be trying a different emulator for these titles. I am using a refurbished HP Compaq Pro 6305 with a 3.4GHz Dual Core AMD processor. 12GB of Memory (had 4GB, I installed 2 more 4GB chips) Running Win 10 Pro 64. I'm using MAME 179 Does anyone know anything about these titles? Thanks!
Last reply by Snakerake, -
- 0 replies
I am having a lot of problems with this emulator. I installed the emulator in the proper place but when I try to launch a game it will only will load the bios rom. Another oddity is Rocket Launcher only see's the zip not the actual .col files. I can manually load games through RL, but that sort defeats the whole process. Any pointers would be great. Never mind, I got it sort of worked out. I'm about to abandon the hyperspin sinking ship for good. It seems that the module only see's .zip as opposed to .col.
Last reply by mamedude1967, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys any help would be awesome. But I am having issues with NES on retroarch when running hyperspin setup the image isn't correct so I load a preset fader config and save the new NES config but once I close and open it again it reverts back to the previous fader and I have to reset the fader each time.
Last reply by goofers, -
- 0 replies
Hi All, When configuring my Dolphin Bar with Mame I am able to make it work as a lightgun with a wiimote. However when using the buttons on the wiimote I get the annoying Windows 10 noise (sounds like a guitar string) and then i lose response on the wiimote for several seconds and no buttons work (not even on keyboard or my x-arcade. Has anyone come across this when using a Wiimote as a lightgun with Dolphin Bar? I suspect it has to do with mouse settings but I'm not sure where to start troubleshooting as there is no way to re-map buttons for the wiimote in control panel. Any thoughts?
Last reply by sgeist28, -
- 0 replies
Hi friends I don't know why suddenly RL stuck at loading screen each time I load zinc games. All games run fine thru ZincFE. Appreciate if someone be kind enough to understand from my logs what the problem is causing RL not to load the games. -- Edit-- Problem solved by disabling the Bezels.
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 2 replies
Hi All, Love hyper spin have been messing about with it for a while on PC and now started a Bartop build and so far its looking good but im stuck and need some guidance form you guys. I have watched videos from Austin a great help but need some fine tuning help. 4d0 wont work keeping getting same message via rocket l and hyper spin files need to be in a certain format 7z bin cue etc. So I unzipped what I had to C drive pointed RL at it it sees them I have changed 7z from global to false a new error message appears. I can boot the games from 4d0 direct . This one of the last I need to fix before I start on buttons joystick etc which should be fun Than…
Last reply by Mikedenvir, -
- 0 replies
Well i am little flustered and couldn't figure out what was going on for the longest times. I am also been bumbling my way threw hyperspin like the amateur that i am so bear with me. This is whats going on, i can get my games to load threw hyperspin, and get them up and going using retroarch, i can change my setting and get them looking awesome... but the second i go to map my keys to my arcade buttons (iPac2) it goes goofy. It is specifically the Up and down buttons (like you would map them to the joystick) and i no longer can use them, even to the configs i map them to. Oh man the amount of times i have had to delete the config file for a specific file is hilariou…
Last reply by dakotalew, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I Have a problem. About Taito Type X2, since i've changed my graphic card to a GeForce GTX 1060, (max resolution is 1920x1080), i can get my games to work in 1360x768 anymore (which is set in GameRes.dat of every game, like SSFIVAE, KOFXIII and others). I have changed my Resolution to 1360x768 in my desktop but everytime when i start a Taito Type X2 game, it starts in 1920x1080 no matter what, even if i change the GameRes. I want to play in this resolution because of my TV, which his resolution is 1360x768... What should i do? I Need Help ç_ç (BTW, I'm using a TV and a LCD Monitor in my PC)
Last reply by AYOOOB, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
I'm trying to configure Retroarch, per core, for use with my two new Xbox 360 wireless controllers. I have several controllers connected to my computer, including two WiiMote's, two light guns, a spinner, trackball, and an i-pac 4 board for my control panel. In retroarch, it sees all of these controllers and has the Xbox controllers set as controller 6 and 7. I'm trying to configure two players and am starting with Nintendo. I launch a Nintendo game, press F1, go to settings, input, and bind all the buttons successfully for controller 1 and two. It successfully changes controller 1 to reflect that it is an Xbox 360 controller, but on Controller 2 it s…
Last reply by jevansoh, -
- 7 replies
This is another weird issue that I ran across setting up Light gun games on my Hyperspin cabinet. I have parsed through my Sega Saturn roms to select the lightgun games to add to my wheel. I downloaded and installed the latest Mednafen (09.45.1) on my system (i7, 12 Gb RAM system, GTX 1050ti graphics card), which the new version of Mednafen can now support Aimtraks and other lightguns for Sega saturn. I run the emulator outside of Hyperspin, it works flawlessly for most games. If I select a light gun game---like House of The Dead2, it runs just fine if in windowed mode that is less than full screen...I can use lightgun quite well in game play. If I change the screen …
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
I've suddenly experienced a problem where for no reason when I boot up all the settings in mame have been reset to the default mame controls. This is a pain as I then have to launch a game and in the tab menu go through ALL the controls inc light guns and set everything back up again. Nightmare! Ive got no idea why this is happening or how to stop it. Been fine for months, No changes to my pc or anything. Pc is bare bones with only led blinky running in background. I'm using win7 64bit. Only using mame with hyperspin, no othe remulators. Think my mame version is mameuifx.159 64 When this happened last night, I reset all the controls which took ages, t…
Last reply by Martin0037, -
- 0 replies
Some of my mame games (.186) launch with black borders on the top, bottom and both sides. I have bezels enabled, so what I'm actually left with is the game in the correct aspect, but bounded by black bars all around,further bound by bezels on the sides. It would appear that the game could increase in size without losing correct aspect ratio simply by not having the black box all around. The result is I have a lot of unused space that could and is otherwise used by most games. What's intriguing about this is that not every game displays this. All the Street Fighters have this problem, for instance, but the vast majority of games fill out the bezeled screen great. I'v…
Last reply by stampedem, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
So far I've had good luck with HyperSpin. I'm using the current build, with fully updated RocketLauncher. MAME and various other emulators are running smoothly. Until Daphne. Daphne works beautifully if not launched through HyperSpin. But when launched through HyperSpin I'm greeted with "SAVE ME!" and followed up with "Frame file parse error". The log is attached, but doesn't make much sense to me. If it has an error with a particular frame file, it should have an issue with it outside of HyperSpin as well, but it doesn't. Every game in my folders run fine OUT of HS, but none of them run IN HS. I've done something wrong, but I have no idea what. I'll…
Last reply by atetheprincess,