Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 2 replies
i have a resolution type problem with sega model 3 from inside hyperspin - when launched OUTSIDE Hs it will play full screen...when launched from INSIDE Hs it plays in a very small window, and no matter what I try it wont fix it... is there an easy solution?
Last reply by subzero1970, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I've set up Sega megadrive with Fusion emu in HL. All roms load fine through HL and roms load fine through the emulator. But when i try to load roms the through HS, i get this error message. Tbh, its probably a really easy fix, but i can't see it. Thanks in advance
Last reply by Goggy, -
- 34 replies
Has anybody got these games working in HS ? I can launch the emulator with the laserdisc set, but I still have to type "1" to set to MSX basic, then "call ld" to launch the game. I've compiled some ahk.exes for the games with remapped buttons, but I am having trouble sending keypresses to the main screen. This may sound confusing, but anyone already running these games should know what i'm talking 'bout. Cheers.
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 2 replies
I finally got around to setting up the PS1 through Retroarch, however in some games like Castlevania Synphony of the Night and Crash Bandicoot I get black bars on the top and bottom of screen. Some games are fine however. I tried playing with the first and last scan line numbers in the core settings but they don't seem to do anything. Does anyone have a fix for this without vertically stretching the image?
Last reply by Awakened, -
- 3 replies
I have followed a few tutorials on here regarding popcap games installation,but most people I read have problems.....is there a working tutorial page? I have the following: h:emulators/popcap/(ALL GAMES IN HERE) h:emulators/popcap/roms/(I then add all the games .exe file in here) My HyperHQ execution:hyperlaunch PC game: enabled Exectuable: Blank (I did have pclauncher in here but it didn't run) rom path: h:emulators/popcap/roms param:blank use full path to roms:disabled extensions txt,Ink search subfolders: enabled now I did have Pclauncher in executable but it didn't load any help? or links I can read up on that work?
Last reply by Bonoscot, -
- 3 replies
Went to play Exile 2 and this came up. I'm assuming I'm missing a bios file but I can't seem to find a working bios that will make this game run. Anyone one have any ideas on how to fix this? Is this a bios issue or have I missed some setting?
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 6 replies
Does anyone have VisualBoyAdvance running instead of VBA-M? I ask because for some reason, I cannot get VBA-M to work correctly on my new setup. Whenever I start the program, my screen turns black and it says to change the resolution of my external device....I tried to do that, but nothing solved this problem...not even deleting the program and redownloading it. VisualBoyAdvance works great outside of HyperSpin, but there is no module within HyperLaunchHQ for it. I thought I might have been able to get away with VBA-M module, but that gave me errors that I am not skilled to fix. Is there a VisualBoyAdvance module out there? if not, does anyone know how I can do a fi…
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 25 replies
Hi Guys, I'm trying to play Tekken (1) in RetroArch using the Playstation Mednafen core. It works great for every other game I've tested, but with Tekken I'm getting stuck at the Galaga loading screen. No inputs are recognized at all and I can't reach the actual game. Could someone please test on their rig and let me know if they have the same problem? Thanks so much
Last reply by Jdubbs, -
- 1 reply
i have the theme running, the wheel is working, all games work OUTSIDE of hyperspin but when i launch say....astron belt i get this error: unknown argument c:\daphne\framefile\astron.txt i get that same error (with a change of framefile name) for every game ive setup
Last reply by subzero1970, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, I recently updated to Hyperlauch 3 and am in the process of configuring all of my emulators to the new set up, but I can't find the AHK file for the Neo Geo Pocket Color emulator NeoPop-Win32. Can anyone point me in the right direction to find one or let me know of another emulator I can use for that system? Thank you for your time and consideration with this situation.
Last reply by xorxfon, -
- 4 replies
Hello, Having trouble just getting the emulator itself up and running. I believe it has to do with the gdrom..? Also looked at similar posts but with no luck :/ I've tried to launch a game through the open/load Bin file as well as through the default image loader in gdrom...no luck here is an error I get. here is my cfg file: ;; nullDC config file;; [nullDC] Dynarec.Enabled=1 Dynarec.DoConstantPropagation=1 Dynarec.SafeMode=1 Dynarec.UnderclockFpu=0 Dreamcast.Cable=3 Dreamcast.RTC=1543276800 Dreamcast.Region=3 Dreamcast.Broadcast=4 Emulator.AutoStart=0 Emulator.NoConsole=0 [nullDC_plugins] GUI=nullDC_GUI_Win32.dll Current_PVR=drkPvr_Win32.dll Current_GDR=ImgRea…
Last reply by potts43, -
- 14 replies
Does anyone know if it's possible to change the scanline shader in Demul? There were some really old versions that used an opengl plugin where you could create your own shaders but not anymore. Scanlines look great at 640x480 but look terrible at 1920x1080. Problem in, in order to use a bezel, I need Demul set at 1920x1080. I haven't figured out a way to use a different resolution and have the bezel work full screen. Does anyone have a solution for this? I'm using Demul for Atomiswave and Naomi. I really wanted a bezel and scanlines but it doesn't seem possible.
Last reply by Styphelus, -
- 3 replies
Anyone have problems with mapping and getting multiple controllers two work? I can only seem to get one controller to map. Is it possible to map in mess and then move copy the bios and move it to retroarch? And will mappings in mess in retroarch save per bios?
Last reply by sweatypickle, -
- 20 replies
Tried doing a search, and either no one's asked this before, or everyone knows to look elsewhere. So I've currently set up ePSXe, and have been trying it out, and I'm coming to the realization that like the PS2, most PSone games love ONLY using the first memory card. And at a limit of 15 slots per game, that fills up fast. Short of having to load up ePSXe to swap files whenever I need to, I'd much rather have easier access from within Hyperspin (even if it was launching something) so that I can quickly swap cards (preferably multiple cards). Anything like that? Maybe I'm way off on an idea. OR, is there a way to setup ePSXe or even pSX to automatically create a new memo…
Last reply by Josue12Martinez, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I've seen a lot of posts on the forums where people are using other Mame versions other than the .148 that's specified in the mame.ahk I'm personally using .151 now since I;ve had it with my rom set. My question is, how important is it to use the version stated in the modules? What's the best practice? Will I run into any problems? This seems to make it hard to match rom sets. Also, I was looking into Mame plus so I can better configure my video settings. Would you guys recommend this? Should I look for a .148 version of mame plus? Can you edit video settings IE: scan lines etc. in the vanilla version of Mame?
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 14 replies
Hi I am having a strange problem since yesterday morning RA emu. I have 3 Set NES/Famicom/NFDS to use core Nestopia.dll and renamed all 3 config files as per the system name. All other systems run smoothly except NFDS it loads but then become black screen, but on top the frames numbers are running but no sound no screen. Disksys.rom is exist in RA/System directory . I tried to remove the config file and recreate new one but same . Even tried re downloading new RA with new cores but still same. Don't know if is related to NTSC/PAL problem but it was working fine yesterday. Hope experience members have some clue on this issue.
Last reply by pinsanity, -
- 7 replies
When I go to setup troubleshoot 2.1.2 with model 2 when I launch games the emulator crashes after launch. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Wonder if anyone else has run into this. I was looking forward to having the offscreen reload fixed and 2 players on HOTD and others. Thanks for any help.
Last reply by jono1250, -
- 2 replies
what is the best way to do this, i have xpadder and if i open notepad everything is responding correctly, however when i go into systems to try and set everything i get mixed results. sometimes it will auto detect as the keystroke or a joystick button. Starting at the top of the list so i'm on the Atari games, mame, kat, stella, etc. should i just drop xpadder and just let each system autodetect? I'm havilng trouble understanding the keymapper as it won't let me just use the maps i have that i created outside HLHQ. it will let me load the second joystick but the first will only save if i keep it as P1. if there is a tutorial i'm not finding please link it.
Last reply by damageinc86, -
- 1 reply
Guys. I've tried and failed to get my Steering wheel pedals working in MAME. I give up ! But the steering wheel kinda works well on Outrun and the like. Problem is the accelerator needs a button to be pressed by hand. I can use the buttons on the wheel (old Logitech MOMO) but it gets tiring holding a button during the game. Is there a way I can configure MAME(per game) so that a button is active when not pressed ? So in Outrun it would accelerate when I don't have the button pressed and ease off the gas when I do press it ? I know I can wire a button to always on (I think) but i don't want to have a button always on. I just want it per game configured by software.
Last reply by brianon, -
- 20 replies
I have gotten everything to work fairly well. The main issue I am having occurs in Star Wars Trilogy. The game has a well known bug which requires you to wait until Vader appears before you start a game. The issue is that the NVRAM keeps saving with credits in the machine and therefore when you start the emulator a second time it skips right to the stage select screen and the game will not work. Does anyone have a solution to this? The only thing I can think of is to modify the HL script to delete the NVRAM after exit or before the emulator is opened. I am using djvj's HL 2.0 script. thanks
Last reply by connorsdad, -
- 13 replies
Very new to HyperSpin. Tried my hand at it last year and quit, due to frustration with understanding HyperSpin, HyperLaunch, etc. The process was just too confusing at the time. Fast forward a year later (Now) and I was finally able to setup HyperSpin, HyperLaunch properly and actually run some games within a few different emulators (Sega Genesis, Sega CD, NES so far.) Now I have finally hit a brickwall with MESS running Creatronic Mega Duck roms. I need a module ahk file for creatronic mega duck specifically and can't seem to find it anywhere. I also tried using the newest MESS Module and renaming it to 'Creatronic Mega Duck.ahk' in HyperSpin Module folder (Also making…
Last reply by HypermanX, -
- 1 reply
Today I run my PCSX2 like usual and something just went wrong. Without any config change all games started to lag and a weird greenish border showed up. It shows up in both windowed and full screen. Funniest thing is that I use the same config for weeks now, tried updating PCSX2, tried updating drivers. No change, the green border just wont go away and my games remain to run like crap even though thery run fine like 2-3 days ago. :/
Last reply by Niewidomy, -
- 3 replies
I'm having an issue where the emulator is loading behind Hyperlaunch/Hyperspin while trying to play. Is there an option that I need to set so it'll bring the game to the front?
Last reply by craiganderson, -
- 1 reply
How do people set up the key mappings for shooter games? It seems that when you launch a shooter game such as "Behind... Enemy Lines" with Model 2 Emulator, the mouse cursor is hidden. I can use Alt + keys to get to the controller config menu, but once there I can't double-click on any of the entries to change them.
Last reply by flippnswitchez, -
- 5 replies
Check your module settings and make sure it's pointing to the right ini file. I Think I had to reset that.
Last reply by rfancella,