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Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.

- XBOX/XBOX 360 Attraction II Themes
- Last reply by Andyman,
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Having problems with HyperSpin? You've come to the right place!

- Hyperspin not running
- Last reply by Roadrunner,
3,641 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi. I'm after a bit of help. I cant get into my amstrad games wheel from my hyperspin main menu. I just get sent back to the main menu. I have done some reading. I have checked I have the extensions right in HQ and rocketlauncher. My games are in dsk. I can launch a game from rocketlauncher. The HQ wheel setting is to roms only. I have the same settings I have for other consoles like Atari so I dont understand. Any ideas? The module notes for WinApe in RL said to make the games zip format but that didnt work either.
Last reply by gigapig, -
- 6 replies
Hi all This is probably a very stupid question but I thought it was better to ask before I started replacing things... I'm currently building a cab with LEDBlinky and RGB buttons. Currently I am using individual emulators for all my systems. I'd only recently come across Retroarch but quite like the idea of only updating one system rather than many. My question is, does Retroarch play nicely with LEDBLinky? As far as I understood it, LEDBlinky distinguishes different systems based on the exe file but I might be wrong. If this is the case, how would LEDBlinky know which system was being launched and which buttons to light up? Thanks for any help you can give me. J…
Last reply by JKing3, -
- 3 replies
Hello again everyone.... I posted this under the platinum member section but there seem to me smarter people in the general forum I recently found out about these two programs and it would be great to have them setup on my HTPC, and I would love to share a video of it all working once I get it figured out. The problem is that everyone ONLY shared videos of it all working and it seems as if there are no configuration videos/ pictorials to set it all up. Everyone on YouTube wants to show how great it is but no one shows how it was all accomplished. I watched the videos in the download section for each program but I am still a bit confused, or perhaps the language b…
Last reply by mccorkled, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
I got a HyperSpin set going a couple years ago and got it setup and running great on Windows XP. However I've needed to upgrade to Windows 10 and I have HyperSpin mostly working again (standard rom games), but CD based games don't run now. I tracked down the issue being the older version of daemon tools not having a compatible scsi driver in Windows 10. So I downloaded a newer 64-bit Windows 10 version of the needed drivers (SPTD2inst-v208-x64.exe) along with a newer deamon tools and was able to get magic engine working with a CD on its own. The real issue now is my version of HyperSpin doesn't seem to work with the newer deamon tools. I tried installing the…
Last reply by circaplan, -
- 2 replies
There is a hotkey in the options that I have set yo hide the cursor, but is there a way to automatically do that when the emulator start? Perhaps the module can be edited to "press" that hotkey when the emulator opens? Thanks.
Last reply by mccorkled, -
- 2 replies
Hi Guys, So I have all my rom sets in place and they all audit in RL fine and I can launch them from RL no problem. Yet when I go to HS the games are not in my wheel? Any idea's what's wrong? I have updated all DB's so I'm at a lost here. In regards to HYPERSYNC it can find my MAME and NES no problem but still having problems with the other systems. Again any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your help.
Last reply by Kenny Pilgrim, -
- 6 replies
Hi, i have been following simply austins tutorials on youtube and things were running smooth until i got to the tutorial on installing MESS. I have followed him step by step but when i go to run a game through rocketlauncher i get about 20 seconds delay and then an error saying... 'There was an error waiting for the window "ahk_class MAME" to become active. Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module, followed any notes in the module, and have this emulator working outside your Frontend first. Also turn off Fade to see if you are hiding your problem.' Ive tried loads of things like using a more upto date version of MAME and MESS but st…
Last reply by liljohnnybravo, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I downloaded the 1.4 hyperspin setup which is very well put together put my mame roms in used uifx 169 in hyperspin did not load but stand alone worked just fine. Then I download mame 169 and it worked just fine but tried to put in alex22 bezels and the bezels only half showed up and the other half off the screen.. if I had hair id pull it out but not the case.. if anyone could help with this id greatly appreciate this! I do not have a ini for the regular mame and do not know how to make one, if that's my problem with the bezel issue... and still have no clue why the uifx doesn't work in hyperspin
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 6 replies
So I updated my N64 with the media pack from Simply Austin. Now get this my NES, SNES, N64 & GENESIS wheels stopped working. When I press enter to enter the wheel of one of the above wheels I'm kicked back straight to the main wheel and get this my N64 vids don't show up??????? Austin you got any clue what's happened?
Last reply by Kenny Pilgrim, -
- 10 replies
What is it exactly and how does it differ from clones? Thanks Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Last reply by Asparky, -
- 7 replies
You guys have done a wonderful job on HyperSpin. I am greatly impressed. But, the following Themes are still needed for MAME coin-op games: Dogyuun Donpachi Dragon Saber ESPgaluda ESPgaluda II Galmedes Guardian Storm Hotdog Storm Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi Lethal Thunder Magician Lord Mystic Riders Shanghai III Sidewinder Sorcer Striker Spin Master Twin Eagle II - The Rescue Mission UN Defence Force: Earth Joker Zero Zone When creating these themes, keep in mind each games orientation - landscape or portrait. The area of the theme that displays the game video should be the same as the game, either landscape or portrait. I have noticed that many of the themes a…
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 5 replies
Had a couple of beers and I'm pretty certain I know the answer to this is no, but its more of a thinking out loud... As my system wheel gets bigger, I was thinking it might be nice to be able to group systems by manufacturer our category. So, say have a Nintendo / Sega / Atari wheel item, which underneath had the respective systems as usual. I'm guessing this is not possible... I was thinking that maybe something like this could be made to work by using multiple instances of HS... Definitely not elegant our even sensible maybe, but is there a cleaner way this might be achieved? It's not something I plan to do, and I'm not even sure I want to do it, but thought it migh…
Last reply by JoyStickKilla, -
- 9 replies
There is my config for this system working in hyperspin [exe info] path = c:\HyperSpin\Emulators\mednafen\ rompath =c:\HyperSpin\Emulators\PCEngineCD\ userompath = true exe = Mednafen.exe -loadcd pce romextension = cue parameters = searchsubfolders = false pcgame = false winstate = NORMAL hyperlaunch = false First of all you have to put the syscard3.pce bios in your mednafen directory. Then you have to write a command to tell mednafen were the bios is mednafen -pce.cdbios [path to the bios.pce] Now we're able to run cd images of pc engine CD If the cd images aren't in the BIN/CUE format it will be necesary to edit the cue file and set the correct path to t…
Last reply by QuinnHQ, -
- 1 reply
It used to make me wait 15 seconds for a download off here, now I have a 60 second wait? Is this a global change or am I being penalised for something?
Last reply by vaderag, -
- 22 replies
Hi Everyone I've been trying to get Hyperspin to work with the GLSL shaders in mameuifx 0.163 for a while now with no success. It runs perfectly when I run mameuifx outside of Hyperspin, but from inside the frontend it seems like Hyperspin is ignoring the settings and plays the games without any scanlines etc. Anyone got any ideas what might be the problem? Thanks
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
Wild goose chase 1 2 3
by duhjoker- 1 follower
- 55 replies
Ok ive been reading Ghutch's tutorial and have followed it to T but still not very far. Its been one thing after another and i could some help. Ok i have Downloaded and installed hyperspin into a folder off main C I downloaded and istalled rocket launcher into its own folder offain C Rocket launcher will not open because it needs netframe4.0. I am trying to install it but first i had to find and download a 32bit version of wndows installer. So i downladed that. Now im getting Error code 0x800c0005 Can some one please help?
Last reply by level42, -
- 5 replies
Does anyone know how to calibrate a Wii remote on a aimtrak sensor bar?
Last reply by kylecp1979, -
- 2 replies
Hello guys. maybe someone can help me.. Im having this weird problem, when i setup hyperspin, with Taitox2 and Daphne, (for a cab) When i unplug the mouse, daphne wont load the games, and taitox2 when you hit escape button, alot of time gets stuck and with resolution problems.. searched the whole internet about the daphne issue and no luck, could be something to do with hyperlaunch? Thank you in advance
Last reply by gheoss, -
- 4 replies
K so my cab been running for awhile, old hyperspin with hyperlaunch HQ. Sell me on the rocketlauncher and how YOU think it's improved your setup. I'd like to upgrade but def not looking fwd to setting everything up again. I do have my emulators/roms pretty organized.. When upgrading I can just re-organize my file structure when setting up the emulators again? Launcher looks like it's pretty much the same for the most part as far as setting up the emulators etc.
Last reply by SkyHighGam3r, -
- 4 replies
Hi can anyone advise where to get a light gun for the laser titles, Sega etc that will work on a led tv. Thanks guys
Last reply by dougan78, -
- 0 replies
It appears that the default skin in HyperSpin is set up for landscape (horizontal mode) games. Because of this, games that are in portrait mode, like most of the shoot'em ups, look really bad. I am building a MAME arcade for just the portrait (vertical mode) games. Is there a skin for HyperSpin that is designed to display the videos of portrait games well? I will also build a second MAME arcade just for the landscape games, so, the default skin will work well for those games. Thank you for your help, guys
Last reply by DoomMaster, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hi everyone. New guys here setting up his first HyperSpin set up. Everything seems to be working except I can't get my 360 controller to work within HyperSpin...for navigation, select, Start, & Etc. I thought that 1.4 now has auto joystick detection. Was I wrong?
Last reply by cheapassgamer, -
- 7 replies
Hyperspin is showing half screen when im in a game when my text size scaling is set too 150 on windows 10 the only way I can run hyperspin correctly is when i turn the text scaling to 100. I But then my task bar and everything else is really small. I tried changing the screen settings to 3840 x 2160 and 1920 x 1080 in HyperHQ still no go. Any ideas?
Last reply by zhadum666, -
- 8 replies
Hey everyone. A member asked me recently about the Famicom project I was working on a while back and sadly, I had to tell him that I lost the whole project due to a corrupted hdd He inspired me to start over...and possibly fresh. Here are some samples. Thanks for your time.
Last reply by FANCY, -
- 5 replies
Can anyone tell me where I can find the wheel images and boxart to go with this theme? http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/10607-nintendo-gamecube-system-default-169st/ Don't seem to see them anywhere (unless i'm being blind...) Thanks
Last reply by vaderag,