Video Games
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351 topics in this forum
Was anybody able to get xpadder to work with Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition? I can input controls through the controller input screen but bound key presses through xpadder not being recognized on the in game keyboard input. Would just use the controller option but I have a xin-mo wich sucks terribly and only has 6 of my buttons mapped to player one controller so when I input controls for player one i only get 6 buttons instead of seven and the seventh gets mapped to player two....kinda sucks. Would not recommend xin-mo, well worth the extra 10-20 bucks for a better keybaord encoder.
Last reply by Silverback, -
- 15 replies
organizing my stuff and looking for good open world games: on my list are: Skyrim !!! GTA San Andreas All Assassins Creeds (especially Creed2 and Black Flag) Fallout 3 Tomb Raider 2013 Watch Dogs Driver San Francisco
Last reply by HazzardActual, -
- 2 replies
I've been following this game and it's devs for a while, and I can hardly wait to get this game!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 2 replies
Hi, a prototype of primal rage 2
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 15 replies
i have tekken vs street fighter for pc and want to set it up for hyperspin, main issue im having is this windows live BS. is there a patch to get around it ? ill be putting it on a pc without internet
Last reply by zero dreams, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys, is there a way to permanently enable cheats for certain games without manually doing so? e.g. enable boss selection in kof95? i couldn't find anything concrete..
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 3 replies
I'm going to start a robotron cab refurb soon and I'd like some help compiling a list of dual stick games. I have been considering keeping the controls stock. But the more I plan the build, the more I realize I need a button on the stick it's self. Maybe a tron cocktail stick? Here's a list of games I plan to be in the build, but I know there's more Robotron Smash tv Total carnage ? Geometry wars Age of zombies (psp) Food fight? Grid wars Grid wars 2 The robotron cab has 2 player buttons and 2 8 way wico sticks, on refurbishing original cabs, I like to keep them looking as stock as possible, but for this, I really think I need a button directly on one or both …
Last reply by SORHP, -
- 15 replies
Not sure why I only just found out about this and not sure how long it will last. But just seen that Battlefield 3 is now free to download. I must say that its an EPIC game!!! Well you porb already know, but just thought I would pass on the gossip
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 2 replies
I loved Elite Beat Agents and the Japanese game it was basedon, which slips my mind at the moment. Why the hell isn't that type of game on, or why hasn't it been ported to Android; seems like the perfect platform. Anyway this looks interesting, and might convince me to buy a 3DS.
Last reply by Agrajag, -
- 11 replies
Last reply by relic, -
- 28 replies
heres what i found as far as xbox pc emulation goes the results are looking great especially for cxbx heres the news and all the emus in progress - So as you can see, Xbox emulation is not dead or inactive. In fact, it's more active than it ever was before! I know all you people care about is playing a few of your favourite games on PC without having to worry about your Xbox crapping out on you, but you still have to appreciate what little progress is coming forth. The big…
Last reply by Cryofax, -
- 21 replies
Hello, my six years old daughter loves to Play on my new Bartop. I installed the Most poplular Emus. But can anybody give me good tips for Games which are good for Kids or Even better for my Little girl. At the moment we Play Ecco the dolphine or Mario, 2 Player Games are favored Thx and sorry for my english
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 8 replies
Has anyone figure out a way to custom configure the controls in this game?
Last reply by Tristeele, -
- 2 replies
Like the title says, any games people are looking forward to that are new? How about games that are running a lot better? I got a new job and haven't had much time for games for the last year, so I have excited about the release but know next to nothing about it - so lets have a discussion!
Last reply by rascaluk, -
- 4 replies
a huge conclusion in video game history ever which i just found on youtube and thought i might share with the hyperspin crew as its a huge undertaking and very intresing info on where video games started off before they became so popular over the years in video games Video Game Invasion: The History of a Global Obsession [2004] part 2
Last reply by cowbells, -
- 2 replies
Eya, For your entertainment and the viewing pleasure I present to you my latest find. Castlevania fighter It looks nice, graphics are very symphony of night like, you can choose from a large selection of characters to fight with. It has a couple of difficulty settings. Basically you fight through the entire castle room by room till you reach Dracula. Here is a video
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 22 replies
OKay wow, A while back I posted about that awesome Simons quest revamped. The same dude is re-imagining Zelda 2... Calling is Zelda Shadow of Ruin. and the footage he made available is f'n awesome! My jaw dropped.. it was great!! Last month he posted this video and he's looking for new people to help him out... so obviously I thought of posting here as there are so many talented people with to much time on their hands on here
Last reply by mikeyngo, -
Hi guys I have finally decided to go big and get a pc that runs most modern games so I thought I would come to you guys cause im sure many of you know a lot of info im asking for any info would be a big help thx regards relic =) No1 - Should I buy a desktop or a laptop for gaming which would you recommend even so I know desktops are more powerful don't get me wrong. No2 - Which type of desktop pc would you recommend for playing a lot of modern games with mainly steam. or other recommends such as ps2 and ps3 or other more modern gaming. No3 - Am I better off building a custom made desktop or buying a brand new one and getting the guys that work at a shop to put it t…
Last reply by THK, -
- 2 replies
Y'all might remember this here game, tis called redneck rampage and tis not a remake, more like launcher I reckon. An'way thought I'd bring it to her attention Yeehaar
Last reply by Fromlostdays, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone know if the full version is out? All I can find is the demo. Would love to add this to my collection.
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 1 reply
Hi, can someone explain to me about the buttons on the original arcade yoke... There were on the yoke, two triggers and two thumb buttons beside the weapons van button. Did they perform the same actions or were all four separate? Many thanks
Last reply by sosfx, -
- 3 replies
And again I spam this forum with remakes nobody asked for.. Well I'm excited once again.. I always enjoyed the legacy of Kain series. And this one is being remade in 3d top down. It looks pretty good. Facebook page
Last reply by Polemicist, -
- 4 replies
I discovered this some days ago, but only just downloaded it now and for a port to tablet it's pretty good in my opinion. Even better you get it for the low price of FREE! You cant beat that! The offer ends in two days. On the 19th of March. Go and grab it for iPhone and iPad on the itunes store right now LINK. Or on Android devices through the google play store LINK. It's rare that we see portable versions of this type of game so it's definitly worth grapping in a hurry. Let me know what you think of the game.
Last reply by Agrajag, -
- 2 replies
Good Morning, and Welcome to Sector c Testlabs. ...o wait.. no that's a different game Hi! I Was just moidlessly searching for things thata aren't realy imprtant, when suddenly i come across this It looks pretty fun anyway I thought I'd post it in here.
Last reply by KlopjerO, -
- 14 replies
They took, what some say the worst from the franchise..and actualy made it better Castlevania 2 Simon's quest revamped. 16 bit graphics, new digitesed sound. And boss fights that are actualy challanging Best part of it is that it's free to download and supports controller Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Last reply by Polemicist,
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