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- 5 replies
I am setting up a PC using Hyperspin and MAME. It seems to work normally, launches, etc. But when I actually select any game it stats to load and usually gets to approx. 90% loaded and then the computer crashes. I have to restart. Any ideas or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Last reply by nimpa, -
- 4 replies
Hi im new to Hyperspin and just managed to get it setup for MAME what im finding is an od issue and finding the issue did take a while when I start Hyperspin I am able to start any game I wish to start, then when I press escape key to go out of it I cant select anoterh game I have found the reason is because hyperlaunch is left running and does not stop the only way I found to exit hyperlaunch is to go into task manager and kill the program does anyone know why this is happening and how to remedy it Thanks
Last reply by silverfox0786, -
- 0 replies
I have heard that VSync is not a supported feature for 4DO but there is supposed to be a way to enable it anyway. Does anyone have this setup?
Last reply by esoteric, -
- 5 replies
For some reason, SSF won't let me map anything to one of my number keys. Is there any way I can override this restriction because I have limited button options due to my arcade cabinet layout?
Last reply by Turranius, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I use MAMEUIFX 0.153 to play Games like King of Fighters or Metal Slug. I put the bios files in a second folder, when i start any Neo Geo game form the GUI of MAMEUIFX the game runs perfekt. but when i startet the game from Hyperspin, I get the same error on if I had no bios Sry for my bad english I need to configure something?
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 18 replies
Using AAE as the emulator, it launches the game, but I can't set any joystick controls Using MAME as the emulator, it tries to launch and the window just goes away. Using Retroarch, it just loads to select core options. What am I missing? is there a bios file that I'm not seeing that I should place? I have quite a few mame/retroarch systems that are working.
Last reply by SIMPLYAUSTIN, -
- 21 replies
hi all does anyone no how to use pinball FX2 with nukelauncher and not the module for hyperlaunch thanks.
Last reply by rfancella, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone, I really hope someone is able to help me with the following: I downloaded Visual Pinball 9.9.1 and put this inside of the emulators folder. XML for the wheel etc. is correctly set up. AHK that I use is the standard 2.0 AHK that's included with the most recent install of Hyperspin. MEmu = Visual Pinball MEmuV = v8.1.1 & v9.12 MURL = http://sourceforge.net/projects/vpinball/ MAuthor = djvj MVersion = 2.0 MCRC = 6B81A939 iCRC = 80311E26 MID = 635038268932497719 MSystem = "Visual Pinball" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Notes: ; Requires VPinMame v2.4 ; Download xpath from http://www.autohotkey.net/~Titan/d…
Last reply by bilbo1161, -
- 3 replies
I don't see anyone else here with this particular weirdness in Fusion though I have seen posts on other forums... but no good solutions. I bought a USB 6-button Sega gamepad knockoff to use for Sega games but none of the inputs are recognized by Fusion. It works just fine in Windows, goes through the calibration just fine, etc., but when I try to map the buttons there is no response in Fusion at all. In fact, it won't even respond to my wireless 360 pad inputs which is my default gaming device. I should note that I also have a Mayflash Dolphinbar as well as a 4-port Mayflash GameCube adapter and a 2-port Mayflash N64 adapter (so I can use the real controllers with the co…
Last reply by rexryan, -
- 6 replies
So any game I launch through retro arch that does not require a CHD works flawless. The problem I have is any game which requires a CHD loads and goes to a screen that says new cd rom inserted and to rewrite the game. After I go through the 20min installation the game works fine... Exactly how it would run on MAME itself.... However once I close RetroArch and attempt to play again it doesnt save this information and I must install the cdrom again.... Any fix for this? Or a simple setting... This isnt a HyperSpin or HyperLaunch problem..... happens the same way just using RetroArch stand alone.
Last reply by Rick74, -
- 5 replies
ello there, is it possible to create a mame xml with the games listed by manufacturer instead of game titles? thanxs for any answers
Last reply by potts43, -
- 0 replies
I'm asking here, because in the world of AHK and emulators you guys are the best. I'm trying to set up an AHK script that will, when selecting a rom from a list in a GUI (rom collection browser for Kodi) it launches the selected rom and remaps the exit key to backspace. The script works fine for launching the emulator and remapping the key, but it isn't launching the rom. What additional script do I need to pass on the "%ROM" parameter to AHK? Thanks Russ run, Project64.exe SetWorkingDir, E:\ROM Collection\N64 sleep 1000 SetTimer, close_script_on_game_close, 1000 return close_script_on_game_close: Process,Exist,Project64.exe ;name of the executable If !ErrorLev…
Last reply by subwyking, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone Getting myself all turnaround so hopefully this question make sense. I've been trying to figure why only 3000 games are listed out of the 9000 in my mame ROM set. I know the names have to match the XML in the database. I assumed that was the problem and it still could be but there are several games listed in my set that don't appear to be in the XML file. One example is tekken4 that's how it's spelled in the mame rom directory and a CHD file. I don't see it in the XML or anything related to it which makes me think it's just not there. Any thoughts or advice on how to get my roms listed? Thanks
Last reply by methos01, -
- 10 replies
I have been meaning to complete my Hyperspin for awhile now. Have a few days off and thought I would finally finish it up with my PlayStation section pretty much the only thing missing. I can't figure out for the life of me how to get some of the video games to work. I'm using epsxe, made my own xml list, used the new hypertools to rename the video games and manually match the titles. Checked HyperLaunch HQ to see what video games come up as green and ready to go. When testing these games they never work. I get the black screen where I am force to escape out. However, testing these games through the emulator outside of Hyperspin, they work fine. I'm not sure what to do.…
Last reply by pinsanity, -
- 14 replies
Hi everyone, Technically this is my first post(the other one was in a 2 year old thread(my bad) and nothing in it helped me solve my issue). Let me first tell you what my goal is... My goal is to have my setup give you a full console feel(accurate load times and gameplay) so I'm trying to use Regen .972 SSE2 for my Sega Genesis emulator, from what I've read it's the most accurate even over Fusion(so I've read). I have ran them side by side with their default settings and Regen definitely looks better(graphics wise), it was much more crisp looking and ran great. OK, now to my problem or where I'm confused. I've setup the emulator in HyperHQ/HLHQ and pointed HL to my RO…
Last reply by Awakened, -
- 19 replies
Hi I am unable to launch N64 with retroarch it gives error as follow cannot retro core options in config directory after loading screen I have setup 64 core and saved in config folder which is exist but every time I launch thru get HS get this error. If launch without HS can run perfectly. What could be missing here? In Hyperlaunch HQ under module I notice red circle next to Retroarch.ahk and if click inside the new window it shows Invalid CRC, module might have been tampered Other systems run perfectly even without setting up config files. Hope some one can help me million thanks
Last reply by methos01, -
- 2 replies
There's a few games that have to be rotated. There is an example ini in the hyperlaunch module directory that appears like it should do the trick to auto rotate when those handful of games run. However, I'm not 100% sure what to do with it. I know it seems like a dumb question. I've tried just renaming it to Atary Lynx.ini but that didn't work. Also tried to just copy/paste the code into the Mednafin.ini file, however that didn't work either. I'm in the HyperLaunch\Modules\Mednafen directory. I see the comment in the ahk file that says: If games are not rotating and the CLI command is being sent to the emu, your roms have bad headers I'm not 100% sure that it me…
Last reply by DrMaxwell, -
- 10 replies
Hi - newbie here, just getting started. So far I've configured quite a few systems thanks to all the help here. However, I'm struggling with Jaguar. I know it's not the best state right now, but without hyperspin, I can run most of the games I want with the newest version of VirtualJaguar, however, I can't seem to get hyperspin to load. 1st question - When I select the emulator from the wheel, it opens jaguar and just get the jaguar bios screen without actually loading a rom. In fact, the bios screen doesn't even finish loading, it turns red almost right away. I can still load a cartraige from the emu manually, but I can't get it to open automatically based on what…
Last reply by zerojay, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I have Spectaculator 8 setup and working in HyperSpin. Was wondering the best way to setup the controls. Since there are a few options depending on the game(Kempston, Sinclair, keyboard, etc...) Would VJoy be of any use here? Any settings in Spectaculator that may help? Thomas
Last reply by iNTiGOD, -
- 2 replies
I'm currently setting up my bartop aracde machine using the excellent Hyperspin as my FE. I had installed WinUAE as per the instructions on this forum and am using the WHDLoad set of games. Most of the games I am interested in appear to work ok, other than Superfrog. Is there any known issues with this game? The problem I have is that it crashes the emulator after playing the intro and wont load the game. The game is Superfrog_v1.2_0035
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 7 replies
hey guys, im trying to get regen to load roms from hyperspin and firstly it won't go to fullscreen as it should and it won't even load the roms. If I load them through the emu without hyperspin it all works though. I'm using the .ahk for regen so i dunno what i'm doing wrong...i've fiddled with the settings in regen and it still just opens in windowed mode without loading the game any help much appreciated :0)
Last reply by BL4Z3D247, -
- 21 replies
Here: New Systems (I have forgotten what I've added but if it was there before, like the Atari 5200, then I added it to the MESS core instead of stella etc: "Acorn Archimedes","Acorn BBC Micro Model A","Acorn BBC Micro Model B","Amstrad CPC","Amstrad GX4000","APF Imagination Machine","Apogee BK-01","Atari 2600","Atari 5200","Atari 7800","Atari Jaguar","Atari Lynx","Atari ST","Bally Astrocade","Bandai Gundam RX-78","Bandai Super Vision 8000","Bandai Wonderswan","Bandai Wonderswan Color","Casio PV-1000","Casio PV-2000","ColecoVision","Commodore Amiga","Creatronic Mega Duck","Emerson Arcadia 2001","Entex Adventure Vision","Epoch Game Pocket Computer","Epoch Super Cassette …
Last reply by hvkirov, -
- 29 replies
Does anyone have a script for this to work? I tried using it with the build in script but im getting an error on some games that says. "cd not usable: Failed to open file." Same thing happens if I just try it on the emulator. If I mount it in daemon tools first though, it works no problem. I am not sure why this is happening, but maybe someone has some insight?
Last reply by Bootleg, -
- 7 replies
I have tried 2 different emulators epsxe and pcsxr and both give the same error message Cannot find rom.....with any provided extension All my other emulators and roms work with no problems any ideas. Total noob here so im most likely overlooking something stupid Any help would be appreciated
Last reply by sha_doh, -
- 3 replies
More Retroarch problems... I've been able to get Retroarch to work with the Mess core for Colecovision and Atari7800. Now I was trying to get it to work with Neo-Geo AES but always get a blue screen. I have the Neo-Geo AES working perfectly fine in Mess but I just like the RA shaders better. Has anyone tried this?
Last reply by DrMaxwell,