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Hyperspin Project can you please release some of the 100% complete stuff


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Guys as anyone that has seen my posts on here will know im a massive fan of hyperspin and the artists on here.

Im more than happy to help and pay to keep hyperspin alive and joined platinum so I could donated and see/use some of the awesome art on here.

Ive been watching the hyperspin project for sometime, obviously im not privy to a lot of the info as I don't have the skills or enough time to help as much as I would like.

One thing I would ask though is that when parts of the project get completed 100% which there are several bits done as I understand, could someone release them for us all to enjoy.

Things seem to have gone quiet and at the beginning I thought this would be the case.

Maybe Im wrong but it would be great to get some info or an update on the project as a whole.

Regards Fire10

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I've been told that numerous, beautiful 3D sets are complete, but I believe they are refraining from releasing them for whatever reason. Perhaps someone could enlighten us?


As far as I know, there's stuff that was done for the original UG version of the Hyperspin Project that still to this day haven't been released even though they were 100%.

It's for reasons like these that people are getting the impression that the community is dying, which just makes people leave.


Im glad its not just me guys, I must admit I have wanted to post this for a while but was concerned I would get a backlash, well ive been an avid member for long enough now and thought id see if more people felt similar to me and now I have my answer


I've never quite understood the thought process behind not releasing it. Why not release it similar to beta stages? when modified just add a release tag onto it and the people who want to work on it as they go can do that and those that want to wait until completed can do that. Just holding on to it with a select few is quite dumb as if everyone had access more could get done. It does drive people away as they might not be in the "elitist" group that has been created.


Lol, how does one go about becoming a project member? I'm thinking about taking on a project just to not have to wait years for complete content. Right now I'm just collecting artwork for them, but I may ask to be assigned to this set...

I've never quite understood the thought process behind not releasing it. Why not release it similar to beta stages? when modified just add a release tag onto it and the people who want to work on it as they go can do that and those that want to wait until completed can do that. Just holding on to it with a select few is quite dumb as if everyone had access more could get done. It does drive people away as they might not be in the "elitist" group that has been created.

I agree

. this isn't real life

These are just video games

...doesn't need to treated like a top secret government project.

Make something

Release it

Let people mess around with it and enjoy it

Update it

Release it again

But of course......people can do whatever they want with their own stuff.......

No hard feelings on my part....

I agree

. this isn't real life

These are just video games

...doesn't need to treated like a top secret government project.

Make something

Release it

Let people mess around with it and enjoy it

Update it

Release it again

But of course......people can do whatever they want with their own stuff.......

No hard feelings on my part....

Perhaps there's some underlying, profound logic and reasoning behind it? I'm intrigued to know.


Uh oh.

The way this usually goes down is that it starts with an announcement getting everyone excited over a big and awesome release. The deadline comes and goes, no mention of anything. Then people start requesting updates on the status. Then the announcers come out and criticize everyone for being nervous and for holding them to the deadline. This is followed by some fighting and then more silence. From here it goes either of two ways. Usually it all collapses, core people abandon the project, all the assets and resources are lost, and nothing is ever released. But occasionally people are rewarded for the faith and patience, developers make good on their promises and awesomeness ensues.

In this case, there were some allusions to a new program to replace HyperSync. Updates to HyperSync were put on hold, including artwork releases. Last I saw they were saying to expect something in two weeks, but all has been quiet for at least six.

I very much appreciate the work being done and the ambition and creativity behind it, but I'm nervous and it's bothersome because with the membership I have skin in the game. Although HyperLaunch development continues, HyperSpin itself is on permanent hiatus despite known bugs and limitations. I worry the whole thing will become a ghost town. So much for "lifetime" membership. But in any case I'm very happy with the project as it stands. One day I may even get all the emulators and controls working!

I for one am cautiously optimistic. I'd like to see incremental updates as well, but I acknowledge that it may be impractical.


Work is being done. The amount of work is massive. The amount of workers is not so massive. Instead of asking for updates offer to help.


fire10, it surprises me that you of all people started this thread. You asked me to join the project a few months back and I gave you the simple task of gathering some artwork for Saturn. I even sent you a link of a site which contained all the artwork we needed so you didn't even need to search anything. All you did was grabbing 3(!) scans and then not even a word more about it. Even if you have been really busy grabbing 3 covers only is ridiculous, in 5 minutes you could get more than that. Heck during the time you spent to write this post you could have grabbed more than 3 covers. So this post from you was really surprising.

I can tell you Cyrano picked up that task later on and grabbed everything from that site in a couple of days only.

So yeah it's because of stuff like this we won't be releasing anything until we decide to do so, we want people to contribute, to help instead of sitting back waiting for things to be delivered to them on a silver plate. Just see how many people actually try to help when someone asks help finding some specific artwork, pretty much none I can tell you.

We could very well be doing this for ourselves and don't even make it public, but we aren't. If someone want things done faster then help us out. If you don't want to help then you'll just have to wait until we feel comfortable to release it regardless if you agree with it or not. It's our call and threads like this won't make anything released any faster that's for sure.

One more time... donating for HS is irrelevant to the project as well as no one in the project receives a dime from donations, I already made this clear several times so there are no doubts, but I guess I need to mention it again. Even though these days it would make much more sense to donate to the artists instead of HS imo.

And most of the stuff that was finished from UG has been released already since quite some time, people just don't realize it came from there (Adventurevision, CD32, Astrocade, Neo Geo CD, etc.). Once something is released you quickly forget about it and immediately want something else to be out.

Oh and there was never any deadline set to the project precisely because we all know how that goes. And this has nothing to do with HyperSync either, I have no clue what's going on with the HyperSync development team nor the project has any direct relation with it. I can assure you no assets will be lost though.


Again...and I mean this sincerely....people can release their own stuff as they see fit..... I mean....it is their stuff....and I appreciate anything that is shared......and who.am I to tell people what to do....for reals

But why not just release stuff as it goes along whether or not it is finished?

I mean....these are just silly video games.....

But why not just release stuff as it goes along whether or not it is finished?

Because that is time consuming. Finish a system and upload the minted set is much less time consuming. Individual uploads is. I downloaded something like 400+ raw box art images for Apple II and I lost count of the number of Japanese box art images I went hunting for Nintendo Game Boy and that stuff takes ages but I did it. The boys have almost reached the letter I already found stuff for so I'll have to make some time to continue the hunt. My work on the project is not difficult it just takes time. That's all we want is a bit of your time to help the guys who do the artwork.

Finding that tidbit out about the OP is a little sad though. I was disappointed when I had to stop searching for Apple scans due to my new job eating up my life. I get phone calls from. 5am till 8 or 9pm most days. But still finding an hour here or there just to do little things for this community isn't that hard and isn't much to ask for and if everyone did it these sort of posts wouldn't exist.


Well thanks for the reply Brolly. After we spoke last I uploaded over 160 scans to the ftp and messaged you twice with no reply and just took it you were busy. I had made contact with someone who had the set from the site and he had agreed to share the files as one big .rar. It seemed to make far more sense to download them all this way as per my email as the otherway was taking me an age and I could not get downloadthemall to work for me. I replaced the files with the rar named saturn scans for brolly.rar

I have checked the ftp and there are no signs of the file anymore I assumed you had taken it to unrar and sort.

Personally I would have messaged me directly rather than write a post like that which whether it was meant too or not paints me in a bad light.

That said anyone that has had dealings with me on here would know something certainley did not add up.

Im all for helping the project as you well know.

One thing I would say though is that something needs to be done to at least bring the hypersync system up to date, I have heard several times on here that members brought platinum passes under the impression as advertised that hypersync would be a one click solution and update to all the current data old and new which it is quite obviously does not.

Please get back to me with regards to my upload, if you can check the upload records for the ftp you will see that everything I have said here is correct.

It would be nice if once you have done this you could put a post on here to dismiss your earlier post.

Regards Fire10

So we need people to search google for scans to make it go faster? Well not faster to help rather.

That's one thing. Need really high quality box art so the art guys can grab the art and pull the logo out easily to create the wheels or trace around it if it needs to be rebuilt.

If you have a little bit of time and a bit of photoshop skill you can even clean up box art and resize it or put cleaned box art into templates for 2D and 3D boxes.

I've handed files over to maybe 6 people who have said "I wanna be in the Game Boy project" so I gave them some raw art files on the FTP and said "go for it shows us what you can do" and nothing happened then they disappeared. In all honesty it appeared they just wanted in to leech other people's work. Unfortunately that is what happens. Then people like the art guys working on this and the crazy people like me feel pretty crap and start wondering why the should bother doing it when no one else helps they just take and run.

A system gets released when the system is complete. That includes all artwork not just one section of it. I don't personally control that. But as of yet we don't have a complete system to share other than what has already been minted.

A few extra bodies have come over to the Nintendo Game Boy part of the project and I think they have reached the letter M. I have placed all the collected box art into another folder for later clean up and searching for better boxes if needed but as of yet I haven't had time. I'd happily dump the contents of that folder onto the FTP for anyone interested in helping with that. I'll get the space required to you and even show you the info on how to clean these up. Hell I'd even give you hints and pointers as I know Adobe products inside out and even I'm still learning new stuff. :) LOL

Anyway enough of my guff.


I never got a single pm from you fire10, that I can assure you and it's the first time I ever hear about a pm not being delivered here. Anyway I only mentioned this because you opened this thread otherwise I wouldn't have said a thing unfortunately it's normal for people to join the project and then vanish without a word so I don't even bother tracking them down anymore.

I did look into the FTP a while after you started and I saw nothing there other than those early scans and then Cyrano offered to do that set so we moved on and he completed the whole thing in 2 days.

Anyway, no I can't check the FTP logs and honestly don't really care, all I want is that all of you respect that this is the way we are going to do things and stop trying to push it to be released the way you want to. Everything will be released eventually, but when we feel things have the desired quality.

We might end up releasing some sets without the cart/CD sets being complete because it has been proving to be very difficult to finish those for several systems due to the lack of good artwork, but we are still evaluating this.

I don't see anyone from the HyperSync crew online since ages so have no idea of what's going on with it, you should start a new topic about it because I can't do anything regarding that. Again I couldn't care less about Platinum subscriptions and if people are paying thinking they will have a one click solution to complete artwork sets, I don't get anything off those donations so whoever does should be the ones doing something about it. Heck I didn't even like the whole Platinum level thing since the very beginning as everyone else is doing stuff for free here including all the great artists we have around creating all the content.

Now, I don't think I have anything else to add to this thread and will get back to working in HLHQ and the project.


I've said this in another thread, but I think it's a good idea to at the very least release the 100% completed databases so we can get the roms we need for when the artwork eventually releases.


so whats going on when is the release date for hyperbase live to be tested ive been waiting very pationtely for this occasion and still no word.

I've said this in another thread, but I think it's a good idea to at the very least release the 100% completed databases so we can get the roms we need for when the artwork eventually releases.

i entirely agree with this guy

I would help with the project but i need to watch guides on using photoshop there is a few things i can do i can find artwork to help with or people to work with heck i could even do alil tidying up but i need requirements such as some nice guide for using photoshop or etc. If i had those skills i would be stuck into it already when i got an agreement to work on gameboy color i gathered content which could be worked on and improved. But i guess i will try harder to study up on using photo shop to help you guys out. I sort of studied it then went off track cause i got stuck on a few things people said photoshop is easy to use but its not its time consuming and you have to have patience and know what your doing ill do my best to help out in the future but its gonna take me time and practice to get some stuff done.

sig.png 100%


My two cents.

I didn't complete the DS box set but came damn close too it which is an accomplishment being as I don't care for the system and don't even play the games. I put in a lot of work with Manic finding the art and creating those box sets purely to give back to the community. I'll never ever use the art for my personal use but the contribution was pretty big imo if more people pitched in.

I've got no clue what happened to HS but the entire calibur of guys that were around in the 2008-2010 era are few and far between here now. As of 2014 we are equipped with a massive army of downloaders/leechers. Where are the uploaders? Why do people wait for other people to make things? Yeah, they're better at PS or what have you, but get them the artwork to make it easier. Do something other than just wait for it.

I've preached it before but it's just my opinion. I'm not waiting for anyone to create anything for me btw. That which I don't have I'm learning how to do it for myself because knowledge is powerful.


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