Video Games
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351 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
So the Kensington orbit trackball with scroll ring is not only an awesome mouse, but it works great in games like marble madness!! I am now in the process to see if the scroll ring can be used as a spinner controller too! If so, I found the truest bang for the buck in this number!!
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 7 replies
Can this game be purchased anywhere for a decent price. The only place I can find it is on Amazon for $50+. I'd like to get it to complete my Daphne Set. Thanks for the help
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 2 replies
I am trying to figure out the name of a shooter that was like a better version of Defender on the Apple II computer system say around 1985. A google search does not seem to pull it up so am wondering if it was a differnt named game. You could fly above and below water and the graphics were excellent for the time when I would go to a friends home and play it since I was a C64 guy and not an Apple user. Any guesses?
Last reply by brutaltruth, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Has anyone seen the garbage on the game Phoenix before (see screenshot.) This only seems to happen when I set the game to cocktail in the dip switch setting and does it on all the clones as well. Thanks
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 10 replies
To celebrate 30 years of Ubisoft, there giving away a free game each month for the next few months last month was Prince of Persia- The Sands of Time, that offers just finished now but the new offer is up and it's Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell get it here!/en-GB/ubi30 i'll update when new games are announced
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Been playing the crap out of it the past few days, but finally figured out every room. Had a ton of runs where I only died once, but finally made it through with no deaths and was recording it from boot! This is on the enhanced 2.1 rom running on my arcade cab through Daphne. Last time I beat this game without dying was in 93 (I think), but was on the 3Do version which was missing a few rooms if I remember right.
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 0 replies
Does anyone remember the pressure sensitive button version of the 1987 original? I saw it once in an arcade and it drew so much attention as people would pound their fists on these coffee coaster sized mushroom buttons to try to get a stronger punch or kick- it was so loud and always turned other gamers' heads thinking a real fight broke out... is that what MAME calls the "pneumatic buttons" version? "Things were even weirder if you were playing the other version of the game. The original arcade edition of Street Fighter shipped in two variants: one with the six-button layout and one that…
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 3 replies
Thought I'd start a place where people could ask the name of a game that can't remember... I have an Electronic Game question: What was the early 1980's spaceship themed somewhat handheld game... it may have had a 'Viewmaster' type curved shape to put your eyes in and avoid ambient light. The outer case may have been light or dark blue. I may be confusing it with another system, so forgive the potential red herring: you MAYBE were able to swap out games/media because I also remember watching a Wile E Coyote/Roadrunner cartoon clip in primitive flipbook type animation where Wile Coyote's body turns into a spring like accordion from one of his failed anti…
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 8 replies
Right I'm a little stumped on this one so hopefully someone can put me right as this should be easy. I have a 7 inch LCD in my cocktail table which is intended for showing the PBFX2 DMD and marquees while in mame. I've been trying to move the DMD in PBFX2 to this screen but it will not move. I've checked to guides and they say to set the DMD size to off and I have run a tool to set the position and create the config. The playfield is vertical and the DMD is horizontal, the screens are set to "Extend" in the nVidia control panel. If I alt-tab, the DMD is under the main screen kind of in the top left corner and I can't drag it anywhere even in windowed.…
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hey everyone! I'm working on something special in my free time, but it requires I have a great list of games that, for whatever reason, just can't be emulated right now. My list is kind of short at the moment, so I'm hoping you guys can help. Some stuff I know is obvious (like Xbox games) but having some great ones in there anyway is part of what I need for this project. What would you add to a list of "Games I wish you could emulate"? Spider-Man 3 (PS2) ICO (PS2) Halo (XBOX) Halo 2 (XBOX) Jet Set Radio Future (XBOX) Red Dead Redemption (X360/PS3) Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
Last reply by RPO R6V, -
- 24 replies
Hi Guys, Just looking at some decent steam games for my HS build looking at platforms and shooters, so far I found shank and dariusburst. Can you guys suggest any more HS friendly games in that genre? Thanks MS
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hey all. Had an old PC kickin' around we used to play World of Warcraft on back in 2006 just sitting there. Pretty standard windows vista up to service pack 1, AMD dual w/ Nvidea Gforce 6150 3 Gigs Ram, 375 GB hard drive. (+80GB w/SegaCD & PSX) I'll Share the PC Games xml if anyone is interested. maybe someone will find use for it? or find a diamond in the rough PC game for them, or a game you forgotten. There's 285 title's a wide variety from old to new. All which Launch and run with very little tinkering on an old setup. All organized in a Shortcuts folder but launch with HS+RL. Half of the art is already available on the site or from other systems. N…
Last reply by Dubbloseven, -
- 4 replies
You have to see this Sent from my SM-A700FD using Tapatalk
Last reply by BATTLEDONKEY, -
- 8 replies
Hi Guys, I 've been working hard on getting hyperspin setup just the way I want it, and I have a quick question. Is Gamecube emulation at an acceptable level? I remember trying about a year ago and the sound and graphics were choppy. What I'm getting at is, will I be able to play more than a handful of games successfully? Thanks to all that reply, Mike
Last reply by bigmike2238, -
- 1 follower
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- 117 views Sent from my SM-A700FD using Tapatalk
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 3 replies
Video: Full Article:
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 2 replies
link: There was already a psx translation but the saturn version is reported by many as the superior version. Instruction on how to patch the original iso in the readme.
Last reply by namdor, -
- 2 replies
I found this awesome concept of a program so i thought why dont i share it with you guys. also which other programs are simlar to this i love this idea of a concept
Last reply by relic, -
- 1 reply
Just heard about this remake from Tim Wrights CoLD SToRAGE Facebook page, I've always loved the intro music from the Amiga original and it looks pretty good so far. Still early days though. Early demo on Gamejolt.
Last reply by ninja2bceen, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I built an arcade cabinet and I'm happy with all the mame games that I could find. But what I truly love are the newer type of arcade games with amazing graphics etc. I'm trying to get us much "newer" (coop/fighting) pc games that function well with just the analog sticks and a few buttons. Just to name a couple I found awesome: Guns, Gore & Canolli Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime Mother Russia Bleeds Lichtspeer Speedrunners Double Dragon Neon Hope you have some good suggestions that we can add to this list.
Last reply by spotUP, -
- 0 replies
Any Coleco experts? I recently took apart a couple of coleco controllers to clean them and try to get some of the buttons working, restoring them basically- there is a great youtube tutorial on it too. I've tested on: -a PC with retro atari to USB and Sega to USB adapters -a MIST fpga computer (hardware clone of old consoles and computers) tested with usb adapters AND the MIST's built in Sega/Atari/Commodore style control ports. -a BlissBox adapter on a PC In every environment, both controllers have working directional knobs and a working left fire button... they are cleaner, better and tighter now after the restoration. In all tests on real hardware (well …
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 0 replies
For you out there that need to have your collection complete with previously unreleased games here is a new one for your snes list. Here is a YouTube video that shows the game, description has a link if you want to read about the history of the game.
Last reply by JoyStickKilla, -
- 3 replies
Thought it would fun to compile a list of games the general consensus considers the definitive version of a game. I think a few assumptions should be observed: 1. Arcade games are better than home versions- unless an arcade game was ever made off a home game or rare exception, it seems redundant to say arcade versions are the best since we have MAME. For example, I adore Sega MegaDrive versions of Golden Axe and Strider, but would rather play them in MAME any day. We know Pacman on the 2600 is crap. However, it would be fair to say best HOME version of an arcade game. I don't know if game compilations on modern systems EMULATING arcade versions should count though. …
Last reply by phantasy, -
- 1 reply
I don't know if anyone noticed the latest mednafen added pal support. And compatibility on this is extremely good. Last time I played with this was the unstable release with Sega Saturn. This emulator is very good. Probably the best Sega Saturn Emulator now. Crazy how fast this emulator coming along with Saturn Support. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Last reply by JoyStickKilla, -
- 1 reply
I just asked this question on the Retro League forums, kick ass podcast by the way, and thought i'd ask people on this forum as well since obviously there is a love for classic arcade games here. I am assuming because most of us went to actual arcades in the past. So here is the wordy part: I just started my MLIS program online at San Jose State University, and I'm delving into some core concepts of the Information Sciences. One of which is the concept of "Information Communities". We were encouraged by our professor to focus on something that interests us, or is a passion of ours. Naturally, my mind started to drift towards thinking about the Arcade Community, from ei…
Last reply by dark13,
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