Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!
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- 1 reply
Hello, Using Retroarch for the neon geo pocket color. Getting this error: Games launch fine in retroarch but not through HL. Any help/suggestions appreciated, thomas
Last reply by marxkemp, -
- 8 replies
Hi All, I currently run a 3.0ghz intel CPU G860 w/8gb ram running windows 7 64bit. My system is running very slow when booting up the hyperspin machine and sometimes when manuvering through the hyperspin menus its slow and on occasion the controls dont work. This pretty much occurs when booting up Hyperspin. What can I do to boost things up to make my system better? Any advice is appreciated. Look below at the attached jpg.
Last reply by thomas3120, -
- 10 replies
Just like in the topic title, many themes will just lag horribly. Literally freezing, 1-3fps drops happens offten when loading custom themes. I think my computer is far enough good to run it smoothly. Xeon 1230V2, GTX 770, 8GB 1600 RAM. My Optimizer settings are: App Quality: High Image Smoothing: Checked Interstirtial Backgrounds: Unchecked Level 4 Backgrounds: Unchecked Special Background: Unchecked Themes Wait For Special: Unchecked Rest is checked I am running the latest version of HS Any suggestions on how to speed it up? PS. When I let those really laging themes to load my HS wont (correct me on this one) unlag. It will take around 13% of my CPU and run…
Last reply by baddeolv, -
- 3 replies
My Tapatalk notifies me that this forum no longer supports Tapatalk.. This need to be adressed or I'm going to throw fits...
Last reply by Dazz, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, I could have sworn I had vertical games working in Naomi but I went to play some today and they're all launching horizontally. I'm very confused right now, looked at the module and ini and I don't see any mention of rotation/vertical. I have all the rotation programs (iRotate, display.exe, etc) in the Module Extensions folder. I have everything working with my old setup on HL 2.25c but I remember the old settings.ini had an option to specify the vertical method and the module also mentioned it. Not seeing anything in the v. module on RL or the corresponding ini. I'm so confused :-(
Last reply by Takaji, -
- 7 replies
I have custom letters in /Images/Letters but HS is still using the default for that wheel. I realize I never figured out how to do this.
Last reply by Dime333, -
- 3 replies
Hi I'm runing a PC tab in hyperspin, it only has 3 games Street Fighter - Street Fighter Ultra and Fix it Felix The problem I am havng is the wheel art for Fix it Felix dissapears as you scroll through the wheel. At the beling the logo is there but as you scroll through a few time that particular logo dosent appear anymore. You can see in the pic the logo is there in the first 2 slots but the trid is the default generated font and if you keep scrolling it will evently all be like the default font type It's only happening for this game and this tab only, got me stumped any help?
Last reply by THK, -
- 1 reply
Hey folks, quick question for everyone. I'm currently setting up my cabinet to only run MAME and NES. Because I'm only running two emulators, rather than have "MAME" and "NES" repeat infinitely on my main wheel, I'd just like two static options that the pointer toggles between. Is there a way to set this up? Here's a picture of the "infinite wheel with only 2 options" scenario I'm trying to solve for:
Last reply by THK, -
- 8 replies
I'm looking to add those buttons graphic to my hyperspin interface. Have you seen those somewhere ? Thanx guys !
Last reply by blaster69, -
- 15 replies
Man, I thought I could get through this whole process without leaning on you guys for help. When I load a system for which I have an xpadder profile saved, it loads it fine. The only one that won't load is the HyperSpin profile and I have no idea why. Here's an example of where I have it saved: "Hyperspin\Keymapper Profiles\Hyperspin.xpadderprofile" What could I possibly be missing here? It would seem getting the system profiles to load would be the real chore. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by kcorcoran, -
- 3 replies
Hello guys, I'm having this issue: If I try to run Super Mario Bros. World.nes with HS/RetroArch, I'm having this issue: Each rom with a dot is not running. It works perfectly with HyperLaunch and RetroArch, but not with Hyperspin. It's like HS take ". World.nes" as an extention instead of ".nes". I'm using HL 3.0 with this settings: Anyone knows what to do? Thanks.
Last reply by justice999, -
- 2 replies
Hi there, I have a problem: I have configured my arcade stick and buttons to control the HyperSpin frontend. I do this through Xpadder profile created in Hyper Launch. Xpadder starts with Windows but I can't move the wheel not use any of my arcade buttons... What I have to do to make it working is start Hyper Launch, go to GLOBAL then Keymapper tab and click on HyperSpin to reveal HyperSpin profile in the subpanel above. Once I do this I can run HyperSpin and my arcade controls work. I'm doing this right? How do I make my arcade controls to work once I start HyperSpin? Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Suhrvivor, -
- 2 replies
I'm getting an error when I try to set an Auto Hot Key game profile inside of HLHQ. The message says "Error parsing database file, make sure the XML is well-formed. Object reference not set to an instance of an object." I double checked my Mame.xml to make sure there aren't any & symbols that aren't attached to a code like & and so on and I don't see any. Not sure what else I can check. Any thoughts? Here are the steps I'm taking to get to the error: Launch HLHQ - Click on MAME from list on the left - Click on Keymapper - Click the down arrow next to the plus sign - Select game profile.
Last reply by underthesky00, -
- 10 replies
Hi All, Sorry to post a help message, I have tried my bestest to complete my hyperspin setup without asking for any help but I am stumped now. I have managed to get 9 emulators all working with hyperspin/launch with artwork etc and thought I was doing well until setting up the NEO GEO emulator I have become stuck. I have tried winkawaks, setting it up exactly like I have for megadrive, snes, 3DO etc and I get hyperspin to load it but where I have always managed to get the roms recognised by matching files to the names in each database xml etc I can not get any of the NEO GEO roms to be recognised. I have tried them as zip, with zip added to HQ etc like I did the other…
- 6 replies
Hi I have this errors , Bezelgui for Sega model 2 and snes. Idon't know what to do.
Last reply by ^F117^, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys... Is there a tool out there I can use to compare my wheel image file names to my video file names? I have everything 100% complete and working in Hyperspin (rom, wheel image, videos), but I have multiple videos for some games and I'm trying to delete those videos that don't match the wheel image name (which would also match the rom name) so I can conserve as much space as possible. Is there a tool that can easily compare the file names only and show me the videos that I don't need? Tapatalked from my Note 3
Last reply by IgotGAME, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, Was wondering if anyone knows what the most recently made HyperSpin setup tutorials might be? Just getting started and have found myself using old information and not being successful because of it. If anyone has links or information to the most recent tutorials that might exist it would be appreciated. Thanks
Last reply by 8BitMonk, -
- 3 replies
I finally updated my MAME to the newest version and when I enable "parents only" and "wheels only" in HyperHQ it's bringing up multiple wheels with variations of the same game. Am I doing something incorrectly? In the past, this allowed me to only have 1 version of the game showing....
Last reply by stillcore, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I have a little mapping issue. Everytime I press Esc, HyperSpin leaves the game, goes back to the game list and then go to the previous game (without getting into the game). So basically when I leave a game, Esc = Esc + Up. It does not occur when I'm browsing systems on HS. Such glitch only happens when I use RetroArch, never with other emulator. I use default mapping. Attached my HS control settings. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by justice999, -
- 4 replies
Greetings friends, got a bit of a weird one here.. For starters, I had a working cab on an older PC running MAME through HyperSpin. I upgraded the PC and got everything re-loaded and I tested MAME off and on and it was working at one point (I say one point because I have done a lot of work and don't recall at which 'point' it was working) although it is not now. I previously had an ASUS 8800GT installed but swapped that out to an EVGA 6200 today and it is no longer working and for clarity, I do get display but the roms do not display / load. When I fire up HyperSpin, it launches successfully, loads the wheel and I can view artwork / video of the game I have selected alt…
Last reply by kweller, -
- 1 reply
I have setup Hyperlaunch properly and it populated with my Hyperspin systems. I also feel like I set it up properly to work with MAME. I have my game list in Hyperlaunch and they're green etc, but when I launch Hyperspin and select MAME the menu just refreshes. My list of games is nowhere to be found in Hyperspin. Anyone know what I need to do next?
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 4 replies
Hey friends, I'm just getting started with HyperSpin, downloaded the giant Front-End set of files that is up as a torrent and tried to follow instructions to get things going. For now I'm simply trying to get MAME games to boot from HyperSpin, but the screen flashes and HyperSpin is displayed again rather than the game loading up. One thing I've noticed and can't figure out is that the paths for the executable and roms have a red X, but I click the folder and select the paths correctly and its still a red X. Any idea what im doing wrong on the paths? thanks in advance.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, here is my problem: Whenever I try to run PSX trough PCSXR I just get a blink of emulator screen (I see the rom is loaded in to DTools) and then it just shuts down. It works with EPSXE but I'm eagered to get it to work with PCSXR because it just works better on my PC.
Last reply by Niewidomy, -
- 7 replies
I see there have been problems for other people, but I'm just plain confused. I want to map the psx controls using my ipac CP. Settings->input: won't let me me type anything, and when I modify cfg, it just goes back to default every time I play a game. The Settings I want is p1 X Button : "a" Circle Button: "s" Sq Button: "z" Tri Button: "x" L1: "c" R1: "v" L2: "d" R2: "f" Select : "5" Start: "1" P2 X Button : "g" Circle Button: "h" Sq Button: "y" Tri Button: "u" L1: "o" R1: "p" L2: ";" R2: " ' " Select : "6" Start: "2" I see there are Retroarch hotkeys that take up some of my assignments, the only hotkey I want is TAB. Can anyone help me fix, c…
Last reply by rjtebble, -
- 5 replies
Hi all , and happy new year ! I got a small problem with hyperspin , when i launch it , everything is in portugeese , i have looked since 2 week everywhere on google , and i can't find the way to change the language in english or french . Can someone help me , please ??
Last reply by THK,