Video Games
Let's talk games!
351 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
I have Super Street Fighter IV for PS3, I like the game enough that I want to add it to my arcade cabinet I was thinking about purchasing a downloadable version from Amazon, but I am not sure what to buy. The PC inside my cabinet is not connected to the internet, and really cant be connected since it was stripped of just about everything that is required to make an internet connection. So what I am gonna have to do is download the game on one pc and transfer the installation file to my cabinet but.... I have heard that the Arcade Edition requires a constant connection to the internet, is this true? If that is true, I was gonna get the Super Street Fighter IV (non arc…
Last reply by bubsy54, -
- 1 reply
I cannot wait for this game!!
Last reply by mameshane, -
- 17 replies
OK, let's get this thread started... You must post the name of a MAME game that you like. To make things interesting, try to post a game you think others may not know about yet... (is that even possible?!) So try to stay away from the classics etc. RULES: 1) Only one post/game per day. If you come to post, and there is already a post that day from another member, you must try again the next day. 2)If you post, and find that someone else beat you to it for that day, you must delete your post and try again tomorrow... 3) You can post multiple times... but only one post per day. 4) NO COMMENTS on this thread please. Let's keep it clean. Only one post per day su…
Last reply by SubZero, -
- 9 replies
This looks really good (I won't mention the massive jugs) and would work really well in many a cab. Just wish it was a PC release.
Last reply by teacworms, -
- 1 reply
I've started messing around with openBOR, having a lot of fun with this thing! I've started making a Dragonball Z game. If anyone is interest in helping out with any graphics let me know!
Last reply by Tristeele, -
Demul v0.58 1 2
by joe35car- 27 replies
[07 july 2013] DEmul 0.58 WIP Changelist: - GAELCO: new system added with two games supported: Smashing Drive and ATV Track - HIKARU: new system support added, a lot more of work needed - AWAVE: Sega Bass Fishing Challenge romset added - AWAVE: use MAME's NGBC rom, enable BBA - CORE: FPU opcodes timing fix ("Dead Or Alive 2" slowdown fix) - CORE: MMU sh4 fix - CORE: addc, subc opcodes for SH2/SH3/SH4 fix - CORE: dreamcast various fixes - CORE: fcmpeq NAND case fix - CORE: ftrc NaNd round fix - CORE: ftrc int/rec opcode fix - CORE: heap corruption fix - CORE: internal DMAC support - CORE: invalidate code SH4 fix - CORE: trapa …
Last reply by zerojay, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys. Looks like a new Type X game has been leaked according to mameworld. Hopefully controls and protection will be figured out and it'll be playable at some point. It's the first racing game that uses a wheel and pedals so should be interesting. Battle Gear 4. I sooooooo want Darius Burst to be dumped it looks awesome.
Last reply by Visitor Q, -
- 6 replies
Just to let you guys know, this just released and is freaking awesome. From the Website "Megaman Unlimited is a Megaman fan-game in the classic 8-Bit NES style both in sound and visuals. It is similar to Megaman 3 and Megaman 9-10 in design philosophy. MMU is made by fans for fun. It is not related to the official series’ canon. We are not making money with this project, as the Megaman brand is the property of Capcom. This project has been under development for roughly 5 years, working in our free time after work nearly every day. While in the NES 8-Bit style, Megaman Unlimited is made using currently existing technology and thus won’t work on an NES or on an old comp…
Last reply by MontyQ, -
- 6 replies
I don't get this at all, has it been in developement since the 80's? Is it for the new consoles? Is it a new/old movie, what? tie-in weird. I feel ill. Is it being developed by Gearbox? I do like Rambo though, Some emulated Rambo might help get over seeing this. Help me understand.
Last reply by zomboided, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 3 replies
The Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn PC Beta Key giveaway is live again! To get your code, click here -> just like them, and play till next Monday.
Last reply by Drkdweller, -
- 7 replies
The new Leisure Suit Larry remake is now out can't wait to play. One of my favorites when it came out lol. Good times on my ol 386PC with EGA monitor and like 60mb HDD or whatever it was back then. Anyone else was a fan or tried the new remake yet ?
Last reply by MontyQ, -
- 3 replies
For those of you that enjoy the awesome retro look back on the history and focus on some of the most classic video games. Really fun series that is free but they need help to finish it. They are up to 1981 so far and need to finish 10 more episodes. The fund raiser has almost hit their goal of $10,000. They have raised $8,864.00 so far. If you donate 30 bucks you can get a cool DVD set of the series. I normally don't endorse these types of things but the series is so fun to watch I want them to finish it. Check em out and donate if you feel like they are worth it. they have just a few more days to raise the money before July 1st. See the shows here: h…
Last reply by mokthemagicman00, -
- 13 replies
I was wondering if anyone could help me with some already created MUGEN games..I am just looking for a good fighting game, getting kind of bored with some of the old ones I have been playing I have downloaded Marvel vs Capcom 3: Last Rise of the Heroes..the game is fun, just some things seem a little off like certain characters moves and the fact that many characters are hidden from the character select screen Are there any other good MUGEN games? Youtubed a bunch but many seem to not be of good quality
Last reply by langersld, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by Pyramid_Head, -
- 2 replies
The attention to detail is impeccable, I especially like the Imp's hat flying off in the death animation and the roulette game at 2:47.
Last reply by zerojay, -
- 16 replies
Capcom revealed at pax east there remaking ducktails, this was I always played on my nes and now cab. looks nice.
Last reply by Eminem, -
- 13 replies
Lately I hear lots of people complaining about hardware needed by demanding games and how xbox360/ps3 version should be preferred. This is NOT true. Let's take 3 scenario: 1: Low-end pc (low-end core2duo or worst), low-end vga: go with xbox/ps3 version 2: High-end pc, high-end vga: go with pc version, your hardware will keep v-sync'ed 60fps. And... finally number 3: mid end pc (core 2 quad, phenom2 x4, i3) and mid-end vga (650ti boost, 560ti or better). Probably looking at 35-40 fps benchmark you would get so depressed to choose console's version... well, you're wrong. Why? Lets' examine some facts: Resolution: you're looking at a 1920*1080 pc benchmark. Xbox and ps3 …
Last reply by relic, -
- 16 replies
I was thinking today about some of the awesome handheld games I had as a kid. I tried doing a quick search but I don't even know what to look for. Does anyone know if there is some sort of emulator for these old handheld games out there? I think tiger was the main producer
Last reply by dustind900, -
- 5 replies
- 885 views Not bad for less than $10.00
Last reply by KesMonkey, -
- 12 replies
Anyone else check this out?
Last reply by newer, -
- 3 replies
I recently purchased an Unreal pack from Steam which included a lot of great games one was called Waves which I've never heard of. Come to find out when launching it it's a shmup and a lot of fun. Worked perfectly with the 360 controller. I haven't tried it on my cab (it's down atm) I really like this game. Here's a link to the game
Last reply by Pyramid_Head, -
- 13 replies
Ninja Baseball BatMan Genre - Beat 'em Up Find it in your mame list and give it a try. What do you think? I tried it after I watched it on an episode of AVGN and as a fan of Beat 'em Ups I have to say this is a good title. Maybe even worthy of a theme.
Last reply by rhdmaster, -
- 7 replies
Just completed this game, never had a GameCube and I read the remake was made well so thought I'd take time out setting up hyperspin and enjoy some games. Iv played it on the PS1 already but I couldn't believe how good they remade the game, all the artwork, the subtle changes to the puzzles, new areas and the bits that make you jump (alot more) are amazing. I honestly didn't think the GameCube was that good (had a PS2 at the time), I underrated it. Gonna play Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes when I have time as its meant to be a more polished version too compared to the playstation version.
Last reply by Pyramid_Head, -
- 8 replies
It's an arcade game. The year was 1995ish. I think there was a Killer Instinct machine that was newer at the arcade. I'm pretty sure this isn't my imagination... I remember a game one of my friends always wanted me to play with him. It seemed there was 4 machines of the same type setup in a quad. I think you had to make a username and password so you could replay the next time you were at the arcade. It was a first person shooter type game. As you killed quotas of other players or enemies you would gain rank at the end of the match. I think the rank would persist the next time you came back. I don't recall using a gun. I seem to remember an 8 way joystick control. The gra…
Last reply by irondragoon,
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