Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 7 replies
Hey Guys, I am new to this Nintendo ds thing and noticed with No$gba the games speed off too fast every time and run at like 2000%. I go into the emulation settings and change it to speed=realtime auto which fixes the issue.. however each time I close or open new game it does it again? Also many games I get the error "No$GBA: How to fix " save data cannot be accessed" I found a way to stop it by setting the GBA Cartridge media to AUTO however same as above I have to reset each game? I am an idiot? what am I missing here? I have tried DSemume.. and it works but it does a weird thing.. ever load I hear a "PING" noise.. no idea why.. like the windows ping noise whe…
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 4 replies
I have look everywhere for a solution, but cant find a simple answer, so I am ask you guys, I am using RL to launch SNK Neo Geo CD but I am getting the "IPL.txt cant be found error", I can see it in the ISO and the extraction path ..\temp\SNK Neo Geo CD\game...\IPL.txt with wand other files. I have read the module notes but still cant figure out why I am getting this error. Using Neorain32 1.4.3 as the Emu.. Thanks John.
Last reply by spudgunjake, -
- 1 reply
I know on a real Amiga we just load up workbench or whatever hacked version of WB (gui) we were using and launch the games like that... but is there a way to launch them in UAE without actually using workbench? I got a full set of Amiga stuff but none of them seem to be bootable.
Last reply by spotUP, -
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Hi All, Im new to Hyperspin so I only know bits. My Q&A is whats the best n64 emulator to use as iv try some and they dont work or you have to unzip the roms to play, is there one that you wont have to unzip the roms?? Many Thanks to you all :-) L
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 7 replies
Anybody using nestopia and try to set their key to "Exit" their emulator but when you relaunch nestopia it writes over your input and sets the key back to what it was? I understand that Nestopia re-writes the XML it uses every time it exits. I though well easy fix I will change the xml file to a read-only attribute, well that fixed the re-writing of the xml file and left my exit key untouched but now I have an error every time I exit the emulator it nags displaying this error "couldn't save the configuration" anybody have a fix for this?
Last reply by rastan, -
- 2 replies
Anyone tried the new bluestacks emulator? The interface is well done and you can change sizes etc....Horrible lag at the moment though,hopefully get fixed. Has anyone setup Android in their system? Does it run well? How did you go about setting it up? Im looking for Bluestacks original at the moment till the second is lag free, but its not on their site anymore,anyone know where i can get version 1?
Last reply by xALPHAxOMEGAx, -
- 0 replies
Hey All, does anyone know where I might be able to download a build of MAME with DirectInput enabled? I've been having issues getting joytokey to work with MAME and I think it's because DirectInput is not enabled. I've tried to build my own MAME using Mr. Do's instructions, but have been getting compile errors. Thanks everyone! Bob
Last reply by sushibobdavis, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, So I'm using Gambatte on RA for my emulation of GB and GBC. My screens 1920x1200, and I'm using RocketLauncher and Bezels. (for some reason they aren't captured in the screen shot I took.) Anyway, for GBC it's working fine, but for some reason when I try the original Gameboy, it cuts off a section of the screen. (pictured below). I've checked, and it's not the bezel that's cutting off this portion of the screen, it's actually the emulator cutting it off. If I use fullscreen resolutions, it works fine, but when I shrink it down for a bezel, I get this isuue. Anyone else have this problem?
Last reply by OneBadVeggie, -
- 0 replies
Maybe it's me but I noticed that the PS Minis seem to run a little slower than the PSP stuff. are the PS Minis like VC/WiiWare? I know VC stuff runs slower because it's basically a emulation of a emulation type thing. I'm not familiar with the PS Minis but just got a set and tested them out... when I noticed they didn't seem to run at normal speed like the PSP stuff. My dedicated machine for HS for the moment is just a i3 so I probably won't care once I finally move my HS to another machine but for the moment it has me curious why the MINIS seem to run slower than the normal PSP stuff.
Last reply by rastan, -
- 7 replies
Was looking for a newer basketball game to put on my cab and stumbled across NBA Jam on fire edition (which didnt come out on PC or wii) but the wii had a revived version of nba jam which would be awesome on a cab. I havnt tried emulating wii yet. Is it possible with a 4ghz quadcore and a gtx 650 ti card? (I have a gtx 770 I could use if I had to) Would controls be able to be mapped to arcade controls or would a wii-mote be needed? Any thoughts or suggestions?
Last reply by rastan, -
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Hello everybody! This is my first post in here. I have been a proud user of Hyperspin from a long time; built my arcade machine 4 years ago with it and loving it from day 1. I tend to be a shadow user in forums, reading, digging and learning, unfortunately I came across a situation in which I cannot wrap my brain around it. I am pretty sure it might be something easy for some of you, so please be gentle with me I am doing my second arcade machine, this time I want to include the Nintendo and Sega systems in it as well. The situation in particular is related to the GBA XML. I have the full GBA romset (from 0001 to 2764) on one hand, and got the Hyperspin databa…
Last reply by Kondorito, -
- 21 replies
I have Daphne Singe running in hyperspin and my games launch ok. My issue is that the light gun crosshairs stay on the corners of the screen and I am unable to get them to move correctly across the screen and be functional. I have read every daphne singe thread I can find online and tried to make sure my batch files had the correct syntax yet it's still not working with my light guns. Any and all help pointing me in the right direction is greatly appreciated. I am trying to get the Action Max games like Pop Ghostly etc working for my kids to play. Thanks!! I am using the arcade light guns from arcadeguns.com basically same as aimtrak.
Last reply by macaco, -
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- 5 replies
I am about to setup Touhou Project with the HS ready set , the files I know placed them already into right folder except the roms folder with dat game name file & game folders with all exe , config files. Understand that will need emulator to run the game 1 - 5 and rest with pc launcher. Now what next what should I do to set this thing up. Cant find any tutorial . Maybe someone share me with helpful; information to set this up. thank you ありがとう ございます
Last reply by shitoken, -
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- 56 replies
I took the taito x game files from my old drive and copied to the new HS 1.4 HDD im compiling for my arcade cab. I have all the systems I want up and running except for taito x which I really want for sf4 arcade edition and some other games....so this is holding me back bigtime. Anyway.... Im following gigas guide on yt and copied his files onto mine, setup everything in RL but when launching the games within RL they either hang on black screen after the loading fade, fail to load at all, or I can hear the game running but no video. Arcana Heart 3 is the only one to run from RL but does so from a windowed screen. If I run for example SSFIV AE outside of RL it wil…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 reply
Edit: Moved to Rlauncher Forum - Off topic discussion section
Last reply by djvj, -
- 1 follower
- 61 replies
I truly understand the idea of preserving stuff but honestly as far as enjoying stuff.. I just don't get having every system. I just removed a few more systems from my Hyperspin (not exactly going to delete them from my Harddrive because as far as preserving them... I still appreciate them enough to keep them around for now anyway) Atari Lynx - I just can't bring myself to play these games on a HD TV.. just looks like crap to me... Atari Jaguar - I tried with this one.... some of the games actually have good graphics but I can't see myself playing any of these games. Sega CD - To be honest I only kept this one around because of SPACE ACE & DRAGON'S LAIR b…
Last reply by rastan, -
- 1 reply
I have just reinstalled a fresh new Retroarch (latest version) I have installed the cores and updated all the shaders etc 1. When i start my N64 via HS, the game starts up but in a very small window,with the small n64 bezel around the window also very small( as if everything has shrunk)....how do i make it full screen, ive enabled bezels and set to true and full screen 2. When using snes, i would like to try out different scanlines during a game,is there a hotkey i could use to select different ones? What scanlines are the best tried ? there are many.
Last reply by baddeolv, -
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- 21 replies
Hi Guys, I'm having trouble with Sega 32X via the PicoDrive core. Although I have my inputs mapped correctly and "6 buttons" defined in the core options, only 3 buttons are working. 6 buttons do not work. Can anyone confirm this is a core problem?
Last reply by newoski, -
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- 2 replies
I put in quite a lot of work in getting Saturn to work, and at the first test after I felt is was quite complete, it worked flawlessly in RL and HS. Second test: flawlessly in RL - in HS when it goes to fullscreen, it leaves the lower bar of the main window sitting in the middle of the screen to the left?? I tried out all the various settings in SSF, reinstalled it, tried with R3 instead of R4, nothing helps. One member in RL forums had the the same problem, but it apparently went away after reinstalling Windows. Short of that, any ideas how to fix this?
Last reply by Rincewind, -
- 1 reply
hey guys, I recently updated my retroarch and now the interface is completely different then it used to be. I can't seem to find custom aspect ratio to get my bezels to fit properly. Someone metioned setting custom viewport but that doesn't seem to change anything, unless im doing something wrong... any ideas?
Last reply by progets, -
- 1 follower
- 36 replies
Looking for compatibility list for SSF figure out a way to get near perfect games to play using different versions of ssf to do this don't us RLUI, but i'm assuming its the same as HLHQ, And you only have to do this for games that your having problems with, some games just require some settings changed. Goto Global Then select Emulators Tab Click + Add Emulator a Window will pop up in there Type in the Name of your SSF Version i do mine like this "SSF 09 R3", Then select the path to the version of SSF, then select the Module which is SSF. Then select Sega Saturn, then Select the Games Tab, Next click on tab Alternate Emulator in there click the + Add Butt…
Last reply by mccorkled, -
- 4 replies
Error waiting for window ahk_class wxWindowNR I keep getting that error when I try to launch PCSX2 in RL It will launch and get up to game's intro screens and then gets a error message..
Last reply by rastan, -
- 3 replies
Is there a Retroarch Mess guide somewhere? In my old setup (from 2014), all I had to do was have the bios files in the Retroarch\System\Mess folder. However that no longer seems to work. Most of my Mess core games are not working at the moment and I've been reading up on stuff on the net but so far no luck with anything. Only the Amstrad GX4000 is working. The Atari systems, Coleco and Intellivision don't work. I'm certain it's because of the folder structure but haven't found any real answers.
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 1 reply
Trying to setup sega cd in rocketlauncher. I have a rom set where each title is rar'ed and contain the iso. Im trying to use retroarch and set 7z to true. My set isnt named right so I renamed one of the games correctly and when launching it says it cant find a supported rom file. Before I spend anymore time on this I wanted to know if retroarch will work with sega cd isos or should I be using a different emu? Any suggestions? thanks
Last reply by 32assassin, -
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- 7 replies
Hi, Cannot find anything on mame forums. I have 2 computers Win 7 with mameui. Both are doing the same thing when I try to load MameUI. 1- When I double-click on the mame.exe, windows 7 busy icon won't stop spinning. 2- Task manager shows 3 instances of mame.exe at only 108 k each of memory usage. 3- Impossible to kill any of the 3 tasks in the task manager. Mame RAW seems to work fine. I did not change anything to my setup or files. The same problem appeared on both computers the same day, probably due to some windows update! Anyone with the same issue or any idea what is the problem?
Last reply by Lucky1,