Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 9 replies
Saw this article on Kotaku about a 3D Nes emulator. looks pretty cool, but buggy. It is currently in Beta. http://kotaku.com/nes-emulator-transforms-classic-games-into-awesome-3d-s-1763778770
Last reply by imdavid555, -
- 1 reply
Not necessarily a hyperspin issue but hoping some fellow spinners can help. I've recently added terrordrome to my build on my tv and my cab. On my tv win 7 it runs fullscreen without fail. On my can win 8.1 it stays windowed and playing with the settings in game do nothing. Actually if I tell it fullscreen on my cab it turns pink and runs in the corner. Only fix so far is to keep the ugly window on it, and make due...I have the final release, anyone have suggestions? Also while I'm at it anyone using anything other than xpadder for controls, seems to be a buggy game but someone might have some ideas..?!?
Last reply by malarrya, -
- 8 replies
Sorry if I’ve posted in the wrong part of the forum but I’m new to all of this (forums included) As a long time gamer I’ve set myself the challenge of building my own Arcade Cabinet and I’ve been following some videos on youtube to set up a spare computer ready to run Hyperspin. All was going great, every step was working perfectly then the video assumed I had the Rom’s…( I get the impression its a Taboo to talk about their locations..) But here goes, my question is, do I need to find individual Rom’s or can I get a pack? I’ve found a site where I can see them individually but its hard find a pack (not found any). Another question, Hyperspin when it boots has all…
Last reply by Avar, -
- 10 replies
Hello, I hate asking for things :/ It's been a while since I compiled MAME and been trying it for the past few hours with no luck. I have MAMEUI .159 32 bit but would like to know if anyone may have MAMEUI .159 64-bit with no nag screens. I hope this is appropriate to ask here. In the download sections there are more up to date versions but not .159 64-bit with no nag. Any help appreciated, or some direction on some decent instructions (using the new(er) msys64 instead of mingw. thomas
Last reply by volumetric, -
- 1 reply
I want to apologize to all i might have offended with my temper tamptum yesterday i really have not excuse, i wanna thank all whole sent post with help and support. My thing was i was epecting the the link to be showing up on the vid when the reality reading is fundimental if i read anything post under show more i would of found all i wanted to know thanks SimpleAustin for helping me find it for myself instead of telling me straifgt out. So i go to the megadrive llink and i have to download a different brower, i choose firefox on my windows xp. yes i still have a xp and i have a vista too all long wth my windows 7 updated 10 10 and my lap 8.1 thay was updated to 10. …
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi! I'm looking for Informations for this topic. Suggestions that I found are: using dropbox and symlink to the highscores from both cabinets. Using a SQL-Database (on my NAS-Server) Is anyone sharing highscores with a friend and how do you do it? Is there a Tutorial or a third-party-program? Maybe I'm looking for the wrong terms, but what I found is not much. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Last reply by rocktofakie, -
- 5 replies
Hi Guys, Using HL and just updated to Dolphin 4.0-9103, from 3.5.x when I launch the game I get an error that ...User/Config/Dolphin.ini is missing, I understand that Dolphin 4.0+ doesnt use this file from my reaearch however the module / ahk is looking for it as below Dolphin (v3.0 r766 djvj 2.0) + Dolphin (v3.0 r766 djvj 2.0).ahk can someone please assist on a workaround or an updated module / ahk for the new version of Dolphin? ive looked on the forum but couldnt find a clear answer, this post here seems to have solution but its not clear to me.. google translate from French to English https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&a…
Last reply by majorspawn, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I give up, Ive been to find this quote unquote mega or meta drive site so i can download yhe hyperspin version of playstation 1 i found one mega whatever site and found a download but the file were not like simplyaustin file on the video, im 51 one yrs old i guess finding downloads is a young mans game, thank you for the video on learning hyperspin and rocket launcher i learnde alot but iguess ill be deleting it< thank you all.
Last reply by rastan, -
- 2 replies
I usually rely on help guides but couldn't find one for Amstrad cpc.
Last reply by andremaximilian, -
- 1 reply
I have been trying to set up Microsoft Msx with Retroarch. I can get the games to run via Bluemsx standalone but when I try to run in through retroarch using the bluemsx core I keep getting ahk error. it go through the loading game screen but no game starts. Any help is appreciated.
Last reply by trebukenz, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys so i was trolling around the interweb and found a portable version of epsxe no more registry screwing up my plan is to have 3 versions epsxe for steering wheel another for light gun and another witch will be normal epsxe but with epsxe shark pokopom plugin so I dont have to switch controls will just have figure out how to implement it into Hyperspin finally i can play die hard trilogy with a mouse (wii controller) and ridge racer type 4 with my Logitech steering wheel
Last reply by sonicboom88, -
- 22 replies
Some of you may have noticed that the ePSXe Emu has been updated to 2.0 To be honest most of it is fixes. HOWEVER, the nice guys over at ePSXe have now added the GTE Widescreen hack which until now was only available stable on the PSX-r emulator. For me, it not something I would use as it looks buggy and is only available to be used on a few games. But it does allow some games to work 16:9 without stretching the image I have left instructions on the vid if anyone wants to try it Here is the Changelog for the other features. Most of it is Bug fixes, but I also like the PER GAME config... that comes in handy for controls, shaders and filters. Als…
Last reply by stutterutter, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi Guys, The "2 player" version of SSFIVAE 2012 hangs on initializing.... with full stops cycling. This is under windows 10 pro. I have all other games set to admin with win7 compatability and working fine except this one. Has anyone experianced this issue also and found a fix or can provide me with a game.exe and launcher for 2 player that is conformed working in Win10, Thanks in advance MS
Last reply by majorspawn, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Pinball systems... I'm trying to sync Future pinball with hypersync, and only a couple of videos are available. Is this system obselete? Some Future Pinball wheel arts are available on the internet but not complete. The XML is in the databases section, but that's about it.. What Pinball system should I setup to have all the major classics and bests and something with all the HS media?
Last reply by Lucky1, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
I followed some tutorials and have hyperspin , rocket launcher and mame all set-up, well mostly. I got to a point where I could try a few games. 1942 runs fine , but whenever I try any other game , street fighter 2 for example , it says fatal error missing files sf9_22b etc, etc,... Is it just a bad rom I downloaded?
Last reply by rastan, -
PSP videos
by rastan- 6 replies
I have about 112 PSP video snaps... just curious if there are more out there. haven't really checked EmuMovies lately but don't really remember seeing any PSP stuff listed there.
Last reply by TheMadHatter, -
- 1 reply
OK, so after searching online for the best way to configure a controller for a specific system and keep it that way for the rest of the time i play games with that system on RetroArch for awhile now and figured I might as well ask around here too. So what im trying to do is for example right now I have SNES Sega Genesis Both playing from RetroArch I want to be able to configure the controller when I go into a sega genesis game and press F1 and configure it and it stay configured. And then go to SNES game and pull up F1 options and configure that controller separately. Then if i closed down everything and start everything up i would like it t…
Last reply by grantoswisey, -
- 2 replies
I've just started running through simply austins YouTube video of the dolphin setup for GameCube/wii 4K complete setup. My question is there anyway to add this to hyperspin and is there a database to go with it? Also does anyone know if there is a16:9 theme for this system too?
Last reply by JoyStickKilla, -
- 13 replies
So I have a PS4 Dualshock controller and i was going to try using that as the controller for the SSF emulator until my Original SegaSaturn/USB adapter controllers comes in. When I go to the controller settings of SSF and try to create a new button layout for the DualShock PS4 controller it doesnt allow me to assign buttons. Its just blank. Is a PS4 Controller not able to be used for that emulator?
Last reply by TheMadHatter, -
Shoutime is an arcade enthusiast in Japan who has bought MANY PCBs and provided dumps to MAME. He's easily spent several dozens of thousands of dollars on boards and just given away the dumps. He recently acquired two incredibly rare unreleased games and spent $13,000 out of his own pocket for them. He's looking to get only around half that back in donations to release these games for the whole planet to enjoy. One of the games is a 2 player simultaneous Data East beat 'em up that looks very intriguing. If you can even donate a couple of bucks, every little helps. Without people like Shoutime, EVERY single one of these games would be sucked up by hoarding assholes in Ja…
Last reply by griffin518, -
- 0 replies
It's the little things II've got my hotkey setup properly and works great with everything except demul. I'll exit it, works fine but keeps running in the background and I have to ctrl alt delete it everytime Frustrating yes. Any ideas how to fix? Running on Windows 10
Last reply by thenoob, -
- 4 replies
Ok this is driving me nuts just using RetroArch I can't get it to create or save a retroarch-core-options.cfg file. I have per core save ON I load up medanfen-psx core, adjust settings, go to core options make changes like 2x internal native res etc. then I save the config and it creates only a core medanfen-psx.cfg but no retroarch-core-options.cfg file to hold the changes I made to the CORE options. So when I load medanfen-psx.cfg I have everything but since there was no retroarch-core-options.cfg to read from the CORE options are back to default and I loose the settings like 2x int res I made. I tried this on several cores, same results. I tried 3 night…
Last reply by DR9, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, first off, I am new here so hello to everyone. I've been fiddling with Mame on and off over the last ten years or so and I've finally decided to setup a good dedicated Hyperspin (cross platorm) machine for my living room, With the help of the Simply Austins videos over at `youtube, things are coming along. Anyway, I've been messing with intellivision using MAME. I can get the game to load using the intv bios, but I am having a lot of issues with the controls. For example, when playing baseball I can not get the fielder to throw the ball, (not even with the keyboards numpad). I was just wondering if anyone else has intellivision setup and could recommend a dec…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
So I have a lot of these games running. How do guys have this running in HS? I have a arcadepc emulator. Have someone a solution for my problem, I want the vertical games horizontal.
Last reply by Tomkun, -
- 1 reply
I have a Hyper spin setup that has many emulators and for many it shows all game available although I only have a hundred or so. How do I audit the folder and have hyperspin display only the roms that I have. Hyperspin is such a great program, I looking forward to having my favorite systems and games controlled by such a comprehensive front end Thank-you
Last reply by DESIGNONE,