Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 8 replies
What emulator is used for this system? only info I have seems to point to RetroArch, but there has to be something else emulating this system???
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 4 replies
I am so lost. In Hyper HQ in executable I have C:hyper spin\Emulators\Colecovison\ColEM.exe ROM PATH C:\hyper spin\Emulators\Colecovision\\Colecovision Roms\ When I bring up hyperspin I can use the wheel to take me to Collecovision and click and up come the games but when I goto select a game by hitting ENTER nothing happens. I have already mad the XML file with the games/roms I have And I know that the Game I am clicking on the rom is in there Also I have added in Hyper HQ the extentions of the rom (i.e Zip,rar,rom) what happens is that it seems like hyper spin locks up or feezes HELP
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 8 replies
I been trying to find a good CD-i emulator... only one I have found is http://www.cdiemu.org but it barely works. Anyone know of a better one?
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm trying to possibly phase out RocketLauncher, but I can't seem to figure out how to launch roms directly using HyperSpin. To launch a rom it needs to have parameters before the rom name. Example: retroarch.exe -L "path/to/libretro_core.dll" "path/to/romname.zip" But HyperSpin seems only capable of putting the parameters after the rom path. How does anyone make this work?
Last reply by balderdashian, -
- 8 replies
Hi all. Wondering if anyone can help here? Basically if I play more or less any 3D game from say 1995- onwards I get sound stuttering. There's only a few that work ok suck as virtual racing (but this I think is earlier) Time crisis did stutter until I tried everything... ended up running full,frame skip, that sorted it. Although doesn't really make much different with newer games. I tried carnevil which stuttered really bad, changed the sound settings and this made it less noticeable but didn't cure it. I think it's mainly the Namco games but others do it too. Is this my PC? Or a mame issue? I'm. Using mameuifx.159 - mainly as I tried a newer version of this,…
Last reply by Martin0037, -
- 3 replies
No disrespect to the creators and maintainers of the sites and files of any MAME related extras. I'm merely putting this out there with the goal of streamlining things for new people. I still meet so many friends when I load up a MAME game, they get so excited and still in 2016 never even knew one could play arcade games as they were! For years, I've always been frustrated with the lack of DETAIL in mame tutorials when it comes to all the extras. For example, I've yet to find a definitive tutorial that specifies directories for all the extras. Roms and samples I've had down since MAME began. Artwork files: Some make sense as there are default folders for them. Other…
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys Maybe someone can chime here I've gone through giga's guide on mugen and I keep getting this prompt (pic supplied) in rocketlauncher when I got to test the game. All the games are in their own folder, unzipped. I've followed the guide perfectly, and every time this prompt comes up. Any ideas?
Last reply by thenoob, -
Hey Guys so I finally got the Cemu(Nintendo WiiU) emulator and added it to my hyperspin wheel. outside of hyperspin I can load games by clicking on the .rpx file. Now when I try to load a game from the wheel within hyperspin it say loading complete but then takes me to a grey/white screen and stays there? the roms are in the proper folder where hyperspin goes to find them, should the roms be 7z within the rom folder for hyperspin to extract or can the be as a regular folder? thanks, Vince
Last reply by DaveSCramer, -
- 3 replies
Hi Everyone, Very new to this site and to Hyperspin in general, I have hit a brick wall with getting ePSXe set up in Hyperspin or to even work standalone and need some advice. I have tried several versions of ePSXe I add the correct BIOS files and place in BIOS folder set up the config as recommended but when I boot the game up I get an error RE textures and the game just does not load at all. I am struggling to see what I have missed. Would any of you be able to help me with, best version for Hyperspin/RocketLauncher and a idiots guide to how to set it up ? Thank you in advance.
Last reply by epayson85, -
- 11 replies
Ok I'm close real close I've got Daytona able to boot up, ask me 1-4 player, get to game, but then player 2 controls don't work....although I've got it to gameplay and the screens are split What gives? I've used 2 player all the time in model2, controls are good. In the pic attached I'm confused by the last sentence "the default location is %emupath blah blah... What seems to be the issue. It would be very nice to play 2 player Daytona
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 2 replies
I finally got around to installing this system, have set it up using rocketlauncher and installed all roms and have it finally running perfectly through rocketlauncher when testing a game. Upon launching Hyperspin and trying to launch a game via the wheel it appears to launch scummvm (i see it flicker for a moment) then the screen goes black and about 2seconds later it takes me back to the wheel. I can hear scummvm running in the background but nothing on screen (only the wheel). As i said previous, its running perfectly outside of hyperspin both with and without Rocketlauncher so im completely stumped. My Hyperspin log shows no errors. Anyone have any ideas? Im using Hyp…
Last reply by dayglo, -
- 2 replies
Has anyone been able to successfully map the controls for 2 players in Mortal Kombat X PC, more specifically using an iPac2? There was a workaround for Mortal Kmbat Komplete Edition to manually edit the config file. Does something similar exist for MKX?
Last reply by bcterp, -
- 3 replies
Hello, This is my first time trying to setup a frontend for emulation, I have followed the tutorials, and have Hyperspin setup and working properly, except for keymapping. I am able to get Xpadder working for the frontend, but when an emulator is launched, Hyperspin's mappings remain in place. So, is there a way to use an emulator's default controller settings when Hyperspin hands off control? And on a side note, this software is amazing Thanks to all that reply, Mike
Last reply by bigmike2238, -
- 1 reply
Hey everyone Trying to use clrmame to rebuild my c64 collection...having a hard time with the rebuild. For hyperspin use, they need to be unzipped, but I need to scan/rebuild all the names in the collection. When I scan and rebuild, it zips them back up in the destination folder and for some reason they won't unzip back to original form for use in hyperspin. What am I doing wrong?
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 0 replies
Copied mame emulator (I think version 1.70) from buddies drive to mine. It launches games from RL and HS but what I don't understand is why I can't launch the emulator executable from native Windows without throwing a Windows error. Starting this thread in restaurant so don't know exact error - I do know it kicks event id 1000 in event viewer - it's not an informative message. I suspect that the .ahk module is tweaking the emulator which allows it to run from RL/HS. How do I diagnose what the module/s are doing to the emulator? Do I need to learn the scripting language in order to diagnose? Am I barking up the right tree? - is it possible for the module to allow the…
Last reply by lcsgeek, -
- 4 replies
Hi All, I am having issues getting any colecovision roms to run in MAME. I am using MAME ver .175, and I have the colecovision bios rom coleco.zip or ColecvoVision BIOS (1982).col. When I try to launch a rom through rlauncher, I get the splash/load screen for colecovision but nothing past that. Similarly when i try to run a rom outside of rlauncher in mame by itself I am told I have a file missing but it does not tell me what file that might be. I don't think I have anything missing. This has got to be something really stupid simple that I am overlooking. Thanks!
Last reply by ggamezii, -
- 3 replies
Looking for pointers on how to configure a track ball on a mame emulator. I think the version I'm using is 1.53 - this game emulator business is very new to me. I've found the location to configure the iPAC keyboard emulator that I have but don't know where to begin on the trackball. The trackball is working outside hyperSpin in Windows...moves mouse pointer. Thanks in advance -d
Last reply by lcsgeek, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone have hiscore working in a current version of MAME64? If so, how do you get it working? I have done a lot of searching but most things are for the older non-LUA configuration and/or for MAMEUIFX. Any help or links would be great. Thanks.
Last reply by progets, -
- 0 replies
I get this message in the console when quitting mame: .../gl_shader_tool.cpp:322 gl error 1282 0x502 Does anyone know what could be wrong?
Last reply by spotUP, -
- 10 replies
I have been using Sega Naomi without any problems. Recently I have added Sega Naomi 2 with exact same settings, same emulator Demul 0.58 But I cant run the game and stuck on loading screen. Same games would run fine on Naomi. But Naomi 2 will stuck on loading screen. Please find my logs hope someone with experience can assist me. million thanks code] 01:42:20:507 | RL | INFO | +N/A | Main - RocketLauncher v1.1.0.7 (www.rlauncher.com) 01:42:20:543 | RL | INFO | +31 | Main - System Specs: RocketLauncher Dir: H:\HyperSpin\RocketLauncher RocketLauncher is: 32-bit OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SKU: Professional Total …
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 3 replies
Hi! Im looking into getting a PC for my arcade cabinet and am currently tossing up between two. Both are almost identical, except one has the i5-4460 Processor and the other with the i5-6400. I know either of these would do the job for the low end emulators, but how would they fair in running the Dolphin emulator or PS2 etc. Any help would be immensely appreciated. Michael
Last reply by THK, -
- 0 replies
Ok I have a tankstick Everything works fine for fighting games Racing games, nothing works, no gas, steering, etc. Some sports games work fine with the controls. Now I know where to set them up in demul, but I am perplexed why just the racing style games/shoot em up are not remembering controls. It will remember coin/start and then nothing , no gameplay controls.
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 8 replies
This is sort of a niche audience... for the uninitiated, a lot of Sierra and LucasArts games had two ways to play them when it came to audio... regular game noise/music OR if you had a midi synthesizer (namely the Roland MT-32) you could make the games that were programed for it sound MUCH better both in music and sound effects. A lot of people still don't know about this wonderful emulator, Munt: Munt emulator page: http://www.sierrahelp.com/Utilities/Emulators/Munt.html Once setup, you can toggle your sound settings in emulators like ScummVM and Dosbox to work in tandem and use an emulated Roland MT-32. There are Youtube videos showing the sound differences b…
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I thought I'd give AAE a shot for vector games, but I can't seem to get recent ROMs to play. Anyone have any advice?
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 27 replies
Hey guys madnefen not loading rom through retroarch masterv1 Could this be due to a bad cue file or is it a retroarch issue. Id use a different emulator but i cant seem to get a good fit with the bezels and not too kean on widescreen any help is appreciated thanks
Last reply by BATTLEDONKEY,