Need help setting up specific emulator in HyperSpin? Check the Tutorials section first and then post your questions here.
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- 10 replies
So the new one is out... AGAIN! Dont get me wrong, I love the dev of this and how far its gone but jeeez... I only just updated from 153 to 165 and now as the last CHD falls into my HDD the next ones released. GGoing to now only update on major additions. However, I do love the work thats being put into it One of the major ones is 2 player split screen!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=273&v=Nr3dLEQnrzo
Last reply by phulshof, -
- 0 replies
How do you configure NullDC controls so you can exit the emulator while in a game i.e. hold down select and start on controller and emulator then exits back into hyperspin? thx
Last reply by aaronr33, -
- 3 replies
Hi All hoping some one can help me out here banging my head on the wall trying to figure this out. I have the latest retroarch and Im using a Ipac 4 2015 version. If I go into retroarch and select retrokeyboard and then bind all I get thru it and then its locked up no keys work but Esc work. I read a post some where on here to go into the .cfg file with notepad ++ and set each one manually which I have done see my config for it below. But for example If I load up a SNES game only a few of my buttons work buttons 3 and 7 do not work. My cab is a 2 player setup using the ipac 4 and then I have 2 xbox 360 controllers I use for player 3 and 4 for Mame games. Any ideas to make…
Last reply by iNTiGOD, -
- 2 replies
Hi I need an advice. What is the best Sega Saturn Emulator? I'm using SFF but graphics are not so nice. What settings should I use? Best regards Jviegas
Last reply by jviegas, -
- 1 reply
Hi all. I currently have my 4year old hyperspin cabinet running off of very meager pc components. And Athlon dual core 3 gigs of ddr 3 Nvidia 1.5ghz ddr2 gforce 2 old ide hard drives I want to revamp this ( I'm afraid to...took me forever 4years ago ) however. I have a 3.2amd 8core cpu 6 gigs of ddr4 msi Radeon 7900 4gig ddr3 So I'm thinking the new specs will be fine since the old specs work just fine. I'm more concerned about the hard drives. Currently I have 2 500gig hard drives. I know these will be failing anytime now ( these are old ide drives ). I was thinking for the new build, I would use a few 3tb Lacie hard drives. Does anyone see an issue with using…
Last reply by Erika, -
- 7 replies
I have updated from Mame 0.159 to Mameuifx 0.162 If I set to use with opengl I am getting black screen but if change to D3D or auto is working fine. I have checked my card support opengl and is turned on. In HLHQ global settings I can see the HLSL only with set to true but I do not see any GLSL as per GIGA video he is using rocket launcher. What is the difference if I use HLSL and not GLSL? Video Mode I have set to opengl. Please guide me thanks
Last reply by shitoken, -
- 10 replies
Hi Gents I have a good set of roms for 0.165 and am looking everywhere for the mameuifx 0.165 nonag hiscore direct executable I tried to download the one from insetcoins and got 4 virus on my pc , had to nearly format in the end , it put that much adware on !!! can some one please load it if they have it to the ftp ? best regards sky
Last reply by Dime333, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys! I've found some discussions from the past about the computer specs necessary to run various emulators smoothly, but most of them are from several years ago. Likewise, it seems like a lot of people are either trying to get the most out of a very old system or to maximize all the settings/graphics on a very high end system. The hardware people utilize for their builds always varies dramatically, making it difficult for me to get a baseline understanding of what a recommended PC build would entail hardware wise in 2015. What I'm hoping to do is put together a PC that is able to run all the systems/emulators I have well, without breaking the bank. Ide…
Last reply by Erika, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
So ive been messing with my mame ini and got it looking great in the emulator itself. but when i run it in hyperspin it looks diffrent (brighter and more pixelated). Why is that? it seems if it looks one way in the emulator it should look that way in hyperspin. Anyone know why this is happening or how i can fix it.
Last reply by snstay, -
Need a bit of advice on setting the joystick up for this had it working once dont seem to like saving right F6 to stop tape F7 to start tape F8 swap joysticks port had them settings but every time i start game joystick dont work and pressing the f8 does nothing any help be great on this spent some time on this now i am going gray
Last reply by Emu54, -
- 5 replies
Does anyone know how to install a memory card for Neo Geo using RetroArch? Thanks
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 9 replies
Hi all! I am trying to use retroarch for atari emulation. When not using retroarch (instead using hatari directly) it works perfectly. But when i use retroarch the screen is squished. Full height but only half width. Does anyone know what could be wrong? Here's how it looks: http://imgur.com/r6PBDoZ
Last reply by spotUP, -
- 5 replies
Hello there. I've run into some Dreamcast games which won't run with the AV cable plugged in. Question is, is there a way to make the emulator not use it so the games will run? Or is there another way? Thanks for your replies
Last reply by Erika, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
HELP! I'm new to this! I just got a cabinet with ipac controllers installed. I bought a drive off of someone. Installed it, so far so good. However when trying to load NES games, it immediately goes to unsupported video on my monitor. Most other games are working. I have a few other issues but this is most important. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Using Win 7, Hyperspin. Thx alot
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 0 replies
Hey all. I'm wondering if there is any Hyperspin help out here in Las Vegas Nevada? Sure could use it
Last reply by thegreatiandi, -
- 26 replies
Aside from MESS/MAME, what emulator can I run Amstrad GX4000 games on and map the controls to an xbox 360 controller? I tried the few listed emulators that work with rocketlauncher and hyperspin and I cannot seem to map the controls. Thanks
Last reply by mccorkled, -
- 5 replies
hi, has anyone got a windows 64 bit version of retro arch working with game & watch that they could upload, i cannot get these games to work retro is crashing on me thanks
Last reply by KNCY, -
- 0 replies
hello. i am trying to set up my 360 wired pad to winvice. when i go to joystick setting it is not registering the joystick,pad,buttons etc. anyone got this working thanks
Last reply by juicelee, -
- 1 reply
Odd issue. I run Daphne Space Ace from Hyperspin and the game is on easy mode with 5 lives. I fire Daphne up from daphneloader and it shows 3 lives and hardest mode in the config. I would like the daphneloader settings to make it all the way to Hyperspin. Any idea why these settings are not persistent in Hyperspin but clearly configured and saved in daphneloader? Thanks a bunch!!!!
Last reply by Metalzoic, -
- 4 replies
Hello I need help here, I am new member. Everybody knows that it does not exist a perfect emulator but there are emulators which are nearly perfect. I would like to know if it is possible to choose the emulator for one system example super nintendo and choose another one for some games which does not work properly with the emulator chosen by default. For example you configure snes9x 1.53 to play snes roms and I want to know if I can configure snes9x 1.52 for some games which does not work well with 1.53 version. Thank you very much for answers
Last reply by fery65, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi all I've been following Simply Austins great you tube guides on Retroarch with complete success. However I just hit a bump with configuring controls with N64. Using Mario Kart 64 as my test game all buttons work, D-Pad works on the selection screen but when the game starts I can't control the character. I'm guessing this is because the game used to use the analog stick for this. I've configured all my other systems by opening up the .CFG file and making keyboard changes manually but I don't see the option for D-Pad and Analog in the N64.CFG. Is there a way to combine the directions for both in the UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT mapping? This compu…
Last reply by Awakened, -
- 9 replies
Hey Guys I have just noticed that I am getting really bad clackling sound when I load up a game any ideas? Iam using daemon tools pro on windows 10.
Last reply by thcdgaf, -
- 0 replies
hy guys have anyone of you set up mame 165 i have the mameuifx in my setup it works great so far but when i launch trough hyperspin with bezels enabled i have lags in some games
Last reply by jcm9800, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
I was playing with DC Null and bezels and I got it running the way I wanted too, however during my tests I noticed that Null DC gave me an error and forced me to close it. Now it only boots to the NO DISK screen, where you have to set the time and date. It will not boot the games. (Even in Null dc itself it does that). When I load NULL DC it wants to auto load C:/game.cdi. I go into Null DC.ini and change that feature but every reboot it loads it. Null DC 1.0.4. Worked fine before something got changed. Any suggestions? Posted RL log and Null DC info.
Last reply by demonseed, -
- 3 replies
I have been testing my HS setup.. but noticed some games in Retroarch show Sega Saturn splash screen, followed by the screen that is like a cd player? doesn't load the game for some reason. Is this a bad game? or bad setup?
Last reply by demonseed,