HyperSpin Android
Feature Requests
- 54 posts
Feature Requests for HyperSpin Android
- Playstation wheel
- Last reply by Wayneodell13378,
Android Emulators
- 1.4k posts
- 1 follower
Android emulators
- Keep getting this Error...on Nvidia Shield 2015
- Last reply by Dave85,
538 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
Today I tried plugging in my hard drive to my nvidia tv after downloading from computer. Well it shows usb3005 but not the series of UUID numbers above it like before. I tried my other Hargrove and it did the same thing. This happened the other day too. Anyone else have this problem? I tried restarting too
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 0 replies
This core has a bios bug. If I don't install bios it runs fine. If I set core bios directory it freezes and crashes
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 10 replies
This shows on pc but not on Android. Does anyone have these showing on android and my wheel sounds don't work on Android. I checked settings in settings ini and they are set to true
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 7 replies
I posted in Support as well but was suggested that I try here b/c of the experience with Android, maybe if I knew where to find the logs I can fix this. Hello, I hate to start a new post about this afte reading so many people with similar issues. I did the most troubleshooting I could do on my own and it really helped me learn how to navigate HS and how it works. I even tried unzipping and it did the same thing. I am still relatively new to HS and expecially new to the Android setups that I am workingon. Hyperspin 1.4 Retroarch 1.3.0 cores/bsnes_mercury_performance_libretro_android.so I would post the log but I cannot find on Android where the logs if any are save…
Last reply by ShaunB1980, -
- 9 replies
I have successfully been able to get my setup transferred to my Shield Android TV. Everything except Gamecube. I am using Dolphin 4.0-8711. I get the error "Warning attempting to launch invalid emulator(s): org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.activities.MainActivity" I have never successfully been able to launch directly into the game but prior versions of Dolphin (example 4.0-7666) Always launched into the game selector screen using the following .ini config. exe=org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu/org.dolphinemu.dolphinemu.activities.MainActivity romextension=zip,iso parameters=AutoStartFile My guess is the software package has been renam…
Last reply by ShaunB1980, -
- 18 replies
I had way too many problems with RetroArch and gave up on that app. on the Shield. I'm using individual emulators in Hyperspin to get my systems running. I could not find an N64 emulator in Google Play on the Shield so I assume that means none of them are certified compatible with the Android TV OS. I logged into my Google account on my PC and downloaded Mupen64+AE FREE and told it to install on my Shield TV console. I see the app. listed on my device now. Is it possible to use this app. in Hyperspin on a Shield TV console? If so, what are the settings for the .ini file? For example the equivalent of this for the NES system in the nes.emu by Robert B. NES.emu - NE…
Last reply by djdaveoc, -
- 7 replies
I've added a few systems to the Hyperspin wheel successfully before, but I just tried it again and now my wheel is totally messed up and missing about 4-5 systems for some reason. Adding the original b&w Gameboy to my wheel worked with no problems, so then I tried adding NEC PC Engine and that's when I noticed the missing systems from the wheel. No text/artwork/theme shows up for PC Engine and now I'm missing 3DO, Daphne, PS1, and a couple others from my wheel. I thought replacing my edited Main Menu.xml with the original, untouched Main Menu.xml would fix it and put things back to normal, but changing it does nothing and everything on the main menu still loo…
Last reply by Norkusa, -
- 6 replies
Hello all, I read somewhere that after the Android M update the SD card would be referred to as some long string number instead of sdcard0 or sdcard1, and therefore you'd have to change the rom path in all the ini files for each system. I used ES FIle explorer to find the name of my SD card now and updated all the ini files. However when I start Mame4droid it asks if you want to choose the default ROM location. I always have to choose no since my roms are not in that directory. I manually choose the directory that my roms are actually in but this emulator still does not work. Anyone know if it can work? Keep in mind I'm talking specifically about the Shield TV c…
Last reply by djdaveoc, -
- 5 replies
Wondering if anyone can help me regarding my first time attempt at a setup? I started the build using 4 NES roms, in which I was successful in getting them to launch through Hyperspin (RetroArch). After loading When I went to add the rest of my roms I get the "Warning - Attempting to launch missing rom." Yet the original 4 roms are still able to load. I also used Don's Hyperspin tools to create a new xml. Does it make sense that it can see the original 4 roms and nothing else? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by TwinFury, -
- 3 replies
How do you install a video other than low quality swf? I tried hidef but it won't play on android but plays on pc. Thanks
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 7 replies
How do you emulate game cube? Own emu or retroarch? Thanks guys
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 14 replies
Hi there guys, really need your help on this issue: updated my shield tablet (not k1) with the new android 6.0 and ever since hyperspin is giving me a message that it cannot find the working paths: storage/sdcard0, storage/sdcard1 or storage/usbdrive. Apparently the new os is misiing these necessary files. This way hyperspin will not load! Any help would be greatly appreciated
Last reply by mihaliousa, -
- 22 replies
Has anyone installed this yet, and if so does Hyperspin still work???
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 9 replies
I noticed that about half of my 62 systems don't have the main themes showing up. On the pc they all show up but not android. What do I look for? Thanks
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 24 replies
I'm pretty happy with the current state of many Android emulators and my wheel. Here is a quick video showing it: GOOD: --I recently managed to get new Retroarch cores working -- Gamewatch and Mess cores with 5200, 7800, and Intellivsion. --Hyperspin is pretty snappy. Once you get above 40 wheels and several thousand games, the speed and convenience of the launcher is undeniable. --Retroarch is driving the mass majority of the wheels and the latest nightly is working perfectly with Shield. BAD: I've still got a lot of missing media (not available on this site yet) and I really want to get Dolphin working with Hyperspin. Would love to he…
Last reply by mihaliousa, -
- 2 replies
Wanted to know how to adjust size of wheel. It seems my game names are to close and gets confusing
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 9 replies
I am trying to use Hyperspin through gamestream on my shield tv. Hyperspin doesn't recognize the shield controller or the 360 controller through gamestream. HS works and recognizes the 360 fine when playing on the host PC.
Last reply by ShaunB1980, -
- 4 replies
Hi everybody, came across a strange issue with the sega cd default theme: for some reason the pointer is located on the left upper corner. Anyone else encountered this issue? Have also attached a picture. Thanks!
Last reply by mihaliousa, -
- 11 replies
I got these two running but have no sound. I am using retroarch mednafen_pcfast_libretro_android.so.
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 1 reply
I just started playing around with this on my shield tv and I'm pretty impressed. I got it working pretty good in and I only been playing around with it for a couple days. I plugged a 360 fightstick into and I been have some problems with mame. I set the buttons through the mame emulator but RT seems to default to tab and keeps bringing up the mame settings. I can't find a setting in retroarch to fix this. I can just switch the buttons through the emulator and make settings a different button but I'm used to the keyboard buttons the way they are. Also which mame emulator is everyone using? I'm using the default one not the 2003 one.
Last reply by reznnate, -
- 10 replies
My mame main wheel plays all videos for games but all my classics which run from same roms don't play the game videos. Of you play the same games in mame they show videos.????
Last reply by scooter1974, -
- 5 replies
I just added Atari 2600 to my HS wheel on Shield TV. Theme, artwork, and videos are all working but I can't get roms to load (getting a 'Warning - Attempting To Launch Missing Rom' message). I'm using .zip roms so I edited the Atari 2600 settings .ini as follows: [exe info] path=H:\hyperspin\Emulators\Atari 2600\ rompath=Emulators/Atari 2600/roms/ userompath=true exe=com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture|com.explusalpha.A2600Emu/com.imagine.BaseActivity romextension=bin,zip,a26 parameters=cores/stella_libretro_android.so| Pretty sure my paths are correct, so I'm guessing my problem is the zip rom format that I'm using? I unzipped a rom …
Last reply by Sting, -
- 3 replies
cant get these to launch in hyperspin but can in retroarch. says attempting to load missing rom. [exe info] path=H:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Bandai WonderSwan Color\ rompath=/storage/usbdrive/Games/Bandai WonderSwan Color/roms userompath=true exe=com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture romextension=zip,ws,wsc parameters=cores/mednafen_wswan_libretro_android.so searchsubfolders=true pcgame=false winstate=HIDDEN hyperlaunch=true [filters] parents_only = true themes_only = false wheels_only = true roms_only = false [themes] use_parent_vids=true use_parent_themes=true animate_out_default=false reload_backgrounds=true [wh…
Last reply by badhemi, -
- 4 replies
Has anyone emulated Atari 5200 on android?
Last reply by badhemi, -
Hello I got mame 2003 in retroarch to play my AAE games but can't get it to work in hyperspin. What would be the parameter? I put mame_2003_libretro_android_so. With no lucky!!!
Last reply by badhemi,