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- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
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- Hyperspin not running
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3,641 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Edit: Already put up a little 1.1 update so you can use your own Slideshow.txt file in IrfanView =) Edit2: See post #8 in this thread if you want a script for random intro video and do not care about slideshows and stuff. Greetings. I run Hyperspin from my network at the moment. The problem with this is that it takes close to 2 minutes to start. I got bored with this so I made a script that uses IrfanView to display a slideshow and play a little music or a video while I wait. I also wanted a random Intro.flv movie for when Hyperspin starts up, so it does that too, if you want. Third, since this particular computer boots so fast, the network is not 100% up yet when it …
Last reply by Turranius, -
- 1 reply
Every time I search for this I get tutorials on how to setup joystick controls. I am trying to figure out how to enable the onscreen hyperspin joystick graphic that shows up at the bottom of the screen and either says previous system, next system, jump backward, jump forward. Anyone know how to enable this? hyperhq ver 1.3
Last reply by getnbizzy, -
- 16 replies
Hi Guys, I am working on the Hyperspin setup for my cabinet and I am having troubles to have a smooth interface. Indeed, I find the video intro and the transitions very slow. I have checked the processor usage and it appears that Hyperspin takes 99% which sounds odd to me. I have a light configuration but I guess it should work, it is maybe a graphic card driver issue then but before digging further I d like to know if someone has experienced something similar. Config : Mobo : A7V333 - CPU AMD 1.63Ghz GPU : Geforce 4 Ti 4200 Ram : 1Go OS : Windows XP + Framework 4.0 Driver : Nvidia WHQL 93.71 Is it possible that Hyperspin is not using the …
Last reply by Aorin, -
- 3 replies
Hai there hyperspinners, is it possible to have 1 main wheel, with for example only 25-to 50 games(only mame), but as number 51 the jukebox and number 52 a movie (with plays in vlc), Does anyone knows how to program that in RL? or must this be done in HQ ? and how must i do the settings there? thanks in advanced.
Last reply by Gerurver, -
- 3 replies
I have a 4-player cocktail table. One set of controls is at each end of the table, for 2 player vertical style games for a total of 2 sets of controls. The other two sets are in the middle of the cocktail table for two individuals to play horizontal and side scrolling games. It is what anyone would consider a normal 4-player cocktail table. However, think of the MAME version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or the Simpsons, or even X-Men. All are four player games, and usually have a format where you enter a coin at the player position you want to play (i.e. in the Simpsons, insert coin player one will be Marge, insert coin player two will be Homer, and so on). I…
Last reply by slydisciple, -
- 9 replies
I have an Xarcade tankstick with trackball. It works fine as a mouse input in windows but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get games in mame to use it. In HyperHQ I enabled it but if I do non of my buttons work. Can anyone point me in the right direction on getting this working. Centipede is not the same with the joystick!
Last reply by gec5741, -
- 1 reply
Hello guys. I was wondering if anyone has already tried successfully any of the following platforms in Hyperspin or there are not working yet (unfinished modules etc) Acorn bbc micro Alf Apogee Archimides Camputers lynx Exelvision EXL 100 Final sharp x1 Jupiter ace …
Last reply by pinsanity, -
- 9 replies
Is there any way to make Multi-disc Gamecube (or any other system I guess) games work nicely with Hyperspin - so... Take Baten Kaitos Origins... i currently have 2 entries in my wheel for this game (one for each disc)... I only really want one... Now, i realise i could remove the second disc from the wheel, but then when i reach the switchover point, how would I load the second game? Is there any way to combine the discs to provide a seamless experience (given that we now have much larger media available and the Wii plays GC games I wondered if someone may have done this... tho i seem unable to find such a thing), or have people been handling this in some other …
Last reply by Attack_theTITANS, -
- 8 replies
OK. I built a sweet friggin cab. Time for computer side of things. Newly imaged i3 desktop and went ahead and got lifetime membership to HyperSpin and Emumovies. Here I go..... I followed ghutch's install guide and I feel great. RocketLauncher and HyperSpin are working together. I'm mastering MAME before I move on. RL test window plays my copy of 88 Games. HyperSpin can launch and play same copy as well. YAY! So glad I even got this far. I'll worry about controls later. Before I get too deep, I want to completely understand a few things. 1) An XML file is essentially a list of games HyperSpin is going to read and then project to me on the respective emulator whee…
Last reply by Stormyblade, -
- 0 replies
so i followed all of the instructions for installing hyperspin but when i got to step (23)which says Ok now highlight the Global System and click on the big tab Emulators. If you installed correctly (didn't skip steps like step 9) you will be greeted with a long list of emulator names...when I do this i dont get a list of emulator names. I have tried this install on 2 computers running windows 7 and one running windows 8 and have had the same result. Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong? Thank You...Jaime
Last reply by txplayer05, -
- 2 replies
I had a Multi Wheel system working that I set up a long time ago with separate wheels for various emulators which was working fine but now that I have copied all the files to a new PC the Wheel launches but when I select a sub wheel (i.e. MAME or Atari 2600) it just goes back to the wheel menu. If I go into HyperHQ and change the wheel to Single Mode for any of the wheels they work fine separately....what am I missing here? Thanks
Last reply by rodnitzky, -
- 4 replies
I've been searching for a good way to do this and have tried using Clrmamepro but unless I'm doing something wrong or don't fully understand how this works I can't seem to figure this out. So I have a usb drive a co worker gave me with a ton of roms. I loaded them up in rocketlauncher and launched hyperspin. I had hyperHQ hide dublicates and parents etc but there are still a lot of games that I've never heard of or will probably ever play. Since the names of the games in my folder don't mean much just looking at them 99% of the time It's real hard to filter this down. I spent hours last night going through my files along with my rocketlauncher database and pulled out…
Last reply by demechman, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I was wanting to make a 3 way cocktail arcade machine in which the vertical oriented games flip appropriately for one or two players. In this video, this is exactly what I want. How do I accomplish this?
Last reply by albert_c, -
- 260 replies
Is there a certain version of MESS that is known to work best with Phillips CDI? thank you craiganderson
Last reply by badflame, -
- 1 reply
I'm trying to use HyperT00ls to audit my systems, but i have a bit of a confusion... Where does it pull it's system list from? I have a bunch of Grey systems which I don't currently have set up, but also some of them are duplicates - e.g. I have Amstrad GX4000, it lists both Amstrad GX4000 and just GX4000. Sonly Playstation 2 is listed twice These aren't in my main XML, so I don't know where this list is coming from... but i do know that I don't want them showing as it gets confusing having them showing when sorting by no video etc Anyone able to help?
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 16 replies
Is there an emulator for the 3DS that can work on Hyperspin? (Obviously the 3d wouldnt apply but the game itself would)
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 2 replies
Trying to put together some collection wheels where there are more than one system in the wheel. How do I set say MAME, SNES, GC to work in that one wheel? Thanks,
Last reply by mikea213, -
- 9 replies
Do you need a 3rd party utility installed in order to search for games within hyperspin? Like I wanted to look at all games that start with the letter A for example? Ive seen you can setup by genre but it would be nice to then break it down even more. thanks!
Last reply by gec5741, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys. This seems a strange one to me. All of a sudden I cant exit out of hyperspin emulators using the esc button. I have to Ctl alt delete and close the program. I cant find any forum threads that addresses this and dont know how to fault find. Any ideas?
Last reply by gec5741, -
- 2 replies
Hi has anyone had or known how to get rid of the error "this game doesn't support the av cable that is currently connected to the main console, turn off the bower and replace the av cable" obviously I'm on hdmi only comes up on a few games but I want to play them! Thanks guys
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 17 replies
Hey all just trying to get the 7800 up and running. Which emulator should i use? Is there one that stands out for ease of use and set up? Thanks
Last reply by madangelo, -
- 9 replies
So I am just starting to use hyperspin and rocket launcher in hopes to eventually build my own Arcade cabinet project. Watching Simply Austins video's on setting up hyperspin I have that all up and running. I used his Mame setup guide as well and in that guide he includes downloads. The version of mame was older then what's current and I see the new version here that I plan to download. However what I'm not sure about is the database. I am still using the one that Austin provided but I'm guessing that is a bit old as well? Where can I get a current database to work with the most recent version of MAME or do I need to worry about that? Thanks in advance for any …
Last reply by gec5741, -
- 33 replies
Hi, i'm pretty new to this "Hyperspin" and i have just gotten hyperspin and rocketlauncher on my laptop, but i can't get my roms working. So i have installed Retroarch on hyperspin and configured the genesis and the snes emulator. I have done all this with the help of "Simply Austins" videos on youtube, ( )and i have downloaded full romsets for genesis and snes, but they had wrong names. So i did a bit of research and found Don's Hyperspin Tools. I used the rename ROMs.exe to change the names of all my roms (genesis and snes) and put 7zip= true (in rocketlauncherUI) and tried to launch a game from rocketlauncherUI, but it didn't work. First i got a message…
Last reply by ArcadePC, -
- 7 replies
Hi guys. Apologies if this isnt the right section for this but I'm hoping to complete my VTech CreatiVision hyperspin setup but the pointer and main menu wheel for it here are broken links. If anyone has these things could they upload them? Cheers!
Last reply by MADrigal, -
- 0 replies
Hi all I just updated my windows 7 prof 64 bit and after the update neither hyperspin nor rocketlauncher work. Can someone please help
Last reply by Andalus75,